1,202 research outputs found

    On the reliability of multistate systems with imprecise probabilities

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    Розглядається обчислення надійності в складних системах за наявності випадкового набору оцінок працездатності елементів. Виявлено, що підхід Демпстер-Шефера є відповідним математичним інструментом, який відповідає поставленим задачам. Для випадку, коли взаємозалежності елементів невідомі, наведено також оцінки ефективності системи переконань і правдоподібність функції.Рассматривается вычисления надежности в сложных системах при наличии случайного набора оце- нок работоспособности элементов. Выявлено, что подход Демпстер-Шефера является соответствующим математическим инструментом, который соответствует поставленным задачам. Для случая, когда взаимозависимости элементов неизвестны, приведены также оценки эффективности системы убеждений и правдоподобность функции.We consider the computation of multistate systems reliabilities in the presence of random set estimations for the elements' working abilities. It turns out that the Dempster-Shafer approach is a suitable mathematical tool. For the case that the interdependence of the elements is unknown, bounds for the system's performance belief and plausibility functions are given as well

    Application of fuzzy relations to test theory

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    На відміну від класичного ймовірного підходу, в даній статті розглядається метод генерування та оцінки тестів, заснований на нечіткому підході. Це призводить до завдань, які можуть бути вирішені в рамках нечітких реляційних рівнянь. Кілька прикладів ілюструють користь такого підходу.В отличие от классического вероятного подхода, в данной статье рассматривается метод генерирования и оценки тестов, основанный на нечетком подходе. Это приводит к задачам, которые могут быть решены в рамках нечетких реляционных уравнений. Несколько примеров иллюстрируют пользу такого подхода.Unlike the classical probability-based approach we consider the ge-neration and evaluation of tests based on a fuzzy approach. This leads to tasks which can be solved within the frame of fuzzy relational equations. Several examples illustrate the usefulness of our approach

    Laser microscopy of tunneling magnetoresistance in manganite grain-boundary junctions

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    Using low-temperature scanning laser microscopy we directly image electric transport in a magnetoresistive element, a manganite thin film intersected by a grain boundary (GB). Imaging at variable temperature allows reconstruction and comparison of the local resistance vs temperature for both, the manganite film and the GB. Imaging at low temperature also shows that the GB switches between different resistive states due to the formation and growth of magnetic domains along the GB. We observe different types of domain wall growth; in most cases a domain wall nucleates at one edge of the bridge and then proceeds towards the other edge.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Andreev bound states at a cuprate grain boundary junction: A lower bound for the upper critical field

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    We investigate in-plane quasiparticle tunneling across thin film grain boundary junctions (GBJs) of the electron-doped cuprate La2x_{2-x}Cex_{x}CuO4_4 in magnetic fields up to B=16B=16 T, perpendicular to the CuO2_2 layers. The differential conductance in the superconducting state shows a zero bias conductance peak (ZBCP) due to zero energy surface Andreev bound states. With increasing temperature TT, the ZBCP vanishes at the critical temperature Tc29T_c\approx29 K if B=0, and at T=12T=12 K for B=16 T. As the ZBCP is related to the macroscopic phase coherence of the superconducting state, we argue that the disappearance of the ZBCP at a field BZBCP(T)B_{ZBCP}(T) must occur below the upper critical field Bc2(T)B_{c2}(T) of the superconductor. We find BZBCP(0)25B_{ZBCP}(0) \approx 25 T which is at least a factor of 2.5 higher than previous estimates of Bc2(0)B_{c2}(0).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Insulin clearance and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Hispanics and African Americans: the IRAS Family Study.

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    ObjectiveWe aimed to identify factors that are independently associated with the metabolic clearance rate of insulin (MCRI) and to examine the association of MCRI with incident type 2 diabetes in nondiabetic Hispanics and African Americans.Research design and methodsWe investigated 1,116 participants in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS) Family Study with baseline examinations from 2000 to 2002 and follow-up examinations from 2005 to 2006. Insulin sensitivity (S(I)), acute insulin response (AIR), and MCRI were determined at baseline from frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance tests. MCRI was calculated as the ratio of the insulin dose over the incremental area under the curve of insulin. Incident diabetes was defined as fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL or antidiabetic medication use by self-report.ResultsWe observed that S(I) and HDL cholesterol were independent positive correlates of MCRI, whereas fasting insulin, fasting glucose, subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue, and AIR were independent negative correlates (all P < 0.05) at baseline. After 5 years of follow-up, 71 (6.4%) participants developed type 2 diabetes. Lower MCRI was associated with a higher risk of incident diabetes after adjusting for demographics, lifestyle factors, HDL cholesterol, indexes of obesity and adiposity, and insulin secretion (odds ratio 2.01 [95% CI 1.30-3.10], P = 0.0064, per one-SD decrease in loge-transformed MCRI).ConclusionsOur data showed that lower MCRI predicts the incidence of type 2 diabetes

    Application of Fuzzy Relations to Test Theory

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    Strategies and approaches in plasmidome studies—uncovering plasmid diversity disregarding of linear elements?

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    The term plasmid was originally coined for circular, extrachromosomal genetic elements. Today, plasmids are widely recognized not only as important factors facilitating genome restructuring but also as vehicles for the dissemination of beneficial characters within bacterial communities. Plasmid diversity has been uncovered by means of culture-dependent or -independent approaches, such as endogenous or exogenous plasmid isolation as well as PCR-based detection or transposon-aided capture, respectively. High-throughput-sequencing made possible to cover total plasmid populations in a given environment, i.e., the plasmidome, and allowed to address the quality and significance of self-replicating genetic elements. Since such efforts were and still are rather restricted to circular molecules, here we put equal emphasis on the linear plasmids which—despite their frequent occurrence in a large number of bacteria—are largely neglected in prevalent plasmidome conceptions