19 research outputs found

    Effect Of EM4 and Molasses Levels on Quality of Organic Liquid Fertilizer of Cow Urine Based

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    The research aim was to determine the effect of EM4 and molasses level on the quality of liquid organic fertilizer based on cow urine in terms of total N, C-organic, TDS and pH. The material of liquid organic fertilizer used in this research was cow urine. The method used was an experimental method using a Complete Randomized Design (CRD). The observed variables are total Nitrogen, C-organic content and TDS values. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. The results of the research of the addition of EM4 and molasses with different levels showed a noticeable difference (P<0.05) in total nitrogen. Meanwhile, C-organic and TDS levels showed a very signifactly difference (P<0.01). The result of this research, the addition of EM4 (20 ml) and molasses (25 ml), namely P1, was able to produce high total N levels and with a TDS that was maximum so as not to reduce the quality of nutrients when applied to plants and the C-organic value was the highest than other treatment. The results of the values on P1 were reviewed from N total 0.316 %, C-organic 56.97%, TDS level 7184ppm and pH value 6.6


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    Abstrak Daerah Irigasi Sarangan merupakan salah satu daerah irigasi yang memiliki permasalahan ketersediaan air, yaitu air yang ada tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, dibutuhkan upaya pengelolaan air secara optimal dengan teknik optimasi. Teknik optimasi yang digunakan adalah program dinamik deterministik. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengoptimalkan alokasi air irigasi sehingga diperoleh keuntungan yang maksimum. Fungsi tujuan optimasi adalah keuntungan maksimum dengan fungsi kendala berupa luas lahan dan ketersediaan debit. Pola tata tanam yang digunakan sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Tanam Global (RTTG) periode 2021-2022. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi, diperoleh peningkatan luas tanam serta keuntungan pada Musim Tanam I sebesar 3%, pada Musim Tanam II sebesar 6%, dan pada Musim Tanam III sebesar 7%. Penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi dinas terkait untuk mengetahui pemberian air optimal yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan maksimum berdasarkan ketersediaan air yang ada pada Daerah Irigasi Sarangan. Kata kunci: optimasi, irigasi, program dinamik, deterministik    Abstract The Sarangan Irrigation Area has a problem, namely that there is not enough water to meet irrigation water needs. Optimization techniques are needed based on these problems optimal water management efforts are required. This research aims to optimize irrigation water allocation to obtain maximum profit. The optimization technique used is a deterministic dynamic program. The optimization objective function is the maximum profit with the constraint functions in the form of land area and the availability of discharge. The cropping pattern follows the Global Planting Plan (RTTG) for 2021-2022. Based on the optimization results, it was found that the increase in planted area and profits in the first planting season was 3%, in the second planting season it was 6%, and in the third planting season it was 7%. This research can be useful for the relevant agencies to find out the optimal water supply that can produce maximum profit based on water availability in the Sarangan Irrigation Area. Keywords: optimization, irrigation, dynamic programming, deterministi

    Effects of enzyme levels in total mixed ration containing oil palm frond silage on intake, rumen fermentation, and growth performance of male goat

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    This experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementing the total mixed ration (TMR) containing oil palmfrond (OPF) silage with different levels of enzyme on feed intake and growth performance of goat. Twenty four post-weaningBoer  Thai Native crossbred male goats with initial body weight (BW) of 11-18 kg, were arranged to receive four dietarytreatments in a randomized complete block design. The diet used in the study contained 60% oil palm frond silage and 40%concentrate. The enzyme mixture produced by Aspergillus spp. BCC 274, containing approximately 1107, 9106, 2106, 1106and 2106 unit/kg dry weight for xylanase, -glucanase, cellulase, mannanase and amylase, respectively, was supplementedto the concentrate portion at 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/kgDM of the TMR. The results showed that the supplementation of enzyme tothe TMR did not affect (P>0.05) dry matter intake (DMI). Goats receiving TMR supplemented with enzyme at 2 g/kgDMtended to have higher ADG and better feed per gain ratio as compared with other treatments. Coefficient of DM digestibilityof TMR was not significantly affected by the enzyme supplementation. In addition, there were no significant differences(P>0.05) among treatments regarding, average NH3-N concentration, the amount of C2, C3 and C4 in the rumen fluid and BUNconcentration. However, overall mean of ruminal NH3-N concentration was significantly lower in goat receiving TMR supplemented with enzyme at 2 g/kgDM than that of goat receiving TMR with no enzyme supplementation (P<0.05). Based on thisexperiment, the application of enzyme at 2 g/kgDM in TMR containing OPF silage could increase ruminal availability of slowlydigestible carbohydrate and improve goat performance

