18 research outputs found

    مناهج الدراسة اللغوية في التراث العربي

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    The human has a strong will to know things around him, particularly the language that distinguishes him from other creatures. So he always sees the language in many kinds of theories and methods of language studies. There are many kinds of methods can be used in the field of modern language studies, such as descriptive method, historical method, comparative method, prescriptive method, and contrastive method. Each of these methods of language studies has limitations, weaknesses, and advantages.So, for the researchers to choose a method or to combine some methods which fit with their research in the field of modern language studies. Keywords: descriptive method, comparative method, contrastive metho


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    Abstract The curriculum and learning are two things that can not be separated. The curriculum serves as a guide that provides the direction and purpose of education and content to be learned, while learning is a process that occurs in the interaction of teaching and learning between teachers and students. Without a clear curriculum as a reference, then learning process will not take place effectively. Similarly, the curriculum will not be meaningful if it is not implemented in the learning process. The development of an Arabic learning curriculum is a never-ending process that must be done continuously. If not, then the curriculum becomes obsolete or out of date. Nevertheless, the curriculum development can not be done perfunctorily or in any old way. To produce a qualified Arabic leaning curriculum must stand on a firm foundation, among others: religious, philosophical, juridical, linguistic, psychololinguistic, sociolinguistic, and scientific and technological foundations. Abstrak Kurikulum dan pembelajaran merupakan dua hal yang tak dapat dipishakan. Kurikulum berfungsi sebagai pedoman yang memberikan arah dan tujuan pendidikan serta isi yang harus dipelajari, sedangkan pembelajaran adalah proses yang terjadi dalam interaksi belajar dan mengajar antara guru dan siswa. Tanpa kurikulum yang jelas sebagai acuan, maka pembelajaran tidak akan berlangsung secara efektif. Demikian pula, kurikulum tidak akan bermakna jika tidak diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Pengembangan kurikulum bahasa Arab adalah proses yang tak pernah berhenti yang harus dilakukan secara kontinu. Jika tidak, maka kurikulum tersebut menjadi usang atau ketinggalan zaman. Namun demikian, pengembangan kurikulum tidak bisa dilakukan dengan asal jadi atau secara sembarangan. Untuk menghasilkan kurikulum bahasa Arab yang berkualitas harus berpijak pada landasan yang kukuh, antara lain: landasan religius, filosofis, yuridis, linguistik, psikololinguistik, sosiolinguitik, dan landasan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi

    Melacak Akar Tradisi Pemikiran Rasional Dalam Islam

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    Tradisi pemikiran rasional di dunia Islam ini mencapai puncaknya ketika terjadi interaksi secara intensif dengan pemikiran rasional (filsafat) Yunani melalui gerakan penerjemahan karya-karya Yunani ke dalam bahasa Arab. Namun pemikiran filsafat Yunani itu tidak serta merta diterima begitu saja oleh tokoh-tokoh intelektual muslim, melainkan ia mendapat penolakan dan kritik dari tokoh-tokoh intelektual muslim tersebut. Demikian pula halnya dengan para filosof muslim, mereka tidak begitu saja mengadopsi pemikiran filsafat Yunani, melainkan pemikiran filsafat tersebut mereka kembangkan lebih lanjut sehingga tidak dapat dikatakan sama persis atau bahkan jiplakan dari pemikiran filsafat Yunani. Sejak awal periode perkembangan peradaban Islam, umat Islam telah memiliki tradisi pemikiran rasional. Tradisi pemikiran rasional tersebut bermula dari pemikiran mengenai persoalan bahasa Arab (nahwu-sharf) dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan membaca al-quran dan memahami maknanya secara benar. Kajian- kajian bahasa Arab ini kemudian mendorong munculnya pemikiran-pemikiran rasional di dunia Islam pada bidang-bidang kajian lainnya terutama fiqh, tafsir, dan kalam.The tradition of rationalism in the Islamic world reached its peak during the intensive interaction with Greek rationalism (philosophy) through the translation movement of Greek works into Arabic. So, Greek philosophy had given great contributions for Islamic philosophy growth. However, Greek philosophy was not necessarily taken for granted by Muslim intellectuals, but it got some rejections and criticism from such Muslim intellectuals. Similarly, Muslim philosophers, they did not simply adopt the ideas of Greek philosophy, but they developed their own philosophical thoughts. Furthermore, unlike Greek  rationalism which is based on pure reason (secular), Islamic rationalism is the integration between the divine revelation and the reason. So, it can not be said exactly that Islamic rationalism (philosophy) is the same as or even a replica of Greek philosophy. Since the beginning of the development of Islamic civilization, Muslims have had a tradition of rationalism. The tradition of Islamic rationalism has its root in the thought of Arabic grammar (Nahwu-Sharf) in order to overcome problems of reading the Holy Qur'an and understanding its meaning properly. Arabic studies then encouraged the emergence of rational thought in the Islamic world on other object studies, especially Islamic Jurisprudence, Interpretation of the Quran, and Theology

