377 research outputs found

    Organizational effectiveness : a study of the concept with empirical reference to a general nurse training system.

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    The concept of organizational effectiveness is of vital importance to accountants because it forms the ultimate criterion for the design of accounting information systems for control. It also has close conceptual links with the concept of corporate accountability. Depending on how an accountant defines effective organizational behaviour he/she will seek to design management information systems that implement and achieve this perspective. Depending on how and in whose interests a corporation is seen to be working towards accountants will design appropriate corporate reports. This thesis examines the concept in detail and argues that theories of effectiveness have" generally been developed on what Habermas calls a technical level of interest. Little research attention has been paid to developing concepts of effectiveness on the hermeneutical and critical levels of interest. Critique, however, is felt to be vital for the moral and intellectual development of social theory and social science, of which accounting is constitutive. Indeed, Habermas argues that the function of theoretical and practical discourse is to help lead to an ideal situation of rational consensus and of free speech which is unconstrained by sources of domination. Based on this epistemological stance, the thesis develops a technically-interested theory of O.E. This and the research inSights it produces are evaluated and an integrated, critical theory of O.E. is proposed. This is then used to generate additional information from the same empirical base~ a process which shows the inadequacy of developing only technical theories of effectiveness. Finally, the implications of such an integrated theory of O.E. for accounting are examined and new research directions are suggested. The structure of the thesis itself has attempted to be an analogue of critique~ beginning with a technical theory of O.E., evaluating this and proposing an enriched, integrated alternative. It has also attempted to be a thesis in the social science, emphasizing the holism of social knowledge

    Chaotic behaviors of a digital filter with two’s complement arithmetic and arbitrary initial conditions and order

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    This letter shows some counter-intuitive simulation results that the symbolic sequences and the state variables of a digital filter with two’s complement arithmetic and arbitrary initial conditions and order will be eventually zero when all the filter parameters are even numbers, no matter the system matrix of the filter is stable or not

    : health is my capital: a qualitative study of access to healthcare by Chinese migrants in Singapore.

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    BACKGROUND: Since the 1970s, Singapore has turned into one of the major receiving countries of foreign workers in Southeast Asia. Over the years, challenges surrounding access to healthcare by Chinese migrant workers have surfaced globally. This study aims to explore the experiences of Chinese migrants accessing primary and secondary/tertiary healthcare in Singapore, and the opportunities for overcoming these barriers. METHODS: We conducted 25 in-depth interviews of 20 Chinese migrants and five staff from HealthServe, a non-governmental organization serving Chinese migrants in Singapore from October 2015 to January 2016. Interviews were transcribed and analysed inductively adopting thematic analysis. RESULTS: Chinese migrants in Singapore who were interviewed are mainly middle-aged breadwinners with multiple dependents. Their concept of health is encapsulated in a Chinese proverb "", meaning "health is my capital". Health is defined by them as a personal asset, needed to provide for their families. From their health-seeking behaviors, six pathways were identified, highlighting different routes chosen and resulting outcomes depending on whether their illness was perceived as major or minor, and if they sought help from the private or public sector private or public sector. Key barriers were identified relating to vulnerabilities during the migration process, during their illness, when consulting with healthcare providers, and during repatriation. A transactional doctor-patient culture in China contrasts with the trust migrants place in Singaporean's public health system, perceived as equitable and personable. However, challenges remain for injured migrants who sought help from the private sector and those with chronic diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Policy recommendations to increase patient autonomy enabling choice of healthcare provider and provide for non-work related illnesses are suggested. Partnerships between migrant advocacy organizations and various stakeholders such as hospitals, government agencies and employers can be strengthened

    Mechanism of inhibitory effect of atorvastatin on resistin expression induced by tumor necrosis factor-α in macrophages

