32 research outputs found

    The Influence of Mother's Occupation and Employment Status on Emotional Behavior of School-age Children

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    Women have career opportunities in various sectors of life, thus shifting from the role of mothers in household matters to being involved in the public sector and other social activities. One of the effects is that they spend limited time with children, which will affect their children’s emotional development. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the mother’s employment status and their interaction with their children and the emotional behaviour of preschool-aged children (4-6 years old), and also, to identify the relationship between the mother’s occupation with emotional behaviour of preschoolers (4-6 years). The design of this study was a cross-sectional approach with a sampling technique using stratified random sampling (N=46). This research was conducted at TK Aisyiyah 24 Malang on April 22 – 28, 2019. Questionnaire-Revised (PACHIQ-R) and Emotional Behavior Problems (KMPE) instruments were used in this research. Multivariate linear regression was used to know the impact of children‘s emotional behaviour problems. The results showed only the level of mother-child interaction significantly affected children’s emotional behaviour in a negative direction (t count > t table; -3,419 > 2,013; p-value = 0.01). Meanwhile, the value of F count > F table (6.965 > 2.42; p-value = 0.00). R2 = 0.465, adjusted R2 = 0.399. Data were collected using The Parent-Child Interaction instrument. The results showed only the level of mother-child interaction significantly affected children’s emotional behaviour in a negative direction. Keywords: work status, interaction intensity, emotional behavior, preschool ag

    The Effectiveness of Different Types of Massages on Sleep Quality in Hemodialysis Patients: A Literature Study

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    Hemodialysis can cause disturbance in sleep. Sleep disorders cause immune system disorders and decreased sleep quality. Low sleep quality leads to poor quality of life resulting in premature death and negative impacts on the individual’s immune response which can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, which is the leading cause of death in patients with kidney disease. This study aimed to identify and describe the effectiveness of different types of massages in improving the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. This was a literature study. We examined a journal that focused on massage therapy in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The observed variable was the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. Data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that hand massage therapy, foot massage therapy and back massage therapy were effective in improving the sleep quality of hemodialysis patients. However, massage therapy in the form of acupressure is less effective in improving sleep quality. Based on the results, aromatherapy massage therapy on the feet was the most effective. The most influential type of massage was massage using aromatherapy. Massages of the hands, feet, and back also affected the sleep of hemodialysis patients but only slightly affects the quality of sleep. Keywords: massage, hemodialysis, accupressure, aromatherap

    The Effectiveness of Exercise in Reducing Dysmenorrhoea Pain in Adolescent Women: A Literature Study

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    This literature study aimed to identify the effectiveness of exercise in reducing pain thresholds in adolescents with dysmenorrhea. A literature search on Pubmed, Research Gate, ScienceDirect, and Proquest, was conducted from March to June 2022. Stretching, Zumba, FITT, Yoga, Aerobics, and Physical activity were the exercises found in the journal, and the study population was devoted to adolescents. The research design was a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and Quasi-Experiment. The pain scale in the journal used the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain (VASP), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), MCGILL Pain, and the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Of the ten journals that were analyzed, exercise was the most effective in reducing pain threshold when adolescents experienced dysmenorrhea. Of the five kinds of exercise found when analyzing the 10 journals, the most effective exercises reduced pain score is 5.62. Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, exercise, Pai

    Hubungan Perilaku Bullying (korban) dengan Harga Diri pada Remaja

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    Latar Belakang : Bidang pendidikan Negara Indonesia sedang dihadapkan dengan permasalahan yang ramai menjadi bahan perbincangan dengan salah satunya adalah kasus kekerasan (bullying). Perilaku bullying adalah kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang menganggap dirinya lebih berkuasa oleh pihak yang dianggapnya lebih lemah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku bullying (korban) yaitu dianggap berbeda (seperti memiliki fisik berbeda, bentuk tubuh yang berbeda, status ekonomi, memiliki hobi yang tidak lazim), dianggap lemah atau tidak bisa membela dirinya sendiri mempunyai rasa percaya diri yang rendah, kurang terkenal atau penyendiri.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif, yang memakai kerangka penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan responden sebanyak 109 siswa. Data yang didapatkan dan diolah secara statistic dengan menggunakan uji Gamma.Hasil : Responden terbanyak berjenis kelamain laki-laki sebanyak 54.1% ; berusia 13 tahun sebanyak 64.2% ; perilaku bullying terbanyak kategori rendah 71.6% ; harga diri terbanyak kategori rendah sebesar 54.1%.Simpulan : Menggunakan uji Gamma didapatkan p value 0.020 (<0.05) dan korelasi (r) 0.925 dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara perilaku bullying (korban) dengan harga diri pada remaja. Kata kunci : Perilaku bullying (korban), hargadiri

