692 research outputs found

    The rise or demise of 'Social Europe' - A case law study in the context of worker protection

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    The European Union is facing several challenges of constitutional, democratic, political and social nature. One of these challenges is the EU’s ‘social deficit’. The European Commission has listened to the critique and committed itself to reorient the European integration project towards a ‘Social Europe’. The addition of social provisions to primary law through the Treaty of Lisbon, a promised revision of the Posted Workers Directive and the introduction of a European Pillar of Social Rights are the Commission’s primary solutions to ensure that the Union moves beyond economic integration and tackles social concerns, promotes social values and protects social rights. However, due to the Court of Justice’s interpretative power and prominent role in the institutional structure of the EU, it is crucial that the Court adjudicate cases in a socially sensitive manner if the EU is going to be successful in its endeavour to reorient the European integration project towards ‘Social Europe’. This thesis is primarily based on a study of benchmark cases in the ECJ’s jurisprudence, both before and after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. By conducting a case law study focused on cases in which worker protection conflicts with the interests of the European integration project, it has been possible to analyse the Court’s approach in such cases and to ascertain whether the Court’s adjudication reflects a commitment towards the realisation of Social Europe. Conclusively, the case law study show that the Court of Justice often decide cases in favour of economic interests even if this tendency has slightly shifted due to the introduction of social provisions in the Lisbon Treaty. Whether the change of approach should be interpreted as reflecting a commitment towards the realisation of ‘Social Europe’ is difficult to answer. The Court does seem to take social concerns into account to a greater extent in the post-Lisbon era but one may argue that this is done on a merely rhetorical level. The Court still applies a method of adjudication that was established in the pre-Lisbon era, which views worker protection as a restriction that needs to be justified rather than an interest at equal footing with economic interests. The use of the freedom to conduct business, protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to safeguard the contractual freedom of employers is another development that makes the ECJ’s potential commitment to ‘Social Europe’ even more questionable

    Is Private Education Worth it? Evidence from the Free Primary Education Reform in Kenya

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    In 2003, Kenya introduced a nationwide Free Primary Education (FPE) reform, abolishing school fees in all public primary schools. As a result, enrolment rates in public primary schools rose by 15 percent, putting significant pressure on the educational system. Overcrowding and lack of school material caused many parents to turn to private school alternatives. Using a nationally representative cross- sectional household survey, I exploit intra-household variation in terms of school enrolment to measure private versus public school effectiveness in terms of math, English and Swahili test scores. My findings suggest that, on average, private school students score 18, 23 and 21 percentage points of a standard deviation higher than public school students, respectively. As my results are likely to be exposed to a selection bias stemming from high-achieving students being sorted into fee-charging private schools, I include household fixed effects and an extensive set of household-related controls. Moreover, I prove that when attempting to control for such sorting effects, half of the effect disappears. I thus argue that the remaining effect can be interpreted as evidence of private schools being more effective than public schools

    Oil and Development - A Formula for Sustained Economic Growth?

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    The purpose of our study is to determine the importance of oil exports in relation to GDP in countries located in Sub-Saharan Africa when it comes to promoting economic growth. Due to the fact that oil accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world’s total energy production, and is predicted to do so for at least 45 more years to come, we found this a highly relevant topic to look into. At the moment, Sub-Saharan Africa is in the middle of an oil-boom. Eastern and Western Africa have become promising exploration areas and thus attracted a lot of interest all around the globe. Therefore, we chose to include 14 Sub-Saharan African countries in our econometric study. We look at how the value of oil exports as a ratio of GDP affects economic growth in these countries during a time period of 27 years, stretching from 1983- 2010. Our hypothesis deals with the presence of a “Resource Curse”, stipulating that an economy which is overly dependent on oil tends to lead to none, or negative, economic growth. With this report, we conclude that an increase in the ratio of oil exports to GDP will generate higher economic growth in our chosen Sub-Saharan African countries. However, we find evidence against a “Resource Curse” taking place in the region. On the other hand, as it is a relatively under-developed region there is still a possibility that the oil sector has yet to gain enough influence in many economies to actually suffer the consequences of the phenomena. Perhaps this could be something for these countries to take into account as they become more reliant on oil as a means of production

