63,980 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic consistency of liquid-gas lattice Boltzmann simulations

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    Lattice Boltzmann simulations have been very successful in simulating liquid-gas and other multi-phase fluid systems. However, the underlying second order analysis of the equation of motion has long been known to be insufficient to consistently derive the fourth order terms that are necessary to represent an extended interface. These same terms are also responsible for thermodynamic consistency, i.e. to obtain a true equilibrium solution with both a constant chemical potential and a constant pressure. In this article we present an equilibrium analysis of non-ideal lattice Boltzmann methods of sufficient order to identify those higher order terms that lead to a lack of thermodynamic consistency. We then introduce a thermodynamically consistent forcing method.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Three-dimensional pantograph for use in hazardous environments

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    Material measurement device is used with radioactive probes which can be approached only to distance of 3 feet. Tracer-following unit is capable of precisely controlled movement in X-Y-Z planes. Pantograph is usable in industrial processes involving chemical corrosives, poisons, and bacteriological hazards, as well as nuclear applications

    Evolution of Feedback Loops in Oscillatory Systems

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    Feedback loops are major components of biochemical systems. Many systems show multiple such (positive or negative) feedback loops. Nevertheless, very few quantitative analyses address the question how such multiple feedback loops evolved. Based on published models from the mitotic cycle in embryogenesis, we build a few case studies. Using a simple core architecture (transcription, phosphorylation and degradation), we define oscillatory models having either one positive feedback or one negative feedback, or both loops. With these models, we address the following questions about evolvability: could a system evolve from a simple model to a more complex one with a continuous transition in the parameter space? How do new feedback loops emerge without disrupting the proper function of the system? Our results show that progressive formation of a second feedback loop is possible without disturbing existing oscillatory behavior. For this process, the parameters of the system have to change during evolution to maintain predefined properties of oscillations like period and amplitude.Comment: Proceedings of the 2009 FOSBE conference in Denver, CO, USA. 4 page

    Propagating plane harmonic waves through finite length plates of variable thickness using finite element techniques

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    An analysis is given using finite element techniques which addresses the propagaton of a uniform incident pressure wave through a finite diameter axisymmetric tapered plate immersed in a fluid. The approach utilized in developing a finite element solution to this problem is based upon a technique for axisymmetric fluid structure interaction problems. The problem addressed is that of a 10 inch diameter axisymmetric fixed plate totally immersed in a fluid. The plate increases in thickness from approximately 0.01 inches thick at the center to 0.421 inches thick at a radius of 5 inches. Against each face of the tapered plate a cylindrical fluid volume was represented extending five wavelengths off the plate in the axial direction. The outer boundary of the fluid and plate regions were represented as a rigid encasement cylinder as was nearly the case in the physical problem. The primary objective of the analysis is to determine the form of the transmitted pressure distribution on the downstream side of the plate

    The Superconducting Toroid for the New International AXion Observatory (IAXO)

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    IAXO, the new International AXion Observatory, will feature the most ambitious detector for solar axions to date. Axions are hypothetical particles which were postulated to solve one of the puzzles arising in the standard model of particle physics, namely the strong CP (Charge conjugation and Parity) problem. This detector aims at achieving a sensitivity to the coupling between axions and photons of one order of magnitude beyond the limits of the current detector, the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). The IAXO detector relies on a high-magnetic field distributed over a very large volume to convert solar axions to detectable X-ray photons. Inspired by the ATLAS barrel and end-cap toroids, a large superconducting toroid is being designed. The toroid comprises eight, one meter wide and twenty one meters long racetrack coils. The assembled toroid is sized 5.2 m in diameter and 25 m in length and its mass is about 250 tons. The useful field in the bores is 2.5 T while the peak magnetic field in the windings is 5.4 T. At the operational current of 12 kA the stored energy is 500 MJ. The racetrack type of coils are wound with a reinforced Aluminum stabilized NbTi/Cu cable and are conduction cooled. The coils optimization is shortly described as well as new concepts for cryostat, cold mass, supporting structure and the sun tracking system. Materials selection and sizing, conductor, thermal loads, the cryogenics system and the electrical system are described. Lastly, quench simulations are reported to demonstrate the system's safe quench protection scheme.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. MT 23 issue. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.2526, arXiv:1212.463

    New Superconducting Toroidal Magnet System for IAXO, the International AXion Observatory

