1,896 research outputs found

    Delirium hos eldre

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    Delirium er en vanlig tilstand hos eldre. Det er en akutt tilstand som gjerne utvikler seg i forbindelse med kritisk sykdom. Delirium kan være eneste tegn på alvorlig underliggende sykdom hos eldre. Som sykepleier ved sykehjem har jeg erfart flere endringer etter at Samhandlingsreformen trådte i kraft. Kommunen har overtatt mer av ansvaret for pasientbehandlingen. Dette innebærer blant annet at pasientene kommer tidligere tilbake fra sykehus og flere av disse har delirium. Pasienter som tidligere ble sendt til sykehus, behandles nå på sykehjemmet. Dette har medført krav til sykepleiere med hensyn til økt kompetanse på akutt og kritisk syke. Delirium krever rask inngripen. Forskning viser dessverre at delirium ofte overses av helsepersonell. Konsekvensen av dette kan være at pasientene får økt risiko for komplikasjoner, demenssykdom eller dør. Resultater og funn fra forskningsartikler og faglitteratur blir drøftet opp mot egne erfaringer fra hospiteringspraksis fra legevakt og medisinsk korttidsavdeling ved et sykehjem, samt langtidsavdeling på sykehjem hvor jeg jobber i full stilling

    Sweden – 2009

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    Mänskligare prylar pratar. En kommunikationsplattform för äldre

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    Safety, its a word not commonly associated with elderly people living alone. There is however a device that is supposed to bring safety, and enable elderly people to continue living in their present household - an emergency dialer. However these devices does not serve their own purpose in terms of design. The purpose of this study is to create an emergency dailer that everybody would want to put on their wrist or bedside table. The market for these devices have looked the same for the last twentyfive years, despite of society´s advancements in both design and technology. By incorporating these 25 years of trust, together with present technology, I have designed a concept that is supposed to mark the beginning of a new era within home security. I have added functions that invites the user to frequently use the product in more than one way. Together with a more sensitive design it contributes to a healthier relationship between the user and the product

    The price of sanctions - how far are the Western powers willing to go?

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    The research investigate the Visegrad countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) cohesion problem finding a joint position on the EU sanctions against Russia by answering the question: What is behind the Visegrad Groups different positions and lack of unity on the EU sanctions towards Russia?. To identify what is behind the Visegrad Groups different positions the theory spring from Putnam’s two-level game theory and will focus on Tsebelis Nested game theory. The two theory´s together enable to map out the Visegrad countries different games nested in an arena dynamics consisting of the three different arenas: the domestic arena, the supranational arena and the international arena. To be able to explain the V4 countries' divided positions, this research will use five different hypotheses, which will function as explanatory factors trying to describe what is behind each of the V4 countries taken position on the EU sanctions against Russia. The result of the research show that the countries positions and decisions on the three arenas, from their point of view, can be explained as rational choices and strategically decisions taken in the nested game surrounding the sanction war against Russia. Due to the fact that each of the V4 countries act rational to maximize their goal achievement, a coherence problem occur, which makes it hard for the V4 countries to reach an agreement on the “level 3” sanctions

    Odling av perenner i sandbäddar : ett sätt att producera barrotade plantor

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    Denna rapport handlar om att odla perenner i sand med avsikt att producera barrotade plantor. Rapporten presenterar ett odlingssystem med sandbäddar och vad som krävs för att anlägga och förvalta ett sådant. Odlingssystemet jämförs sedan med containerodling och konventionella plantskolors vilja och möjligheter att producera barrotade plantor samt att använda sand. Undersökningen är gjord med hjälp av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer samt litteraturstudier. Resultatet visar att odling av perenner i sandbäddar fungerar bra men är snarare ett komplement till de ordinarie plantskolorna och erbjuder en nischad produkt. Denna typ av plantskola bygger på att det finns en omfattande kunskap inom företaget och lämpar sig bäst i den mindre skalan. Kunden som denna typ av plantskola vänder sig till är framför allt andra företag inom trädgårdsdesign och anläggning, relativt närbelägna, som gör beställningar med god framförhållning.This report is about growing perennials in sand with the intention of producing bare-rooted plants. The report presents a cultivation system with sand beds and what is required to construct and manage one. The cultivation system is then compared with container cultivation and the will and possibilities of conventional nurseries to produce bare-rooted plants and to use sand. The survey was conducted with the help of qualitative research interviews and literature studies. The results show that growing perennials in sand beds works well but is rather a complement to the regular nurseries and offers a niche product. This type of nursery require extensive knowledge within the company and is best suited on a smaller scale. The customer that this type of nursery is primarily other companies within garden design and construction, relatively close by, who place orders well in advance

