19 research outputs found

    Exercise Reduce Oxidative Damage in Pregnancy

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    Pregnancy is a vulnerable condition to all kinds of "stress", resulting in changes of physiological and metabolic functions. This research aims to determine effect of exercise during pregnancy in reducing oxidative demage marked by decrease of malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-diguanosine levels. Randomized pre and posttest control group design was employed in this study. A number of 66 pregnant women were recruited in this study and grouped to two groups, i.e 30 of them as control group and the rest as treatment group. Pregnancy exercise was performed to all 36 pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation on treatment group. The exercise was performed in the morning for about 30 minutes, twice a weeks. On the other hand, daily activities was sugested for control group. Student\u27s t-test was then applied to determine the mean different of treatment and control group with 5 % of significant value. This study reveals that there were significantly higher decrease of (MDA) and 8-OHdG about 0.15 nmol/ml and 0.08 ng/ml, respectively, amongs treatment and control groups (p < 0.05). Clinical outcomes, such as strengten of pelvic muscle and quality of life of treatment group were significantly better compared to control group (p < 0.05). This means that exercise during pregnancy ages of 20 weeks decrease MDA and 8-OHdG levels higher compare to control group without exercise

    Exercise Reduce Oxidative Damage in Pregnancy

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    Pregnancy is a vulnerable condition to all kinds of "stress", resulting in changes of physiological and metabolic functions. This research aims to determine effect of exercise during pregnancy in reducing oxidative demage marked by decrease of malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-diguanosine levels. Randomized pre and posttest control group design was employed in this study. A number of 66 pregnant women were recruited in this study and grouped to two groups, i.e 30 of them as control group and the rest as treatment group. Pregnancy exercise was performed to all 36 pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation on treatment group. The exercise was performed in the morning for about 30 minutes, twice a weeks. On the other hand, daily activities was sugested for control group. Student's t-test was then applied to determine the mean different of treatment and control group with 5 % of significant value. This study reveals that there were significantly higher decrease of (MDA) and 8-OHdG about 0.15 nmol/ml and 0.08 ng/ml, respectively, amongs treatment and control groups (p < 0.05). Clinical outcomes, such as strengten of pelvic muscle and quality of life of treatment group were significantly better compared to control group (p < 0.05). This means that exercise during pregnancy ages of 20 weeks decrease MDA and 8-OHdG levels higher compare to control group without exercise

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Melahirkan Dengan Pemberian Mp-asi Di Bagian Obstetri Dan Ginekologi Blu RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Most mothers now breastfeed less than 6 months and more gave extra food at that age but when viewed in terms of nutritional content of breast milk is superior to the other foods that have a lot of risks that can be caused to the health of the baby. Method: This research used a descriptive analytic cross-sectional study (cross-sectional) located in the obstetrics and gynecology section childbirth Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou General Hospital Malalayang Manado in November 2012. Result: Based on the statistical test using the chi square test (p <0.05) in this study was p = 0.031 (p <0.05). Thus it is said that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers giving birth to the complementary feeding. Conclusion: In terms of education are mostly good (high school) we can say that there is no relationship with the mother despite knowledge of the test results obtained statistically significant value. It can be seen from the findings that most mothers who have given birth (72%) turned out to have given formula milk shortly after birth

    Tinjauan Kasus Kehamilan Ektopik Di Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Periode 1 Januari 2010 – 31 Desember 2011

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    : An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy with a fertilized ovum, implant and grow in a normal endometrial cavity in the uteri. When pregnancy is experiencing a process of termination (abortion) is called a rupture dectopic pregnancy (KET). This study aims to determine umtuk review cases of ectopic pregnancy in BLU Dr Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou period 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2011 in terms of age, parity,history of abortion ,historyofcontraceptive/familyplanningacceptors. This is a descriptive retrospective study. The population in this study were all patients who were treated at the department of Obstetrics Gynecology Prof. BLU. Dr. R. D. Kandou Period January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2011. The data has been processed and then presented in the form of frequency distribution table and further discussed base don't heresultsobtained. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the amount and presentation of the study variables based on the total number of cases. It is recommended that the mother has since given a case of ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening emergency, then at the age of susceptible pregnant women ectopic pregnancy is recommended for early detection

