4 research outputs found

    Alterations in factors involved in differentiation and barrier function in the epithelium in oral and genital lichen planus

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    Lichen planus is a chronic recurrent inflammatory disease affecting both skin and mucosa, mainly in oral and/or genital regions. Keratinocytes go through a well-regulated process of proliferation and differentiation, alterations in which may result in defects in the protective epithelial barrier. Long-term barrier impairment might lead to chronic inflammation. In order to broaden our understanding of the differentiation process in mucosal lichen planus, we mapped the expression of 4 factors known to be involved in differentiation. Biopsies were collected from oral and genital lichen planus lesions and normal controls. Altered expression of all 4 factors in epithelium from lichen planus lesions was found, clearly indicating disturbed epithelial differentiation in lichen planus lesions

    Genes involved in epithelial differentiation and development are differentially expressed in oral and genital lichen planus epithelium compared to normal epithelium

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    Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic mucocutaneous disease with unknown cause. Patients with LP often have both oral and genital lesions, but these conditions are often considered as separate diseases and treated accordingly. To find out which genes are differently expressed in mucosal LP compared to normal mucosa and establish whether oral and genital LP are in fact the same disease, whole genome expression analysis was performed on epithelium from 13 patients diagnosed with oral and/or genital LP and normal controls. For confirmation of keratin 4 and corneodesmosin expression, quantitative reverse-transcription PCR and immunohistochemistry were used. Many genes involved in epithelial development and differentiation are differently expressed in epithelium from LP compared to normal epithelium. Several of the differentially expressed genes are common for oral and genital LP and the same biological processes are altered which supports the fact that oral and genital LP are manifestations of the same disease. The change in gene expression indicates that differentiation is altered leading to changes in the epithelial barrier

    FÄ indikationer för antibiotikaprofylax

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    TandlÀkarnas förskrivning av antibiotika har ökat under senare Är. Strama (Samverkan mot antibiotikaresistens) redovisar situationer dÀr antibiotikaprofylax kan göra nytta och tillfÀllen dÄ det inte har nÄgon bevisad effekt

    Expression of novel p53 isoforms in oral lichen planus

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin, showing little spontaneous regression. WHO classifies OLP as a premalignant condition, however, the underlying mechanisms initiating development of cancer in OLP lesions are not understood. The p53 tumour suppressor plays an important role in many tumours, and an increased expression of p53 protein has been seen in OLP lesions. Recently it was shown that the human TP53 gene encodes at least nine different isoforms. Another member of the p53 family, p63, comprises six different isoforms and plays a crucial role in the formation of oral mucosa, salivary glands, teeth and skin. It has also been suggested that p63 is involved in development of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). In contrast to p53, a decreased expression of p63 protein has been seen in OLP lesions. In this study, we mapped the expression of five novel p53 isoforms at RNA and protein levels in OLP and matched normal controls. In the same samples we also measured levels of p63 isoforms using quantitative RT–PCR. Results showed p53 to be expressed in all OLP lesions and normal tissues. The p53ÎČ and Δ133p53 isoforms were expressed in the majority of samples whereas the remaining three novel isoforms analysed were expressed in only a few samples. Levels of p63 isoforms were lower in OLP lesions compared with normal tissue, however, changes were not statistically significant