    Morphometric Characteristics of Galekan Cattle Breed Base on Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

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    This study obtained morphometric information on Galekan cattle and compared phenotypic characteristics of Galekan cattle with local breed based on previous studies. This research was a case study with purposive sampling using the snowball sampling technique. The material used was 60 cattle of Galekan cattle which were kept in the Technical Unit (UPT) at Dongko and Panggul Sub Districts. The variables observed included qualitative characteristics and quantitative characteristics of morphometric components and body weight. T2-Hotelling test, descriptive statistics, and principal component analysis are used for quantitative data. The results showed that the qualitative characteristics of Galekan cattle were dominated by light brown body color with smear body color border, black backline, black vulva, black tail tip, face color as same as dominant body color, black muzzle, black upper and lower lips, smear white eye area, dark eye circles, black eyelashes, and black ear lines. The characteristics of the body shape of Galekan cattle have upward horns, no hump, and thin dewlap. The results of the T2-Hotelling analysis in UPT showed a significant difference (p <0.05) compared to other cattle in Dongko and Panggul Sub Districts. Principal component analysis (PCA) of Galekan cattle can be characterized by body weight, chest girth, depth chest, Ossa vertebrae lumbales, Ossa metatarsal, and Ossa vertebrae thoracicae

    Relationship of family and self efficacy support to the rehabilitation motivation of stroke patients

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    Stroke is a common global health care problem. Life changes suddenly in a stroke patient impact psychological conditions, including patient motivation, which can interfere with the rehabilitation process after stroke. Post-stroke rehabilitation interventions are indispensable for the recovery of motor function, muscle strengthening, and prevention of other stroke complications. However, only 44% of patients adhere to the rehabilitation program. Factors such as family support and good selfefficacy are important parts of increasing motivation for post-stroke rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between family dependence and self-efficacy with motivation for the post, stroke rehabilitation. Quantitative research with a descriptive correlational design through a cross-sectional approach and 111 post-stroke patients were undergoing post-stroke rehabilitation <1 year, including this study. Roper spearman test was used to determine the relationship between family support and self-efficacy with rehabilitation motivation for stroke patients. The analysis test in this study used the SPSS version 16 application. The results showed a strong relationship between family support and rehabilitation motivation (p = 0.000), coefficient value (r) = 0.620 and self-efficacy relationship with significant rehabilitation motivation (p = 0.000) with coefficient value (r = 0.682) with the direction of a positive relationship. Family support and self-efficacy are closely related to patient motivation in undergoing post-stroke medical rehabilitation. With better family support and selfefficacy of stroke, patients can increase patient motivation in undergoing post-stroke rehabilitatio

    Good dairy farming practices (GDFP) implementation on smallholder dairy farmers in East Java, Indonesia

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    GDFP is a standard guideline for producing good milk quality and efficient production system. GDFP implementation has been less attention among the dairy smallholder farmers. The smallholder farmers are classified into three categories depending on animal ownership; strata 1 (1-3 AU), strata 2 (4-6 AU), and strata 3 (>7 AU). This research determines the score of GDFP implementation on smallholder farmers in East Java. The total respondents were 56, with 325 dairy cattle. A questionnaire and field observations were used to collect data using the survey method. The farmers were interviewed using a prepared questionnaire with general information about their farms and questions about GDFP implementation. The result showed that the score of GDFP implementation in all strata of smallholder farmers in East Java Indonesia in 6 aspects as follows: animal health was  “good enough†(score  2.68-2.70), milking hygiene was “good†(score 3.19-3.42), nutrition was “good enough†(score 2.86-2.97) in strata I and III and “good†for strata II (score 3.03), animal welfare was “good enough†(2.56-2.60), the environment was "good enough" (2.34-2.50) and socio-economic management is “not good†(score GDFP = 1.60-1.92)

