536 research outputs found

    Pelapisan Urea dengan Arang Aktif yang Diperkaya Mikroba Dapat Mempercepat Penurunan Konsentrasi Residu Insektisida Heptaklor di Lahan Sawah

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    Heptachlor insecticide is a toxic organochlorine insecticide, persistent and bio-cummulative in the environment. Remediation using actived carbon and microbial is a solution to pollution due to pesticide in the environment.The objective of this study was to obtain fertilizer technology using urea with activated carbon and enriched with microbes degrading heptachlor insecticide in order to reduce the insecticide residue in paddy fields. The research was conducted at the Jakenan Experimental Station between February to September 2012. The soil used as the planting medium was brought from the village Sukamenak, District Rawagempol Wetan, Karawang. The experiment was conducted in the field at micro-plot scale with lysimeter, and using a randomized block design (RBD) with 3 replications and 6 fertilizer treatments ( control , prill urea , urea with activated carbon maize cobs ( UAATJ ) , urea with activated carbon coconut shell ( UAATK ) , urea with activated carbon cob corn + microbes ( UAATJM ) , urea with activated carbon coconut shell + microbes ( UAATKM ). The plants used were from Inpari 13 variety. The insecticide residue analysis was performed in the Residu Bahan Agrikimia (RBA) laboratory of Balingtan. The results showed significant orthogonal countrast tests of different treatments. The highest reduction of residual insecticide was observed in urea coated with activated carbon cob corn and enriched with microbial consortia degrading POPs, which was 36.30 %. It is suspected that activated carbon coated cob corn with microbial enrichment was favored as its home and the microbes utilized carbon sources of heptachlor as the food

    Android Educational Game: Introduction to Basic Logic for Children

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    Introduction to Basic Logic aims to develop children\u27s thinking abilities about numbers and quantities to teach activities that are in accordance with the development of their thinking power. Learning in children requires an educational media game facility, one of which is the Educational Game. This educational type game aims to provoke children\u27s interest in learning the subject matter while playing the game. Mobile games can be an alternative in children\u27s learning. Basically children prefer to play rather than learn. This is natural, because child psychology is playing. Based on these problems an educational game application is made for the introduction of basic logic in Android-based children, so that it can produce alternative learning for children. This educational game is intended for children aged 6-7 years because children aged 6-7 years have begun to understand the concept of numbers and develop sensitivity in solving a problem. And trials are carried out using a questionnair

    Kritik Sosial Dalam Teks Sastra Puisi

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    Karya sastra memiliki peran penting dalam masyarakat untuk mengomunikasikan pengalaman dan sebagai refleksi atau cerminan kondisi sosial masyarakat. Cerminan itu menggambarkan manusia di dalam karya sastra untuk menjadi buah pikiran bagi pembaca dan merenungkannya. Masalah sosial yang terjadi dan dirasakan menjadi sebuah ide untuk mencipta dan gagasan tersebut dapat membawa sebuah bentuk rasa dan evaluasi. Puisi salah satu wadah penyair dalam mengomunikasikan kritiknya secara imajinatif, sehingga dapat memperkaya batin, pengalaman yang dapat membuat pembaca lebih dapat merasakan apa-apa yang dimiliki di dalam kehidupannya

    Analysis of Cement as Raw Material Inventory on Ready Mix Production Unit at PT. Perdana Beton in Samarinda

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the optimal amount of cement supplies in PT. Perdana Beton In Samarinda. Formulation of the problem in this study is whether the supply of cement as raw material for Ready Mix at PT. Perdana Beton In Samarinda already minimizing the cost of inventory cement. The hypothesis in this study is: '' Allegedly cement as raw material supplies ready mix at PT. Perdana Beton In Samarinda not provide minimum inventory costs'. Basic theory used in this study are: Operations Management Definition of Management consisting of, Understanding Operations Management, Management Philosophy, Definition of Production Management, Operations and Functions, Definition of Operations Management, Operations Management Functions, and Inventory Management.Analysis tools are used is particularly operational management of inventory theory using data in 2013, supplies of cement calculated using the Model Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) as an analytical tool. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is a model concerning the provision or supply of raw materials at a company. Each company must require industry raw materials for smooth business processes, the raw materials obtained from a supplier with a particular calculation. By using economic calculation can determine the course of a company on a regular basis how and how much material must be provided. Scheduling irregularity will have an impact on inventory costs by stacking in warehouse inventory. Thus, management or arrangement of raw materials is one of the important things and can save the company money. Thus, the hypothesis put forward previously stating that the supply of cement as raw material ready mix in PT. Perdana Beton In Samarinda not provide acceptable minimum inventory costs

