75 research outputs found

    Von „Polen in Amerika“ zu „Amerikanern polnischer Herkunft“.: Migration, Diaspora und ethnische Imaginationen 1870–1930

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    “Poles in America” to “Americans of Polish descent”. Migration, Diaspora, and Ethnic Imagination, 1870–1930 19th century Polish mass emigration became an issue of political and ideological struggles early on, leading to intense reciprocal effects between societies of origin and destinations. While emigrants to the USA first tended to hang on to imaginations of local “smaller homelands”, nationalizing actors and agencies ultimately succeeded in transforming them into a nationally conscious diaspora (Polonia), rallied around the cause of Polish independence. Nationalpatriotic engagement reached a peak during and immediately after World War I, with the diaspora actively supporting Polish war efforts and diplomacy. In the early 1920s, though, a rapid alienation set in, due to ideological cleavages between political elites in Poland and abroad, to frustrating personal experience, last not least to US politics of identity. Over the following decade, the “myth of home” collapsed, as Polonia institutions and its constituencies increasingly re-identified as “Americans of Polish descent” rather than as “Poles abroad”

    Tvrdoglavi došljaci: poljski imigranti, sindikati i radnička kontrola u Americi, 1916–1922.

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    Attempts are made in the paper to throw more light on Polish immigrants\u27 participation in various conflicts in industrial plants, as well as in a struggle for control that took place in America in the early 20th century. Events from 1916–1922 are in the focus of the author\u27s interest. It seems that during the period in question, unlike earlier ones, the immigrants began to see more clearly their position and role in American society. Some statements made by Polish workers themselves in the period concerned corroborate the thesis on significant changes that took place in their consciousness. The thoughts and views they expressed at meetings, as written down in resolutions, demands and letters prove that the workers were fully aware of rights they were entitled to.U ovom radu pokušava se osvijetliti sudjelovanje iseljenika iz Poljske u raznim sukobima u industrijskim postrojenjima i u borbi za radničku kontrolu, do koje je došlo u Americi početkom 20. stoljeća. Najveća pažnja posvećuje se događajima iz razdoblja 1916–1922, kada se čini da su imigranti, za razliku od ranijeg razdoblja, počeli uočavati svoj položaj i ulogu u američkom društvu. Izjave tih radnika potvrđuju tezu da se dogodila značajna promjena u njihovoj svijesti. Te izjave i mišljenja, izražena na sastancima, a zabilježena u rezolucijama, zahtjevima i pismima dokazuju da su ti ljudi bili posve svjesni toga tko su, što rade, kakva je njihova uloga u društvu, te kakva im prava pripadaju


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    Polnische Auswanderer in den USA und ihre Heimat in den Jahren 1914 –1923

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    The movement to liberate Poland from the three empires that had partitioned it in the 18th century started in the United States in the 1880’s, and, even though it was rent with divisions, the various émigré groups did manage to unite during World War I to achieve their goal. Furthermore, American Poles continued to actively support the new Poland until 1923 by sending large sums of money to their resurrected state, by the return of about 100,000 Poles from the United States to their homeland, and by their investment in over 200 new enterprises. All these factors helped to put Poland on a better economic footing, and, therefore, American Poles contributed substantially to the liberation of their homeland during and immediately after World War I.Pokret oslobađanja Poljske od triju carstava koja su je podijelila u XVIII. stoljeću počeo je u Sjedinjenim Državama osamdesetih godina XIX. stoljeća i iako je bio razdiran podjelama, različite iseljeničke skupine uspjele su se ujediniti u vrijeme Prvoga svjetskog rata kako bi ostvarile svoj cilj. Štoviše, američki Poljaci su nastavili djelatno podržavati novu Poljsku do 1923., slanjem velikih novčanih iznosa svojoj uskrsnuloj državi, vraćanjem 100.000 Poljaka iz SAD-a u domovinu te ulaganjem u više od 200 novih poduzeća. Svi ti čimbenici pomogli su postaviti Poljsku na čvršće privredno postolje, pa su tako američki Poljaci puno pridonijeli oslobađanju svoje domovine u vrijeme i odmah nakon Prvoga svjetskog rata.Die Befreiungsbewegung zur Erlösung Polens von der Fremdherrschaft dreier Kaiserreiche, die das Land im 18. Jahrhundert dreigeteilt hatten, nahm in den 80er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts in den USA ihren Anfang. Trotz innerer Zerwürfnisse gelang es den verschiedenen Einwanderergruppen, während des Ersten Weltkriegs geeint aufzutreten, um ihr Ziel zu verwirklichen. Überdies fuhren die amerikanischen Polen bis zum Jahre 1923 fort, das neue Polen aktiv zu unterstützen, indem sie große Geldbeträge an den neugegründeten Staat überwiesen, 100.000 polnische Einwanderer repatriierten und in die Neugründung von über 200 Unternehmen investierten. All dies verhalf dem polnischen Staat zur Festigung seiner wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen, und man kann sagen, daß die amerikanischen Polen in der Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs sowie kurz danach einen großen Beitrag zur Befreiung ihres Landes geleistet haben

    Polish workers in the USA (1880-1925): Peasants - Poles - ethnics

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    This paper discusses the active response of Polish immigrants to the social and political realities of industrial America. It considers cases where ethnicity coincided with class. It explores how Polish immigrants used elements of national or folk culture in their struggle to advance their social position. And it demonstrates that the use of such elements of ethnic culture enabled the Polish immigrant working class to appeal to the wider ethnic community, including the ethnic middle class, for support during strikes and other forms of protest

    Stulecie amerykańskiej literatury o Polonii 1900-2000

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    "Spróbuję pobieżnie scharakteryzować dokonania amerykańskiej literatury historycznej dotyczące polskiej grupy etnicznej w USA. Podobne podsumowania czynione od czasu do czasu pomagają definiować nowe perspektywy badawcze. Także po naszej stronie Oceanu."(...

