40 research outputs found

    Framework Proposal for Simulation of Physical Layer Parameters in LTE/SAE System

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    Import 03/11/2016Cílem této práce je detailnější seznámení s fyzickou vrstvou technologie LTE. Podropbněji popisuje funkce této oblasti, jednotlivé parametry a jejich rozbor a framework jehož součástí je simulace Link Adaptation a Resource Grid Mapping. V první části diplomové práce je popsána problematika fyzické vrstvy LTE a její nejdůležitější vlastnosti. Druhá část popisuje parametry pro vyhodnocení kvality rádiového kanálu. Dále jsou přiblíženy vlastnosti vytvořeného Frameworku a v následující část obsahuje naměřené výsledky pro jednotlivé typy rádiového prostředí, specifikované společností 3GPP. V závěrečné části jsou uvedeny vytvořené projekty pro simulaci 4G sítí a přiblížena problematika jejich tvorby. Pro pochopení tématu se předpokládá základní znalost technologie LTE.The goal of this work is detailed introduction to physical layer of LTE technology. Including extensive function of this field, related parameters with analysis and created framework that is including simulation of link adaptation and resource grid mapping. First part is focused on important features of LTE physical layer. Second part describes parameters for evaluation of transport channel quality. Furthermore thesis is describing features of created framework. Next part is dedicated to analysis of measurements from mentioned framework and influence of channel qualities specified by 3GPP organization. Finally the last part is focused on existing simulations and issues with simulation of 4G networks. Basic knowledge of LTE is recommended to understand the problems included in this thesis.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikydobř

    Study on chromium-binding capacity of Callitriche cophocarpa in an aquatic environment

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the binding strength of chromium (Cr) ions to aquatic macrophyte Callitriche cophocarpa. Shoots of the plants were incubated in a natural water solution containing Cr(III) or Cr(VI) at a concentration ranging from 0.5 to 4 mM under laboratory conditions. We found that C. cophocarpa has an extremely high capacity to bind Cr. The average level of accumulation reached 28,385 or 7,315 mg kg(−1) dry weight for plants incubated with Cr(III) or Cr(VI), respectively. Shoots incubated in a 0.5 mM concentration of Cr(III) for 5 days removed almost 100 % of the metal from solution. The major pool of the bound Cr(III) ions follows the strongest mechanism of metal-binding to an organic matter. In contrast, we found that only 25 % of Cr(VI) ions are bound into the metallo-organic compounds and 57 % of Cr(VI) exists in an easily remobilizable form. Activity of a photosynthetic electron transport (as F(V)/F(M)) was evaluated with respect to the Cr-binding mechanism. Our results contribute to the development of knowledge on processes controlling bioremediation of heavy-metallic compounds in aquatic systems

    The role of antioxidant response and nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in long-term adaptation to Cu-induced stress in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Copper is an essential micronutrient, but at supraoptimal concentrations it is also highly toxic, inducing oxidative stress and disrupting photosynthesis. The aim of the present study was to analyze selected protective mechanisms in strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii adapted and not adapted for growth in the presence of elevated copper concentrations. Two algal lines (tolerant and non-tolerant to high Cu2+Cu^{2+} concentrations) were used in experiments to study photosynthetic pigment content, peroxidase activity, and non-photochemical quenching. The content of prenyllipids was studied in four different algal lines (two of the same as above and two new ones). The copper-adapted strains contained about 2.6 times more α-tocopherol and plastoquinol and about 1.7 times more total plastoquinone than non-tolerant strains. Exposure to excess copper led to oxidation of the plastoquinone pool in non-tolerant strains, whereas this effect was less pronounced or did not occur in copper-tolerant strains. Peroxidase activity was approximately 1.75 times higher in the tolerant strain than in the non-tolerant one. The increase in peroxidase activity in the tolerant strain was less pronounced when the algae were grown in dim light. In the tolerant line nonphotochemical quenching was induced faster and was usually about 20-30% more efficient than in the non-tolerant line. The improvement of antioxidant defense and photoprotection may be important factors in the evolutionary processes leading to tolerance to heavy metals

