11 research outputs found

    Harnessing the Potential of Digital Twins: Lessons from Two Mature Case Studies

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    Many enterprises have not progressed their Digital Twins Project to full scale. Daunting interrelated managerial challenges related to developing living learning models, introducing flexible processes, and regulation impede progress. We describe the strategies that General Electrics and Philips are pursuing to address these challenges

    Un esquema clasificatorio para las intervenciones en terapia interpersonal A classificatory schema for psychotherapeutic interventions In interpersonal therapy

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    En el presente artículo exponemos la evolución de las tareas que, como miembros de EIPSI (Equipo de Investigación en Psicología Clínica), venimos desarrollando sobre la evaluación de las intervenciones clínicas de distintos marcos teóricos. En trabajos anteriores hemos descripto la estructura general para la clasificación de intervenciones en tratamientos psicoterapéuticos adherentes a los marcos teóricos psicoanalítico, por un lado, y cognitivo-conductual, por el otro (para mayor información ver: Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006; y Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003). En el presente artículo, presentamos su expansión hacia un nuevo marco teórico: el marco teórico de la Terapia Interpersonal (TIP). Por lo cual, se detalla y se discute la metodología empleada para integrar nuevos elementos específicos sobre un marco de evaluación ya organizado (obstáculos y formas de solucionarlo) y se presentan las tablas para la clasificación de intervenciones específicas interpersonales. Asimismo se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la presente metodología de evaluación de intervenciones en los tratamientos cognitivos y los tratamientos psicoanalíticos.The present paper exposes the evolution of the tasks that we have developed, as members of EIPSI (Equipo de Investigación en Psicología Clínica), about the assessment of clinical interventions from different theoretical frameworks. In previous papers we have described the general structure for the classification of interventions in psychotherapeutic treatments adherent to the psychoanalytic theoretical framework on the one side, and to the cognitive-behavioral, on the other (for more information read: Etchebarne & Waizmann, 2006; and Roussos, Waizmann & Etchebarne, 2003). In the present article we present its expansion toward a new theoretical framework: the Interpersonal Therapy's (IPT) theoretical framework. Thus, the methodology employed to integrate new specific elements on a frame of evaluation already organized, is detailed and discussed (in terms of obstacles and possible solutions), and the schemes for the classification of specific interpersonal interventions are presented. Likewise, the preliminary results obtained by means of the application of the present methodology of evaluation of interventions in cognitive treatments and psychoanalytic treatments are presented

    La interpretación psicoanalítica y su relación en el estilo lingüístico del paciente: Un estudio de caso único The interaction between psychoanalytic interpretations and referential activity (s-wrad): A single case study

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    Objetivos: El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir los resultados de una investigación que evaluó una forma de intervenir específica de un marco teórico, como es la interpretación psicoanalítica, y su interacción con las características discursivas de un paciente, a través del concepto de Actividad Referencial (Bucci, 1997), en base al Diccionario de Actividad Referencial ponderado (S-WRAD) en un estudio de caso único. Métodos: Veintinueve sesiones de un tratamiento grabado en audio durante dos años fueron transcriptos con el fin de analizar la secuencia de intervenciones y su relación con el S-WRAD. Jueces entrenados analizaron un total de 3355 intervenciones utilizando la clasificación de intervenciones realizada por Roussos et al. (Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003; Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006). Las intervenciones se estudiaron dentro del contexto de la sesión teniendo en cuenta tanto el discurso del paciente como el del terapeuta pero únicamente caracterizando las intervenciones del terapeuta. Se encontraron 77 interpretaciones y los valores de SWRAD del momento fueron computados. Resultados: en su mayoría las intervenciones fueron formuladas cuando el nivel de RA se encontraba por encima de la media de la RA del paciente, en una proporción de 1.2. Sin embargo, esta proporción es aún mayor cuando la intervención era una interpretación; en este caso la proporción es de 1.7. Estos resultados sugieren que el tipo de intervención utilizada en un tratamiento varía de acuerdo a las diferencias en el discurso del paciente. Estos resultados se encuentran emparentados con otros estudios que indican la existencia de una interacción entre categorías de intervención y los niveles de RA (Roussos y Leibovich de Duarte, 2002).<br>Aims: The study explores the interaction between the moment of formulation of interpretations in a psychodynamic psychotherapy and the patient's referential activity as measured by the DAAP-WRAD system of Bucci and Maskit (2005), using the Spanish Weighted Referential Activity Dictionary (S-WRAD) of Roussos and O´Connell (2004). Methods: Twenty-nine sessions from a two years audiorecorded treatment were transcribed, in order to analyze the sequence of interventions and its relation with the S-WRAD. A total of 3355 interventions were analyzed independently by trained judges using the classification of interventions developed by Roussos et al. (Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003; Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006). The interventions were studied in their session context, taking into account both the patient and the therapist's speech, but only categorizing the therapist's utterances. 77 interpretations were found, and the S-WRAD values at the moment of formulation were computed. Results: Most of the interventions were formulated when the RA level was higher than the mean of the patient´s RA speech, in a proportion of 1.2. But, this proportion is even higher when the intervention was an interpretation; here the proportion is 1.7. These results suggest that the type of intervention used in a treatment varies according to differences in the patient speech. These results are connected with other studies that found an interaction between intervention categories and the patient's RA level (Roussos y Leibovich de Duarte, 2002)

