82 research outputs found
Pengaruh Variabel Makro Ekonomi Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari variabel makro ekonomi terhadap IHSG. Penelitian ini dilakukan di BEI pada tahun 2008-2015. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sensus sampling. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data time series triwulan yang diperoleh dengan merata-ratakan data dari masing-masing variabel di setiap triwulan. Variabel makro yang digunakan dalam meneliti IHSG ada empat variabel yaitu suku bunga, inflasi, jumlah uang beredar, dan PDB. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil uji simultan menunjukan bahwa suku bunga, inflasi, jumlah uang beredar, dan PDB secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap IHSG. Hasil uji parsial menunjukan bahwa secara parsial inflasi dan PDB tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap IHSG, suku bunga berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap IHSG, jumlah uang beredar berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap IHSG
Analisis Serangan Hacker Menggunakan Honeypot High Interaction
Informasi merupakan asset Perusahaan yang harus dijaga kerahasiaannya dari akses pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Aspek keamanan informasi yang harus dilindungi mencakup Confidentiality, Integrity dan Availability. Berbagai serangan dan ancaman dapat dilakukan untuk mengambil alih asset informasi yang diinginkan. Hacker merupakan seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menembus sistem keamanan sebuah Perusahaan. Ada beberapa jenis serangan hacker biasa dilakukan yaitu SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Brute Force, Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS), Inclusion, Code Injection dan lain-lain. Honeypot merupakan teknologi keamanan yang bertujuan mengidentifikasi, mencari celah keamanan dan berkontribusi aktif ketika terjadi aktifitas penyusupan keamanan teknologi informasi. Honeypot High Interaction (Hihat) dapat merekam dan mengumpulkan informasi serangan lebih spesifik dan lebih banyak. Jenis serangan yang terekam oleh Honeypot Hihat ini kemudian dianalisa untuk mengetahui jenis serangan yang paling banyak masuk ke Perusahaan XYZ
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Pemerintah Sebelum dan Sesudah Implementasi Kebijakan Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the difference level of financial performance of the government bank before and after the GCG implementation. Research technics in this research was taken by collected financial ratios data of each government banks which would be inspected later. The type of data used is secondary data. Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, and BTN are part of the government banks which become samples in this research. Data was collected through documentation method which taken from the websites of each government banks and from other sources. Data analysis method used is verification approach which consists of normality test and paired sample t-test. The result of this research indicates that Bank Mandiri and BNI don't have the significant difference after the GCG implementation. While BRI and BTN have the significant difference after the GCG implementation
Resor Pemandian Air Panas di Desa Pawan Rokan Hulu dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Hijau
Rokan Hulu regency has so many attractions, including the nature attractions and the religion attractions. One of the nature attractions in Rokan Hulu is the hot spring in Pawan village. But, the condition is so concern because its not maintained well by the society and government. Therefore, the hot spring in Pawan village has re-designed with the new concept to increased the tourism destinations in Riau province, especially in Rokan Hulu. The Hotspring Resort is good alternative object for the hot spring in Pawan village, with tje natural view that support to the resort. One of them, Bukit Suligi, Bukit Barisan view. The design of the Hotspring Resort is forwading the green architecture principle. The aim is to design the building that minimalize negative effect to the environment, nature and human being. So that will build up the better and healthier place. Moreover, the concept of the design is "back to nature" which bring up the harmony between the building and environment. Then, supported by applying the green architecture design strategy of Alison G Kwok, AIA and Walter T, Grondzik PE, which is: (1) Envilope related to envilopment, (2) Lightning related to exposure, (3) Cooling related to refrigerant, (4) Energy Product related to energy production, (5) Water and waste related to water utilization. Finally, the Hotspring Resort will be design of tourism destination which forward the harmonization between the building and environment behind. The design has 4 hectare land area and 24578,304 m² land building
Analisis Perhitungan Cakupan Sinyal Sistem Wcdma Pada Area Kampus Akademi Teknik Telekomunikasi Sandhy Putra Purwokerto
Perkembangan industri wireless saat ini mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Teknologi 3G yang ditetapkan oleh ITU akan berperan sangat penting dan semakin dominan dalam perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan selular WCDMA dipastikan membutuhkan juga cakupan jaringan di dalam sebuah area, baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan. Pembahasan berupa studi kasus mengenai analisa cakupan sinyal sistem WCDMA pada sebuah area. Yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) dan Received Signal Code Power (RSCP). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil perhitungan EIRP adalah 58 dBm dan RSCP -117,73 dBm. Selanjutnya, hasil drive test menunjukan pada bagian outdor lantai 1 diperoleh hasil sebesar -90 dBm, sedangkan untuk bagian indoornya yaitu -99 dBm. Untuk bagian outdoor lantai 2 nilainya -95 dBm dan bagian indoor-nya yaitu -100 dB
Seseorang yang baru mempelajari alat musik khususnya piano akan memiliki kesulitan ketika menentukan akord yang ingin dimainkannya. Telinga manusia memiliki kelemahan tidak dapat menentukan akord – akord secara pasti tanpa menggunakan alat bantu. Oleh sebab itu, penulis membuat sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran akord dengan deteksi akord piano untuk membantu pengguna dalam menentukan akord, dan berbasis android agar menjadi lebih praktis dan fleksibel bagi pengguna.
Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang aplikasi pendeteksi akord piano dengan menggunakan metode klasifikasi Pitch Class Profile. Pada aplikasi ini, sinyal masukan berupa file .wav. Dengan menggunakan metode Fast Fourier Transform dilakukan analisis pada domain frekuensi dan akhirnya diklasifikasikan menggunakan metode Pitch Class Profile untuk mendapatkan akord yang sesuai dari file input. Proses pengujian pada tugas akhir ini tidak dilakukan secara real time.
Dengan adanya aplikasi ini pengguna device android akan mengetahui tentang akord – akord dasar yang digunakan dalam piano. Pada simulasi sistem ini didapatkan akurasi rata - rata untuk pengenalan akord mayor, minor, teraugmentasi, dan diminish yaitu 83,33%. Untuk akurasi sistem ketika input adalah rekaman akord acak tanpa akord jenis teraugmentasi didapatkan akurasi terbesar yaitu 100% dengan panjang frame disesuaikan mendekati interval pergantian akord pada rekaman tersebut yaitu 2 detik. Sedangkan jika sistem diberikan input kombinasi akord dan melodi, sistem memberikan performansi akurasi hanya 21,49%. Dengan kata lain sistem belum bisa memberikan performasi yang layak untuk aplikasi mobile, sehingga masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi
Optimasi Metode Penetapan Ranitidin Dalam Plasma Manusia Secara in Vitro Dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Ultraviolet-visibel
Research of determination ranitidine plasma concentration in vitro has been done. This research aimed to analysis ranitidine in human plasma in vitro with Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry and to get result that optimal of analysis method in human plasma in vitro with Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry.
A method for determination ranitidine in human plasma in vitro used UV-VIS spectrophotometry with solvent HCl 0.1 N. This research was used two method. First method the ranitidine standard solution was added early, while the second method ranitidine standard solution was added after TCA and plasma had been mixed and sentrifugated. From second method has been gotten maximum wave length 320.5 nm in finish concentration ranitidine in human plasma 500 ppm.
Determination of linearity calibration curve was linear between concentration with absorbantion range of 200-600 ppm with correlation efficient (r) = 0.997 a = 0.081 and b = 9.417x10-4. The result of precision with first method to 500 ppm (CV=2.28%), while CV value to 500 ppm with second method was 1.60%. Limit of detection was 43.64 ppm, limit of quantitation was 145.48%. The accuracy of recoveries 500 ppm was 104.99%. This second method was sufficiently applicable to bioavailability and bioequivalence studies of ranitidine in human plasma in vivo.
Keywords : ranitidine; human plasma; method optimation; spectrophotometry
The purpose of this community service is to improve and introduce the game of futsal for futsal players at SMA Negeri 3 Batu, which is located in Sumbergondo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City, East Java. The implementation method uses training that combines theory and practice for the participants. The results of this service basically the participants already have the basic technical skills of playing futsal very well 75% but 15% of them are still in the sufficient category and 10% are below the average futsal player. The conclusion from this dedication is that it is very important for the understanding of the players to be able to improve their ability to play futsal in order to achieve achievements in futsal
Karakterisasi dan Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofitik Penghambat Jamur Patogen Padi
Disease caused byfungal pathogens often causing damage on rice crop. Thisstudy was aimed to characterize 10 endohytic bacterial isolatesin suppression of rice pathogenic fungi. Characterization by invitro test showed several endophytic isolates effective againstfungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani (Rs) and Pyriculariaoryzae (Po). The bacterial culture filtrates could inhibit radialgrowth of fungal colonies with the Rs ranged percentageinhibition of 32.9-99.4%, whilst inhibition against Po wereranged from 3-98.2%, respectively. Based on chitinase assay,it was indicated that gram negative bacteria of E 76 isolateproduced clear zone and highest chitinolytic index. Theanalysis to the base sequence (total 1,322 bp) using 16s rRNAgene sequencing revealed that E76 isolates had 99% similaritywith Burkholderia sp
Analysis Crystal Structure of Thin Films Bazr0.2ti0.8o3 Which Have Deposited by Sol Gel Method
Fabrication of BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin film on Si substrate by sol gel method use spin coater has been done successfully. Bariumasetat, zirconiumisoproponol, titaniumisopropoksid were used as deposition components BZT thin film. Asetat acid and etylen glycol were used as solvent. There are three basic principles of thin film fabrication by sol gel method, i.e. chemical process (Solvent fabrication), thin film deposition use spin coater, and thermal process (annealing). The layers number variation has done to get layer which become target in this research. Speed and duration of spin coater rotation were set at 3000 rpm for 30 seconds, while annealing temperature and duration were set in 8000 °C for 3 hours. Characterization that we have done i.e. X-Ray Flurosence (XRF) test to observe the composition of thin film BZT and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test to observe crystal structure. The XRF characterization results show that deposition components of BZT thin film have deposited on Si substrate. The implication of more layers number which have formed is more components BZT thin film which have deposited. The XRD characterizations results show that crystality of BZT thin film because raise some peaks which have been cross check by ICDD database and conclude that the owner of some peaks is BZT. The conclusions have strength by smoothing results by General StuctureAnalysis System (GSAS) software. The implication ofmore layers number is more high intensity on certain oriented plane. Keywods: Sol gel, BZT, XRD, XRF, GSAS
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