    Preparing for increased water volumes and creating spaces for experiences in the urban environment : a study of nature-based stormwater solutions in Norra Djurgårdsstaden and Kyrkparken

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    Samhällsstrukturer och naturmiljöer påverkas ständigt av klimatförändringarna och kommer behöva utstå än mer konsekvenser för varje år som går. På senare tid har därför arbete med hållbar öppen dagvattenhantering blivit allt mer integrerat inom stadsplanering. Dessa lösningar benämns naturbaserade dagvattenlösningar och syftar till att främja en hållbar stadsutveckling, stärka ekosystemtjänster och biologisk mångfald och verkar motståndskraftigt genom mångfunktionalitet. Att de är mångfunktionella innebär exempelvis att de kan leverera kulturella ekosystemtjänster, som innehåller upplevelsevärden i form av rekreation, kognitiv utveckling och estetiska upplevelser. I detta arbete undersöktes hur en kombination av dagvattenhantering och kulturella ekosystemtjänster kan uppnås i en naturbaserad lösning, för att bidra med flera funktioner i urban miljö. Syftet har varit att granska två projekt för att ta reda på om och i så fall hur dagvatten fått utgöra en resurs för upplevelsevärden. Metoden som tillämpades innehöll dokumentstudier, platsbesök samt dialog med landskapsarkitekter knutna till de studerade projekten. Studien resulterade i att flera av de upplevelsevärden som utgicks ifrån kunde återfinnas på platserna, men inte alla. I diskussionen resoneras således projektens olika förutsättningar och ingångar som kan ha påverkat det inkluderande de kulturella ekosystemtjänsterna fått. Det visade sig vidare att projekten kan ses som förebilder med potential att utvecklas.Community structures and natural environments are constantly affected by climate change and will have to endure even more consequences with each passing year. Recently, therefore, work on sustainable open stormwater management has become increasingly integrated into urban planning. These solutions are referred to as nature-based stormwater solutions and aim to promote sustainable urban development, enhance ecosystem services and biodiversity, and act resiliently through multi-functionality. Their multifunctionality means, for example, that they can deliver cultural ecosystem services, which include experiential values in the form of recreation, cognitive development and aesthetic experiences. This work explored how a combination of stormwater management and cultural ecosystem services can be achieved in a nature-based solution, to contribute multiple functions in urban environments. The aim was to review two projects to find out whether and, if so, how experiential values have informed the design of stormwater facilities. The methodology used included document studies, site visits and dialogue with landscape architects associated with the projects studied. As a result of the study, several of the experience values that were assumed could be found on the sites, but not all. The discussion thus resonated with the different conditions and inputs of the projects that may have influenced the inclusiveness of the cultural ecosystem services. It was also shown that the projects can be seen as models with potential for further development

    Clinical Outcomes of Assisted Reproductive Techniques Using Cryopreserved Gametes and Embryos in Human Medicine

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    The methods of cryopreservation play a key role in assisted reproductive technique (ART) treatments, as they increase the efficacy of the treatments by allowing banking of supernumerary embryos for later use. It has been recently proposed that these methods could also increase the safety of ART treatments, by reducing complications such as ovarian hyperstimulation during early pregnancy; thus, the policy of total freeze for later differed transfer of embryos has been proposed. Also of great importance, cryopreservation of oocytes and spermatozoa has permitted gamete storage for long term facilitating practical routines such as the gamete banking for third-party reproductive treatment. In this chapter, the clinical indications and treatment outcomes will be revised and data updated on the safety of using cryopreservation methods in ART treatments

