1,049 research outputs found

    Collection of Departmental Information by Utilizing Computer Technology: Evidence from Schools of Karachi

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    This paper is an analysis of Collection of Departmental Information (CDI) of Education Department of Karachi, but the concept of the paper is general in nature and applicable to every department of any country for the purpose of computerization of all the related records and CDI. The Paper examines the existing manually run infrastructure of CDI for onward submission to concerned departmental authorities. With the advent of information technology, the transformation and collection of information is analyzed for comparison between traditional source code and computer based working system. Trend of introducing computer in Government Departments has been examined and recorded with positive results. The Governor of Sindh seems to be very serious and has much emphasized the need of using computer technology for easy access, efficient, diligent and versatile functioning of the departments. In the light of results based on interviews, literature review and their analysis, policy implications are made for better Management of CDI for concerned authorities.Manual Information, Computer Technology, Versatile, Diligent, Acceleration, Access and Management

    Vektorsko upravljanje dvostruko pobuđenim sinkronim strojem kao integriranim starterom-alternatorom

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    The paper proposes a double excited synchronous machine as integrated starter--alternator for future automobiles applications. Particularly, the biaxial excitation synchronous machine (BESM) is proposed for its high efficiency and wide constant power speed range. As the integrated starter--alternator system combines both starter and generator functions in a single electric machine, an alternative vector control strategy for BESM is developed and detailed to allow operation in the two modes at unity power factor operation by setting d-axis current to be zero and q-axis current to be constant and equal to its value that cancel the q-axis flux. In such conditions, the BESM torque can be controlled by the dc-excitation current and the required dc-bus voltage can be regulated within the 42V PowerNet specifications. To overcome the slowness dc-excitation current response, which is due to higher dc-field excitation time constant, and to increase the torque response quickness, the control of the magnetising current is proposed instead of the d-axis current. Implementation and simulation results validate the proposed scheme and provide a practical solution for an integrated starter-alternator.U radu je predložena upotreba dvostruko pobuđenog sinkronog stroja kao integriranog startera-alternatora, za buduće primjene u automobilskoj industriji. Preciznije, predložena je upotreba biaksijalno pobuđenog sinkronog stroja (BESM) zbog visoke korisnosti i širokog raspona područja konstantne snage. Kao integrirani starter-alternator, sustav kombinira funkcije i startera i generatora u jednom električnom stroju. Razvijen je i detaljno opisan alternativni pristup vektorskom upravljanju BESM-om za omogućavanje rada u dva moda uz jedinični faktor snage postavljanjem d-osi struje u nulu i q-osi struje na konstantnu vrijednost koja poništava tok u q-osi. U ovakvim uvjetima, BESM momentom moguće je upravljati istosmjernom uzbudnom strujom i traženi napon dc-sabirnice moguće je regulirati unutar 42V PowerNet specifikacija. Za prevladavanje sporog odziva na istosmjernu uzbudnu struju koji nastaje zbog veće vremenske konstante magnetskog polja uzbude, a s ciljem ubrzanja odziva momenta, predloženo je upravljanje strujom magnetizacije umjesto strujom u d-osi. Implementacijski i simulacijski rezultati potvrđuju predloženi pristup i pružaju praktično rješenje za integrirani starter-alternator