    Sourcing of low-tech omponents in high-tech environments

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    ProblemstÀllning: Low tech-komponenter anses enligt teoretiska rekommendationer ofta som icke kritiska. Dock har de egenskaper som en gÄng ansÄgs synnerligen low tech förmodligen förÀndrats och blivit mer komplexa i takt med att underliggande krav inom high tech-miljöer har ökat. Det Àr befogat att diskutera och kanske omdefiniera de eventuellt senare omprioriterade komponenterna, vilka i aggregerad form representerar en produkt pÄ systemnivÄ. Hur borde processen för den eventuella omprioriteringen genomföras och vilka krav kommer att pÄverka företaget? Den ökade komplexiteten kring produktegenskaperna kan ocksÄ innebÀra att leverantörer försöker bli unika, vilket implicit pÄverkar Sony Ericsson. Det vore dÀrför synnerligen intressant att faststÀlla hur Sony Ericsson borde förhÄlla sig till leverantörsimplementerade strategier för low tech-komponenter samt hur sourcing som en funktion i ett high tech-bolag borde reagera till dessa förÀndrade förutsÀttningar och skiftade affÀrskontext. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att ge förslag pÄ hur sourcing av low-tech-komponenter kan förbÀttras för företag i dynamiska high-tech-miljöer. Metod: En case study-ansats har tillÀmpats för att möjliggöra undersökningen enligt det faststÀllda syftet. Metoden har anpassats för att kunna erhÄlla en undersökning pÄ sÄvÀl komponent- som leverantörsnivÄ. Det valda case-företaget Àr Sony Ericsson dÄ det verkar i en utprÀglad high tech-kontext och strÀvar efter best practice inom sourcing. BÄde kvalitativa och kvantitativa undersökningsmetoder har anvÀnts för att sÀkerstÀlla validitet och reliabilitet. Kvalitativa intervjuer hölls med flertalet anstÀllda pÄ Sony Ericsson inom olika divisioner för att skapa förstÄelse för komplexiteten i frÄgestÀllningen. Slutsatser: Portföljmodeller för inköp anvÀnds i stor utstrÀckning och ses ofta som ett centralt verktyg för förbÀttrande av inköp eftersom effektivt differentierade inköps- och leverantörsstrategier kan implementeras. Dock Àr teoretiska komponentklassificeringar vanskliga dÄ mycket har hÀnt sedan vedertagna modeller togs fram, i synnerhet inom high tech-miljöer. Till viss del Àr high tech-komponenter, sÄsom skruvar, pÄ grund av sin produktutveckling och sina mer komplexa egenskaper felaktigt definierade. Vid förlitning pÄ vedertagna teoretiska klassificeringar kan implementerade inköpsstrategier fÄ förödande sourcing-konsekvenser. Vi hÀvdar att vissa sourcing-komponenter trots att de Àr teoretiskt klassificerade som icke kritiska de facto kan vara kritiska pÄ en systemnivÄ och dÀrför har stor vinstinverkan pÄ företag. COMPASS-ramverket har framtagits som ett hjÀlpverktyg vid utvÀrdering och klassificering av komponenter men Àven vid bedömning av de tillhandahÄllande leverantörerna. I high tech-bolag Àr inköpsavdelningen ofta nÄgot mindre prioriterad relativt forsknings- och utvecklingsavdelningen. COMPASS-ramverket Àr designat för att skapa objectivitet eftersom ekonomiska och tekniska kompetenser Àr polariserade mellan de olika divisionerna. Som ett hjÀlpverktyg tillsammans med Kraljics portföljmodell tillÄts företag sÀkerstÀlla att sina begrÀnsade resurser kan fÄ en adekvat fördelning samt förbÀttra förutsÀttningarna för effektiv sourcing. Genom att applicera COMPASS-ramverket pÄ Sony Ericsson har inte bara leverantörsberoendet minskat, utan validiteten och applicerbarheten av ramverket har Àven sÀkerstÀllts