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    Atorvastatin has been shown to reduce resistin expression in macrophages after pro-inflammatory stimulation. However, the mechanism of reducing resistin expression by atorvastatin is not known. Therefore, we sought to investigate the molecular mechanisms of atorvastatin for reducing resistin expression after proinflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) stimulation in cultured macrophages. Cultured macrophages were obtained from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. TNF-α stimulation increased resistin protein and mRNA expression and atorvastatin inhibited the induction of resistin by TNF-α. Addition of mevalonate induced resistin protein expression similar to TNF-α stimulation. However, atorvastatin did not have effect on resistin protein expression induced by mevalonate. SP600125 and JNK small interfering RNA (siRNA) completely attenuated the resistin protein expression induced by TNF-α and mevalonate. TNF-α induced phosphorylation of Rac, while atorvastatin and Rac-1 inhibitor inhibited the phosphorylation of Rac induced by TNF-α. The gel shift and promoter activity assay showed that TNF-α increased AP-1-binding activity and resistin promoter activity, while SP600125 and atorvastatin inhibited the AP-1-binding activity and resistin promoter activity induced by TNF-α. Recombinant resistin and TNF-α significantly reduced glucose uptake in cultured macrophages, while atorvastatin reversed the reduced glucose uptake by TNF-α. In conclusion, JNK and Rac pathway mediates the inhibitory effect of atorvastatin on resistin expression induced by TNF-α

    Colour Reflectance Investigation of Decolourized Sulfur Dyed Cotton Knitted Fabric via Ozone Plasma Treatment

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    Ozone plasma treatment is accessible to be applied on shading adjustment and colour fading because of the capacity of ozone production. It is a green process that treats dyed cotton fabric under dry condition so as to avoid chemical pollutants. This study means to explore colour reflectance of decolourized sulfur dyed cotton texture using ozone plasma treatment. Sulfur dyed cotton textures with various colour depths (0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5%) were set up to be treated different plasma parameters, including ozone air concentrations (10%, 30%, 50%, 70%), water contents in terms of weight percentage (35%, 45%) of fabric and ozone air plasma treatment periods (10 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins). The colour fading result is assessed by the colour reflectance in percentage (R%) utilizing spectrophotometer under CIE standard illuminant D65. The valid colour fading based on high percentage of reflectance was demonstrated from plasma treatment under higher ozone air concentration (50% and 70% ozone in air) and longer time length of plasma treatment (20 mins and 30 mins). The level of water content contained in the cotton fabrics is appeared to have noteworthy relationship with the degree of decolourization

    Spatiotemporal dipole source localization of face processing ERPs in adolescents: a preliminary study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite extensive investigation of the neural systems for face perception and emotion recognition in adults and young children in the past, the precise temporal activation of brain sources specific to the processing of emotional facial expressions in older children and adolescents is not well known. This preliminary study aims to trace the spatiotemporal dynamics of facial emotion processing during adolescence and provide a basis for future developmental studies and comparisons with patient populations that have social-emotional deficits such as autism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We presented pictures showing happy, angry, fearful, or neutral facial expressions to healthy adolescents (aged 10–16 years) and recorded 128-channel event-related potentials (ERPs) while they performed an emotion discrimination task. ERP components were analyzed for effects of age and emotion on amplitude and latency. The underlying cortical sources of scalp ERP activity were modeled as multiple equivalent current dipoles using Brain Electrical Source Analysis (BESA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Initial global/holistic processing of faces (P1) took place in the visual association cortex (lingual gyrus) around 120 ms post-stimulus. Next, structural encoding of facial features (N170) occurred between 160–200 ms in the inferior temporal/fusiform region, and perhaps early emotion processing (Vertex Positive Potential or VPP) in the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex. Finally, cognitive analysis of facial expressions (P2) in the prefrontal cortex and emotional reactions in somatosensory areas were observed from about 230 ms onwards. The temporal sequence of cortical source activation in response to facial emotion processing was occipital, prefrontal, fusiform, parietal for young adolescents and occipital, limbic, inferior temporal, and prefrontal for older adolescents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is a first report of high-density ERP dipole source analysis in healthy adolescents which traces the sequence of neural activity within the first 500 ms of categorizing emotion from faces. Our spatio-temporal brain source models showed the presence of adult-like cortical networks for face processing in adolescents, whose functional specificity to different emotions appear to be not yet fully mature. Age-related differences in brain activation patterns illustrate the continued development and maturation of distinct neural systems for processing facial expressions during adolescence and possible changes in emotion perception, experience, and reaction with age.</p

