36 research outputs found

    Ketahanan Relatif Enam Belas Nomor Klon Teh PGL terhadap Serangan Empoasca SP.

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    The relative resistance of sixteen selected PGL tea clones against Empoasca sp. had been studied at tea estate of Pagilaran. Six selected and superior tea clones were PGL 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, and ten other selected clones were PGL1, PGL2, PGL3, PGL5, PGL7, PGL8, PGL12, PGL13, PGL14, dan PGL16. Growth stage of the test tea-plants was productive stage, hence it was already infested by Empoasca sp.within several years. The study was conducted in the dry season of September 2011−November 2011, in which the climatic conditions support the increase of pest populations. Moderate level of pest populations was appropriate for conducting the research. Therefore, afdeling Pagilaran was chosen as a research site because of its moderate level of Empoasca sp. population (3.74 individuals/20 sweepnets), while in the afdeling Andongsili the population was low (1.70 individuals/20 sweepnets) and in afdeling Kayulandak was too high (9.81 individuals/20 sweepnets). Resistance criterion was developed based on statistical-analysis result of the pest population. Results showed that all PGL clones were attacked by Empoasca sp. However, PGL 4 was consistently the most sensitive and PGL 15 was the most resistant, while others showed moderate resistance against the pest attack. Ketahanan relatif enam belas nomor terpilih klon teh PGL terhadap serangan Empoasca sp. telah dikaji di kebun teh Pagilaran. Enam nomor klon terpilih dan unggul adalah PGL4, PGL6, PGL9, PGL10, PGL11, PGL15, dan 10 nomor terpilih lainnya adalah PGL1, PGL2, PGL3, PGL5, PGL7, PGL8, PGL12, PGL13, PGL14, dan PGL16. Stadia pertumbuhan tanaman teh uji adalah stadia produksi sehingga telah beberapa tahun mengalami serangan Empoasca sp. Kajian dilaksanakan dalam musim kemarau selama bulan September 2011–November 2011, ketika kondisi iklim mendukung peningkatan populasi hama ini. Tingkat populasi hama yang moderat sesuai untuk melakukan kajian. Afdeling Pagilaran dipilih sebagai arena kajian karena tingkat populasi Empoasca sp. moderat (3,74 ekor/20 ayunan jaring serangga). Sementara itu di afdeling Andongsili populasi hama ini rendah (1,70 ekor/20 ayunan jaring serangga) dan di afdeling Kayulandak sangat tinggi (9,81 ekor/20 ayunan jaring serangga). Kriteria ketahanan ditentukan berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik populasi Empoasca sp. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa semua klon PGL terserang oleh Empoasca sp., tetapi PGL 4 konsisten paling peka dan PGL 15 paling tahan, sementara 14 klon lain menunjukkan ketahanan moderat terhadap serangan hama ini

    Dampak Erupsi Merapi 2010 terhadap Serangga Penyerbuk Bunga Salak

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    The research was aimed at determining the impact of Merapi eruption in 2010 on pollinator insect of Salacca edulis. The research was conducted at Keringan hamlet, Wonokerto village, Turi District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Territory. Species and population of the insect were observed at salacca plantation that were damaged by Merapi eruption in 2010 in the following category: heavy damage, medium damage, light damage, and undamaged. Five respondents and 10 salacca plants/respondent were sampled for each of the damage category. Respondents were interviewed to understand their perception on the eruption impact against the pollinator insect. Results showed that the pollinator insect was Nodocnemis sp. The insect population was significantly influenced by the eruption. Population average on the damage category of heavy, medium, light, and undamaged were 8.59, 17.33, 31.35, and 61.10 individuals/flower, respectively. The insect population was also significantly influenced by the flower development, the highest population was observed on blooming stage (92.33 individuals/flower), while on stage of pre-and post blooming were 17.37 and 8.14 individuals/flower, respectively. The farmer respondents understood about the role of pollinator insect. They thought that the Merapi eruption influenced negatively to the pollinator insect. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak (Salacca edulis). Penelitian dilakukan di kebun salak di Dusun Keringan, Desa Wonokerto, Kecamatan Turi, Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, selama bulan Maret−Mei 2011. Jenis dan populasi serangga penyerbuk diamati in situ pada bunga salak yang belum mekar, mekar, dan lewat mekar. Bunga salak diamati di kebun salak yang rusak akibat erupsi Merapi 2010 berdasarkan kategori rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak. Pada setiap kategori kerusakan kebun diambil sampel 5 (lima) petani salak responden dan 10 pohon salak jantan yang berbunga diambil dari kebun milik masing-masing responden. Wawancara terhadap petani dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kesan petani terhadap dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis serangga penyerbuk adalah Nodocnemis sp. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. secara signifikan (P <0.05) dipengaruhi oleh erupsi Merapi. Rerata populasi (ekor/tandan bunga jantan) pada kebun yang rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak sebesar 8,59; 17,33; 31,35; dan 61,10. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. juga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat perkembangan bunga salak; paling tinggi pada bunga mekar (92,33 ekor/tandan bunga jantan), sedang pada bunga belum mekar dan lewat mekar sebesar 17,37 dan 8,14 ekor/tandan bunga jantan. Petani responden paham tentang peran serangga penyerbuk bunga salak dan berkesan bahwa erupsi Merapi berdampak negatif terhadap serangga penyerbuk tersebut

