599 research outputs found

    Analysis of the nongraded program and its social, emotional, and intellectual effects upon children of different mental abilities

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    The purpose of this paper is to survey several progressive schools in education in search of better methods to educate and train children with learning disabilitie

    The Basics of Behavior Genetics: A Study of Heredity

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    The general issue of the significance of genetic contributions to individual differences may be approached in two ways, through population genetics and through physiological genetics. The first has no logical meaning when applied to an individual, for his whole genotype and total life experience contribute to every aspect of his behavior, and their influences cannot be separated. The second is rather light on the emphasis of environment and its influence. The two approaches to the problem on individual differences complement each other. Knowledge of heritability is paramount when one attempts to change phenotypes by selection. Possibly the most significant contribution of behavior genetics is its documentation of the fact that two individuals of superficially similar phenotypes may be quite different genotypically and respond in completely different fashion when treated alike. Knowledge of how genes produce effects on behavior is often sought for its practical importance. If one can counteract the effect of a genetic lesion by biochemical means, seriously defective individuals may be restored to health. The dual approach to the problem of individual differences has dictated a division of this paper into two sections followed by a general summary

    Reflex Irritation as a Cause of Disease.

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    Enhancing Mentors’ Effectiveness: The promise of the Adaptive Mentorship© model

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    The Adaptive Mentorship (AM) model is described and implications are raised for its wider implementation. The researchers derived the AM model from earlier contingency leadership approaches; and during the last two decades, they have further refined AM through application and research. They suggest the benefits and transferability of AM to any field to assist protégés in developing professional proficiency in their respective contexts.Dans cet article, le modèle de mentorat adapté© (MA) est décrit et ses implications dans l’optique d’une implémentation étendue sont soulevées. Les chercheurs dérivent le modèle MA des approches précédentes de contingence du leadership. De plus, au cours des deux dernières décennies, ils ont raffiné davantage leur modèle via l’application et la recherche. Ainsi, les auteurs exposent les bénéfices et la transférabilité du MA dans tous les domaines pour permettre aux protégés de développer des compétences professionnelles dans leurs milieux respectifs

    Research Synthesis For Adaptive Mentorship

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    Adaptive Mentorship (AM) is a mentoring model the authors have developed over a 21-year period. Mentor-protpairs originally applied it in teacher-education internship programs; however, the authors have subsequently witnessed its adoption by other mentorship/coaching practitioners/researchers across the professions.In this report, the authors describe AM, its rationale, implementation, strengths, and limitations and they synthesize the latest findings regarding its effectiveness as a tool in mentoring teacher-candidates

    Practicum Teachers’ Perceptions of Success in Relation to Self-Efficacy (Perceived Competence)

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    How do student teachers gain confidence in their teaching abilities as part of their school-based practicum experience while increasing their self-efficacy from the successes of their practicum? To understand this question better, we explored preservice teachers’ post-practicum accounts of experiences of success in relation to efficacy (Bandura, 1977, 1982) with some reflection on motivational perspectives as found in self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Of particular interest are the findings that illuminate the views of post-practicum students toward the formative importance of school cooperating teachers, principals, and vice-principals and their lack of reference to university-based supervisors. Of more general interest are possible connections that support the need for a better understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in relation to perceived competence (self-efficacy) for novice teachers

    Edwin Adcock II and James Burleson in a Senior Voice Recital

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    This is the program for the joint senior voice recital of baritone Edwin Charles Adcock II and baritone James Walker Burleson. Donna McCoy assisted Adcock; La Juana Terrell assisted Burleson. The recital took place on February 11, 1980, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center Recital Hall

    The Clinical/Practicum Experience in Professional Preparation: Preliminary findings

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    The authors synthesize preliminary findings from an interdisciplinary study of the practicum/clinical phase of undergraduate pre-service education in the professions. Early data analysis identified similarities and differences across disciplines in terms of: (a) the terminology describing each practicum program, (b) the programs’ key characteristics, (c) their respective strengths and weaknesses, (c) the way practicum students are mentored and evaluated, and (d) future innovations in this experiential learning phase of professional preparation.Les auteurs résument les résultats préliminaires d’une étude interdisciplinaire portant sur la phase clinique/de stage de la formation préalable des enseignants de premier cycle dans les professions. Une analyse préliminaire des données a permis d’établir des similitudes et des différences d’une discipline à l’autre pour ce qui est des facteurs suivants : (a) la terminologie décrivant chaque programme de stage; (b) les principales caractéristiques des programmes; (c) les forces et les faiblesses de chacun; (d) la façon dont chaque stagiaire est mentoré et évalué; et (e) les futures innovations dans cette phase d’apprentissage expérimental de la préparation professionnelle
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