    Nutritional Status and Nutritional Knowledge of Malay Pregnant Women in Selected Private Hospitals in Klang Valley

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    Adequate nutrition is important for mothers and their offspring during and after birth. This cross sectional study was conducted to determine nutritional status and nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from two selected private hospitals in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of 236 Malay pregnant women aged between 20 to 45 years old (mean age 31+5 years) were recruited through convenient sampling method. Socio-demographic data, nutritional knowledge and a 24-hours diet recall were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. Anthropometric and haemoglobin data were obtained from the antenatal records in the respective hospitals. The percentages of participants who were underweight, normal, overweight and obese before pregnancy were 12.7%, 55.1%, 25.0% and 7.2% respectively. Among those who were obese before pregnancy, a total of 59.7% had inadequate weight gain, 24.6% gained adequate weight and 15.7% gained excessive gestational weight. About 33.5% of subjects were anaemic (Hb < 11.0g/dL). The mean daily energy intake of the participants was 1748 ± 526 kcal which was 76% of RNI. Calcium (73% of RNI), folic acid (36% of RNI), niacin (89% of RNI) and vitamin D (40% of RNI). The nutritional knowledge level of subjects was moderate (51.9 ± 13.8%). Lower monthly household income (p < 0.001), educational level (p < 0.001) and gestational stage (p < 0.05) of participants were associated with a lower nutritional knowledge level. Nutritional knowledge score was positively correlated with gestational weight gain (r = 0.166, p < 0.05) and haemoglobin level (r = 0.200, p < 0.05). Subjects who claimed practising food taboos had higher nutritional knowledge score (54.9 ± 12.5%) than those who did not (49.9 ± 14.4%)(p < 0.05). A comprehensive nutrition education should be integrated in the antenatal classes to improve nutritional status of pregnant women


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    In a rehabilitation context, athletes may not be able to complete large numbers of trials during testing due to joint edema and pain. The purpose of this research was to determine the minimum number of trials needed to achieve a negligibly fluctuating temporal variance profile during walking gait. The time-series kinematics of the hip, knee and ankle were recorded from 10 participants, completing 11 trials each. The time-series variance of each kinematic variables were calculated for ten trials and used as a reference. Using a two-sample SPM1D {t} (α=0.05), all variance combinations (9, 8, 7, ... 3 of 11 trials) from the same participants were compared to the reference. Results showed a minimum of 7 trials were needed to achieve ’stable‘ kinematic variance during walking gait. This study provides evidence for selecting an appropriate number of walking trials in gait analysis, especially in early-stage rehabilitation for patients with joint pain or edema

    Development of a PCR assay for the detection of nifH and nifD genes in indigenous photosynthetic bacteria.

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    Molybdenum (Mo) nitrogenases consist of two components: dinitrogenase reductase (encoded by nifH) and the dinitrogenase or MoFe protein (encoded by nifDK). Nitrogenase enzyme of photosynthetic bacteria is responsible for hydrogen production. Therefore, primers were designed for the nitrogenase gene only. In this study, two primers (ND and NH) were designed after comparative genomic analysis of nifH and nifD gene sequences from public databases. The designed primers were used for the amplification of nifH and nifD genes to detect nitrogenase genes in photosynthetic bacteria. Initial detection was done using a monoplex Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCRs) followed by optimization of the PCR protocols. Subsequently, a duplex PCR was designed for amplification and detection of nifH and nifD genes in indigenous photosynthetic bacteria. Evaluation of the duplex PCR on six samples isolated from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) showed that only four isolates contained both the nifH and nifD genes, indicating that these isolates were potential hydrogen-producing bacteria. PCR detection provides a rapid and efficient pre-identification of potential photosynthetic bacterial hydrogen producers