461 research outputs found

    Spatial Modeling for Learning Media of Tsunami Risk Reduction in the Field of Education

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    This research aims at reducing the risks of tsunami by (1) optimizing the learning media of earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation, (2) designing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and (3) applying community-based disaster risk management through spatial modeling to students. Through the activities, the students are expected to comprehend the early detections of tsunami and mitigation efforts that need to be made. The methods employed are conducting survey at lowland areas in Pacitan which are vulnerable to tsunami disaster, mapping tsunami-prone areas, constructing the map of tsunami disaster risks. By applying Geospatial Information Technology a tsunami model and its impacts are created at the lowlands in Pacitan. The preliminary data are taken by using either remote sensing imagery or aerial photography in which the image processing has been conducted before. The results of this application will be used to train teachers in the Teacher Networks (MGMP—Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) of Geography and Guidance and Counseling (BP) subjects. This research will be carried out in three stages, comprising the identification of DRR media, the practice of DRR using spatial information technology, particularly spatial modeling, and the simulation of tsunami disaster mitigation

    Spatial Modeling for Learning Media of Tsunami Risk Reduction in The Field of Education

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    This research aims at reducing the risks of tsunami by (1) optimizing the learning media of earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation, (2) designing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and (3) applying community-based disaster risk management through spatial modeling to students. Through the activities, the students are expected to comprehend the early detections of tsunami and mitigation efforts that need to be made. The methods employed are conducting survey at lowland areas in Pacitan which are vulnerable to tsunami disaster, mapping tsunami-prone areas, constructing the map of tsunami disaster risks. By applying Geospatial Information Technology a tsunami model and its impacts are created at the lowlands in Pacitan. The preliminary data are taken by using either remote sensing imagery or aerial photography in which the image processing has been conducted before. The results of this application will be used to train teachers in the Teacher Networks (MGMP—Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) of Geography and Guidance and Counseling (BP) subjects. This research will be carried out in three stages, comprising the identification of DRR media, the practice of DRR using spatial information technology, particularly spatial modeling, and the simulation of tsunami disaster mitigation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang kebijakan dan strategi pertahanan Indonesia dengan membahas permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan kasus konflik di Laut Cina Selatan. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan dan strategi pertahanan Indonesia guna mengantisipasi konflik Laut Cina Selatan belumlah berjalan dengan baik. Ditemukan bahwa kebijakan dan strategi pertahanan belum sejalan dengan kebijakan luar negeri yang memberikan perhatian khusus pada dinamika kawasan Asia Tenggara wilayah Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara ASEAN yang memiliki wilayah terluas baik di darat dan dilaut, dalam hal ini termasuk yang berada di kawasasn Laut Cina Selatan. Yang dimana dalam hal iini cara yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia diniai masih berjalan belum secara efektif dan dinilai belum mengatasi permasalahan Laut Cina Selatan yang terjadi bahkan hingga kin


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    Diabetic nephropathy(DN) has been a leading cause of the initiation of dialysis in Japan. We have concentrated on the research on the pathogenesis of DN and focused on the relevant role of proximal tubular(PT) cells based on the concept that DN is a metabolic disease on the kidney. We have identified Sirtuin molecule that was shown to be related to the lifespan of various organisms as a player in the initiation of DN in the early stage before the onset albuminuria. We have established the working hypothesis “Tubular-glomerular interaction”. Another important molecule which draws an attention in this field is sodium-coupled glucose co-transporter 2(SGLT2) which is expressed in PT and reabsorbs glucose from primary filtrate from the glomerulus. The recent clinical trials using SGLT2 inhibitor demonstrated the renoprotective effects on the DN as well as non-DN chronic kidney disease(CKD). At present, SGLT2 inhibitor can be prescribed for the treatment to DN as well as non-DN CKD. Finally, mineralocorticoid receptor(MR) antagonist(MRA) is another reagent for the treatment of DN. Non-epithelial cells in the kidney expresses MR such as mesangial dells, podocytes, or glomerular endothelial cells. Last year it was published that MRA can retard the progression of DN and reduced the renal specific outcomes. MRA, finerenone, became available for the treatment of DN. Before that we have reported that the high serum aldosterone levels are an independent risk factors for the progression of CKD and MRA can reduce eGFR decline of CKD patients. The future picture of kidney disease will change profoundly owing to the newly developed drug, such as SGLT2 inhibitor or MRA. I have now challenged to develop new health-care system for the identification of CKD patients at the early stage

    The effect of aldosterone and aldosterone blockade on the progression of chronic kidney disease : a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    The progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) cannot be completely inhibited. We first explored factors contributing to CKD progression in patients with CKD in a prospective observational study. In the next phase, we focused on the effects of aldosterone, conducting a single-blinded placebo-controlled study using the selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA), eplerenone (25 mg/day). We recruited patients with CKD stage 2 and 3 whose plasma aldosterone concentration was above 15 ng/dL based on the prior data of a prospective observational study. In the CKD cohort study (n = 141), baseline plasma aldosterone concentration was identified as an independent contributory factor for the future rate of change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). When the cut-off value for aldosterone was set at 14.5 ng/dL, the decline rate was significantly higher in patients with higher plasma aldosterone concentration (− 1.22 ± 0.39 ml/min/1.73 m2/year vs. 0.39 ± 0.40 ml/min/1.73 m2/year, p = 0.0047). In the final intervention study, in the eplerenone group, eGFR dropped at 6 months after the initiation of the study, and thereafter eGFR was maintained until the end of the study. At 24 months and 36 months, eGFR was significantly higher in the eplerenone group than in the placebo group. In conclusion, MRA can be an effective strategy in preventing CKD progression, especially in patients with high plasma aldosterone