5,298 research outputs found
La predicación litúrgica islámica (juṭab) en un terreno de confrontación: chiíes y suníes, fatimíes y abasíes
In circumstances of political and religious conflict, the Islamic ritual sermon could be traumatic, especially when such sermons signaled a change in allegiance from a Sunni to a Shī‘ī ruler (or vice versa). For more than two centuries the Ismaili Fatimids confronted the Abbasids, each claiming for itself the right to be in invoked in the official sermon in the congregational mosques. One dramatic example of this change of loyalty is illustrated by a verbatim copy of what the preacher said on the occasion. This text, together with a few others that have been preserved, offer an opportunity to analysis this genre of preaching in a contested arena.En contextos de conflicto político y religioso, el sermón litúrgico islámico podía ser traumático, sobre todo si aludía a cambios de lealtad de un líder suní a otro chií (o viceversa). Durante más de dos siglos los fatimíes ismailíes se enfrentaron a los abasíes, reclamando respectivamente para sí el derecho a ser invocados en los sermones oficiales en las mezquitas. Un ejemplo dramático de este cambio de lealtades queda ilustrado en una copia literal de lo que dijo el predicador en aquel momento. Ese texto, junto con otros pocos que se han conservado, permite analizar este tipo de predicación en un terreno de confrontación
The identity of one of the Ismaili dā‛īs sent by the Fatimids to Ibn Ḥafṣūn
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Clean Water for Less Integrated Planning Reduces the Cost of Meeting Water Quality Goals in New Hampshire
Rising populations and increased development in New Hampshire coastal communities have led to a decline in water quality in the Great Bay Estuary. Responding effectively and affordably to new federal permit requirements for treating and discharging stormwater and wastewater will require innovative solutions from communities in the area. The Water Integration for Squamscott-Exeter (WISE) project developed an integrated planning framework through which the coastal communities of Exeter, Stratham, and Newfields could significantly reduce the cost of meeting permit requirements. In this brief, authors Alison Watts, Robert Roseen, Paul Stacey, Renee Bourdeau, and Theresa Walker report that integrated planning could save these communities over $100 million (in fifty-year lifecycle costs) by prioritizing high-impact, low-cost mitigation strategies across permit type and town boundaries. The project, which has received an Environmental Merit award from Environment Protection Agency, also found that attainment of water quality standards in the Exeter–Squamscott River will not be possible without substantial cooperation and investment from upstream communities, which are not currently subject to EPA permit requirements. Collaboration among communities in planning and implementing projects to meet clean water regulations can have significant cost and effectiveness benefits
Melanoma mimicking malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with spread to the cerebellopontine angle: Utility of next-generation sequencing in diagnosis
Cutaneous spindle cell malignancy is associated with a broad differential diagnosis, particularly in the absence of a known primary melanocytic lesion. We present an unusually challenging patient who presented with clinical symptoms involving cranial nerves VII and VIII and a parotid-region mass, which was S100-positive while lacking in melanocytic pigment and markers. Over a year after resection of the parotid mass, both a cutaneous primary lentigo maligna melanoma and a metastatic CP angle melanoma were diagnosed in the same patient, prompting reconsideration of the diagnosis in the original parotid-region mass. Next-generation sequencing of a panel of cancer-associated genes demonstrated 19 identical, clinically significant mutations as well as a high tumor mutation burden in both the parotid-region and CP angle tumors, indicating a metastatic relationship between the two and a melanocytic identity of the parotid-region tumor
Twentieth Century Geomorphic Changes of the Lower Green River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah: An Investigation of Timing, Magnitude and Process
Since the early 20th century, the Green River, the longest tributary of the Colorado River, has narrowed, decreasing available riparian and aquatic habitat.
Initially, the widespread establishment of non-native tamarisk was considered to be the primary driver of channel narrowing. An alternative hypothesis postulated that changes in hydrology drove narrowing. Reductions in total streamflow and changes to flow regime occurred due to wide-spread water development, decreased snowmelt flood magnitude, and the increased cyclicity of wet and dry years. The two hypotheses agree on channel narrowing, but each influences modern river management differently. A tamarisk-driven model of narrowing implies that modern flow management doesn’t substantially affect channel change. Conversely, channel narrowing driven by changes in hydrology implies that present flow management decisions matter and continued adjustments to flow regime may result in future channel change.
To understand the roles of decreasing total annual flow, declining annual peak flood magnitude, and changing vegetation communities on 20th century channel narrowing, we investigated channel narrowing along the lower Green River within Canyonlands National Park (CNP). Previous studies agree that the channel has narrowed, however, the rate, timing and magnitude of documented narrowing are only partially understood.