    Okrutni neprijatelji i plemeniti junaci: slike o »nama« i »njima« u poljsko-američkim udžbenicima (do tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća)

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    Ethnic schools had an important role to play in propagating profiles of “ideal” heroes and members of society among immigrant communities. Consequently, it was often the role of school coursebooks to inform pupils of the messages adults wanted to transmit to the younger generation. In this paper the author attempts to describe contents of various textbooks used in Polish-American parochial schools. Invention of national mythology and simplification of facts was necessary to facilitate the memorizing process as required. But to form group solidarity one also had to identify common enemies. Various textbooks published in the U.S.A. before World War I did not help immigrants’ children to acculturate to their American realities. Being very didactic, they focused mainly on Polish realities and Polish history. Only after World War I did an American presence become more visible in books used in the first grade. In thirties Felicians predominantly used textbooks written in the U.S.A., mainly by S. M. Cyryla (Magdalena Tobaka). The heroes they presented were characterized schematically, and the ideals found therein were alien to Polish-American children. Polska by S. Mary Cyryla, was the book on which this analysis was based. The image of Poles and “other” nations is surprisingly defined in black and white. Foreign nations are depicted as cruel, monstrous, villain, pagan, barbaric, etc. “Us”, the Poles, are seen as brave, just, good, wise, honest, faithful, etc., they “have loved faith, country, and language” etc. Cyryla’s textbook tried to engender feelings of community by dividing the world into “us” and “them”, thereby provoking antagonism towards “them.” Polish personality traits were very much in keeping with the images and self-stereotypes which Polish society had about itself. In constructing a positive and ideal self-image, it was useful for “others” and “strangers” to be depicted as “enemies”. “They” were described negatively by their religion and, more often, by their “spirit,” “intellect” and “behavior”.Etničke škole odigrale su važnu ulogu u propagiranju profila »idealnih« junaka i članova društva u imigrantskim zajednicama. Dosljedno tome, uloga školskih udžbenika često je bila upoznati učenike s porukama koje su odrasli željeli prenijeti mladom naraštaju. U ovom radu autor pokušava opisati sadržaje različitih udžbenika koji su se upotrebljavali u poljsko-američkim vjerskim školama. Izmišljanje nacionalne mitologije i pojednostavnjivanje činjenica bili su nužni kako bi se olakšao proces memoriranja koji se zahtijevao. Ali za oblikovanje grupne solidarnosti bilo je potrebno identificirati zajedničke neprijatelje. Različiti udžbenici objavljeni u SAD-u prije Prvoga svjetskog rata nisu djeci imigranata pomogli pri akulturaciji na američku stvarnost. Oni su bili vrlo didaktični i uglavnom su se koncentrirali na poljsku zbilju i poljsku povijest. Tek je nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata američka prisutnost postala vidljivijom u knjigama za prvi stupanj. U tridesetim godinama časne sestre felicijanke pretežno su upotrebljavale udžbenike napisane u SAD-u, i to one koje je napisala redovnica M. Cyryla (Magdalena Tobaka). U njima su junaci okarakterizirani shematski, a uzori koje su sadržavali bili su strani poljsko-američkoj djeci. Ta analiza temelji se na knjizi Polska s. Mary Cyryle. Slika Poljaka i »ostalih« naroda iznenađujuće je crno-bijela. Strani narodi opisuju se kao okrutni, monstruozni, negativci, pogani, barbarski itd. »Mi«, Poljaci, ocrtani su kao hrabri, pravedni, dobri, pametni, pošteni, vjerni itd., oni »vole vjeru, zemlju i jezik« itd. Udžbenik s. Cyryle nastojao je probuditi osjećaj zajedništva dijeleći svijet na »mi« i »oni«, izazivajući time antagonizam prema »njima«. Osobne značajke Poljaka jako su se poklapale sa slikama i samostereotipovima koje je poljsko društvo imalo o sebi. Stvarajući pozitivnu i idealnu sliku o samome sebi, bilo je korisno »druge« i »strance« ocrtati kao »neprijatelje«. »Oni« su negativno opisani prema svojoj vjeri i, češće, prema svojem »duhu«, »umu« i »ponašanju«

    Poland as the »Promised Land«: Polish-American corporations and Poland after World War I

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    The article discusses the problem of return migration from the USA to Poland after World War I, particularly one aspect of it: the ideologically motivated returns of organizers of approximately 200 cooperatives and corporations, the activity of which was transplanted to independent Poland. Most of these attempts failed and the image of Poland as the »Promised Land« for fonner emigrants disappeared