    Kajian Aspek Biologi Stegobium Paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobimae) = Study On The Biological Aspects Of Stegobium Paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)

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    The biological aspects of Stegobium paniceum (L.)(Coleoptera: Anobiidae) was studied by culturing the insect on coriander seeds at the Laboratory of Research Center for Biological Control (RCBC), Gadjah Mada University, under room temperature of 26.5510.72°C - 30.66±0.40°C and 57.38±5.53% relative humidity. The results showed that egg, larval and pupal stages of S. paniceum were 9.15±1.3735.97±5.53 and 5.80±0.54 days, respectively. Females laid eggs firstly at 5 days old, hence, the life cycle was 55.92 days. The female produced eggs for 4.691-3.42 days, as many as 13.6799.39 eggs. The eggs were laid in the coriander seedsup to more than 50 eggs per seed, but only 68.54±-29.27% out of them hatched and one to three individuals of them developed into adult. Larvae and pupae lived in the coriander seeds or in the coriander powder. The adults did not eat and could survive for. 27.90±18.71 days, but could cause damage by making exit holes on the coriander seeds. The pest might cause coriander damage up to 80%. Key words: Stegobium paniceum, coriander, Anobiida

    Respons Fungsional Burung Pentet (Lanius SP.) terhadap Belalang Kembara (Locusta Migratoria Manilensis)

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    The functional response of predatory bird, Lanius sp. (Passeriformes: Laniidae) on migratory locust [Locusta migratoria manilensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae)] had been studied under restricted condition. The migratory locusts were reared in the green house. Second and fourth nymph instars along with adult stages of the migratory locust were used in this trial. Maximum feeding and functional response of the predatory bird against the migratory locust were determined. Research protocol used follows Holling\u27s model. Results showed that the maximum feeding of the predatory bird was very high i.e. against 2nd and 4th instars and adult of the locust were 2.75 preys/minute, 0.13 preys/minute, and 0.09 preys/minute; respectively. The relationship between predatory bird and migratory locust fitted with the Holling\u27 s type 2 functional response. The high feeding rate of the predatory bird revealed that the bird is a promising candidate of biological control agent on migratory locust. Penelitian respons fungsional burung predator jenis pentet, Lanius sp. (Passeriformes: Laniidae) terhadap belalang kembara Locusta migratoria manilensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) telah dilakukan secara terbatas di laboratorium. Belalang kembara dibiakkan secara massal di rumah kaca. Belalang kembara yang dipakai dalam penelitian adalah nimfa instar 2, 4, dan imago umur 1 hari setelah ganti kulit. Penelitian antara lain menentukan kemampuan memangsa maksimum dan analisis respons fungsional. Prosedur kerja penelitian mengikuti prosedur model Holling. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan memangsa burung pentet terhadap belalang kembara sangat tinggi; terhadap instar 2 , 4 dan imago masing-masing 2,75 ekor/menit, 0,13 ekor/menit, dan 0,09 ekor/menit. Respons fungsional burung pentet terhadap belalang kembara mengikuti respons fungsional Holling tipe 2. Daya makan yang tinggi menunjukkan bahwa burung pentet berpotensi sebagai agens pengendalian hayati belalang kembara

    Aktivitas Harian dan Preferensi Burung Predator Lanius SP. terhadap Hama Sexava Spp.

