18 research outputs found


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    English skills will automatically leave English for Specific Purposes (ESP) students (mechanical enginering, accounting, animal husbandry etc.) more opportunities to access international journals and textbooks related to their study. Therefore this research was conducted in order to analyze (1) learners/ target needs (necessities, lacks and wants) in ESP learning process in class. The learning outcomes were then used to determine ESP learning emphasized learners needs. So, the learning activities will be more fun and engaging. This study applied survey. The instrument to collect the data was questionnaire (likert scale) distributed to the 64 mechanical engineering students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) as the subject. The data was analyzed using a simple statistical measurement for interpretation purposes. The research finding was divided into three. Firstly, the students necessities for ESP learning were to get connected globally through English and to prepare them for higher education. Secondly, their lacks of English competence are that they have less sufficient perfomance to complete the exercises in class. Lastly, regarding their wants, they expected that English would pave a road to gain a decent job in an international company.Therefore, ESP development has to focus on the students’ preferences above as the priority. It means that ESP English teaching and textbooks ones are suggested to pay attention to those findings

    The influence of Quizziz-online gamification on learning engagement and outcomes in online English language teaching

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    Game-based English learning was considered as one of the effective techniques to develop student learning motivation and engagement. It is popular due to today's more advanced gadget technology and the COVID-19 pandemic requiring students to study from home. Much research on the gamification of English learning in various countries involving different age levels was conducted. However, very few research focused on Quizziz-online gamification for English learning purposes in the context of junior high students. This research investigated the level of students' engagement and learning outcomes of Quizziz-online gamification on English learning development in junior high school. This case study involved a secondary school English teacher and 62 students in the 9th grade at a private junior high school in Batu City, East Java Province, Indonesia. The data collection methods were observation, interview, and students' test results. Based on the descriptive and thematic analysis, it was found that gamification affected students' engagement, better active participation, and discipline. However, their English learning outcomes were dynamic. Thus, integrating an internet-based game, Quizziz, in English instruction with more cognitively driven approaches is worth implementing for better English outcomes


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    Abstract The tenet of being able to speak English in public sphere as a global life skill has now been a driving force for many Indonesians to learn English since early age. Not only in educational sector, public speaking skill is also in high demand for nowadays’ context—industrial marketplace era. Yet, in many situations, teachers fail to support students with the necessary skills to perform public speaking. As English is still a foreign language in Indonesia, assigning students to perform public speaking without proper training leads into fear or anxiety. However, a practical training into what the best practices of public speaking should be undertaken by educators. Moreover, Indonesia as the biggest Muslim country has many Islamic schools around. For Islamic high school students, Islamic-based material is the content that likely becomes the discourse of the school curriculum. To preach Islam in a global level, English can open up ways to this. Thus, the notion of infusing Islamic-based content in public speaking classroom is necessary. Implementing this, a training on Public Speaking with Islamic-based materials were conducted in Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Malang Indonesia. The study results in highlighting several practical steps for Public Speaking with Islamic Civilization content. Procedures will highlight on experienced-based learning and some techniques to support a local-based atmosphere. In so doing, this present study suggests that Islamic Civilization content can be used as a supporting material for students learning in Islamic school context. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers in Islamic school can design the curriculum that underlies Islamic elements

    The Correlation between Silence Phenomenon and EFL Student Online Class

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    In order to eliminate the spread of the Corona Virus, the students have been being required to study from homes either synchronously or asynchronously. It is commonly known asan online class. It has been being done to cut the spread of theCOVID-19 virus. This new teaching approach needs EFL students to adjust their way of learning. Also, the online class creates some challenges, such as limited interaction, low motivation, internet connection issues, etc) for EFL learners in their learning process because teachers and students have less interaction. This situation is called a silence phenomenon. Due to this was a new type of issue in EFL teaching and less investigated research, the researchers conducted the study to investigate the factors and solutions of the silencing phenomenon faced by EFL students during an online class. This study employed a case study research method.The subjects of this studywere tenstudents of English Language EducationDepartment students, 2017 academicyear at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The researcher collected thedata through the interview technique.The interview was applied, so the researchers obtained rich and in-depth data. The finding of this studyshowed that students’active participation during online classes was very low.That low participation was caused by several aspects: individual, teacher,cultural, technological, and domestic. The students could implement various ways to minimize the students’ reticence in the online class. This research hopefully provides different views to make teachers' online classes fun and interesting, so English learning can obtain optimal outcomes