    Strukturna analiza i karakterizacija ležišta kredne sekvencije u Kohala Bala, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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    The southeastern Hazara is a portion of the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt, formed by the interaction of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. The present research was conducted to analyse the structural geometry and assess the reservoir potential of the Cretaceous sequence (Chichali Formation and Kawagarh Formation) in southern Hazara, Pakistan. The mapped stratigraphic units range from Late Jurassic, Samana Suk Formation to early Eocene, Margalla Hill Limestone, along with unconformities. The research area is under intense deformation and is characterised by the thrust faults with accompanying folds. The fore-thrust faults are steeply dipping towards the north with associated back-thrust dipping southward, and the folds are mainly asymmetric anticlines and asymmetric synclines along with symmetric anticline (Barkot). The structures trend mainly NE-SW, indicating NW-SE compressive stresses. Reservoir quality is evaluated by using petrographic image analysis, SEM analysis, plug porosity, and permeability analysis. The porosity observed varies from 0.282% – 10.89%, 0.016% – 1.78% in Chichali (Sandstone) Formation and Kawagarh (Limestone) Formation, respectively. Simultaneously, the measured permeability in Chichali and Kawagarh Formation varies from 0–0.064 mD and 0–0.014 mD, respectively. The primary porosity type was intergranular/interparticle, intragranular, fracture, and vuggy porosity. SEM analysis shows that microporosity is present in the Cretaceous sequence and, calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, and pyrite are the major minerals. The reservoir studies show that the Chichali Formation can be proven a good (Tight) reservoir rock, and Kawagarh Formation may prove as a reservoir (if the fractures in the subsurface, formed by severe tectonic deformation are not filled with cementing material) and seal/cap rock. Strukturna analiza i karakterizacija ležišta kredne sekvencije u Kohala Bala, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PakistanJugoistočna Hazara predstavlja dio himalajskoga borano-navlačnoga pojasa nastaloga interakcijom indijske ploče s euroazijskom pločom. U okviru ovoga istraživanja analizirana je strukturna geometrija i potencijal ležišta kredne sekvencije (formacija Chichali i Kawagarh) u južnoj Hazari, Pakistan. Kartirane stratigrafske jedinice kreću se od gornje jure, formacija Samana Suk, do donjega eocena, vapnenac Margalla Hill, zajedno s diskordancijama. Područje je istraživanja intezivno deformirano, a karakteriziraju ga reverzni rasjedi s pratećima borama. Prednje su navlake strmo nagnute prema sjeveru s pripadajućim pozadinskim navlakama nagnutim južno, dok su bore predstavljene asimetričnim antiklinalama i sinklinalama zajedno sa simetričnom antiklinalom (Barkot). Strukture su uglavnom položene SI – JZ, što upućuje na pojavu tlačnih naprezanja smjerom SZ – JI. Kvaliteta ležišta ocijenjena je analizom petrografskih slika, SEM analizom te analizom šupljikavosti i propusnosti. Vrijednosti variraju od 0.282 % do 10.89 % u formaciji Chichali (pješčenjaci) i 0.016 % do 1.78 % u formaciji Kawagarh (vapnenci). Izmjerena propusnost u formaciji Chichali varira od 0 do 0,064 mD, odnosno od 0 do 0.014 mD u formaciji Kawagarh. Zapažen je međuzrnati, unutarzrnati, pukotinski i vuggy (otopljeni) tip primarne šupljikavosti. SEM analiza pokazala je prisutnost mikroporoznosti u krednoj sekvenciji, dok su kalcit, dolomit, kvarc, feldspat i pirit definirani kao glavni minerali. Formacija Chichali dobra je ležišna stijena, dok se formacija Kawagarh može opisati i kao ležište, ali i izolator, ovisno o tome jesu li tektonske pukotine ispunjene cementnim materijalom

    Value of “large FOV” calcium score as a screening method for detection of extracardiac incidental findings

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    AbstractPurposeThe purpose of this study was to emphasize the value of calcium scoring (Ca score) using a large field of view (“large FOV”) as a screening method for detection of extracardiac incidental findings.Materials and methods64-Multislice CT angiography using a “large FOV” in the preliminary calcium score followed by the post-contrast routine “small FOV” examination was performed for 382 consecutive patients between January 2011 and December 2012.Results375 Patients (203 men and 172 women) with age range between 40 and 80years (mean, 60years), were studied, using a “large FOV” technique. Among whole incidental extracardiac findings, “significant” extracardiac abnormalities (emergent and intermediate findings) were detected in 24.8% of cases, among which 13.6% would have been missed if only using a “small FOV” technique.ConclusionResults showed that using Ca score with a “large FOV” is favorable for better, accurate and more frequent detection of extracardiac incidental findings. With usage of low dose technique, the difference in dose between “small FOV” and “large FOV” techniques is justified for detection of supplementary “significant” extra-cardiac findings including serious findings such as lung cancer or metastatic deposits