    Descripción de las intervenciones elegidas por psicoterapeutas psicoanalíticos y cognitivos Description of the interventions chosen by psychoanalytic and cognitive psychotherapists

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    En el presente trabajo se estudiaron las modalidades de intervención de los psicoterapeutas psicoanalíticos y cognitivos. Se buscó indagar acerca de los tipos de intervenciones que utilizan en términos de intervenciones específicas y no específicas, la frecuencia de utilización de las mismas, los momentos en que intervienen dichos terapeutas. Para ello se desarrolló un cuestionario autoadministrable en el cual los terapeutas se autorrotulaban con su marco teórico de referencia. Se utilizó para la construcción de dicho cuestionario la clasificación de las intervenciones desarrollada por Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann (2005). Cuarenta cuestionarios fueron respondidos por psicoterapeutas de ambos marcos teóricos. Entre los resultados obtenidos, pudimos observar que los terapeutas utilizan intervenciones específicas del otro marco teórico de referencia, pero se mantienen fieles a su propio marco en relación con las intervenciones que más utilizan.<br>The purpose of the present work was to study psychoanalytical and cognitive intervention modalities. We tried to see the type of interventions they use in terms of specific and non-specific interventions, the frequency with which they use each intervention, and the timing of their interventions. A group of psychotherapists from both theoretical frames was given a questionnaire directed to learning the kind of interventions they use in the treatments they offer and the way they apply them. The questionnaire was based on the intervention's scheme developed by Roussos, Etchebarne and Waizmann (2005). Based on this questionnaire, interventions used by the group of 40 psychotherapists were studied. In the results we can see that therapists use specific interventions from the other theoretical framework, but stay faithful to their own theoretical frame of reference

    3D nanofabrication on complex seed shapes using glancing angle deposition

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    Three-dimensional (3D) fabrication techniques promise new device architectures and enable the integration of more components, but fabricating 3D nanostructures for device applications remains challenging. Recently, we have performed glancing angle deposition (GLAD) upon a nanoscale hexagonal seed array to create a variety of 3D nanoscale objects including multicomponent rods, helices, and zigzags [1]. Here, in an effort to generalize our technique, we present a step-by-step approach to grow 3D nanostructures on more complex nanoseed shapes and configurations than before. This approach allows us to create 3D nanostructures on nanoseeds regardless of seed sizes and shapes

    Shape control in wafer-based aperiodic 3D nanostructures

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    Controlled local fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures is important to explore and enhance the function of single nanodevices, but is experimentally challenging. We present a scheme based on e-beam lithography (EBL) written seeds, and glancing angle deposition (GLAD) grown structures to create nanoscale objects with defined shapes but in aperiodic arrangements. By using a continuous sacrificial corral surrounding the features of interest we grow isolated 3D nanostructures that have complex cross-sections and sidewall morphology that are surrounded by zones of clean substrate

    Ultrahigh-frequency surface acoustic waves for finite wave-vector spectroscopy of two-dimensional electrons

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    Ultrahigh-frequency (up to 24 GHz) surface acoustic waves were excited with short-period interdigital transducers and detected in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with an optical scheme. We demonstrate that the transducers can be driven in a contactless fashion. Sets of two transducers permitted the coherent emission of surface acoustic waves and the creation of standing waves due to interference. The methods described offer bright prospects for finite wave-vector spectroscopy of two-dimensional electrons in a noninvasive way up to wave numbers of 106 cm–1

    A therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale

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    The aim of the current study was to design and evaluate a therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS). The ANS was created in order to operationalize the construct of dyadic negotiation in psychotherapy and to augment existing conceptualizations of the working alliance. The ANS has existed only as a client self-report form since its inception and has demonstrated promise as a psychotherapy process measure. This research intended to develop a complementary therapist self-report version of the measure. The scale creation process is discussed in detail, and the results of a preliminary psychometric investigation are reported. The ANS-Therapist version (ANS-T) was developed using a sample of therapists (n = 114) through a principal components analysis procedure. The ANS-T contains 9 unidimensional items and was moderately correlated with therapist-reported working alliance (r =.468). The results of the study support the composition of the ANS-T and provide initial support for the reliability and validity of the measure.Fil: Doran, Jennifer M.. Yale School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Safran, Jeremy D.. The New School for Social Research; Estados UnidosFil: Roussos, Andres Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin