720 research outputs found


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    Art depicting normal, everyday events are uninspiring because there is nothing to invoke a note- worthy emotion. When I create a picture, the scenes I make either come directly from dreams or are an attempt at imitating the atmosphere in them. Most of my dreams are similar and have a nearly identical emotion, but I don’t have a name for that emotion. I have two goals when making art. The first is for the feeling from my dreams to echo when I look at the picture. Since dreams are often forgotten and the emotions in them become distant, I need something to look at that gives off the same emotion. This way I can ‘study’ whatever it is I’m feeling. The second is for others to get a similar, if not identical, emotion so that they can describe it and possibly give me a name for it. I like to bring things that can only exist in the human mind into these unassuming scenes. For example, in Looking Down you are seeing through the eyes of someone exiting a room on the upper level, looking down over the catwalk, and gazing at a dark living area. At first glance it looks to be a scene of a house at night. The only thing out of place are the four figures around the coffee table. A green hue changes the entire scene that adds to the uncanny scene. These pictures are usually dark and desaturated, and while I try to stay true to the image in my head, I also make sure the image is balanced and has emphasis on the source of the emotion. The piece Desolate is not from a dream, but an attempt to mimic them. In this case the scene is set in a vague setting outside. Like the previous piece, it’s monochromatic and the figures are mostly silhouettes. However, the focus of the image is much more obvious. The giant crow on the electric pole is more in your face than what I’ve typically made. I’ve been trying to figure out how to improve my style and found an artist named Bobby Chiu. I like his particular style conceptually and visually. I wanted to learn the skill of being able to turn something that is obviously imaginary into a believable creature. Recognizable traits are necessary for our brain to see as real. It’s not really the fact that he draws monsters that catches my eye, but rather how he makes them convincing. Using the program Photoshop really helped me loosen up and stop restricting myself with outlines. I’ve grown more comfortable with only having a sketch and jumping right into the colors and shading. This also allowed me to be more liberal with colors which only taught me more about them. For example, I’m more likely to use blue when painting a tree because I take the environment into consideration. Because things are easier to move, I can play around with balance and even see how different the value of something is when I change the colors to grayscale.https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/art499/1031/thumbnail.jp

    Zur Finanzsituation der Gießener Universität

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    A study of the extrusion of particulate cellulosic composite materials

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel University.Traditional routes to the manufacture of timber based composite materials such as particleboard rely on platen pressing a premix of carefully chosen and prepared timber particles and an adhesive to produce flat sheets. Historically such routes have made very inefficient use of forest resources, and because of the planar nature of the composite produced, the finished articles have enjoyed a reputation of being of poor quality and "cheap". The work documented in this thesis sought to examine alternatives to the traditional manufacturing methods in terms of both raw materials and processing route, and to establish technical, economic, and environmental boundaries for the use of the alternatives. Having settled upon extrusion as the most likely technique with which to proceed, the investigation was carried forward by the construction of a series of experimental instruments with the joint aims of refining the technique to a realistic working level and investigating the underlying mechanical principles behind the process. Recourse to the literature of polymer rheology, fluid mechanics, and soil mechanics gave the basis for a crude mechanism hypothesis, and iterative improvements in the instrumental techniques yielded data with which this could be refined. Although some correlation between the extrusion behaviour of this system with other more easily quantifiable systems was found, there is still considerable work required in defining the dynamic changes in the material properties as the raw material is extruded. Small scale production experiments proved successful, however, and an elementary financial model of a suitable production facility indicated that the techniques developed could be used as the basis of an environmentally acceptable, economically viable, low technology industry.Unilever Researc

    The MARS Sales Management Simulation: 10+ Years Later

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    The authors discuss the MARS Sales Management Simulation (MARS) based on over 10 years of experience using the simulation in a sales management course. Over the years, the authors have tried a variety of ways of incorporating the MARS game into the sales management course and have written this paper to share their insights. This paper presents an overview of the MARS Sales Management Simulation, how to incorporate MARS into a sales management course, additional sales management assignments that relate to information from the MARS Simulation, advantages of using the simulation, disadvantages of using the simulation, some possible guidelines for running the simulation, and suggested guidelines for the additional assignments

    Business-to-Business Buying Behavior and the Price-Perceived Quality Paradigm

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    This article gives an overview of the development of the price-perceived quality paradigm. The original price-perceived quality model is presented to show the impact of price on consumer behavior. An extended model is discussed which shows the impact of presenting two prices to consumers in a purchase situation as well as showing the impact of various promotions such as coupons and rebates on consumer behavior. Based on two tests of the extended model, a revised model was developed to address the shortcomings of the extended model. All the previous research on the price-perceived quality model has been based on consumer buying situations. There have not been any tests of the model for business to business buying situations. This research presents a test of the revised model for a business to business buying situation

    Peer Evaluations for Extended Group Projects for a Sales Management Course

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    This paper presents an evaluation process that has work well for two extended group projects in a sales management course. Students help develop the peer evaluation instrument, submit several peer evaluations over the course of each project, and are required to fill out each form completely and submit the forms on assigned due dates. Students lose points on their individual project scores for not following the evaluation process guidelines
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