30,274 research outputs found

    Programmable rate modem utilizing digital signal processing techniques

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    The engineering development study to follow was written to address the need for a Programmable Rate Digital Satellite Modem capable of supporting both burst and continuous transmission modes with either binary phase shift keying (BPSK) or quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation. The preferred implementation technique is an all digital one which utilizes as much digital signal processing (DSP) as possible. Here design tradeoffs in each portion of the modulator and demodulator subsystem are outlined, and viable circuit approaches which are easily repeatable, have low implementation losses and have low production costs are identified. The research involved for this study was divided into nine technical papers, each addressing a significant region of concern in a variable rate modem design. Trivial portions and basic support logic designs surrounding the nine major modem blocks were omitted. In brief, the nine topic areas were: (1) Transmit Data Filtering; (2) Transmit Clock Generation; (3) Carrier Synthesizer; (4) Receive AGC; (5) Receive Data Filtering; (6) RF Oscillator Phase Noise; (7) Receive Carrier Selectivity; (8) Carrier Recovery; and (9) Timing Recovery

    Effect of reduction of strategic Columbium addition in 718 Alloy on the structure and properties

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    A series of alloys was developed having a base composition similar to Inconel 718, with reduced Cb levels of 3.00 and 1.10 wt% Cb. Substitutions of 3.0% W, 3.0W + 0.9V or Mo increased from 3.0% to 5.8% were made for the Cb in these alloys. Two additional alloys, one containing 3.49% Cb and 1.10% Ti and another containing 3.89% Cb and 1.29% Ti were also studied. Tensile properties at rooom and elevated temperatures, stress-rupture tests, and an analysis of extracted phases were carried out for each of the alloys. Additions of solid solution elements to a reduced Cb alloy had no significant effect on the properties of the alloys under either process condition. The solution and age alloys with substitutions of 1.27% i at 3.89% Cb had tensile properties similar top hose of the original alloy and stress-rupture properties superior to the original alloy. The improved stress-rupture properties were the result of significant precipitation of Ni3Ti-gamma prime in the alloy, which is more stable than gamma' at the elevated temperatures. At lower temperatures, the new alloy benefits from gamma' strengthening. With more precise control and proper processing, the reduced Cb direct-age alloy could substitute for Alloy 718 in high strength applications

    Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Unemployment Insurance from New York State

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    This paper examines unemployment duration and the incidence of claims following a 36 percent increase in the maximum weekly benefit in New York State. This benefit increase sharply increased benefits for a large group of claimants, while leaving them unchanged for a large share of claimants who provide a natural comparison group. The New York benefit increase has the special features that it was unexpected and applied to in-progress spells. These features allow the effects on duration to be convincingly separated from effects on incidence. The results show a sharp fall in the hazard of leaving UI that coincides with the increase in benefits. The evidence is also consistent with a substantial effect of the benefit level on the incidence of claims and with this change in incidence biasing duration estimates. The evidence further suggests that, at least in this case, standard methods that identify duration effects through nonlinearities in the benefit schedule are not badly biased.

    Post-flight analyses of the crystals from the M0003-14 quartz crystal microbalance experiment

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    Quartz Crystal Microbalances constructed by QCM Research were flown on the leading and trailing edges of LDEF as one of the sub-experiments of M0003. Response of the crystals coated with 150 A of In2O3 was recorded during the first 424 days of the mission. A second QCM with crystals coated with 150 A of ZnS was also flown but not monitored. After the flight, the QCM's were disassembled and analyzed in The Aerospace Corporation laboratories. The samples included the crystals from the leading and trailing edge samples of both types of coatings along with the reference crystals, which were inside the QCM housing. Analyses were performed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analyses, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ion microprobe mass analysis, and reflectance spectroscopy in the infrared and UV/visible regions. The crystals are contaminated predominantly with silicone compounds. The contamination is higher on the leading edge than on the trailing edge and higher on the exposed crystals than on the reference crystals

    Two-Band-Type Superconducting Instability in MgB2

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    Using the tight-binding method for the π\pi-bands in MgB2_2, the Hubbard on-site Coulomb interaction on two inequivalent boron pzp_z-orbitals is transformed into expressions in terms of π\pi-band operators. For scattering processes relevant to the problemin which a wave vector {\bf q} is parallel to z^\hat{z}, it is found to take a relatively simple form consisting of intra-band Coulomb scattering, interband pair scattering etc. with large constant coupling constants. This allows to get a simple expression for the amplitude of interband pair scattering between two π\pi-bands, which diverges if the interband polarization function in it becomes large enough.The latter was approximately evaluated and found to be largely enhanced in the band structure in MgB2_2. These results lead to a divergent interband pair scattering, meaning two-band-type superconducting instability with enhanced TcT_c. Adding a subsidiary BCS attractive interaction in each band into consideration, a semi-quantitative gap equation is given, and TcT_c and isotope exponent α\alpha are derived. The present instability is asserted to be the origin of high TcT_c in MgB2_2.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol. 70, No.

    The etiological role of susto in diabetes among Hispanics in southern Nevada

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    This thesis explores the association between susto, a Hispanic folk explanation of disease, and type 2 diabetes. This association is explored through a focus group and semi-structured interviews, with participants recruited from a population of 300 diabetes patients under treatment by a local non-profit group. Results show that not only is susto thought to be an important cause of diabetes among Hispanic diabetics and their family members, but that the meaning of susto may be changing; no longer thought of as solely a frightful event, it is a description of the resulting emotions as well. The role of emotions such as anger, sadness and stress in the etiology of diabetes is also explored. Implications of these results for health care providers working in Hispanic communities are discussed


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    This chapter describes a standards-based framework of information literacy instruction (ILI) for undergraduate engineering students. It begins by identifying characteristics of information literacy that are most relevant to the engineering curriculum, framed by a review of the ACRL’s Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology. Recommendations for delivering ILI to undergraduate engineering students are given, drawing from a pilot program for integrating information literacy into the Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) program at the University of Maine. Finally, assessment strategies for ILI curricula are provided, based on examples from the MET pilot. Throughout the chapter, core engineering information resources are identified, and a list of suggested resources is included

    An Education in Sexuality & Sociality: Heteronormativity on Campus

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    In An Education in Sexuality & Sociality: Heteronormativity on Campus, Dr. Frank Karioris discusses the role of universities in creating sexed and gendered relationships and hierarchies within society. Through his ethnographic study, Dr. Karioris explores homosociality and challenges heteronormativity on college campuses. This book review provides an overview of this work along with critique and implication for higher education
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