364 research outputs found

    The Latin American Social Medicine database

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    BACKGROUND: Public health practitioners and researchers for many years have been attempting to understand more clearly the links between social conditions and the health of populations. Until recently, most public health professionals in English-speaking countries were unaware that their colleagues in Latin America had developed an entire field of inquiry and practice devoted to making these links more clearly understood. The Latin American Social Medicine (LASM) database finally bridges this previous gap. DESCRIPTION: This public health informatics case study describes the key features of a unique information resource intended to improve access to LASM literature and to augment understanding about the social determinants of health. This case study includes both quantitative and qualitative evaluation data. Currently the LASM database at The University of New Mexico brings important information, originally known mostly within professional networks located in Latin American countries to public health professionals worldwide via the Internet. The LASM database uses Spanish, Portuguese, and English language trilingual, structured abstracts to summarize classic and contemporary works. CONCLUSION: This database provides helpful information for public health professionals on the social determinants of health and expands access to LASM

    The Impact of Changing Medicaid Enrollments on New Mexico's Immunization Program

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    Background: Immunizations are an important component to pediatric primary care. New Mexico is a relatively poor and rural state which has sometimes struggled to achieve and maintain its childhood immunization rates. We evaluated New Mexico’s immunization rates between 1996 and 2006. Specifically, we examined the increase in immunization rates between 2002 and 2004, and how this increase may have been associated with Medicaid enrollment levels, as opposed to changes in government policies concerning immunization practices. Methods and Findings: This study examines trends in childhood immunization coverage rates relative to Medicaid enrollment among those receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in New Mexico. Information on health policy changes and immunization coverage was obtained from state governmental sources and the National Immunization Survey. We found statistically significant correlations varying from 0.86 to 0.93 between immunization rates and Medicaid enrollment. Conclusions: New Mexico’s improvement and subsequent deterioration in immunization rates corresponded with changing Medicaid coverage, rather than the state’s efforts to change immunization practices. Maintaining high Medicaid enrollmen

    Hispanic Latin America, Spain and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean: A rich source of reference material for public health, epidemiology and tropical medicine

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    There is a multiplicity of journals originating in Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (SSLAC) in the health sciences of relevance to the fields of epidemiology and public health. While the subject matter of epidemiology in Spain shares many features with its neighbours in Western Europe, many aspects of epidemiology in Latin America are particular to that region. There are also distinctive theoretical and philosophical approaches to the study of epidemiology and public health arising from traditions such as the Latin American social medicine movement, of which there may be limited awareness. A number of online bibliographic databases are available which focus primarily on health sciences literature arising in Spain and Latin America, the most prominent being Literatura Latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) and LATINDEX. Some such as LILACS also extensively index grey literature. As well as in Spanish, interfaces are provided in English and Portuguese. Abstracts of articles may also be provided in English with an increasing number of journals beginning to publish entire articles written in English. Free full text articles are becoming accessible, one of the most comprehensive sources being the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). There is thus an extensive range of literature originating in Spain and SSLAC freely identifiable and often accessible online, and with the potential to provide useful inputs to the study of epidemiology and public health provided that any reluctance to explore these resources can be overcome. In this article we provide an introduction to such resources

    Information Needs of Hong Kong Chinese Patients Undergoing Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The provision of information to patients is an important aspect of contemporary health care. Limitations in health resources necessitates that the provision of information is carefully planned and culturally specific to maximize the benefits to patients from the resources available. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the study were to recognize Chinese surgical patients' information needs on admission and ascertain why the information is important to assist in understanding how it is used and, therefore, its potential impact. METHODS: A descriptive study design was used. A convenience sample of 83 surgical patients took part comprising 51 men and 32 women. An eight-item questionnaire based on the right of patients to information as listed in the Patients' Charter in Hong Kong using a 5-point Likert scale and one open-ended question to comment on why the information was important to them was completed by patients on the day of admission. RESULTS: Patients rated highly the need for all types of information. They rated most highly the need for information about the signs and symptoms indicating postoperative complications and when to seek medical help. Patients did not rate as highly, information regarding why the doctor believes the surgery is important, treatment alternatives and explanation of the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that Chinese patients are desirous of a range of relevant information. RELEVANCE TO PRACTICE: Nursing staff, in particular, need to consider the 'timeliness' of information and the cultural appropriateness of how information is delivered

    Boundaries Around the 'Well-Informed' Patient: The Contribution of Schutz to Inform Nurses' Interactions

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    Aim. The aim of this paper is to explore the operation of two different types of knowledge in health care and the position of the nurse to assist in the confluence of knowledge to develop the well-informed patient. Background. If patients are to be active participants in their care they require useful information. Interactions in contemporary health care mostly involve 'medico-scientific' knowledge, that refers to the 'science' of patients' conditions, as opposed to 'everyday' knowledge, which refers to information that can assist patients in lifestyle matters relating to their condition. Theoretical perspective. This paper draws on the work of the 'well-informed citizen' as proposed by Schutz in the analysis of two patient case studies of practices in the acute care setting of the hospital. Method. Data collection was undertaken through fieldwork, incorporating participant observation and discussions with patients in general medical/surgical areas. Results. Two patient case studies representative of the findings are analysed. Analysis identifies the predominant use of 'medico-scientific' knowledge to the detriment of 'everyday' knowledge during interactions between patients and all health professionals. Conclusions. There is predisposition in the acute context to interact in 'medico-scientific' knowledge as opposed to 'everyday' knowledge that does not facilitate a comprehensive understanding by patients of how they can best manage their lifestyle. Relevance to clinical practice. Using the notion of Schutz's 'well-informed' citizen this study identifies strategies for nursing staff to capture and explore the development of 'everyday' knowledge that can assist patients to become more informed and improve their health management

    How to summarise and report written qualitative data from patients: a method for use in cancer support care

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    Goals of work: Determination of key themes to aid the analysis of qualitative data collected at three cancer support centres in England, using the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW) questionnaire. Patients and methods: People with cancer who use complementary therapies experience and value a wide range of treatment effects, yet tools are urgently required to quantitatively measure these outcomes. MYCAW is an individualised questionnaire used in cancer support centres providing complementary therapies, scoring 'concerns or problems' and 'wellbeing' and collects qualitative data about other major events in a patient's life and what has been most important to the patient. Content analysis on 782 MYCaW questionnaires from people at these cancer support centres was carried out. The "concerns", "other things going on in their life" and "important aspects of centre" were thematically categorised, externally validated by a focus group and the inter-rater reliability calculated. Main results: Clinical information from a cancer patient's perspective was collected that is not measured on standard quality of life questionnaires; furthermore some themes acknowledge the multifaceted aspects of CAM provision, rather than information only relating to the therapeutic intervention. Categories for qualitative MYCaW analysis have been established providing a tool for future research and/or service delivery improvement within cancer support centres such as these. Conclusions: The established themes provide a framework to aid analysis of qualitative aspects of complementary therapy care for people with cancer, improving our understanding of how the patient’s cancer experience can be aided by complementary therapies in specialized cancer centres