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    Axions are hypothetical particles that were postulated to solve one of the puzzles arising in the standard model of particle physics, namely the strong CP (Charge conjugation and Parity) problem. The new International AXion Observatory (IAXO) will incorporate the most promising solar axions detector to date, which is designed to enhance the sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling by one order of magnitude beyond the limits of the current state-of-the-art detector, the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). The IAXO detector relies on a high-magnetic field distributed over a very large volume to convert solar axions into X-ray photons. Inspired by the successful realization of the ATLAS barrel and end-cap toroids, a very large superconducting toroid is currently designed at CERN to provide the required magnetic field. This toroid will comprise eight, one meter wide and twenty one meter long, racetrack coils. The system is sized 5.2 m in diameter and 25 m in length. Its peak magnetic field is 5.4 T with a stored energy of 500 MJ. The magnetic field optimization process to arrive at maximum detector yield is described. In addition, materials selection and their structure and sizing has been determined by force and stress calculations. Thermal loads are estimated to size the necessary cryogenic power and the concept of a forced flow supercritical helium based cryogenic system is given. A quench simulation confirmed the quench protection scheme.Comment: Accepted for publication in Adv. Cryo. Eng. (CEC/ICMC 2013 special issue

    Gas gain and signal length measurements with a triple-GEM at different pressures of Ar-, Kr- and Xe-based gas mixtures

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    We investigate the gas gain behaviour of a triple-GEM configuration in gas mixtures of argon, krypton and xenon with ten and thirty percent of carbon dioxide at pressures between 1 and 3 bar. Since the signal widths affect the dead time behaviour of the detector we present signal length measurements to evaluate the use of the triple-GEM in time-resolved X-ray imaging.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Comment on "Regularizing capacity of metabolic networks"

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    In a recent paper, Marr, Muller-Linow and Hutt [Phys. Rev. E 75, 041917 (2007)] investigate an artificial dynamic system on metabolic networks. They find a less complex time evolution of this dynamic system in real networks, compared to networks of reference models. The authors argue that this suggests that metabolic network structure is a major factor behind the stability of biochemical steady states. We reanalyze the same kind of data using a dynamic system modeling actual reaction kinetics. The conclusions about stability, from our analysis, are inconsistent with those of Marr et al. We argue that this issue calls for a more detailed type of modeling

    Phase relaxation of Faraday surface waves

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    Surface waves on a liquid air interface excited by a vertical vibration of a fluid layer (Faraday waves) are employed to investigate the phase relaxation of ideally ordered patterns. By means of a combined frequency-amplitude modulation of the excitation signal a periodic expansion and dilatation of a square wave pattern is generated, the dynamics of which is well described by a Debye relaxator. By comparison with the results of a linear theory it is shown that this practice allows a precise measurement of the phase diffusion constant.Comment: 5 figure

    The last glacial-interglacial cycle in Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): testing diatom response to climate

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    Lake Ohrid is a site of global importance for palaeoclimate research. This study presents results of diatom analysis of a ca. 136 ka sequence, Co1202, from the northeast of the lake basin. It offers the opportunity to test diatom response across two glacial-interglacial transitions and within the Last Glacial, while setting up taxonomic protocols for future research. The results are outstanding in demonstrating the sensitivity of diatoms to climate change, providing proxy evidence for temperature change marked by glacial-interglacial shifts between the dominant planktonic taxa, Cyclotella fottii and C. ocellata, and exact correlation with geochemical proxies to mark the start of the Last Interglacial at ca. 130 ka. Importantly, diatoms show much stronger evidence in this site for warming during MIS3 than recorded in other productivity-related proxies, peaking at ca. 39 ka, prior to the extreme conditions of the Last Glacial maximum. In the light of the observed patterns, and from the results of analysis of early Holocene sediments from a second core, Lz1120, the lack of a response to Late Glacial and early Holocene warming from ca. 15-7.4 ka suggests the Co1202 sequence may be compromised during this phase. After ca. 7.4 ka, there is evidence for enhanced nutrient enrichment compared to the Last Interglacial, following by a post-Medieval cooling trend. Taxonomically, morphological variability in C. fottii shows no clear trends linked to climate, but an intriguing change in central area morphology occurs after ca. 48.7 ka, coincident with a tephra layer. In contrast, C. ocellata shows morphological variation in the number of ocelli between interglacials, suggesting climatically-forced variation or evolutionary selection pressure. The application of a simple dissolution index does not track preservation quality very effectively, underlining the importance of diatom concentration data in future studies
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