7 research outputs found

    Utilization Of Geographic Information System (Gis) For Selection Of Idle Pond For Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation

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    Land suitability is one aspect that determines the success of vannamei shrimp cultivation in coastal pond areas. Cultivation of vannamei shrimp in ponds has a spatial component as well as differences in the biophysical and socio-economic characteristics of each location. Many ponds that are intensively managed have not taken advantage of the advantages of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in selecting locations and managing vannamei shrimp culture, which is important to do to avoid business failure. This study used a survey method to collect data on water quality parameters (acidity / pH, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen / DO, nitrate, and phosphate). Analysis of land suitability for vannamei shrimp cultivation in ponds using the scoring method, each water quality parameter is weighted and a score is then divided into 4 land suitability classes, namely classes S1 (Very Suitable), S2 (Sufficiently Suitable), S3 (Conditional Appropriate), and N (Unsuitable). The results showed that the vannamei shrimp pond land suitability map produced a thematic map of the suitability of the vannamei shrimp pond land which had a total area of 13.65 ha of vannamei shrimp and had 4 levels of suitability, namely very suitable class (S1) with an area of 3.96 ha, a class that appropriate (S2) has an area of 7.8 ha, a moderately suitable class (S3) has an area of 0.85 ha, and an unsuitable class (N) has an area of 1.04 ha.Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei; Water quality; Land Suitability; Geographical Information SystemsAbstrakKesesuaian lahan merupakan salah satu aspek yang menentukan keberhasilan kegiatan budidaya udang vannamei di wilayah tambak pesisir. Budidaya udang vannamei di tambak memiliki komponen keruangan serta perbedaan karakteristik biofisik dan social ekonomi dari setiap lokasi. Banyak tambak yang dikelola secara intensif belum memanfaatkan kelebihan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dalam melakukan pemilihan lokasi dan pengelolaan budidaya udang vannamei, dimana hal tersebut penting dilakukan untuk menghindari kegagalan usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei untuk pengambilan data parameter kualitas air (keasaman/pH, suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut/DO, nitrat, dan fosfat). Analisis kesesuaian lahan budidaya udang vannamei di tambak menggunakan metode skoring, parameter kualitas air masing-masing diberi bobot dan skor yang kemudian dibedakan menjadi 4 kelas kesesuaian lahan yaitu kelas S1 (Sangat Sesuai), S2 (Cukup Sesuai), S3 (Sesuai Bersyarat), dan N (Tidak Sesuai). Hasil penelitian didapatkan peta kesesuaian lahan tambak udang vannamei menghasilkan peta tematik kesesuaian lahan tambak udang vannamei memiliki total luas tambak udang vannamei seluas 13,65 Ha serta memiliki 4 tingkat kesesuaian yaitu kelas sangat sesuai (S1) dengan luasan sebesar 3,96 Ha, kelas yang sesuai (S2) memiliki luasan sebesar 7,8 Ha, kelas yang cukup sesuai (S3) memiliki luasan sebesar 0,85 Ha, dan kelas yang tidak sesuai (N) memiliki luasan sebesar 1,04 Ha.Kata Kunci: Litopenaeus vannamei, Kualitas Perairan; Analisa Kesesuaian; Sistem Informasi Geografi

    Analisis Potensi Genangan Tsunami dan Penentuan Jalur Evakuasi Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Desa Daruba Pantai – Kabupaten Pulau Morotai

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    Tsunami is one of the catastrophic events that threatened coastal areas in Morotai Island Regency. This is partly because the location of the regency is among several active faults. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the tsunami inundation area and determine a tsunami evacuation route in Daruba Pantai Village, South Morotai District. This study begins with the preparation of a digital elevation model and is compiled with other related maps to produce the tsunami inundation area at the study site. The study results show that a tsunami can hit 176.65 ha, with the disastrous and dangerous category being 5.02% and 0.66%. Meanwhile, specifically for the Daruba Pantai Village area with an area of 60.59 ha, the disastrous and dangerous categories are 10.72% and 1.30%, and the safe category is 36.61% and secure 23.07%. Furthermore, the preparation of the evacuation route is based on the scenario that residents from each zone of both the Neighborhood Unit (RT) and Community Unit (RW) are directed to follow the evacuation path to move towards the temporary shelter point and towards the safety zone