    Ekspresja izoform VEGF i ich receptorów w mięśniakach macicy kobiet

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the expression of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) isoforms and their receptors in uterine myomas. Material and methods: The study included 40 women with myomas of reproductive age and 40 perimenopausal women (the study group). Myometrial samples (the control group) were taken from 10 women undergoing hysterectomy for ovarian tumors and 10 older women undergoing hysterectomy for uterine prolapse. Results: A significantly increased expression of VEGF-A has been found in myomas, both small and large, in the younger women, which may by a sign of increased angiogenesis and intensive tumor growth. In perimenopausal women, the increase of VEGF expression was observed only in the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle. Conclusion: An important conclusion of this study is that angiogenesis is independent of myoma size, which may suggest intensive tumor growth and the related increased angiogenesis. High expression of VEGF-A and VEGF-R1 receptors in large myomas can probably cause malignant transformation and more extensive growth, regardless of patient age.Cel pracy: Celem pracy było próba określenia ekspresji izoform VEGF (ang. vascular endothelial growth factor) i ich receptorów w mięśniakach macicy. Materiał i Metody: Badania przeprowadzono na 40 chorych z mięśniakami w wieku rozrodczym i 40 chorych z mięśniakami w okresie okołomenopauzalnym. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły próby pobrane od 10 kobiet poddanych histerektomii z powodu guzów jajnika i 10 starszych kobiet poddanych histerektomii po wypadnięciu macicy. Wyniki: Stwierdzono statystycznie wyższą ekspresję VEGF-A w komórkach mięśniaków małych i dużych u kobiet młodych. Może to skazywać na zwiększoną angiogenezę, a co za tym idzie wzmożony wzrost guza. U kobiet w wieku okołomenopauzalnym wzrost ekspresji VEGF stwierdzono jedynie w śródbłonku i mięśniówce naczyń. Wniosek: Ważnym podsumowaniem tej pracy, jest stwierdzenie, że angiogeneza jest niezależna od wielkości mięśniaka. Można zatem wnioskować, że wzmożony wzrost guza związany jest ze zwiększoną angiogenezą. Wysoka ekspresja VEGF-A i receptora VEGF-R1 w mięśniakach dużych, może być powiązana ze wzrostem złośliwości komórek i ich intensywnym rozwojem niezależnie od wieku kobiety.

    Copper excess-induced large reversible and small irreversible adaptations in a population of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CW15 (Chlorophyta)

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    Two Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CW15 populations modified by an excess of copper in growth medium were obtained: a “Cu” population that was continuously grown under the selection pressure of 5 µM Cu2+ (for at least 48 weeks) and the “Re” population, where a relatively short (9 week) exposure to elevated copper, necessary for acquiring tolerance, was followed by a prolonged period (at least 39 weeks) of cultivation at a normal (0.25 µM) copper concentration. Cells of the Cu population were able to multiply at a Cu2+ concentration 16 times higher than that of the control population at a normal light intensity and at a Cu2+ concentration 64 times higher when cultivated in dim light. The potential quantum yield of photosystem II (FV/FM ratio) under copper stress was also significantly higher for the Cu population than for Re and control populations. The Re population showed only residual tolerance towards the elevated concentration of copper, which is revealed by an FV/FM ratio slightly higher than in the control population under Cu2+ stress in dim light or in darkness. We postulate that in the Chlamydomonas populations studied in this paper, at least two mechanisms of copper tolerance operate. The first mechanism is maintained during cultivation at a standard copper concentration and seems to be connected with photosynthetic apparatus. This mechanism, however, has only low adaptive value under excess of copper. The other mechanism, with a much higher adaptive value, is probably connected with Cu2+ homeostasis at the cellular level, but is lost during cultivation at a normal copper concentration

    The aromatase expression in myomas and myometriums of women in reproduction and perimenopausal age.

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    Uterine myomas represent one of the most common female pathologies. Uterine smooth muscle myomas or fibromas are benign tumours which respond to hormones and their etiology induces wide interest. The myomas were found to contain aromatase and, in addition, cells of the myomas were found to synthesize estrogen. This study was conducted on patients with the myomas, in either generative age or in the perimenopausal period. Expression of aromatase was detected in patients of various age, with large or small uterine myomas, using an immunohistochemical technique. In addition expression of the enzyme was examined at the periphery of every myoma

    Cadmium inhibitory action leads to changes in structure of ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase

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    This study deals with the influence of cadmium on the structure and function of ferredoxin:NADP(+) oxidoreductase (FNR), one of the key photosynthetic enzymes. We describe changes in the secondary and tertiary structure of the enzyme upon the action of metal ions using circular dichroism measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and fluorometry, both steady-state and time resolved. The decrease in FNR activity corresponds to a gentle unfolding of the protein, caused mostly by a nonspecific binding of metal ions to multiple sites all over the enzyme molecule. The final inhibition event is most probably related to a bond created between cadmium and cysteine in close proximity to the FNR active center. As a result, the flavin cofactor is released. The cadmium effect is compared to changes related to ionic strength and other ions known to interact with cysteine. The complete molecular mechanism of FNR inhibition by heavy metals is discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10867-012-9262-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Temperature effect on growth, and selected parameters of Phaeodactylum tricornutum in batch cultures

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    The effect of optimal and stress temperatures on the growth kinetics of the Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCAP/1055/1 strain (a model diatom with a known genome sequence) in batch cultures was examined. The analysis of the obtained results showed two phases of culture growth. There were significant positive correlations between OD increase of chlorophyll a chlorophyll c and protein concentration at different temperatures. The Fv/Fm parameter achieved a maximum level on the 6th or 7th day and then decreased to the values registered on the first day of observation. Genetic material undergoes gradual degradation 10 days after inoculation. The size of the cells was invariable