    GDF9 gene polymorphism and its relation to litter size in East Java Pote goat germplasm

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    Pote goat is one of the local Indonesian goats from Bangkalan, Madura, which has not been clumped. Procurement of Pote goat breeds as germplasm in enriching genetic diversity can be done by genetic selection. This study aims to identify the GDF9 gene associated with litter size traits of Pote goats. The materials used in this study were 48 female goats that had given birth with a range of permanent incicivi (0,1,2,3,4), and with healthy conditions. This research method uses survey methods and observations in the laboratory. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. Pote goat blood samples were taken from a smallholder farm in Soket Laok Village, Bangkalan Regency, Madura, East Java. GDF9 gene has a length of 490 bp. DNA fragments were amplified and genotyped using PCR-RFLP method using Msp1 restriction enzyme. This study resulted in two genotype types (AG, and GG), and two alleles (A and G). Genotype frequencies of AG, and GG were 0.40, and 0.60. The frequencies of alleles A and G are 0.40 and 0.80. The a.2912 A>G mutation was significant with the litter size. The results showed an association between GDF9 gene diversity found with litter size traits in Pote goats (p<0.05). Polymorphisms in the GDF9 gene are associated with litter size of Pote goats, and can be used as genetic markers for selection on the litter size trait of Pote goats


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    The flamboyan &nbsp;noodle factory is a factory that produces food in the form of noodles. This factory produces various types of noodles, namely Mie Rough (as raw material for making soup noodles, Hokkien noodles, fried noodles), Smooth Noodles (used for making dry noodles, meatball noodles etc.), Pangsit Skin (used for making dumpling crackers, martabak skin, etc.), etc) and Mie Pangsit. The make to order (MTO) production strategy is to produce according to the number of orders. This factory has four production employees and a multi-role factory owner, namely the head of the production department and the head of the procurement department. When demand increases, owners are overwhelmed in managing all these parts. Therefore, the owner wants to assess the performance of production employees for the position of head of production. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of each production employee and choose one of the employees to be the head of production. The results of the study using the profile matching method showed that the value of the first employee was 4.83; the second employee scored 4.92; the third employee value is 4.98 and the fourth employee value is 4.94. So that the one who was chosen as the head of production was the third employee because he had the highest total score. Keywords: Performace appraisal, profile matching and method total scoreThe flamboyan &nbsp;noodle factory is a factory that produces food in the form of noodles. This factory produces various types of noodles, namely Mie Rough (as raw material for making soup noodles, Hokkien noodles, fried noodles), Smooth Noodles (used for making dry noodles, meatball noodles etc.), Pangsit Skin (used for making dumpling crackers, martabak skin, etc.), etc) and Mie Pangsit. The make to order (MTO) production strategy is to produce according to the number of orders. This factory has four production employees and a multi-role factory owner, namely the head of the production department and the head of the procurement department. When demand increases, owners are overwhelmed in managing all these parts. Therefore, the owner wants to assess the performance of production employees for the position of head of production. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of each production employee and choose one of the employees to be the head of production. The results of the study using the profile matching method showed that the value of the first employee was 4.83; the second employee scored 4.92; the third employee value is 4.98 and the fourth employee value is 4.94. So that the one who was chosen as the head of production was the third employee because he had the highest total score. Keywords: Performace appraisal, profile matching and method total scor

    Qualitative performance of participated cow for progeny test on smallholder dairy farms

