2,291 research outputs found

    Effects of temporal variability of disturbance on the succession in marine fouling communities in northern-central Chile

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    We investigated the effects of temporal variability in a disturbance regime on fouling communities at two study sites in a northern-central Chilean bay. Fouling assemblages grown on artificial settlement substrata were disturbed by mechanical removal of biomass at different time intervals. Using one single disturbance frequency (10 disturbance events over 5 months) we applied 7 different temporal disturbance treatments: a constant disturbance regime (identical intervals between disturbance events), and 6 variable treatments where both variableness and sequences of intervals between disturbance events were manipulated. Two levels of temporal variableness (low and high, i.e. disturbance events were either dispersed or highly clumped in time) in the disturbance regime were applied by modifying the time intervals between subsequent disturbance events. To investigate the temporal coupling between disturbance events and other ecological processes (e.g. larval supply and recruitment intensity), three different sequences of disturbance intervals were nested in each of the two levels of temporal variableness. Species richness, evenness, total abundance, and structure of communities that experienced the various disturbance regimes were compared at the end of the experiment (15 days after the last disturbance event). Disturbance strongly influenced the community structure and led to a decrease in evenness and total abundance but not species richness. In undisturbed reference communities, the dominant competitor Pyura chilensis (Tunicata) occupied most available space while this species was suppressed in all disturbed treatments. Surprisingly, neither temporal variableness in the disturbance regime nor the sequence of intervals between disturbance events had an effect on community structure. Temporal variability in high disturbance regimes may be of minor importance for fouling communities, because they are dominated by opportunistic species that are adapted to rapidly exploit available space

    Local-regional richness relationship in fouling assemblages - Effects of succession

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    The number of species in a local habitat depends on local and regional processes. One common approach to explore ecological saturation of local richness has been to plot local versus regional richness. We expand this approach by incorporating two dimensions of diversity - taxonomic and functional - and different successional ages of marine fouling communities. In four different biogeographic regions (Mediterranean Sea, NE Atlantic, Western Baltic Sea and North Sea) 60 experimental units made from artificial substratum were deployed for colonization. Local richness was assessed as the average number of species and functional groups (FG) per unit area while regional richness was estimated as the estimated (Jack 2) asymptote of the accumulation curves for species or FG in local panel communities. Our findings indicate that the nature of the relationship between local and regional diversity is sensitive to successional stage and the dimension of diversity considered. However, as a general pattern, for taxonomic and functional richness, the slope of the local-regional relationship increased in the course of succession. We discuss how this pattern could have been produced by a combination of low number of recruiting species and incomplete competitive exclusion as is typical for early Successio

    Equianalytic and equisingular families of curves on surfaces

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    We consider flat families of reduced curves on a smooth surface S such that each member C has the same number of singularities of fixed singularity types and the corresponding (locally closed) subscheme H of the Hilbert scheme of S. We are mainly concerned with analytic resp. topological singularity types and give a sufficient condition for the smoothness of H (at C). Our results for S=P^2 seem to be quite sharp for families of cuves of small degree d.Comment: LaTeX v 2.0

    Crayfish feeding preferences for fresh water macrophytes: The influence of plant structure and chemistry

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    The omnivorous crayfish Procambarus clarkii fed selectively on several species of macrophytes, preferring delicate fresh plants that had filamentous or finely-branched architectures. When the macrophytes were dried, powdered, and reconstituted into an alginate gel (thus eliminating among-species differences in physical characteristics). crayfish preferences were altered; previously tough plants that were high in nitrogen and protein were preferred over previously delicate plants that were low in nitrogen and protein. Even though plant structure influences feeding decision of crayfish, the structurally identical macrophyte gels were fed upon differently, demonstrating that nonstructural traits are important feeding determinants. However, plant tissue constituents such as nitrogen, protein, phenolics, lignin, cellulose, or ash were not significantly con-elated with feeding preferences. Two high-nitrogen plants that were avoided by crayfish as fresh and as reconstituted tissue (Nuphar luteum macrophyllum and Alternanthera philoxeroides) possessed extracts that reduced crayfish feeding in laboratory assays, demonstrating that macrophyte metabolites can deter some herbivores. As is often observed with large generalist herbivores and omnivores in terrestrial and marine systems, the freshwater crayfish made feeding decisions based upon multiple plant cues (structure, nutrition, chemical defenses)

    Cardiosphere-derived cells demonstrate metabolic flexibility that Is influenced by adhesion status

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    Adult stem cells demonstrate metabolic flexibility that is regulated by cell adhesion status. The authors demonstrate that adherent cells primarily utilize glycolysis, whereas suspended cells rely on oxidative phosphorylation for their ATP needs. Akt phosphorylation transduces adhesion-mediated regulation of energy metabolism, by regulating translocation of glucose transporters (GLUT1) to the cell membrane and thus, cellular glucose uptake and glycolysis. Cell dissociation, a pre-requisite for cell transplantation, leads to energetic stress, which is mediated by Akt dephosphorylation, downregulation of glucose uptake, and glycolysis. They designed hydrogels that promote rapid cell adhesion of encapsulated cells, Akt phosphorylation, restore glycolysis, and cellular ATP levels

    Decreased depth distribution of Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyceae) in the Western Baltic: effects of light deficiency and epibionts on growth and photosynthesis

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    For many coastal areas of the world, a decrease in abundance and depth penetration of perennial macroalgae and seagrasses has been documented and attributed to eutrophication. A surplus of nutrients impairs perennial seaweeds in at least two ways: increased phytoplankton densities reduce the depth penetration of light and in addition filamentous seaweeds and microalgae growing epiphytically shade their perennial hosts. A reduction of depth limit and total abundance has also been observed for the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus at many sites in the Baltic Sea. However, in most cases the mechanistic reason for the loss of Fucus has been deduced from observations rather than from experimental evidence. Here, we present results of a two-factorial (water depth/light supply and epibionts) experiment that was run in the Kiel Fjord, western Baltic, from August to October 2005. Performance of F. vesiculosus was recorded by growth and chlorophyll measurements, PI-curves and in situ measurements of the photosynthetic activity as the relative rate of electron transport (rETR). rETR and growth decreased with water depth. Chlorophyll a concentrations increased with reduced light intensities, but this apparently could not compensate for the light deficiency. Epibionts enhanced the negative effect of reduced light conditions on growth. According to these findings we estimated the physiological depth limit of F. vesiculosus in the Kiel Fjord to lie between 4 and 6 m water depth