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    The objective research is to know the daily activities and preference of predatory birds Lanius sp. to several stages of Sexava spp. Ten predatory birds 12 to 14 months of age were bought at merchant bird in Yogyakarta. The study was conducted naturally under controlled condition in cages. Before the study was conducted the predatory birds were acclimatized for three days by feeding them cricket and gradually changed to Sexava spp. The young nymphs, old nymphs, adult male, and adult female of Sexava spp. were found at coconut plantation in Dumagin village became the new dietary of the predator. The result showed that Lanius sp. is a diurnal bird; the activities were dominated by hunting and preying (16.52%), followed by flying (6.53%), jumping (5.70%), and walking (4.58%). The Lanius sp. preferred to prey on significantly more nymphs of Sexava spp. than the adult. The birds prey proportionally on the young nymphs, old nymphs, male, and adult females for 50%, 41%, 5%, and 4%, respectively. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas harian burung predator Lanius sp. dan preferensinya terhadap berbagai fase hama Sexava spp. Burung berumur 1–1,2 tahun sebanyak 10 ekor diperoleh dari pedagang burung di Yogyakarta. Kajian preferensi burung predator Lanius sp. terhadap belalang Sexava spp. dilakukan di bawah kondisi fisik alami dan terkontrol dalam kandang uji. Sebelum kajian dilakukan burung predator diaklimatisasi selama 3 hari dengan pakan jangkrik dan berangsur-angsur diganti dengan belalang Sexava spp. Belalang Sexava spp. stadia nimfa muda, nimfa tua, imago jantan, dan imago betina diperoleh dari kebun kelapa desa Dumagin, dipakai sebagai mangsa burung predator. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa Lanius sp. termasuk burung diurnal; aktivitas siang hari didominasi berburu mangsa dan makan (16,52%), diikuti terbang (6,53%), melompat (5,70%), dan berjalan (4,58%). Lanius sp. Secara signifikan lebih memilih stadia nimfa dibandingkan imago belalang Sexava spp. Proporsi nimfa muda, nimfa tua, imago jantan, dan imago betina yang dimangsa berturut-turut yaitu 50%, 41%, 5%, dan 4%

    Keanekaragaman Serangga Dan Struktur Vegetasi Pada Habitat Burung Insektivora Lanius Schach Linn. Di Tanjungsari, YOGYAKARTA

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    Insect diversity and vegetation structure are two aspects that affect the reproduction of insectivorous birds. The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the original habitat Lanius schach in Tanjungsari of particularly the type, composition of vegetation, and preference to insect sprey. Observation of vegetation and insects were conduct using a combination methods of the track and checkered line on the transect along the 10 km (ten observation points). Insect and tree species were counted on plot (20 m x 20 m), shrub (10 m x 10 m), bush (5 m x 5 m), and grass (2 m x 2 m). Vegetation analysis was used to calculate the structure and composition of vegetation, whereas Shannon diversity index was used for insect diversity. Prey test was conducted to determine the preferences of insectivore birds on insects. The composition of the vegetation species consists of 7 grasses, 20 bushes, 5 shrubs and 18 trees. The dominant species of vegetation based on highest important value index was Tectona grandis, Ipomoea sp., I. cylindrica, and Panicum brevifolium respectively. The highest diversity index of vegetation group were bush (2.430), tree (1.696), grass (1,680), and shrubs (1.364), respectively. Insect diversity index was 2.572 and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) was the most preferred prey by L. schach. Overall, the habitat of insectivore birds L. schach are dominated by T. grandis, and has high diversity of bush

    Gangguan Fisiologis Wereng Batang Padi Coklat Akibat Pemberian Abu Terbang Batubara

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    Coal fly ash (CFA) can be used as a control agent of brown plant hopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera; Delphacidae). This study was aimed to investigate the physiological disorders in BPH when exposed to CFA. The research was conducted by carrying out tests covering the mortality of BPH, measurement of BPH weight before and after CFA treatment, an analysis of the moisture content in BPH, an analysis of the BPH tissue, and a chemical analysis of BPH. The results of the study showed that the mortality rate of BPH after treatment was 71%. The physiological disorders due to CFA treatment was indicated by a 67.04% weight reduction as opposed to a 6.9% weight increase on the control specimens. The average moisture content of the treated BPH was significantly lower than that of the control specimens. CFA caused a shrinkage of body tissues and an increase in the contents of silica and alumina on BPH