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    Dairy cow health status affects to milk production and contributes to the profit in many types of dairy management. Locomotion score has been used to determine the qualitative performance score of dairy cows. Investigations on dairy cow located in Wagir Malang were obtained to assess the qualitative performance of participated cow. Selecting participated cow to assure the potential of superior bull from his pedigree in progeny test. There were 85 dairy cows belongs to the smallholder dairy farmer contributed to this research. The result showed that Chest Width 20.99 ± 2.63 cm; Body Depth 79.58 ± 4.79 cm; Rump Angle -2.59 ± 2.43°; Thurl Width 16.46 ± 1.71 cm; Rear Leg Side View 146.82 ± 6.08°; Rear Leg Rear View 15.96 ± 4.19°; Font Foot Angle 42.94 ± 4.81° and Rear Foot Angle 40.12 ± 5.09°. It can be concluded that the qualitative performance of participated cow shows moderate performance based on the standard performance of FH. It is necessary to select the participated cow to improve milk yield of its pedigree and qualitative performance score can be used as the basis of breeding program

    Borneo, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan LPMP Kalimantan Timur volume XI, nomor 1, Juni 2017

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    1. Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Pada Siswa Kelas IX-B SMP Negeri 2 Muara Wahau Kabupaten Kutai Timur Anti 2. Hasil Evaluasi Kegiatan Bimtek Guru Sasaran Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Jenjang SMP di Klaster SMPN 9 Samarinda tahun 2017 Dalyana 3. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika Siswa Kelas X-7 SMA Negeri 4 Balikpapan Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran ProbingPromting Dwi Eka Kartika 4. Meningkatkan Keterampilan Back Roll Dalam Senam Lantai Pada Siswa Kelas XII IPA-1 SMA Negeri 4 Balikpapan Melalui Modifikasi Alat Bantu Pembelajaran Topo Suprianto 5. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa Kelas VI-A SD Negeri 004 Balikpapan Barat Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Melalui Penerapan Metode Guided Note Taking Setiawati 6. Mewujudkan Kantin Sehat SMK Negeri 4 Balikpapan Melalui Manajemen Mutu Perbaikan Berkesinambungan (Kaizen) Mujad 7. Penggunaan Media Gambar Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Pada Materi Pembelajaran Norma Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Marang Kayu Sri Purwaningsih 8. Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Reproduksi Tumbuhan Melalui Model Pembelajaran CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Pada Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Rantau Pulung Rahmida 9. Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Jenjang Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Tana Tidung Kalimantan Utara Suharman 10. Implementasi Pengembangan Keprofesian (PKB) Bagi Guru Jenjang SD Di Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang Kaolan dan Basrani 11. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru Kimia SMA Dalam Merencanakan Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Melalui Pelatihan Kurikulum 2013 Jenjang SMA Tahun 2016 Wiwik Setiawati 12. Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Materi Membaca Peta Lingkungan Setempat Melalui Model TGT Pada Siswa Kelas IV-C SD B\Negeri 002 Balikpapan Barat Hj. Sri Rusilawati 13. Peta Mutu Pendidikan Kota Samarinda Sebagai Hasil Bimbingan Teknis Pemetaan Mutu Yang Berkelanjutan Tentang Aplikasi PMP Tahun 2016 Zaimatus Sa’ida 14. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsaw Dalam Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Wahyuni 15. Pengaruh Lembar Kerja Terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru PPKN Peserta Diklat Kurikulum 2013 Di LPMP Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2016 Ahmad Husaini 16. Membangun Budaya Mutu Satuan Pendidikan Melalui Penerapan Siklus Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) untuk Pencapaian 8 Standar Nasional Pendidikan di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Samodro 17. Efektifitas Metode Pendampingan pada Pelatihan Sekolah Model Pendidikan Karakter Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 terhadap Pembinaan dan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Emy Juwarni 18. Evaluasi Kegiatan Diklat Pembuatan Butir Soal Ujian Nasional (UN) Jenjang SMP/M.Ts. Kabupaten Kutai Timur Tahun 2017 Tendas Teddy Soesilo 19. Peningkatan Hasil belajar PKn Peserta Didik Materi Menjaga Keutuhan Negara Indonesia Melalui Metode Make A match Kelas V SD Negeri 012 Balikapapan Barat Rini Tut