739 research outputs found

    Sejarah Islam Indonesia dalam Perspektif Hamka

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    This paper explores the history of Indonesian Islam from Hamka’s perspective, especially regarding the history of the entry of Islam in Indonesia in general and the history of the entry of Islam in West Sumatra in particular, as well as the contribution of Hamka’s thoughts to the historiography of Indonesian Islam. Hamka, who is more famous as a scholar and writer, is also a historian. Hamka produces historical works on the history of Indonesian Islam. Moreover, Hamka’s knowledge on history is self-taught by reading history books. The author uses data sources consisting of primary sources and secondary sources obtained through library research. The historical methods used are heuristics (data collection), verification (source criticism), interpretation (data interpretation), and historiography (history writing). The article concludes that Hamka’s thoughts on the history of Indonesian Islam are illustrated by his theory regarding the history of the entry of Islam in Indonesia which is called the Mecca theory. Islam that existed in the archipelago in the 7th century spread to several areas in West Sumatra such as Ulakan, Pariaman, Minangkabau, and so on. Islam easily adapts to local culture and even becomes part of existing customs


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    Ekstrak kolagen merupakan salah satu turunan protein yang saat ini banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai produk food supplement. Ekstrak kolagen tulang sapi impor saat ini kebanyakan diproduksi melalui proses kimia. Penelitian tentang efek ekstrak kolagen tulang sapi yang diproduksi melalui proses kimia belum banyak dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji performa mencit (Mus musculus) yang diberi ekstrak kolagen tulang sapi secara peroral. Sebanyak 50 ekor mencit jantan dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 10 ekor. Kelompok A diberi ekstrak kolagen dengan dosis 1.000 mg/kg bb, kelompok B (5.000 mg/kg bb), kelompok C (10.000 mg/kg bb), kelompok D (15.000 mg/kg bb) dan kelompok E (kontrol) yang diberi aquades peroral. Perhitungan potensi ketoksikan akut (LD50) terkait jumlah mortalitas, perubahan bobot badan serta penampilan gejala klinis dilakukan sampai dengan hari ke-10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi ketoksikan akut (LD50) populasi untuk dosis tertinggi belum mencapai dosis letal (50%) dari populasi, perubahan bobot badan dan gejala klinis bervariasi. Hasil akhir disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kolagen tulang sapi bali sampai dosis 15.000 mg/kg bb pada mencit berkategori praktis non toksik (practically non toxic) dan perbedaan dosis ekstrak tidak berpengaruh terhadap perubahan bobot badan mencit sampai pengamatan hari ke-30

    Hubungan antara Internet Self-Efficacy dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (Fokus: Analisis Cluster dengan Metode K-Means dan Louvain)

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    Internet self-efficacy (ISE) was initiated by Albert Bandura, self-efficacy (SE) is a widely accepted concept that refers to an individual's belief in his ability to complete certain behaviors or tasks in certain situations. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ISE and the learning achievement of 12th-grade high school students. The sample of this study was 12th-grade MIPA 7 SMA Unggulan CT ARSA Foundation Sukoharjo as many as 21 students. ISE data is data obtained from questionnaires distributed to students who have been tested for validity and reliability. On the other hand, learning achievement tests were conducted on students with three-dimensional material. The analysis conducted to determine the relationship between the two variables is bivariate analysis. The results showed that between the ISE variable and Student Learning Achievement, a correlation coefficient value of 0.670 was obtained with a significant relationship between the ISE variable and Student Achievement. The degree of bond correlation value shows a strong/sturdy correlation
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