    Tela’ah Buku Ajar Al-Balaghah Al-Wadhihah (Karya ‘Ali Al-Jarim Dan Musthafa Amin)

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    This paper aims to assess the book of al-Balaghah al-Wadhihah compiled by ‘Ali al-Jarim and Mustafa Amin as a textbook used in the Department of Arabic Language Teaching at the Education Faculty of State Islamic Istitute of Metro. The study of this textbook uses the literature review method by examining various theories about the principles and criteria for preparing textbooks as an analysis tool. The result of study found that the book of al-Balaghah al-Wadhihah is in accordance with the principles and criteria for the preparation of a good textbook. There are some advantages and disadvantages of this textbook. The advantages of this textbook include: the basic concepts of the subject are simple, containing verses of the Qur'an as an example of discussion of material and practice. However, it still has many disadvantages, among others: this textbook is composed for Arabic (Egyptian) students and uses Arabic as the language of instruction, not compiled for Non-Arabic (Indonesian) students so that it is difficult to understand by Indonesian students who are weak in nahwu-sharaf mastery and lack of vocabulary

    Analisis Kesalahan Bahasa Pada Percakapan Bahasa Arab Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab (PBA) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (Iain) Metro Tahun Akademik 2017/2018

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    This study aimed at classifying the kinds of errors in Arabic conversations of students majoring in Arabic at the State Islamic Institute of Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018, describing the frequency of the language errors, and explaining the factors that caused the language error. The data were collected through observation, field notes, and tape recording. The results showed that errors in Arabic conversations of students majoring in Arabic at the State Islamic Institute of Metro in Academic Year 2017/2018 can be classified in three kinds of languages errors, namely: (1) the pronunciation errors, (2) the morphology errors, and (3) the syntax errors. On the kind of pronunciation errors, the highest frequency of errors occurred at pronunciation of / ض /, / ث /, / ع /, and / ذ /. On the kind of morphology errors, the highest frequency of errors occurred at tashrif fi’il madhiy and tashrif fi’il mudhari'. On the kind of syntax errors, the highest frequency of errors occurred at the structure of mudhaf-mudhaf ilaih, na'at-man’ut, and jar-majrur. The factors that caused the pronunciation errors can be categorized as the inter-language errors. While the factors that caused morphology errors and syntax errors can be categorized as the intra-lingual errors. &nbsp


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    Speaking skills are the main skills students must master in applying direct methods to learning Arabic. Learning Arabic Speaking Skills in class VII A MTsN 1 Lampung Timur in the 2019/2020 Academic Year, has not shown results that illustrate students' skills in actively speaking Arabic productive. The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of students' Arabic speaking skills by applying the direct method. In this study the authors used (PTK) classroom action research with observation, documentary, and test data collection tools. The object of this study is students of class VII A. In this study researchers used the direct method. The results of the study stated that to improve their Arabic speaking skills students are equipped with basic skills in speaking that are very necessary when plunging into the field, such as the practice of applying dialogue patterns, vocabulary, rules, facial expressions, and so on

    Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Menggunakan Media Gambar Bergerak Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosakata

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    This study aimed to analyze the process of teaching Arabic using moving picture media and the level of vocabulary mastery in Islamic Junior High School. This research method was quantitative with an experimental approach. The research was conducted at Islamic Junior High School Darul Amal Metro, involving 30 students of grade VIII as the sample. The data collection method used a test. The test method was aimed at students to get vocabulary mastery data. The data analysis technique used the T-test to determine the level of vocabulary mastery after using moving picture media. The results showed that the learning process by using moving picture media had been able to increase students' learning activities and enthusiasm. The spirit of learning characterized by a high concentration during the learning process, encouraging students to understand the lesson easily. The high of learning concentration caused by the characteristics of the moving picture media varied and corresponded with students' progress. The success of using moving picture media was supported by the teacher's ability to use media. The results of statistical analysis showed that the application of moving picture media in learning Arabic had a significant effect on students' vocabulary mastery. &nbsp


