10 research outputs found

    ETS-5, ETS-6, and COMETS projects in Japan

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    Three satellite communication projects now in progress in Japan are described. The first is a project to establish a telecommunication network for tele-education, TV conference, and tele-medicine in the Asia-Pacific region by using the Japan's Engineering Test Satellite-5 (ETS-5). The second is a project of the ETS-6 satellite, to be launched in 1993, for inter-satellite communication, mobile and fixed communication, and millimeter wave personal communication experiments. The third is a project of the Communications and Broadcasting Engineering Test Satellite (COMETS), to be launched in 1997, for advanced mobile satellite communication, inter-satellite link, and advanced broadcasting experiments at higher frequencies

    Land mobile satellite propagation measurements in Japan using ETS-V satellite

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    Propagation characteristics of land mobile satellite communications channels have been investigated actively in recent years. Information of propagation characteristics associated with multipath fading and shadowing is required to design commercial land mobile satellite communications systems, including protocol and error correction method. CRL (Communications Research Laboratory) has carried out propagation measurements using the Engineering Test Satellite-V (ETS-V) at L band (1.5 GHz) through main roads in Japan by a medium gain antenna with an autotracking capability. This paper presents the propagation statistics obtained in this campaign

    ニホン ニ オケル セッショク ショウガイ ベイコク ト ノ ヒカク

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    近年、日本においてメタボリックシンドロームの患者数は増加する一方で、若い女性のやせの増加がうかがえる。日本における摂食障害の発症頻度は1990年代後半から急激に増加し欧米の国々と肩を並べてきている。しかし、欧米のように、日本ではここ10年間のきちんとした全国的な疫学調査がなされていない。また、日本では管理栄養士が介入した摂食障害の栄養指導はあまり行われてないのが現状である。これまでに米国の摂食障害の状況や摂食障害治療における米国の管理栄養士の役割と日本の現状を比較した論文は見当たらない。したがって、アメリカ合衆国と比較しながら、日本の摂食障害の現状をまとめた。その結果、管理栄養士が摂食障害治療チームに加わり栄養療法を行えるように、正確な実態を把握するための全国的な調査の必要性および摂食障害治療における栄養療法の重要性を示し、管理栄養士の役割を見出した。Although the number of patients with metabolic syndrome has been increasing recently, young females are still more likely to become thin. The incidence rate of eating disorders has been increasing rapidly since the late 1990\u27s and growing closer to that of Western countries. In contrast to the Western countries we looked at in our study, there has been no national epidemiological survey in the past 10 years in Japan. Additionally, it is still not common that registered dietitians join in treatment of eating disorders and provide nutrition therapy in Japan. Thus, this paper gave the outline of eating disorders in Japan by summarizing and comparing with the situation in the United States. This study revealed the importance of large national epidemiological surveys, medical nutrition therapy, and the role of registered dietitians in order to encourage registered dietitians to provide nutrition therapy by joining the teams treating eating disorders

    カガク リョウホウカ 二 アル マッキ カンサイボウ ガン カンジャ ノ アエン ケツボウ

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    末期肝細胞癌患者では栄養状態の悪化が多く見られ,これは予後を左右する重要な因子である。化学療法目的で入院した 33名の IV 期肝細胞癌患者で,食事摂取状況と臨床検査データとの関連を調べた。血清中の直接ビリルビン,間接ビリルビン,LDH, AST, ALT, ALP, アルブミン,CRP, AFP さらに入院中の平均食事摂取率,食事摂取量,摂取エネルギー量,摂取食塩相当量,鉄摂取量,亜鉛摂取量,ビタミンK 摂取量および年齢を変数として重相関分析を行った。食事摂取率に影響を及ぼしているものは CRP と AFP であり,CRP に影響を及ぼしているものは亜鉛摂取量であった。亜鉛摂取量に影響を及ぼしているものは CRP と AFP であり,亜鉛摂取量はアルブミンにも影響を及ぼしていた。以上の結果から,亜鉛欠乏は本病状と深い関係があることを示しており,これらの患者においてこの問題を改善することが必要と考える。Malnutrition frequently occurs in end-stage hepatocellular carcinoma patients, and can influence survival in the patients. The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationships between clinical and dietary indices in the patients. The clinical data of 33 patients affected by hepatocellular carcinoma (stage IV) who had been hospitalized to receive chemotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. A multiple regression analysis was performed based on the blood data (albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, -fetoprotein, and C-reactive protein) and the mean values of daily dietary indices (intake rate, dietary intake, energy intake, NaCl intake, iron intake, zinc intake, and vitamin K intake) during hospitalization. Both the intake rate and the zinc intake were significantly correlated with the C-reactive protein and -fetoprotein levels, while the albumin level was significantly correlated with the zinc intake and the ALT level. These results showed that zinc deficiency is correlated with a relatively poor prognosis. Thus, it is necessary to improve the problem in the affected patients

    Signaling Pathway of Histamine H1 Receptor-Mediated Histamine H1 Receptor Gene Upregulation Induced by Histamine in U-373 MG Cells

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    Histamine H1 receptor (H1R) is one of the targets of histamine in the nervous system and the peripheral tissues. Protein kinase Cδ (PKCδ) signaling is involved in histamine-induced upregulation of H1R gene expression in HeLa cells. Histamine also upregulates H1R gene expression in U-373 MG cells. However, the molecular signaling of this upregulation is still unclear. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanism of histamine-induced H1R gene upregulation in U-373 MG cells. Histamine-induced H1R gene upregulation was inhibited by H1R antagonist d-chlorpheniramine, but not by ranitidine, ciproxifan, or JNJ77777120, and H2R, H3R, or H4R antagonists, respectively. Ro-31-8220 and Go6976 also suppressed this upregulation, however, the PKCδ selective inhibitor rottlerin and the PKCβ selective inhibitor Ly333531 did not. Time-course studies showed distinct kinetics of H1R gene upregulation in U-373 MG cells from that in HeLa cells. A promoter assay revealed that the promoter region responsible for H1R gene upregulation in U-373 MG cells was different from that of HeLa cells. These data suggest that the H1R-activated H1R gene expression signaling pathway in U-373 MG cells is different from that in HeLa cells, possibly by using different promoters. The involvement of PKCα also suggests that compounds that target PKCδ could work as peripheral type H1R-selective inhibitors without a sedative effect