    Effect of Wudhu on Sleep Quality

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    Sleep needs are determined by the duration (sleep quantity), depth of sleep, and what is felt after sleep (sleep quality). Many people often ignore the quantity of sleep and consider it normal when the amount of sleep is less than usual. Poor sleep quantity can cause low concentration and attention, which might result in decreased academic scores. Long-term impacts include an elevated risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, mental stress, stroke, and other causes of death. Wudhu before bed is one of the interventions to improve sleep quality. This study aimed to determine the effect of ablution before bed on the quantity of sleep in the students of the Nurul Huda Mergosono Islamic boarding school in Malang-Indonesia. The participants of this study were 82 Islamic boarding school students recruited through simple random sampling. The instrument used was the One Week Sleep Diary. Participants filled out sleep observation sheets and performed ablution for two weeks. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the data. In addition, this study examined factors that affect sleep quality in the broader population. The results showed that most participants had a TST of 5 hours. The participants had difficulty initiating sleep, and it took a long time to fall asleep again when they woke up from sleep at night. The most important factor affecting the quantity of sleep was carrying out ablution before going to bed. Keywords: sleep quantity, ablutions, sleep disorde

    Behavioral Analysis of Patients With Psychological Disorders Who Carry Out Self-Injury

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    Self-harm, also known as self-injurious behavior, is a problem that can arise in some people because of their difficulties in grappling with the emotions they feel. This is a common concern and problem that affects children, adolescents and adults. Researchers are interested in examining more deeply the behavior of self-injury patients when injuring themselves in order to understand this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the behavior of patients with psychological disorders who carry out self-injury. This was a qualitative study. Data were collected with 2 female participants. The results of this study were grouped into 3 themes: 1) causes of self-injury behavior; 2) forms of self-injury behavior; and 3) feelings after carrying out self-injury. It was found that the actors carry out these actions in order to divert the emotions they feel and to avoid the problem. Despite the different ways of solving problems, they do not share their personal problems with others and instead carry out self-harm as their solution. Keywords: self-injury, trauma, violence, problem

    The Relationship Between Sociodemographic Factors and Self Management in Stroke Patients

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    Stroke is very common in society and can cause physical disability and even death. Stroke can be affected by poor self-management. Sociodemographic factors can influence self-management. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and self-management in stroke patients. This study used an observational approach with a cross-sectional design. 64 people were recruited using purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria included patients with a stroke diagnosis, who were conscious and able to communicate both verbally and in writing. Data collection was through the SSMQ questionnaire and data analysis involved the Chi-square test. The results indicated that most of the respondents had good self-management (64.1%). There was no significant influence of age (p = 0.111), gender (p = 0.885), occupation (p = 0.596), stroke duration (p = 0.182) or education (p = 0.588) on self-management. Income had a significant relationship with self-management of (p = 0.044). Keywords: sociodemography, self management, strok

    Factors Affecting Community Compliance in Preventing COVID-19 Based on the Health Belief Model

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    COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are increasing. This has been caused by several factors, such as the lack of compliance and the negative perception that COVID-19 is not a dangerous disease. This study used the health belief model to analyze the factors influencing community compliance in preventing COVID-19. This was a descriptive quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach. The participants included 130 residents of Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency. Data were collected through a questionnaire about compliance and perceptions based on the health belief model. Perceptions of vulnerability, seriousness, benefits, barriers and actions were examined, along with their association with COVID-19 prevention compliance. The data were analyzed using an ordinal regression test. Compliance in preventing COVID-19 was measured as obedient in 75 people (57.69%), quite obedient in 17 people (13.07%), and not obedient in 38 people (29.24%). Meanwhile, based on the findings, the dominant factors that influenced compliance were perceived benefits (p = 0.001), perceived barriers (p = 0.023), and perceptions of action (p = 0.003). Public education about the dangers and prevention of COVID-19 needs to be improved by involving community leaders as role models so that community compliance will increase. Keywords: perception, compliance, health belief model, COVID-1

    Identifying the Use of Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards In COVID-19 Patients In Malang Private Hospital

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    This study aimed to determine the number and name of the diagnoses that often appear in COVID-19 patients in 2020-2022 at RIC-19, one of the private hospitals in Malang, as seen from medical records. The method used was a descriptive retrospective with a quantitative approach. This study used secondary data in the form of medical records of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in private hospitals in Malang from March 2020 to March 2022. The results found that there were eight nursing diagnoses including hyperthermia, ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange, acute pain, diarrhoea, risk of ineffective cerebral perfusion, nausea, and risk of nutritional deficits. The nursing diagnoses that often appear in COVID-19 patients in private hospitals in Malang are the same as the results of the study according to Hidayati et al. (2022) which states that the nursing diagnosis “cleansing ineffective airway” is the most dominant. However, these results do not include the signs and symptoms of minor and major patients in detail. The findings above illustrate that the documentation of nursing care by nurses is still not optimal, not structured assessment of initial nursing performed by the nurse on duty affects the implementation of nursing care. This can be an input for hospitals to continue to improve quality in documenting nursing care in the future. Keywords: Standard Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis; COVID-19; Nursing car

    Pain Experience After Caesarean Section: A Qualitative Study

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    Pain is a sensory experience that is most often felt by a person when experiencing an injury. Pain is classified as a positive sensory disturbance. In essence, pain cannot be interpreted and cannot be measured, but it cannot be denied that pain is an unpleasant feeling. Caesarean section surgery performed on the mother has a side effect of pain that occurs due to network connectivity and surgery. The purpose of this study was to describe the pain experience of patients after their caesarean section. In this study, three themes were obtained, namely: 1) pain experiences; 2) disturbed sleep patterns; and 3) causes of caesarean section. From this study it is hoped that mothers can share their experiences of pain. Keywords: pain, experience, caesarian sectio