502 research outputs found

    Three dimensional interface modelling with two-dimensional seismic data: the Alpine crust-mantle boundary

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    We present a new approach to determine the 3-D topography and lateral continuity of seismic interfaces using 2-D-derived controlled-source seismic reflector data. The aim of the approach is to give the simplest possible structure consistent with all reflector data and error estimates. We define simplicity of seismic interfaces by the degree of interface continuity (i.e. shortest length of offsets) and by the degree of interface roughness (least surface roughness). The method is applied to structural information of the crust—mantle boundary (Moho) obtained from over 250 controlled-source seismic reflection and refraction profiles in the greater Alpine region. The reflected and refracted phases from the Moho interface and their interpretation regarding crustal thickness are reviewed and their reliability weighted. Weights assigned to each reflector element are transformed to depth errors considering Fresnel volumes. The 2-D-derived reflector elements are relocated in space (3-D migration) and interpolation is performed between the observed reflector elements to obtain continuity of model parameters. Interface offsets are introduced only where required according to the principle of simplicity. The resulting 3-D model of the Alpine crust—mantle boundary shows two offsets that divide the interface into a European, an Adriatic and a Ligurian Moho, with the European Moho subducting below the Adriatic Moho, and with the Adriatic Moho underthrusting the Ligurian Moho. Each sub-interface depicts the smoothest possible (i.e. simplest) surface, fitting the reflector data within their assigned errors. The results are consistent with previous studies for those regions with dense and reliable controlled-source seismic data. The newly derived Alpine Moho interface, however, surpasses earlier studies by its lateral extent over an area of about 600 km by 600 km, by quantifying reliability estimates along the interface, and by obeying the principle of being consistently as simple as possibl

    Effective hadron masses and couplings in nuclear matter and incompressibility

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    The role of effective hadron masses and effective couplings in nuclear matter is studied using a generalized effective Lagrangian for sigma-omega model. A simple relation among the effective masses, the effective couplings and the incompressibility K is derived. Using the relation, it is found that the effective repulsive and the effective attractive forces are almost canceled to each other at the normal density. Inversely, if this cancellation is almost complete, K should be 250-350MeV.Comment: 13 pages of text, 16 figure

    Juan de Fuca slab geometry and its relation to Wadati-Benioff zone seismicity

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    A new model of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate beneath western North America allows first-order correlations between the occurrence of Wadati-Benioff zone earthquakes and slab geometry, temperature, and hydration state. The geo-referenced 3D model, constructed from weighted control points, integrates depth information from earthquake locations and regional seismic velocity studies. We use the model to separate earthquakes that occur in the Cascadia forearc from those that occur within the underlying Juan de Fuca plate and thereby reveal previously obscured details regarding the spatial distribution of earthquakes. Seismicity within the slab is most prevalent where the slab is warped beneath northwestern California and western Washington suggesting that slab flexure, in addition to expected metamorphic dehydration processes, promotes earthquake occurrence within the subducted oceanic plate. Earthquake patterns beneath western Vancouver Island are consistent with slab dehydration processes. Conversely, the lack of slab earthquakes beneath western Oregon is consistent with an anhydrous slab. Double-differenced relocated seismicity resolves a double seismic zone within the slab beneath northwestern California that strongly constrains the location of the plate interface and delineates a cluster of seismicity 10 km above the surface that includes the 1992 M7.1 Mendocino earthquake. We infer that this earthquake ruptured a surface within the Cascadia accretionary margin above the Juan de Fuca plate. We further speculate that this earthquake is associated with a detached fragment of former Farallon plate. Other subsurface tectonic elements within the forearc may have the potential to generate similar damaging earthquakes

    Finite Nuclei in a Relativistic Mean-Field Model with Derivative Couplings

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    We study finite nuclei, at the mean-field level, using the Zimanyi-Moskowski model and one of its variations (the ZM3 model). We calculate energy levels and ground-state properties in nuclei where the mean-field approach is reliable. The role played by the spin-orbit potential in sorting out mean-field model descriptions is emphasized.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 30 kbytes. Uses EPSF.TEX. To appear in Zeit. f. Phys. A (Hadrons and Nuclei

    Hadrons in Dense Resonance-Matter: A Chiral SU(3) Approach

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    A nonlinear chiral SU(3) approach including the spin 3/2 decuplet is developed to describe dense matter. The coupling constants of the baryon resonances to the scalar mesons are determined from the decuplet vacuum masses and SU(3) symmetry relations. Different methods of mass generation show significant differences in the properties of the spin-3/2 particles and in the nuclear equation of state.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Team building:conceptual, methodological, and applied considerations

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    Team building has been identified as an important method of improving the psychological climate in which teams operate, as well as overall team functioning. Within the context of sports, team building interventions have consistently been found to result in improvements in team effectiveness. In this paper we review the extant literature on team building in sport, and address a range of conceptual, methodological, and applied considerations that have the potential to advance theory, research, and applied intervention initiatives within the field. This involves expanding the scope of team building strategies that have, to date, primarily focused on developing group cohesion.</p

    Probing the equation of state in the AGS energy range with 3-d hydrodynamics

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    The effect of (i) the phase transition between a quark gluon plasma (QGP) and a hadron gas and (ii) the number of resonance degrees of freedom in the hadronic phase on the single inclusive distributions of 16 different types of produced hadrons for Au+Au collisions at AGS energies is studied. We have used an exact numerical solution of the relativistic hydrodynamical equations without free parameters which, because of its 3-d character, constitutes a considerable improvement over the classical Landau solution. Using two different equations of state (eos) - one containing a phase transition from QGP to the Hadronic Phase and two versions of a purely hadronic eos - we find that the first one gives an overall better description of the Au+Au experimental data at AGSAGS energies. We reproduce and analyse measured meson and proton spectra and also make predictions for anti-protons, deltas, anti-deltas and hyperons. The low m_t enhancement in pi- spectra is explained by baryon number conservation and strangeness equilibration. We also find that negative kaon data are more sensitive to the eos, as well as the K-/pi- ratio. All hyperons and deltas are sensitive to the presence of a phase transition in the forward rapidity region. Anti-protons, Omegas and heavy anti-baryons are sensitive in the whole rapidity range.Comment: 25 pages (.tex) and 9 figures (.ps
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