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Berbasis Media Animasi Dan Kemampuan Awal Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Listrik Dinamis Siswa SMA Negeri 8 Palu

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    Physics as a subject of the natural phenomenon is expected to be taught in a simplistic so the learning model and media are used by teachers greatly affect students\u27 understanding of a concept. This study aimed to describe:(1) the effect of the initial capabilities of the students\u27 understanding of concepts in a dynamic electrical material. (2) the effect of learning model for understanding the concept. (3) identify the interaction between the initial capabilities and learning model for understanding the concept. The population in this study were all students of class X of SMAN 8 Palu academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 103 students. Data collection techniques with a random sample, and the test in the form of multiple choice. The tests are given to measure students\u27 understanding of physics concepts. Data analysis technique used was qualitative quai experiment with a 2x2 factorial design. The results showed that: (1) The initial capability significantly affect students\u27 understanding of the concept. (2) the learning STAD significantly affect students\u27 understanding of the concept. (3) there is no interaction between prior knowledge and understanding of the concept of students\u27 learning model

    Aspek Penolakan Dalam Novel the Stars Shine Down Karya Sidney Sheldon Suatu Analisis Pragmatik

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    Language is the most important part of human life. In communication, people do not only utter sentence but also transfer it into behavior. Rejection is a form of communication. Rejection refusing something of the hearer and rejection belongs to perlocutionary act. Rejection can be divided into direct rejection and indirect rejection. The research question of this research is focused on the rejection which is implemented by the author through his novel The Stars Shine Down. In collecting data, the writer paid attention to the utterances among the characters in the novel. The collected data were analyzed descriptively in terms of how rejection as perlocutionary act are found in the conversation among characters. The result shows that there are some aspects of perlocutionary in direct and indirect rejection, those are to bring hearer to know, to get hearer to think, to get hearer to do, irritate and distract attention

    Evaluasi Perencanaan Waktu Proyek Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Critical Path Method (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pengembangan Smart Graduate STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA)

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    Critical Path Method merupakan metode perencanaan waktu proyek sistem informasi yang mengidentifikasi seluruh kegiatan proyek agar proyek dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu, sesuai dengan biaya dan sumberdaya yang dianggarkan. Penggunaan CPM pada kegiatan perencanaan waktu proyek sistem informasi masih jarang dilakukan karena bekerja berdasarkan proyek (project based). Sebagian besar perencanaan waktu sistem informasi masih bersifat tradisional dengan mengedepankan penjadwalan waktu menggunakan grafik batang sehingga pengelolaan proyek tersebut belum dilakukan dengan baik, bahkan mengalir apa adanya. Penggunaan tool yang bersifat komersial tidak sepenuhnya dapat difungsikan dalam perencanaan proyek. Tool hanya berfungsi sebagai alat dalam pembuatan struktur susunan kegiatan bukan analisa kegiatan. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu metode untuk melakukan perencanaan waktu proyek yang sesuai. Hasil yang dicapai adalah efisiensi waktu terhadap proyek smart graduate sebesar 42 hari dari waktu seharusnya dan rekomendasinya adalah penggunaan metode CPM dalam perencanaan waktu proyek sistem informasi pada kegiatan proyek yang akan datang

    Uji Daya Hambat Formula Gel Ekstrak Etanol Daun Murbei (Morus Alba L.) Sebagai Anti Acne Terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium Acne.: Inhibition Test of Ethanol Extract Gel of Mulberry (Morus Alba L.) Leaves as an Anti Acne on Propionibacterium Acne Bacteria

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    A research on the inhibition of formula gel test ethanol extract of leaves of mulberry (Morus alba L.) as an anti-acne against bacteria Propionibacterium acne. This study uses a gel formulation made using mulberry leaf extract (Morus alba L.), which aims to determine the inhibition of antibacterial gel mulberry leaf extract (Morus alba L.) against the bacteria Propionibacterium acne. Gel made three dosage concentrations of 2%, 4% and 6%. Testing inhibition of antibacterial gel agar diffusion method. Test Antibacterial inhibition obtained by looking at the clear zone in the medium and measured using calipers. The results showed that the inhibition of antibacterial gel formulation with a concentration of 2%, 4% and 6% showing that inhibiting bacterial activity
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