1,112 research outputs found

    A Polar-Nulceus Dark Lane in the Barred Spiral M83: Three-Dimensional Accretion in the Nucleus

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    The central region of the barred spiral galaxy M83 reveals a polar-nucleus dust lane, wh ich extends from the NE molecular bar and crosses the central bulge. Its SW counterpart is not visible, being hidden behind the bulge. This asymmetry, in spite of the galaxy's face-on orientation and the symmetric bar struct ure in the CO-line emission, indicates that the dark lane is an off-plane structure. Such a ``polar-nucleus'' structure can be formed by a non-coplanar, three-dimensional acc retion in a warped disk.Comment: (to appear in AJ), 5 pages, plainTeX, U-Tokyo Astro. No.93-2

    The nonperturbative origin of delta-function singularity in the chirally-odd twist-3 distribution function e(x)

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    We analytically prove that the existence of the delta-function singularity in the chirally-odd twist-3 distribution e(x)e(x) of the nucleon is inseparably connected with the nonvanishing quark condensate as a signal of the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of the QCD vacuum. This singularity in e(x)e(x), which would be observed as a sizable violation of the 1st moment sum rule, is then interpreted as giving a very rare case that the nontrivial vacuum structure of QCD manifests in an observable of a localized QCD excitation, i.e. the nucleon.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps-figur

    Do we expect light flavor sea-quark asymmetry also for the spin-dependent distribution functions of the nucleon?

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    After taking account of the scale dependence by means of the standard DGLAP evolution equation, the theoretical predictions of the chiral quark soliton model for the unpolarized and longitudinally polarized structure functions of the nucleon are compared with the recent high energy data. The theory is shown to explain all the qualitative features of the experiments, including the NMC data for F2p(x)F2n(x)F_2^p (x) - F_2^n (x), F2n(x)/F2p(x)F_2^n (x) / F_2^p (x), the Hermes and NuSea data for dˉ(x)uˉ(x)\bar{d}(x) - \bar{u}(x), the EMC and SMC data for g1p(x)g_1^p(x), g1n(x)g_1^n(x) and g1d(x)g_1^d(x). Among others, flavor asymmetry of the longitudinally polarized sea-quark distributions is a remarkable prediction of this model, i.e., it predicts that Δdˉ(x)Δuˉ(x)=Cxα[dˉ(x)uˉ(x)]\Delta \bar{d}(x) - \Delta \bar{u}(x) = C x^{\alpha} [ \bar{d}(x) - \bar{u}(x)] with a sizable negative coefficient C2.0C \simeq -2.0 (and α0.12\alpha \simeq 0.12) in qualitative consistency with the recent semi-phenomenological analysis by Morii and Yamanishi.Comment: 14pages, including 5 eps_figures with epsbox.sty, late

    Light-flavor sea-quark distributions in the nucleon in the SU(3) chiral quark soliton model (I) -- phenomenological predictions --

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    Theoretical predictions are given for the light-flavor sea-quark distributions including the strange quark ones on the basis of the flavor SU(3) version of the chiral quark soliton model. Careful account is taken here of the SU(3) symmetry breaking effects due to the mass difference between the strange and nonstrange quarks. This effective mass difference Δms\Delta m_s between the strange and nonstrange quarks is the only one parameter necessary for the flavor SU(3) generalization of the model. A particular emphasis of study is put on the {\it light-flavor sea-quark asymmetry} as exemplified by the observables dˉ(x)uˉ(x),dˉ(x)/uˉ(x),Δuˉ(x)Δdˉ(x)\bar{d} (x) - \bar{u} (x), \bar{d} (x) / \bar{u} (x), \Delta \bar{u} (x) - \Delta \bar{d} (x) as well as on the {\it particle-antiparticle asymmetry} of the strange quark distributions represented by s(x)sˉ(x),s(x)/sˉ(x),Δs(x)Δsˉ(x)s (x) - \bar{s} (x), s (x) / \bar{s} (x), \Delta s (x) - \Delta \bar{s} (x) etc. As for the unpolarized sea-quark distributions, the predictions of the model seem qualitatively consistent with the available phenomenological information provided by the NMC data for dˉ(x)uˉ(x)\bar{d} (x) - \bar{u} (x), the E866 data for dˉ(x)/uˉ(x)\bar{d} (x) / \bar{u} (x), the CCFR data and Barone et al.'s fit for s(x)/sˉ(x)s (x) / \bar{s} (x) etc. The model is shown to give several unique predictions also for the spin-dependent sea-quark distribution, such that Δs(x)Δsˉ(x)0\Delta s (x) \ll \Delta \bar{s}(x) \lesssim 0 and Δdˉ(x)<0<Δuˉ(x)\Delta \bar{d}(x) < 0 < \Delta \bar{u}(x), although the verification of these predictions must await more elaborate experimental investigations in the near future.Comment: 36 pages, 20 EPS figures. The revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. The title has been changed, and the body of the paper has been divided into two pieces, i.e.. the present one which discusses the main phenomenological predictions of the model and the other one which describes the detailed formulation of the flavor SU(3) chiral quark soliton model to predict light-flavor quark and antiquark distribution functions in the nucleo

    1/Nc1/N_c Rotational Corrections to gAg_A and Isovector Magnetic Moment of the Nucleon

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    The 1/Nc1/N_c rotational corrections to the axial vector constant and the isovector magnetic moment of the nucleon are studied in the Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio model. We follow a semiclassical quantization procedure in terms of path integrals in which we can include perturbatively corrections in powers of angular velocity Ω1Nc\Omega \sim \frac 1{N_c}. We find non-zero 1/Nc1/N_c order corrections from both the valence and the Dirac sea quarks. These corrections are large enough to resolve the long-standing problem of a strong underestimation of both gAg_A and μIV\mu^{IV} in the leading order. The axial constant gAg_A is well reproduced, whereas the isovector magnetic moment μIV\mu^{IV} is still underestimated by 25 \%.Comment: (Revtex), 10 pages (3 figures available on request), report RUB-TPII-53/9

    CO Observations of Luminous IR Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

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    We present new measurement of 12^{12}CO(J=10J=1-0) emission from 16 luminous infrared galaxies (LIGs) at intermediate redshift (cz10,00050,000kms1cz \sim 10,000 - 50,000 {\rm km s^{-1}}). These new data were selected by isolated and normal morphology. The CO observations were performed using the NRO 45-m telescope. Comparison of the CO and dust properties of the new result with those from other CO measurements revealed characteristics of this sample: (1) It is the deepest CO observations of IRAS galaxies at intermediate redshift without strong interaction features. (2) It has typical properties of normal IRAS galaxies in terms of star-formation efficiency, color-color diagrams and galactic nuclear activity. (3) It has smaller gas-to-dust ratio than normal IRAS galaxies. This can be explained by two-component dust model, and our sample consists of most of warm dust.Comment: To appear in PASJ, text 9 pages, 5 tables, and 12 figure

    An Obscured Galaxy Redshift Survey with FLAIR

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    1/Nc1/N_c Rotational Corrections to gAg_A in the NJL Model and Charge Conjugation

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    We show that the 1/Nc1/N_c rotational corrections to gAg_A, derived using the semiclassical quantization scheme in the NJL model, possess correct properties under charge conjugation.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figures, final version published in Phys.Rev.C52(1995)42

    Pions in isospin asymmetric nuclei

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    Using a pair of the lightest mirror nuclei, 3^3He and 3^3H, we study the effect of the medium modification of pion fields on the flavor non-singlet structure function. The change of the pion fields leads to an enhancement of the flavor asymmetry of the antiquark distributions in a nucleus.Comment: 14 pages (4 figures