69 research outputs found

    ¿Quién está consumiendo productos dietéticos en Perú? Reporte de consumo de una encuesta transversal no probabilística

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    Objective: To identify the profile and perception of dietary supplement users in the population of Lima, Arequipa and Trujillo, Peru. Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study conducted with subjects over 18 years of age residing in the cities of Lima, Arequipa and Trujillo, Peru. The study was performed in two steps. In the first step, personal interviews were held using structured and standardized surveys. In the second step, a structured survey was designed with open and closed questions related to the purchasing and consumption habits of dietary supplements. Results: Eight hundred ninety (890) people were interviewed, out of which 42 % reported to be dietary supplement users, being vitamins and minerals the most commonly used products. It was observed that these users had been taking daily doses of dietary supplements for 3 to 12 months. Additionally, it was found that family and friends served as a source of information on dietary supplements similar to the one provided by doctors and nutritionists. Conclusions: The results of this study conducted with a representative sample from Lima, Arequipa and Trujillo showed that a high percentage of the population was satisfied with using dietary supplements regularly. It is important to point out that there were no significant differences between the percentage of the surveyed population that used dietary supplements recommended by nutritionists and the one which used them on family and friends’ recommendation. This suggests that it is necessary to improve nutritional habits with educational strategies on eating habits and adapt the use of dietary supplements to a balanced diet. These results could allow the population to use dietary supplements more effectively as a tool to reduce nutritional deficiencies.Objetivo: Identificar el perfil y la percepción de los consumidores de productos dietéticos en las poblaciones de Lima, Arequipa y Trujillo en Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico realizado en sujetos mayores de 18 años que eran residentes en las ciudades de Lima, Arequipa y Trujillo en Perú. El estudio se realizó en dos etapas. En la primera etapa, se realizaron entrevistas personales, para lo cual se empleó cuestionarios estructurados y estandarizados. En la segunda etapa, se diseñó un cuestionario estructurado con preguntas abiertas y cerradas relacionadas con los hábitos de uso y compra de productos dietéticos. Resultados: Se entrevistaron a 890 personas, de las cuales el 42 % señalaron que consumían productos dietéticos, de los cuales las vitaminas y los minerales eran los productos de mayor consumo. Se observó que los consumidores mantenían una frecuencia diaria y una antigüedad de consumo entre 3 y 12 meses. Además, se identificó que la recomendación de los familiares y amigos sobre el consumo de productos dietéticos tenía un nivel de confianza similar a las recomendaciones de médicos y nutricionistas. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio en una muestra representativa obtenida en Lima, Arequipa y Trujillo nos indican que un alto porcentaje de la población se encuentra satisfecha consumiendo productos dietéticos con regularidad. Es importante señalar que no existen diferencias significativas entre el porcentaje de la población encuestada que consume productos dietéticos por recomendación de un nutricionista y la que los consume por sugerencia de familiares y amigos. Esto indica que es necesario mejorar los hábitos nutricionales con estrategias de educación sobre hábitos alimenticios y la adaptación del uso de productos dietéticos a una dieta balanceada. Estos resultados podrían permitir que la población haga un uso más eficaz de los productos dietéticos como herramienta para reducir deficiencias nutricionales

    Factores fisiológicos y sociales asociados a la masa corporal de jóvenes mexicanos con discapacidad intelectual

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    Este artículo pretende analizar algunos factores fisiológicos y sociales asociados a la masa corporal de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual del norte de México

    Gender- and hydration-associated differences in the physiological response to spinning

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    UniveIntroduction: There is scarce and inconsistent information about gender-related differences in the hydration of sports persons, as well as about the effects of hydration on performance, especially during indoor sports. Objective: To determine the physiological differences between genders during in indoor physical exercise, with and without hydration. Methods: 21 spinning sportspeople (12 men and 9 women) participated in three controlled, randomly assigned and non-sequential hydration protocols, including no fluid intake and hydration with plain water or a sports drink (volume adjusted to each individual every 15 min), during 90 min of spinning exercise. The response variables included body mass, body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Results: During exercise without hydration, men and women lost ~2% of body mass, and showed higher body temperature (~0.2°C), blood pressure (~4 mmHg) and heart rate (~7 beats/min) compared to exercises with hydration. Body temperature and blood pressure were higher for men than for women during exercise without hydration, differences not observed during exercise with hydration. Between 42-99% of variance in body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate could be explained by the physical characteristics of subjects and the work done. Conclusions: During exercise with hydration (either with water or sport drink), the physiological response was similar for both genders. Exercise without hydration produced physical stress, which could be prevented with either of the fluids (plain water was sufficient). Gender differences in the physiological response to spinning (body temperature, mean blood pressure and heart rate) can be explained in part by the distinct physical characteristics of each individual. (Nutr Hosp. 2014;29:644-651) DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.29.3.701

    Borg’s category ratio-scale (CR-10) is useful to predict the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) in young Mexicans adults, regardless their body mass

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    Objetivo: evaluar el valor predictivo de la escala de Borg (CR-10; 1-10) para el inicio de la acumulación de lactato en sangre (OBLA). Métodos: 91 jóvenes mexicanos realizaron tres pruebas de ejercicio submáximas no consecutivas. La frecuencia cardíaca (FC), el lactato en sangre y el consumo de oxígeno se registraron en cada determinación del CR-10. Se calcularon ecuaciones de regresión y los puntos de corte de FC y al OBLA. Resultados: La FC (86 lat/min) y el CR-10 (4.5) predijeron el OBLA con la misma certeza, independientemente de la masa corporal del sujeto. CR-10, la FC y el consumo de oxígeno explicaron independientemente más de 60% de la varianza asociada al OBLA. Conclusiones: CR-10 es útil para predecir el OBLA con casi la misma certeza que la FC, independientemente de la masa corporal del sujeto. Introductio

    Lipidomic and Antioxidant Response to Grape Seed, Corn and Coconut Oils in Healthy Wistar Rats

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    Specialty oils differ in fatty acid, phytosterol and antioxidant content, impacting their benefits for cardiovascular health. The lipid (fatty acid, phytosterol) and antioxidant (total phenolics, radical scavenging capacity) profiles of grapeseed (GSO), corn (CO) and coconut (CNO) oils and their physiological (triacylglycerides, total and HDL-cholesterol and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) in serum and fatty acid and phytosterol hepatic deposition) and genomic (HL, LCAT, ApoA-1 and SR-BP1 mRNA hepatic levels) responses after their sub-chronic intake (10% diet for 28 days) was examined in healthy albino rats. Fatty acid, phytosterol and antioxidant profiles differed between oils (p ≤ 0.01). Serum and hepatic triacylglycerides and total cholesterol increased (p ≤ 0.01); serum HDL-Cholesterol decreased (p < 0.05); but serum FRAP did not differ (p > 0.05) in CNO-fed rats as compared to CO or GSO groups. Hepatic phytosterol deposition was higher (+2.2 mg/g; p ≤ 0.001) in CO- than GSO-fed rats, but their fatty acid deposition was similar. All but ApoA-1 mRNA level increased in GSO-fed rats as compared to other groups (p ≤ 0.01). Hepatic fatty acid handling, but not antioxidant response, nor hepatic phytosterol deposition, could be related to a more efficient reverse-cholesterol transport in GSO-fed rats as compared to CO or CNO