    Modeling and Simulation of a Photovoltaic Field for 13 kW

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    In the future solar energy will be very important source of energy. More than 45% of needed energy in the world will be generated by photovoltaic module. Therefore it is necessary to concentrate our efforts in order to reduce the application costs .This work investigates on the modeling of a Stand Alone Power System focusing on Photovoltaic energy systems. We introduce the models of the system components Therefore a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is needed to track the peak power in order to make full utilization of PV array output power under varying conditions. This paper presents two widely-adopted MPPT algorithms, perturbation & observation (P&O) and incremental conductance (IC).A complete characterization and simulation model was implemented in the Matlab-Simulink environment. Design complete system is done to analyze its behavior for a typical year, with the aim to evaluate their energetic effectiveness

    Direct true lumen versus conventional cannulation for acute type-A aortic dissection

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    Acute type-A aortic dissection is a surgical emergency and has a high rate of short-term mortality. Aortic dissection is highly under-reported in Pakistan. With the technological developments in its management, arterial cannulation technique of direct true lumen cannulation has emerged with improved outcomes. We aimed to compare the mortality and morbidity outcomes between direct true lumen and conventional cannulation techniques for arterial access in patients with acute type- A aortic dissection under a single-centre retrospective review from 2007 to 2017. Mean age of the participants was 43.3±11.6 vs 45±12.4 years with males being dominant in both groups. Frequency of overall morbidity was high in conventional cannulation group (Group-B), though it did not attain statistical significance, (p\u3e0.999). Mortality rate was also high in Group-B (10% vs 30%), (p=0.582). Direct true lumen cannulation is an equally reliable option for establishing cardiopulmonary bypass due to reduced mortality and morbidity and may be given preference when dissection is extending into femoral and innominate arteries

    A glance at research-driven university\u27s technology transfer office in the UAE

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    © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Technology transfer offices (TTOs) in research-driven universities serve as an intermediary between suppliers of innovations and those who can potentially commercialise them. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), TTOs are expected to take an important role in the evolution of successful spin-off companies from innovation to production to sales to sustainable profit. TTOs aim to help businesses to innovate and prosper leading to improving local and national economic prosperity. TTOs often support spin-off companies becoming a learning organisation and easing into an articulated management of activities complementary to the research and development activities that create the innovation and drive the transition from innovation to product lines. This paper aims to investigate the current situation of research-driven university\u27s TTO in UAE using a case study of Etisalat BT Innovation Center at Khalifa University and Masdar Institute for university policy implications. The findings suggest that TTOs assist university researchers in many ways

    Investigating Strategies to Improve English Oral Communication Skills Among Undergrads at Mehran UET, Jamshoro

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    An Oral Communication (OC) plays a significant role in our day-to-day life. It has been considered as a life changing tool of the conversation. In academia,it is given a primary importance. (OC) is a two-dimensional work and it includes both listening and speaking simultaneously. This paper aims to investigate strategies, impacting students’ oral English communication performance and to make them effective and fluent speaker of English language.In this thesis, the researcher introduced many strategies to help students to improve their speaking skills of English language which actually comprises oral communication. First the study attempted to develop the questionnaire for statistical analysis named strategies for oral communication which was then classified as strategies for speaking skills. There were nine strategies of speaking. The research project was based on close-ended questionnaire for speaking and composed in a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 strongly agree (SA) 2 agree (A) 3 Neutral (N) 4 strongly disagree (SD) 5 disagree (D).The target population for this study were the 132 students of Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh. The research contains sequential mixed method for the collection of data that is based on both quantitative data, that was collected from students through questionnaire and the qualitative data that was collected from 5 English language teachers of MUET, Jamshoro.  The data was analyzed in grand percentage, mean and standard deviations. To validate the use of the instrument, participant reports on the Strategy for oral communication were compared with the result of the OCS. It was revealed that students with high or low oral proficiency tended to use these particular strategies, such as social affective strategies, fluency-oriented strategies, negotiation of meaning and etc.Some of these strategies can directly influence their effectiveness of learning communication skills of English, but some do not have direct influence on oralcommunication skills of English. Understanding these strategies and their impact would enable both instructors and students to improve their teaching, learning environment as well as methodology. Keywords: Communication Strategies, survey research (sequential mixed method), speaking skills, high proficiency, and low proficiency. Investigating Strategies to improve English oral Communication skills among undergrads at Mehran UET, Jamshoro DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/79-05 Publication date:May 31st 2021