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    ABSTRACT Scientific information on coral reef habitat changes of Morotai island is very limited to none. This study aimed to detect the change of coral reef habitats between 1996 and 2013, using Landsat imagery integrated with field data in 2012. The research was conducted in the coral reef ecosystem of Morotai Island in North Maluku province. Change detection analyses were conducted using supervised classifications and transformation depth invariant index (DII), with five habitat classes i.e., mixed-habitat, coral, seagrass, sand, and rubble. The result showed that in 1996-2002 there was a significant increase in the mix-habitat and rubble classes (11.3% and 32.5%), however,  there  was  a siginifcant decrease in the sand, seagrass, and coral classes of -14.1%, -14.9%, and -16.6%, respectively. In 2002-2013, mixed-habitat, sand, and seagrass classes were increase by 1.1%, 13.3%, and 24.78%, respectively.  Meanwhile, coral and rubble classes were decrease by -22.7% and -27.0%, respectively. Within the period of 1996-2013, there was about 43.6% loss of coral reef of Morotai island.  This was probably caused by the increase of seas surface temperature nad and the increase of human activities in the region. Keywords: coral reef habitats, Landsat, change detection, Morotai Islan

    Karakteristik Pasang Surut dan Pergerakan Massa Air di Teluk Kao Bagian Dalam, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara - Indonesia

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    Perairan Teluk Kao terletak di Pulau Halmahera, merupakan teluk yang unik karena terdiri dari dua bagian yakni Teluk Kao bagian luar dan Teluk Kao bagian dalam yang dipisahkan oleh ambang Wasilei. Keunikan ini cukup mempengaruhi kondisi oseanografi termasuk pola pergerakan massa air dan pola pasang surut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji fenomena oseanografis dari Teluk Kao bagian dalam terutama khususnya pergerakan arah dan kecepatan arus serta pasang surut. Pengukuran arah dan kecepatan arus dilakukan pada permukaan dan kedalam 10 meter pada awal musim peralihan II (September-November), sedangkan pasang surut dilakukan selama 2 piantan (48 jam). Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa arus yang berkembang di perairan Teluk Kao bagian dalam dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan angin dan pasang surut. Kecepatan arus pada saat air gerak pasang dan air bergerak surut berbeda begitu pula dengan arah pergerakan arus. Kecepatan pergerakan arus yang terukur berkisar antara 2cm/det – 40 cm/det yang tergolong dalam kecepatan arus lamah. Pola pasang surut yang teranalisis di Teluk Kao memperlihatkan tipe campuran condong semi diurnal. Kata Kunci: Pasang surut, Pergerakan Arus, Teluk Kao.


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan menentukan Daerah Potensial Penangkapan Ikan (DPPI) berdasarkan parameter oseanografis yang meliputi suhu permukaan laut dan sebaran klorofil-a dengan kriteria daerah penangkapan ikan cakalang kurang potensial, potensial dan sangat potensial di perairan sekitar pulau Bacan Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan. Desain penelitian adalah metode eksplanatif untuk menerangkan, dan menguji hipotesis dari variabel-variabel penelitian dan analisa korelasi regresi berganda untuk menginterpretasi hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel tidak bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa parameter oseanografis suhu permukaan laut, konsentrasi klorofil-a, memberi pengaruh nyata terhadap variasi hasil tangkapan cakalang sebesar 55%. Berdasarkan persamaan regresi, koefisien suhu (X1) bernilai positif yakni 23,0811 dan koefisien klorofil-a (X2) bernilai positif yakni 1,5501. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa secara bertahap parameter oseanografi suhu dengan nilai signifikan 0,001<0,05 dan nilai signifikan klorofil-a 0,00004<0,05 memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap hasil tangkapan. Kisaran nilai SPL pada bulan Maret sampai Mei, suhu tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Maret yaitu 31.00°C dan terendah pada bulan yang sama, sedangkan kisaran rata-rata pada bulan Maret sampai Mei cenderung sama pada kisaran nilai 30.19-30.01°C dengan frekuensi penangkapan terbanyak yaitu 8850 kg, dengan rata-rata hasil tangkapan 2979 kg dan hasil tangkapan terendah 660 kg. Fluktuasi hasil tangkapan tertinggi pada kisaran klorofil 0,18-0,27 mg/m3 dengan jumlah hasil tangkapan adalah 8850 kg, dan hasil tangkapan terendah pada kisaran klorofil 0,12 mg/m3. Interpolasi untuk prediksi Daerah Potensial Penangkapan Ikan cakalang di sekitar Pulau Bacan, menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penangkapan banyak dilakukan pada daerah yang sangat potensial sebanyak 44% dengan Luas DPPI 41%.Kata Kunci: Parameter Oseonografis, Daerah Potensial Penangkapan Ikan, Ikan Cakalan

    GIS Based Method for Flood Hazard Assesment in Kobe River Watershed - North Maluku Province

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    The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility in Weda District, where the majority of the land (16.34 percent) is located at or below sea level, making it particularly vulnerable to flooding