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    ABSTRAK Walfajri (2023) Tinjauan Fiqh Muamalah Terhadap Praktik Arisan Tembak Di Desa Penarah Kecamatan Belat Kabupaten Karimun Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya praktik arisan dengan sistem tembak di Desa Penarah Kecamatan Belat Kabupaten Karimun. Pada sistemnya arisan ini membolehkan anggota untuk menembak dengan cara menulis jumlah uang yang kemudian uang tersebut dibayarkan ke anggota lain yang belum memenangkan arisan. Akibat dari sistem tembak ini setiap anggota dalam satu kelompok arisan tembak tidak mendapatkan jumlah uang yang sama dengan apa yang dia bayar sedangkan pada dasarnya arisan menggunakan sistem Qard (hutang piutang). hal tersebut mengindikasikan adanya riba nasi’ah dalam sistem hutang piutang. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pelaksanaan arisan tembak dan bagaimana tinjauan fiqh muamalah terhadap praktik arisan tembak di Desa Penarah Kecamatan Belat Kabupaten Karimun. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dan tinjauan fiqh muamalah terhadap pelaksanaan arisan tembak di Desa Penarah Kecamatan Belat Kabupaten Karimun. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta angket. Adapun sampel yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 15 orang anggota arisan. Selanjutnya data yang ada dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menguraikan dan menggambarkan pokok permasalahan yang ada, sehingga penguraian tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan arisan tembak di Desa Penarah Kecamatan Belat Kabupaten Karimun beranggotakan 15 orang dengan pembayaran Rp.1.000.000 perbulan dan pengundian dilakukan setiap bulan pada tanggal 15. Arisan dengan sistem tembak ini berbeda dengan arisan pada umumnya dimana pada sistemnya anggota arisan diperkenankan untuk menembak dengan cara menulis jumlah dana tembak. Anggota dengan dana tembak paling besar adalah anggota yang bisa memenangkan arisan pada bulan tersebut. Setelah anggota yang memenangkan tembak harus membayar dengan dana yang sama kepada semua anggota yang belum mendapatkan arisan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan dana yang dibayar tidak sama dengan dana yang didapat apabila anggota tersebut menembak. Adapun ditinjau dari fiqh muamalah peraktek arisan tembak ini belum sesuai dengan prinsip muamalah karena adanya unsur ketidak adilan, gharar dan spekulasi. Kata Kunci: Arisan Tembak, Fiqh Muamalah, Desa Penara

    Kontribusi Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (JSIT) dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

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    Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu (JSIT) is a new phenomenon in the discourse of Islamic education in Indonesia, which developed rapidly in the Reformation era after the fall of the New Order government in 1998. This article is partly derived from the results of research on the development of JSIT in Indonesia, especially in Lampung and Banten. The results of the study show that the emergence of JSIT was initially pioneered by the Tarbiyah Movement (Gerakan Tarbiyah) which became the embryo of the emergence of the Integrated Islamic School. This movement was originally a da'wah movement that emphasized the individual piety of its members and then moved politically after the fall of the New Order regime in 1998 by establishing the political party PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera), while at the same time engaged in education by establishing JSIT which developed an integrated Islamic education system, and growing rapidly. The emergence of these integrated Islamic schools also gave rise to pro and contra responses, because of their connection with the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwanul Muslimin), which is considered a representation of radical Islamic groups. However, the learning model developed by JSIT became a new thing which was later adopted by educational institutions outside of JSIT which also established integrated Islamic schools. JSIT has progressed and developed quite massively in Indonesia, although these schools are expensive, but it has not stopped the community from sending their children to school, and most of them come from well-established and educated socio-economic class families. This research also shows that the existence of JSIT has significantly contributed to the development of Human Resources (HR) who are superior in science and religion, because the curriculum is designed to combine general knowledge and religious knowledge at the same time. JSIT in its work has contributed to creating a new educated Muslim group in Indonesia in this contemporary era

    Pembentukan Lingkungan Bahasa Arab Untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berbicara

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    This study aims to determine that the formation of the language environment is a major factor in the success of learning foreign speaking skills especially Arabic. The method used is the library research method (library research), data collection is done by examining and exploiting several journal articles, books, and other sources of information deemed relevant to the study. The formation of a language environment is one of the dominant factors supporting the success of learning Arabic speaking skills. It can be seen that speaking skills are very important language skills. Without an optimal language environment, it is difficult to master it. The results of this study are that the formation of the language environment must be the responsibility of the school manager and all boarding officials by involving all students. Thus, all parties will feel the language environment and support wholeheartedly towards all programs related to the language environment. The formation of the language environment can be done through various linguistic activities, including: developing vocabulary (mufrodat), displaying Arabic vocabulary (posters) in language environment facilities, Arabic language practices in daily communication, Arabic speech and drama practices