    The Role of Public Expenditures in Distribution

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    أضحت النفقات العامة أداة مالية تلعب أدواراً مهمة ومتنوعة في حياة الدولة بمختلف جوانبها السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية وغيرها،اذ بواسطتها تتدخل الدولة بإحداث التحسينات والتطويرات اللازمة في هذه النواحي؛ ولا يقتصر دورها على النطاق الداخلي للدولة، بل يتعداه إلى النطاق الخارجي، وذلك عبر ادائها لواجباتها والتزاماتها المالية التي يستلزمها الانتماء للمجتمع الدولي والإنساني هذا من جانب، ومن جانب آخر فان الصفة النقدية للنفقات العامة توجب توخي الدقة والنظرة المستقبلية الشاملة للاقتصاد الوطني في نطاق مجرياته الحاضرة وما ينبغي ان يكون عليه في المستقبل على وفق السياسة الاقتصادية والتنموية التي تسعى الدولة للعمل على تحقيقها مستفيدة مما نتج عن التجارب السابقة، إذ يمكن للنفقات العامة عبر التوسيع أو التضييق فيها أن تسهم في معالجة عدة ظواهر اقتصادية واجتماعية كظاهرتي التضخم والكساد وغيرها، كما ان لنوع النفقات العامة من حيث كونها نفقات حقيقية أو تحويلية نتائج في توليد دخول جديدة للأفراد والمشاريع أو الابقاء على تلك الدخول مع تقليل الفوارق الطبقية بين فئات المجتمع وذلك للحيلولة دون تكدس الثروات لدى فئات معينة من ناحية وتحسين المستوى المعاشي لفئات أخرى من ذوي الدخول المحدودة من ناحية أخرى. وقد حاولنا في هذه الدراسة تسليط الضوء على الدور الاقتصادي والاجتماعي الكبير للنفقات العامة في جانب منه ألا وهو دورها في التوزيع.Public expenditures became a financial tool that plays important and varied roles in the life of the state in its various political، economic، social and other aspects، by which the state intervenes to bring about the necessary improvements and developments in these areas; its role is not limited to the internal scope of the state، but rather extends it to the external domain، through the performance of its duties and obligations The financial necessity for belonging to the international and humanitarian community on the one hand، and on the other hand، the monetary characteristic of public expenditures necessitates precision and a comprehensive future view of the national economy in the scope of its current course of action and what it should be in the pain It will be accepted according to the economic and development policy that the state seeks to achieve، benefiting from the results of previous experiences، as public expenditures through expansion or narrowing in it can contribute to addressing several economic and social phenomena such as inflation and recession، and others، and that the type of public expenditures in terms of being expenditures Real or transformative results in generating new income for individuals and projects or maintaining that entry while reducing class differences between groups of society in order to prevent the accumulation of wealth for certain groups on the one hand and improving the standard of living for other groups with limited incomes on the other. In this study، we have tried to shed light on the great economic and social role of public expenditures in part، which is their role in distribution

    Disaster Risk Analysis of the Emergency Transportation Road for Large-scale Disasters in Japan

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    13301乙第2075号博士(学術)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:自然災害科学 35(1) pp.39-53 2016. 日本自然災害学会. 共著者:アハメド ワヒド ウッディン, 藤生 慎, 髙山 純一, 中山 晶一朗, 轟 直