    Factors of importance for labor induction

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    Background What initiates the onset of labor is still not clarified, and it is debated whether expectant or active management is the best for the woman and the fetus. Active management means induction of labor (IOL) which is a very common obstetric intervention and is used in several situations. During the last five years, 17 % of all singleton pregnancies in Sweden were induced. There are large variations worldwide from less than five percent in some African countries such as Kenya, to extreme cases like for example Iran where IOL is performed in up to 80% of the labors. Both maternal and fetal complications are related to IOL, for instance prolonged labor, postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and instrumental interventions as vacuum extraction/forceps or Cesarean section (CS). The increasing rate of CS continues to cause global concerns. The ideal management of the subsequent labor for women who have undergone one previous CS has been intensely debated. The two available options are Trial of Labor after Cesarean section (TOLAC) or an elective CS. Previous CS is the most important risk factor for Uterine rupture (UR). UR is a wellknown but unusual complication in vaginal deliveries with a previous CS in the history. The risk of UR is at least two-fold when labor is induced. In Sweden, women are allowed to deliver vaginally after one previous CS, regardless if labor starts spontaneously or is induced. Aim The overall aim of the thesis is to identify factors of importance for the decision of IOL, and to find out which method for IOL is the most effective and safe for women with or without a previous CS. Study I, a prospective observational study of 52 healthy women with mixed parity examined at their post-term control in gestational week 41+3. CTG, ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid, a vaginal examination for cervical status and a five-minute skin conductance measurement, including a ‘cold pressor test’ was performed. The aim of the study was to evaluate if altered skin conductance activity could predict spontaneous onset of labor in post-term pregnancies. The probability of having a spontaneous onset of labor increased 4.0 times if the skin conductance score was negative and increased 6,8 times to start within 48 h if the cervix was open ≄2 cm. Study II, a retrospective cohort study of 4002 women induced to labor with mixed parity. Inclusion criteria were viable singleton fetus in cephalic presentation, gestational age of ≄34 weeks. The women were divided into six groups according to method of IOL; CytotecÂź, MinprostinÂź, PropessÂź, balloon catheter, amniotomy, or oxytocin. Methods of induction, baseline data, and delivery outcomes were compared. The primary endpoint of the study was the frequency of CS in each method of IOL. The lowest rate of CS overall, for both primi- and multiparous women with an unfavorable cervix Bishop Score (BS) ≀5, was found in the group where CytotecÂź was administrated as an oral solution. Study III, a retrospective cohort study for evaluating the proportion of UR in 208 women with IOL after one previous CS. The women were divided into two subgroups regarding the method of IOL. Group 1 (n=121) was the unexposed group, meaning that the women did not receive CytotecÂź as the method of IOL. Group 2 (n=87) serves as the exposed group meaning that most of the women (89%) received CytotecÂź as an oral solution. Method of induction, baseline data, and delivery outcomes were recorded. The primary outcome of the study was the frequency of UR in each group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of UR between group 1 and 2 (4.1 vs 4.6%, p=0.9) despite a more favorable cervix in group 1. Study IV, a retrospective cohort study of 910 women with one previous CS, unfavorable cervix, and IOL. The study was performed at the four largest hospitals in Stockholm, the women were divided into three subgroups according method of IOL (CytotecÂź, balloon catheter and Minprostin). The aim of the study was to compare the difference in the proportion of UR between the three methods There was no significant difference in the proportion of UR between CytotecÂź and balloon catheter (p=0.64) for IOL after one previous CS. Orally administrated CytotecÂź and balloon catheter resulted in a high success rate of vaginal deliveries of almost 70% compared to MinprostinÂź with the proportion of vaginal deliveries of 57% and which also had more than doubled rate of UR (5%). Study V, an open label randomized controlled trial of 196 women induced to labor, BS ≀4 and no previous CS divided into two subgroups. Participating women were randomized to receive an oral solution of misoprostol (CytotecÂź) or vaginal slow release misoprostol (MisodelÂź) for IOL. The primary outcome was the induction-to-vaginal-delivery time. Vaginal delivery after IOL with slow release misoprostol resulted in a shorter induction-to-vaginal-delivery time compared with oral misoprostol solution but was associated with a higher risk of hyperstimulation, and fetal distress. There were no differences in mode of delivery or neonatal outcome. Conclusion Spontaneous onset of labor is usually preferred, because it generally means lower risk of complications compared to IOL. An oral solution of misoprostol for IOL in women with an unfavourable cervix is safe, cheap, easy to control and can be used in all settings as it gives a high success rate of vaginal deliveries without hyperstimulation. It is also a good method for IOL among women with one previous CS and is as safe as balloon catheter. Both methods give a high success rate of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section almost 70% despite an unfavorable cervix. These studies give further support to the feasibility of an oral solution of misoprostol for IOL which is in line with the recommendations from International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

    The occurrence of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (Cyanophyceae) in a nutrient gradient in the Baltic

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    The investigation area, Himmerfjarden Bay situated at the Swedish coast of the northern Baltic Proper, receives waste water from a sewage treatment plant. Phosphorus is efficiently reduced in the sewage treatment resulting in a high N : P ratio (≈ 65 : 1) in the discharge. In the near future also the nitrogen discharge will be reduced, and it is teared that a lowered N : P ratio in the receiving waters may favour an undesired increase of nitrogen fixing blue-green algae. This study is focussed on the development of a common nitrogen fixing species in the area, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, at varied nutrient loadings in 1983-85. The biomass as well as the number of heterocysts was low near the treatment plant and increased with increasing distance from the sewage discharge. The low biomass and number of heterocysts in Himmerfjarden Bay is interpreted as an effect of competition with other algae and of low level of phosphorus relative to nitrogen, i.e. unfavourable conditions for nitrogen fixation. The abundance of Aphanizomenon was highest in 1984 when the phosphorus load was higher than in the other years of investigation. As a tentative conclusion it is suggested that nitrogen fixing algae may increase as a result of reduction in the nitrogen discharge to Himmerfjarden Bay in the future. At the reference station outside the Bay, nutrient conditions favoured nitrogen fixing algae, as interpreted from an inorganic N:P ratio less than 10:1 during the summers of the investigation period. Here the variation in biomass between the years was mainly due to the variaton in water temperature; Aphanizomenon was most abundant during the warm summer of 1984 and less abundant during the cold summer of 1985. A significant correlation was obtained between the heterocyst frequency and concentration of inorganic phosphorus in the trophogenic layer at the reference station