    Pengendalian Hayati Afid pada Tanaman Cabai Merah dengan Menochilus Sexmaculatus

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    A field trial on biological control of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) with Menochilus sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was conducted at red chilli field in Sleman, Yogyakarta, in the planting season of 2010. Second instar was released at rate of 1 larva/250 aphids. The number of predator per plant varied depending on aphid-population density. The effectiveness of the predator was compared with application of sihalotrin 25 g/l at concentration rate of 2 cc/l as much as 500 l/ha. The results showed that effectiveness of the predator application was equal with the insecticide application. Percobaan lapangan pengendalian hayati Aphis spp. (Homoptera: Aphididae) dengan Menochilus sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) dilakukan di lahan cabai merah di daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta, pada musim tanam tahun 2010. Satu ekor larva instar II dilepas pada populasi 250 ekor afid. Banyaknya predator per tanaman bervariasi tergantung kepadatan populasi afid. Keefektifan aplikasi predator dibandingkan dengan perlakuan sihalotrin 25 g/l, konsentrasi 2 cc/l sebanyak 500 l/ha. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa keefektifan aplikasi predator setara dengan aplikasi insektisid

    Pengaruh Warna Perangkap Feromon terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Imago Oryctes Rhinoceros di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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    The effectiveness of a synthetic-pheromone trap with active ingredient of ethyl-4-methyloctanoate in catching adults of Oryctes rhinoceros was believed to be influenced by the trap color. A RCBD trial with single factor and three block replicates was conducted during September to October 2008 at Oil-Palm-Trial Station at PTPN III, Labuhan Batu District, North-Sumatera Province. The single factor was trap color i.e. orange, green, white, blue, red, yellow, and pink. Results showed that total numbers and sex ratios of collected O. rhinoceros adults were not significantly influenced by the trap color. The total numbers of collected O. rhinoceros adult during 30 days on color of orange, green, white, blue, red, yellow, and pink were 136, 177, 126, 155, 129, 114, and 113 individuals with sex ratios ♂/♀ 0.47, 0.52, 0.62, 0.50, 0.60, 0.49, and 0.54, respectively. The synthetic pheromone significantly attracted more O. rhinoceros female (65%) rather than the male one (35%). Keefektifan perangkap feromon sintetik berbahan aktif ethyl-4-methyloctanoate dalam menangkap imago Oryctes rhinoceros diyakini dipengaruhi oleh warna perangkap tersebut. Percobaan RCBD faktor tunggal dengan tiga blok ulangan dilakukan pada bulan September sampai dengan Oktober 2008 di kebun penelitian kelapa sawit PTPN III, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Faktor tunggal tersebut yakni warna perangkap meliputi oranye, hijau, putih, biru, merah, kuning, dan pink. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warna perangkap tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan dan sex ratio imago O. rhinoceros. Total imago O. rhinoceros yang tertangkap selama 30 hari pada warna oranye, hijau, putih, biru, merah, kuning dan pink sebanyak 136, 177, 126, 155, 129, 114 dan 113 dengan sex ratio ♂/♀ 0,47; 0,52; 0,62; 0,50; 0,60; 0,49 dan 0,54. Feromon sintetik secara signifikan lebih banyak menarik imago betina (65%) daripada yang jantan (35%)

    Kajian Kekhususan Inang Stegobium Paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) = Study On The Host Specificity Of Stegobium Paniceum (Coleoptera: Anobhdae)

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    The study of the host range of Stegobium paniceum (L.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) was conducted at the Laboratory of Research Center for Biological Control (RCBC), Gadjah Mada University, under room temperature of 26.55±0.72°C - 30.66.±0.40°C and 57.38±5.53% relative humidity. The materials tested were seventh materials of stored products in their original and flour form_ No Choice Method and Free Choice Method were to determine the applied host range and host specificity. New generation of S. paniceum produced from a material was used to indicate that the material was its host. The results showed that the main host of S. paniceum was coriander, and its alternative hosts were caraway seed, rice, dry ginger, candlenut and nutmeg, while S. paniceum could not survive on pepper. The material form did not significantly affect the S. paniceum development. Key words: Stegobium paniceum, Anobiidae, coriander