    Persalinan Pada Usia ≥ 35 Tahun Di RSU Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Childbirth at age ≥ 35 years is not without risk. Labor harder and longer, and stillbirth are problems that can be encountered in pregnancy and childbirth at age ≥ 35 years. This study aims to find data on births by age ≥ 35 years. This study was conducted in November 2012 using retrospective descriptive method. Data were collected from medical record, the book of parturition and also from the subpart of Perinatology Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Public Hospital Manado in Januari 1 – December 31, 2011 period. This study found 846 birth at age ≥ 35 years from 4154 total births. Presentation of the fetus is most commonly found is the location of the fetal head 534 cases, while the type of labor that is most often done is spontaneously 413 cases. Birth weight is the most commonly found in the group weighing 2500 - <4000 grams 704 cases (81.39%). Perinatal deaths still occur till now (15.67o/oo). Every pregnant mother will birth at age ≥ 35 years more often advised to come to the clinic for prenatal care. Moreover, it is needed a doctor who is experienced and competent in minimizing morbidity and mortality in an act of childbirth

    Variasi Morfometrik Pada Beberapa Lamun Di Perairan Semenanjung Minahasa

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    Lamun (seagrass) atau disebut juga ilalang laut. Istilah lamun untuk seagrass, pertama-tama diperkenalkan oleh Hutomo dimana merupakan satu-satunya kelompok tumbuhan hidup di perairan laut dangkal. Lamun tumbuh padat membentuk padang, sehingga dikenal sebagai padang lamun (seagrass beds). Penelitian pada ekosistem padang lamun dimana banyak terjadi kegiatan atau aktivitas pemanfaatan oleh manusia sangatlah terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini perlu diadakan sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi awal bagi peneliti di perairan semenanjung Minahasa. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan di Perairan Semenanjung Minahasa Sulawesi Utara, khususnya di desa Arakan dan desa Tongkeina. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode jelajah. Sampel yang telah diperoleh (30 individu per species), diidentifikasi, diukur dengan aplikasi image-J gambar dan diolah menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 20.Rata-rata ukuran empat spesies yang diidentifikasi, memiliki variasi dan perbedaan antara spesies yang satu dengan spesies yang lain. Untuk spesies Cymodocea serrulata dan Thalassia hemprichii yang tumbuh di Tongkeina berukuran lebih panjang dibanding yang tumbuh di Arakan. Sedangkan untuk spesies Halodule pinifolia, terlihat yang tumbuh di Arakan yang memiliki ukuran lebih panjang dari Halophila ovalis. Hasil pengukuran menggunakan Hobo Pendant loggers di Arakan : intensitas cahaya 130000-139000 lux dan temperatur 36-37 0C. Di Tongkeina intensitas cahaya 230000-240000 lux dan temperatur 31-32 0C.Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga spesies baik yang tumbuh di arakan maupun yang tumbuh di Tongkeina memiliki variasi morfometrik

    Profil Persalinan Kehamilan Kembar Di Blu Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Periode 01 Januari 2010 – 31 Desember 2011

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    : Background: Twin pregnancies is the pregnancies with two fetues or more. Nation, heredity, age and parity of mother are all factors affecting twin pregnancies. The main factors that increase the the possibilities of multiple pregnancy is the treatment of infertility. This study uses a retrospective descriptive through medical records at BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou in period January 01, 2010 – December 31, 2011. Conclusion: It is already found 97 cases of twin pregnancy deliveries from 7265 total deliveries. There are 85 cases with a history af multiple pregnancies in the family. Best mode of delivery by Sectio Caesarea as many as 47 cases. Perinatal mortality still occur due to complications and complications that occur during labor. Complications can occur at any time, so it is important with the availability of doctor who are experienced in handling complications of twin pregnancies, to produce the maximum infant output and minimize morbidity and mortality


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    Pregnancy is a vulnerable condition to all kinds of "stress", resulting in changes of physiological and metabolic functions. This research aims to determine effect of exercise during pregnancy in reducing oxidative demage marked by decrease of malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-diguanosine levels. Randomized pre and posttest control group design was employed in this study. A number of 66 pregnant women were recruited in this study and grouped to two groups, i.e 30 of them as control group and the rest as treatment group. Pregnancy exercise was performed to all 36 pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation on treatment group. The exercise was performed in the morning for about 30 minutes, twice a weeks. On the other hand, daily activities was sugested for control group. Student’s t-test was then applied to determine the mean different of treatment and control group with 5 % of significant value. This study reveals that there were significantly higher decrease of (MDA) and 8-OHdG about 0.15 nmol/ml and 0.08 ng/ml, respectively, amongs treatment and control groups (p &lt; 0.05). Clinical outcomes, such as strengten of pelvic muscle and quality of life of treatment group were significantly better compared to control group (p &lt; 0.05). This means that exercise during pregnancy ages of 20 weeks decrease MDA and 8-OHdG levels higher compare to control group without exercise