209 research outputs found

    Accounting undergraduates learning approaches: case of a Malaysian public university

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    Concerns about graduates’ employability are not new. Being burdened with accounting standards to be memorised and regurgitated in examinations does little to encourage learning with understanding, i.e. deep learning. Yet, deep learning is pertinent for development of generic employability skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. This study examines the extent to which accounting undergraduates at a public university in Malaysia adopt deep learning via a questionnaire survey. Results suggest that surface learning, which promotes rote memorisation and is often blamed for graduates’ incompetence, is the first step towards deep learning. Having a thirst for meanings has been found to be pertinent to motivate undergraduates to move from rote memorisation to seek meanings and thus deep learning. Female undergraduates have been found to be more inclined to adopt deep learning compared with their male counterparts. Nonetheless, much is still to be learned to promote deep learning, which is a complex process that is not constrained to the campus


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    Learning approaches in accounting education: towards deep learning

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    Deep learning facilitates development of generic skills pertinent to prepare graduates for employment. Accounting education with syllabuses burdened with accounting standards to be memorized and regurgitated in examinations does little to promote deep learning. This study conducted a questionnaire survey to examine the extent to which accounting undergraduates at a public university in Malaysia adopt deep learning. This study demonstrates that deep learning is not readily attainable. Surface learning, which promotes rote memorization, constitutes a stepping stone towards deep learning. Having a preference or thirst for meanings is also pertinent to motivate undergraduates to move from rote memorization to seek meanings and thus deep learning. Female undergraduates have been found to be more inclined to adopt deep learning. Much is still to be learned on how best to promote deep learning as learning is a life-long process where everyday life experiences, both on and off-campus, facilitate learning and development

    Review on the characteristic and feasibility of leachate for biogas production by anaerobic digestion

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    The sound handling of municipal solid waste (MSW) is of high priority to minimise environmental degradation and pollution. MSW can be treated via various technologies including landfilling, incineration, composting, anaerobic digestion (AD) and more. Landfill without landfill gas capturing serves as an enclosed bioreactor to store and stabilise waste. Other technologies such as incineration, composting and AD allow substantial volume reduction and generate value-added products. The treatment for MSW is commonly focusing on the solid part. Organic waste contains high moisture content of 70 - 90 %. The pressing of the water content before entering treatment unit, the release of water during and after the treatment, can generate high strength wastewater, known as leachate. Leachate is rich in organic matter, organic pollutants, pathogens, heavy metals and more, which can lead to severe secondary environmental pollution if not properly treated. Leachate from different treatment units showed certain unique characteristics, such as high Na, high Ca, different species and availability of heavy metals. This review summarised some of the important characteristics of different leachates and the suitability of AD as a mean of treatment. The efficiency of AD to treat leachate was presented in terms of the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biogas production. The COD removal efficiency was between 60 - 98 %, following the treatment of different leachates under different reactors and operational parameters. Among the different stream of leachates, the leachate from landfill is most commonly studied as a co-digestion substrate for AD, as compared to leachate from the composting facility

    Studies on the storage stability of fermented red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) drink

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of storage temperatures and duration on the stability of fermented red dragon fruit drink (FRDFD) on its betacyanins content, physicochemical and microbiological qualities (BPM) and determining sensory acceptability. Results showed that both storage temperatures and duration have a significant effect on betacyanins content and physicochemical properties of FRDFD. Aerobic mesophilic and yeast and mold counts were lower than 1 × 103 CFU/mL for FRDFD stored at both temperatures. The loss of betanin (16.53–13.93 g/L) at 4 °C was 15.73% with no significant changes in physicochemical properties from week two onwards compared to 56.32% (16.53–7.22 g/L) of betanin loss at 25 °C. At week eight, FRDFD stored at 4 °C still contained 13.93 g/L betanin with a pH value of 3.46, suggested its potential as a functional drink which is sensory acceptable (mean score > 80% using hedonic test) among consumers

    Study on bioaccessibility of betacyanins from red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

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    Betacyanins are bioactive dietary phytochemicals which can be found in red dragon fruit (RDF). Therefore, the bioaccessibility of betacyanins that present in fermented red dragon fruit drink (RDFD) and pressed red dragon fruit juice (RDFJ) was accessed in simulated gastric and intestinal digestion. Results disclosed that betacyanins from RDFD and RDFJ suffered minor loss (< 25%) at gastric-like environment but greater loss was observed during the intestinal phase digestion. After subjected to intestinal digestion, RDFD retained 46.42% of betanin while RDFJ retained 43.76%, with betanin concentration of 17.12 mM and 12.37 mM, respectively. Findings also revealed that RDFD exhibited higher antioxidant capacity compared to RDFJ after subjected to intestinal digestion, with values of 0.88 mM Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and 0.85 mM TEAC, respectively. The data suggests that betacyanins that present in RDF are bioaccessible while fermentation able to enhance the bioavailability with more betacyanins retained after intestinal digestion

    Fermentation of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) for betalains concentration

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    Red dragon fruits (RDF) contain high levels of health-promoting betalains but its bioavailability in plasma is low (< 1.0%). Therefore, fermentation technique was adopted to improve the yield of betalains presenting in fermented red dragon fruit drink (FRDFD) via concentration. Fermentation of RDF was carried out with autochthonous strains. The objectives of present study were to evaluate 1) the effects of fermentation duration 2) white refined cane sugar to flesh ratio and 3) types of sugar on betalainic (betanin, isobetanin) and non-betalainic phenolic compounds in FRDFD using HPLC-DAD, total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) assay. Results indicated that all fermentation parameters showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the yields of betalainic (betanin, isobetanin) and non-betalainic phenolic compounds in FRDFD. The best fermentation parameters were 7 days fermentation at 10% white refined cane sugar to flesh ratio. The highest concentration of betanin, TPC and TFC achieved were 131.68 g/L, 1136.85 mg GAE/100mL and 10.39 mg CE/100mL respectively. The concentration of betanin obtained through best fermentation parameters (131.68 g/L) in present study has increased nine-fold compared to non-optimized fermentation (14.23 g/L). This indicated that fermentation is a potential economic processing technique to concentrate bioactive compounds present in functional drinks

    Maternal blood pressure during pregnancy and early childhood blood pressures in the offspring

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    10.1097/MD.0000000000001981Medicine94451-9GUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes