1,791 research outputs found

    NURA-Nazarbayev University research accelerator: a new linac for WDM, HEDP and HIF

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    A project called NURA [1] which is a new linear accelerator (Linac) for Warm Dense Matter (WDM), High Energy Dense Plasma (HEDP) and Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF) is described. The NURA will be similar to the NDCX-II at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory featuring an induction linac [2]. Furthermore, the facility will be designed to allow the flexibility of additional laser heating and diagnostic beam in combination with the ion beam

    NURA-Nazarbayev University research accelerator: a new linac for WDM, HEDP and HIF

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    A project called NURA [1] which is a new linear accelerator (Linac) for Warm Dense Matter (WDM), High Energy Dense Plasma (HEDP) and Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF) is described. The NURA will be similar to the NDCX-II at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory featuring an induction linac [2]. Furthermore, the facility will be designed to allow the flexibility of additional laser heating and diagnostic beam in combination with the ion beam

    Cosmological D-instantons and Cyclic Universes

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    For models of gravity coupled to hyperbolic sigma models, such as the metric-scalar sector of IIB supergravity, we show how smooth trajectories in the `augmented target space' connect FLRW cosmologies to non-extremal D-instantons through a cosmological singularity. In particular, we find closed cyclic universes that undergo an endless sequence of big-bang to big-crunch cycles separated by instanton `phases'. We also find `big-bounce' universes in which a collapsing closed universe bounces off its cosmological singularity to become an open expanding universe.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor change

    X-ray emission from the double-binary OB-star system QZ Car (HD 93206)

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    X-ray observations of the double-binary OB-star system QZ Car (HD 93206) obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory over a period of roughly 2 years are presented. The orbit of systems A (O9.7 I+b2 v, PA = 21 d) and B (O8 III+o9 v, PB = 6 d) are reasonably well sampled by the observations, allowing the origin of the X-ray emission to be examined in detail. The X-ray spectra can be well fitted by an attenuated three temperature thermal plasma model, characterised by cool, moderate, and hot plasma components at kT ~ 0.2, 0.7, and 2 keV, respectively, and a circumstellar absorption of ~ 0.2 x 10^22 cm-2. Although the hot plasma component could be indicating the presence of wind-wind collision shocks in the system, the model fluxes calculated from spectral fits, with an average value of ~ 7 x 10^-13 erg s-1 cm-2, do not show a clear correlation with the orbits of the two constituent binaries. A semi-analytical model of QZ Car reveals that a stable momentum balance may not be established in either system A or B. Yet, despite this, system B is expected to produce an observed X-ray flux well in excess of the observations. If one considers the wind of the O8 III star to be disrupted by mass transfer the model and observations are in far better agreement, which lends support to the previous suggestion of mass-transfer in the O8 III + o9 v binary. We conclude that the X-ray emission from QZ Car can be reasonably well accounted for by a combination of contributions mainly from the single stars and the mutual wind-wind collision between systems A and B.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for the ApJS Special Issue on the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), scheduled for publication in May 2011. All 16 CCCP Special Issue papers are available at http://cochise.astro.psu.edu/Carina_public/special_issue.html through 2011 at leas


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    Abstract Insulating materials such as alumina and glassbonded mica (Mycalex) are used in accelerator systems for high voltage feedthroughs, structural supports, and barriers between high voltage insulating oil and the vacuum beam pipe in induction accelerator cells. Electric fields in the triple points should be minimized to prevent voltage breakdown. Mechanical stress can compromise seals and result in oil contamination of the insulator surface. We have tested various insulator cleaning procedures including ultrasonic cleaning with a variety of aqueous-based detergents, and manual scrubbing with various detergents. Water sheeting tests were used to determine the initial results of the cleaning methods. Ultimately, voltage breakdown tests will be used to quantify the benefits of these cleaning procedures

    Integral Relaxation Time of Single-Domain Ferromagnetic Particles

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    The integral relaxation time \tau_{int} of thermoactivating noninteracting single-domain ferromagnetic particles is calculated analytically in the geometry with a magnetic field H applied parallel to the easy axis. It is shown that the drastic deviation of \tau_{int}^{-1} from the lowest eigenvalue of the Fokker-Planck equation \Lambda_1 at low temperatures, starting from some critical value of H, is the consequence of the depletion of the upper potential well. In these conditions the integral relaxation time consists of two competing contributions corresponding to the overbarrier and intrawell relaxation processes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Salinity Reduces the Forage Quality of Forage Kochia: A Halophytic Chenopodiaceae Shrub

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    Forage kochia (Bassia prostrata [L.] A.J. Scott) is a perennial, halophytic Chenopodiaceae shrub adapted to semiarid rangelands and steppes. It is noted for its ability to produce edible forage in saline environments, but the effect of salinity on its nutritive value has not been determined. Therefore, this study evaluated the dose-response of increasing salinity on the forage quality of forage kochia and Gardner’s saltbush (Atriplex gardneri [Moq.] D. Dietr., a chenopod forage shrub indigenous to the United States). Individual plants were evaluated in hydroponics for 28 days at 0, 150, 300, and 600 mM NaCl. Salt from accumulated ions, minerals, and forage nutritive value were determined using ground shoot samples. Analysis of forage nutritive value is problematic in plants with high salt concentrations, so neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and in vitro true digestibility (IVTD) were also predicted on an ash-corrected dry matter (DM) basis (NDFcorrected and IVTDcorrected). Forage kochia exhibited a dose-response for salt concentration, IVTDcorrected, and crude protein (CP) as salinity increased. Salt concentrations increased to 19% of DM at 600 mM NaCl, which may reduce voluntary intake by ruminants grazing forage kochia. Results indicated that uncorrected IVTD estimates were inflated as forage kochia IVTDcorrected decreased from 65% to 56% with the major change between 300 and 600 mM NaCl. Crude protein did not differ between two forage kochia cultivars but decreased from 26% to 15% between 0 and 600 mM NaCl, whereas Gardner’s saltbush CP decreased by only five percentage points as salinity increased. Nonetheless, despite the greater CP sensitivity to salinity level, forage kochia salt concentration was less and digestibility and metabolizable energy (ME) were greater than Gardner’s saltbush. Overall, salinity reduced the forage quality of forage kochia, though not as dramatically as for Gardner’s saltbush, thus supporting use of forage kochia to improve the forage base of saline rangelands

    The General Supersymmetric Solution of Topologically Massive Supergravity

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    We find the general fully non-linear solution of topologically massive supergravity admitting a Killing spinor. It is of plane-wave type, with a null Killing vector field. Conversely, we show that all solutions with a null Killing vector are supersymmetric for one or the other choice of sign for the Chern-Simons coupling constant \mu. If \mu does not take the critical value \mu=\pm 1, these solutions are asymptotically regular on a Poincar\'e patch, but do not admit a smooth global compactification with boundary S^1\times\R. In the critical case, the solutions have a logarithmic singularity on the boundary of the Poincar\'e patch. We derive a Nester-Witten identity, which allows us to identify the associated charges, but we conclude that the presence of the Chern-Simons term prevents us from making a statement about their positivity. The Nester-Witten procedure is applied to the BTZ black hole.Comment: Minor correction