Multiple lines of evidence were used to reconstruct the history of channel narrowing in the lower Green River. This study focuses on channel narrowing, but additionally investigated possible changes to channel depth, identified process, timing and magnitude of floodplain formation. Floodplain formation was described in the field using stratigraphy, sedimentology, and dendrogeomorphology exposed in a floodplain trench. Channel and floodplain surveys were conducted to determine possible changes in bed elevation. Additionally, existing aerial imagery, hydrologic data, and sediment transport data were analyzed. These techniques were applied to determine magnitude, timing and processes of channel narrowing at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
The floodplain investigation identified a new period of channel narrowing by vertical accretion after high peak flow years of 1983 and 1984. Narrowing was initiated by vertical accretion in the active channel, deposited by moderate floods exceeded more than 50% of the time. Vertical accretion continued in the early 1990s, converting the active channel into a periodically inundated floodplain surface. Suspended-sediment deposition dominated deposits, resulting in the formation of natural levees and floodplain troughs in both inset floodplains. Rates of deposition were highly variable, ranging from 0.03-0.50 m/yr.
The lower Green River within Canyonlands National Park has narrowed substantially since the late 1800s, resulting in a narrower channel. Changes to flood magnitude, rate and timing since 1900, driven by increased water storage and diversion in the Green River basin and declines in annual precipitation, were responsible for inset floodplain formation. Floodplains of the contemporary lower Green River in CNP began forming in the late 1930s and continued to form and vertically aggrade in the 20th century by inset floodplain formation. During this time period, peak flow and total runoff declined due to climatic changes and water development. Analysis of aerial imagery covering 61 kilometers (km) of the Green River in CNP shows that changes to the floodplain identified in the trench are representative of the entire study area. The establishment of non-native tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) did not drive channel narrowing, though dense stands stabilized banks and likely promoted sediment deposition. The lower Green River narrowed 12% from 1940-2014, with the majority of narrowing (10% of all narrowing) occurring from the 1980s to the present. Inset floodplain formation reflects changes to flood magnitude and timing resulting from water development and decreases in natural runoff.
Findings suggest that long-term management of the riverine corridor within Canyonlands National Park will require a greater focus on upstream flow contributions and how those flows are currently managed. Recovery of endangered endemic native fishes, the Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius), and the razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus), plays a primary role in determining current flow allocations. Collaboration with upstream stakeholders and managers is necessary to maximize elements of the flow regime that preserve channel width and limit channel narrowing
Pleistocene glacial refugia across the Appalachian Mountains and coastal plain in the millipede genus Narceus: Evidence from population genetic, phylogeographic, and paleoclimatic data
Background: Species that are widespread throughout historically glaciated and currently nonglaciated areas provide excellent opportunities to investigate the role of Pleistocene climatic change on the distribution of North American biodiversity. Many studies indicate that northern animal populations exhibit low levels of genetic diversity over geographically widespread areas whereas southern populations exhibit relatively high levels. Recently, paleoclimatic data have been combined with niche-based distribution modeling to locate possible refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Using phylogeographic, population, and paleoclimatic data, we show that the distribution and mitochondrial data for the millipede genus Narceus are consistent with classical examples of Pleistocene refugia and subsequent post-glacial population expansion seen in other organismal groups.
Results: The phylogeographic structure of Narceus reveals a complex evolutionary history with signatures of multiple refugia in southeastern North America followed by two major northern expansions. Evidence for refugial populations were found in the southern Appalachian Mountains and in the coastal plain. The northern expansions appear to have radiated from two separate refugia, one from the Gulf Coastal Plain area and the other from the mid-Atlantic coastal region. Distributional models of Narceus during the Last Glacial Maximum show a dramatic reduction from the current distribution, with suitable ecological zones concentrated along the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plain. We found a strong correlation between these zones of ecological suitability inferred from our paleo-model with levels of genetic diversity derived from phylogenetic and population estimates of genetic structuring.
Conclusion: The signature of climatic change, during and after the Pleistocene, on the distribution of the millipede genus Narceus is evident in the genetic data presented. Niche-based historical distribution modeling strengthens the conclusions drawn from the genetic data and proves useful in identifying probable refugia. Such interdisciplinary biogeographic studies provide a comprehensive approach to understanding these processes that generate and maintain biodiversity as well as the framework necessary to explore questions regarding evolutionary diversification of taxa. Originally published BMC Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 9, No. 25, Jan 200
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