15 research outputs found

    Labeling Preschoolers as Learning Disabled: A Cautionary Position

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the issues concerning the adaptation of school-based service delivery concepts for use in early childhood special education programs. The use of categorical labels for determining eligibility for preschool children is not required by law—and may be detrimental. The following concerns are discussed: (a) definitional issues in learning disabilities versus low achievement, (b) the dangers of labeling and low expectation sets, (c) repeated failure to demonstrate movement through a continuum of services (particularly to least restrictive environments), and (d) the efficacy of early intervention and school-based special services for those with mild or suspected developmental disabilities. Research is reviewed concerning definitional and assessment issues utilizing learning disabilities as a construct. Alternatives for describing the characteristics of young children who are significantly at risk or developmentally delayed are provided.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline


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    Of special interest in the history of Riemannian geometry have been manifolds with positive sectional curvature. In these notes we want to give a survey of this subject and some recent developments. We start with some historical developments. 1. History and Obstructions It is fair to say that Riemannian geometry started with Gauss’s famous ”Disquisitiones generales ” from 1827 in which one finds a rigorous discussion of what we now call the Gauss curvature of a surface. Much has been written about the importance and influence of this paper, see in particular the article [Do] by P.Dombrowski for a careful discussion of its contents and influence during that time. Here we only make a few comments. Curvature of surfaces in 3-space had been studied previously by a number of authors and was defined as the product of the principal curvatures. But Gauss was the first to make the surprising discovery that this curvature only depends on the intrinsic metric and not on the embedding. Here one finds for example the formula for the metric in the form ds2 = dr2 + f(r, Ξ) 2dΞ2. Gauss showed that every metric on a surface has this form in ”normal ” coordinates and that it has curvature K = −frr/f. In fact one can take it as the definition of the Gauss curvature and proves Gauss’s famous ”Theorema Egregium” that the curvature is an intrinsic invariant and does not depend on the embedding in R3. He also proved a local version of what we nowadays call the Gauss-Bonnet theorem (it is not clear what Bonnet’s contribution was to this result), which states that in a geodesic triangle ∆ with angles α, ÎČ, Îł the Gauss curvature measures the angle ”defect”: Kdvol = α + ÎČ + Îł − π Nowadays the Gauss Bonnet theorem also goes under its global formulation for a compact surface

    Calcio e derivati della vitamina D, terapia sostitutiva, calcitonina, fluoruri, bisfosfonati

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    L\u2019osteoporosi \ue8 una patologia multifattoriale; l\u2019approccio medico deve quindi realizzarsi su livelli differenti e su molteplici condizioni di rischio, e prevedere per questo sia provvedimenti non farmacologici che di tipo farmacologico