    TrÀdvÄrdsplanen som styrdokument i kyrkogÄrdsförvaltningar

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    I detta arbete har trÀdvÄrdsplanen funktion och innehÄll studerats bÄde i teorin och i praktiken. KyrkogÄrdens trÀd har stor betydelse för kyrkogÄrdens karaktÀr och upplevelse. TrÀden har ofta flera höga vÀrden som anses vara viktiga att bevara varav flera av dem kan vara lagskyddade. Det Àr viktigt att förvaltaren Àr medveten om vilka vÀrden som existerar och vilka lagar som Àr aktuella för att kunna vÄrden trÀden pÄ ett bra sÀtt. Förvaltaren mÄste ocksÄ vara medveten om vilka risker som Àr förknippade med trÀden och upprÀtta rutiner för riskhantering. Det Àr dÀrför nödvÀndigt att upprÀtta lÄngsiktiga mÄl och planer för hur trÀden ska vÄrdas för att kunna bevara trÀden i framtiden och se till sÄ att de Àr sÀkra. Ett verktyg som redan anvÀnds i stor utstrÀckning i kyrkogÄrdsförvaltningarna Àr trÀdvÄrdsplanen. En trÀdvÄrdsplan Àr ett styrdokument för trÀdvÄrd som ska innehÄlla information om hur varje enskilt trÀd ska vÄrdas pÄ kort och lÄng sikt. Den ska anvÀndas till budgetering, planering, tillstÄnds- och dispensansökningar samt som ett praktiskt stöd i skötselutförandet. Syftet med studien har varit att ta reda pÄ vad en trÀdvÄrdsplan bör innehÄlla och om det Àr ett lÀmpligt styrdokument för kyrkogÄrdsförvaltningar att anvÀnda sig av i vÄrden av deras trÀd. MÄlet med studien har varit att beskriva hur sex olika kyrkogÄrdsförvaltningar anvÀnder sina trÀdvÄrdsplaner och vad som ingÄr i dem för att kunna jÀmföra med vad som anges i litteraturen. Studien bestÄr av en litteraturstudie och en studie av hur trÀdvÄrdsplanen fungerar och innehÄller i praktiken. I studien har sex olika kyrkogÄrdsförvaltningar i Skara Stift medverkat. Resultatet av studien har visat att det Àr stor skillnad mellan teori och praktik. Studien tyder pÄ att trÀdvÄrdsplanerna inte anvÀnds i tillrÀcklig utstrÀckning som ett styrdokument i flertalet av de tillfrÄgade förvaltningarna. Resultatet visar ocksÄ att innehÄllet i förvaltningarnas trÀdvÄrdsplaner inte matchar mer Àn 50 % av vad litteraturen rekommenderar ska vara med i en trÀdvÄrdsplan. Kunskapen om trÀd, trÀdvÄrd och trÀdvÄrdsplaner i förvaltningarna Àr ofta vÀldigt lÄg och behöver förbÀttras för att möjliggöra en god trÀdvÄrd. TrÀdvÄrdsplanerna mÄste ocksÄ förankras i hela förvaltningen för att kunna anvÀndas som ett styrdokument. Studien har visat pÄ att det eventuellt finns behov av allmÀnna rÄd nÀr en kyrkogÄrdsförvaltning upprÀttar en trÀdvÄrdsplan pÄ grund av den lÄga kunskapen. För att kunna faststÀlla ett sÀkrare resultat behöver dock en undersökning i större skala genomföras. Studien gÄr i nulÀget inte att generalisera pÄ grund av det lÄga antal deltagare

    Two tales of one city: Image versus identity

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    By applying the concepts of brand personality and attitudinal loyalty of a city as a brand, the objective of this study is to investigate the perceived place brand identity versus image and to empirically examine and compare their relationships with loyalty toward a city as a brand. This is to make a comparison between two groups of internal stakeholders; namely, residents of a city (image) and city officials (identity). The results indicate that there exists a great difference in the components of loyalty between city officials and the residents of the city. The results also reveal that how brand personality of the studied city is perceived varies between the two groups of internal stakeholders evaluated in this study. As the results of this study shift the focus from tourist (external) stakeholder to the internal ones representing two different internal perspectives of a city, they constitute a significant contribution to the process of city brand personality creation. This is of importance since the starting point in communicating the attractiveness of a city to the external stakeholders is how the city is perceived as a brand from its internal stakeholders’ perspectives