    Progesteronrelaterad diabetes mellitus hos älghund

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a relatively common endocrine disease in dogs and is more common in certain breeds than others, e.g. Nordic spitz breeds. Within the Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound population, female dogs are almost exclusively affected. The hypothesis in this study is that Swedish- and Norwegian Elkhounds develop DM during the progesterone phase of estrous (diestrous or pregnancy). Medical records from 51 female dogs of the breeds Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound were studied. All cases derived from the Canine Diabetes Mellitus Project at the University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) up to July 2008. The dogs were followed in average 2,8 months (range one day to 37 months). The study shows that the dogs develop DM in progesterone phase (diestrous or pregnancy). The study also showed that in several cases, remission of the disease was obtained after ovariohysterectomi of the dogs. Moreover, it was indicated that the best chance for remission was if the time lap from the start of clinical signs until performance of the ovariohysterectomi became as short as possible. Thus, the recommendation is to perform an ovariohysterectomi as soon as possible after confirmation of the diagnosis. Insulin and progesterone concentrations were measured in 15 female dogs with DM and 15 healthy female dogs. The study showed no significant difference in either insulin or progesterone concentrations between sick and healthy female dogs. However, the study showed that most of the female dogs with DM still had insulin production at the time of diagnosis. The insulin concentrations in dogs with DM showed a tendency to be higher at the beginning of the progesterone phase. Further studies with increased number of dogs would be of interest in order to further evaluate differences in both insulin and progesterone concentrations in female elkhounds.Diabetes mellitus (DM) är en relativt vanlig endokrin sjukdom hos hund och är vanligare hos vissa raser än andra, däribland våra nordiska spetsraser. Hos älghund (jämt- och gråhundar) är de som drabbas nästan uteslutande tikar. Huvudfrågeställningen i denna studie är huruvida tikar av jämt- och gråhundsras får sin DM i progesteronfas (diöstrus eller dräktighet) eller jämt spritt under året. Journaler från 51 tikar av älghundsras med diagnos DM studerades. Samtliga studerade tikar ingick i Hunddiabetesprojektet vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) till och med juli 2008. Hundarna följdes i genomsnitt 2,8 månader (range en dag till 37 månader). Studien visar att dessa tikar drabbas av DM i progesteronfas (diöstrus eller dräktighet). Studien indikerar också att största förutsättningen till remission av sjukdomen är att tiden från symtomdebut till kastration blir så kort som möjligt. Som veterinär är det därför viktigt att upplysa djurägare till älghundstikar om vikten av att vara observant på symtom samt att tidigt kontakta veterinär. Så snart diagnos har säkerställts bör snar kastration av tiken förespråkas. Insulin- och progesteronkoncentrationer mättes i serum hos 15 sjuka tikar med diagnos DM och 15 friska tikar. Resultaten från studien visade ingen signifikant skillnad avseende vare sig insulin- eller progesteronkoncentrationer mellan sjuka och friska tikar. Det visade sig emellertid att insulinproduktion fanns kvar hos flertalet av de sjuka tikarna vid diagnostillfället. Insulinkoncentrationerna visade även tendens till att ligga högre i början av progesteronfasen hos de sjuka tikarna. Materialet var litet vilket gav en låg power (chans att hitta skillnader). Vidare studier med fler individer skulle därför vara av värde för att visa på eventuella skillnader i både insulin- och progesteronkoncentrationerna hos älghundstikar

    Milk production in dairy cows and goats

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    Water is an essential factor for both people and animals, and access to water is therefore of great importance. The water access also largely determines the availability of food for people and feed for animals. The aim of this study was to survey the affect of water access on milk production from dairy animals. The study included nineteen farm visits that were made in the Nyando district in Kenya between February and Mars 2011. Farm visits included interviews with questions about for example number of dairy animals, milk production, water access, feed and water routines. Visual and practical measurements were performed. The selected farms represented both cow and goat keepers with exotic breed, local breed and crossbred animals. Water access differed between the farms. Some had unlimited access to water while others had restricted access. Milk production differed between breeds and between farms because of diverse conditions. The study indicated that people in general have little knowledge about the physiology of their animals and that the animals receive what is available not what they actually require, sometimes they get more and sometimes they get less. People in the Nyando district and others in the same situation are in need of more food and water, both for themselves and their animals. By increased information, knowledge and better technique it would be possible to increase the milk production and through that generate more food and improved living conditions for people