90 research outputs found

    Prinsip asas pengesanan sinaran

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    Buku ini menghuraikan prinsip asas berbagai-bagai jenis pengesan sinaran radioaktifan dalam bahasa Melayu bagi memenuhi keperluan pelajar universiti. Buku ini diolah dengan perdekatan yang mudah difahami bagi semua peringkat pelajar di universiti dengan menggunakan matematik dalam menerangkan sesuatu konsep

    Thermoluminescence energy response of TLD-100 subjected to photon irradiation using Monte Carlo N-particle transport code version 5

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    Useful TL properties of TLD-100 that is an excellent candidate for using in TL dosimetry of ionizing radiation are demonstrated. This study is focused on response of TLD-100 subjected to photon irradiation. The thermoluminescence (TL) response of TLD-100 subject to various photon energy, ranging from 20 keV to 6 MeV, was investigated as energy absorbed in the TL material using Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code version 5 (MCNP5). The input parameters included in this study are experimental geometry specification, source information, material information, and tallies. Tally F6 is used in this simulation. The results from MCNP5 simulation show good agreement with previous experimental data. However, the data obtained from the simulation are greater than the experimental data especially in lower energy ranges

    Radiotoxicity Risk of Rocks and Groundwater of Abuja, Northcentral Nigeria

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    Overview of the sensitivity of Ge- and Al-doped silicon dioxide optical fibres to ionizing radiation

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    This paper reviews the thermoluminescence sensitivity of Ge- and Al- doped SiO2 optical fibre subjected to various ionizing radiations. It is found that the Ge- doped SiO2 optical fiber has the thermoluminescence response superior to Al-doped SiO2 optical fibre at certain energy and dose range in alpha, beta, photon and electron irradiation. High thermoluminescence intensity per unit dose goes to photon and electron irradiation than alpha and beta irradiation of lower energy. This probably due to the linear energy transfer that influence the dose deposition in the material as incident ionizing radiation striking the surface of Ge- and Al- doped SiO2 optical fibre. However, both doped SiO2 optical fibres show good linearity at studied dose range. It has been proven by researchers providing great potential as a dose absorbed measuring devices especially in radiotherapy energy and dose rang

    The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to fast neutrons

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    This paper describes a preliminary study of the thermoluminescence (TL) response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to 241AmBe neutron irradiation. The TL materials, which comprise Al- and Ge-doped silica fibres, were exposed in close contact with the 241AmBe source to obtain fast neutron interactions through use of measurements obtained with and without a Cd filter (the filter being made to entirely enclose the fibres). The neutron irradiations were performed for exposure times of 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 7-days in a neutron tank filled with water. In this study, use was also made of the Monte Carlo N-particle (MCNPTM) code version 5 (V5) to simulate the neutron irradiations experiment. It was found that the commercially available Ge-doped and Al-doped optical fibres show a linear dose response subjected to fast neutrons from 241AmBe source up to seven days of irradiations. The simulation performed using MCNP5 also exhibits a similar pattern, albeit differing in sensitivity. The TL response of Ge-doped fibre is markedly greater than that of the Al-doped fibre, the total absorption cross section for Ge in both the fast and thermal neutrons region being some ten times greater than that of Al

    Determination of Effective Atomic Number of Rubber

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    This paper reports a simple technique to determine the effective atomic number of rubber materials. The gamma ray attenuation coefficient of rubber was measured with high energy resolution Si(Li) detector at low gamma ray energies and the effective atomic number was determined by the functional ratio of attenuation coefficients at different energies. This study could provide a guide to an understanding of the quality of rubber based on its composition