1,166 research outputs found

    Higher and lower supramolecular orders for the design of self-assembled heterochiral tripeptide hydrogel biomaterials

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    The self-assembly behaviour of the eight stereoisomers of Val\u2013Phe\u2013Phe tripeptides under physiological conditions is assessed by several spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. We report the first examples of self-organised hydrogels from tripeptides in the L\u2013D\u2013L or D\u2013L\u2013D configuration, besides the expected gels with the D\u2013L\u2013L or L\u2013D\u2013D configuration, thus widening the scope for using amino acid chirality as a tool to drive self-assembly. Importantly, the positions of D- and L-amino acids in the gelling tripeptides determine a higher or lower supramolecular order, which translates into macroscopic gels with different rheological properties and thermal behaviours. The more durable hydrogels perform well in cytotoxicity assays, and also as peptides in solution. An appropriate design of the chirality of self-assembling sequences thus allows for the fine-tuning of the properties of the gel biomaterials. In conclusion, this study adds key details of supramolecular organization that will assist in the ex novo design of assembling chiral small molecules for their use as biomaterials

    Design of a hydrophobic tripeptide that self-assembles into amphiphilic superstructures forming a hydrogel biomaterial

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    We report the rational design of a heterochiral hydrophobic tripeptide self-assembling into amphiphilic D-superstructures that yield a self-supportive hydrogel at physiological pH. The material endures cell culture conditions and sustains fibroblast proliferation. Tripeptide superstructures are thoroughly analysed by several techniques

    Replica symmetry breaking in an adiabatic spin-glass model of adaptive evolution

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    We study evolutionary canalization using a spin-glass model with replica theory, where spins and their interactions are dynamic variables whose configurations correspond to phenotypes and genotypes, respectively. The spins are updated under temperature T_S, and the genotypes evolve under temperature T_J, according to the evolutionary fitness. It is found that adaptation occurs at T_S < T_S^{RS}, and a replica symmetric phase emerges at T_S^{RSB} < T_S < T_S^{RS}. The replica symmetric phase implies canalization, and replica symmetry breaking at lower temperatures indicates loss of robustness.Comment: 5pages, 2 figure

    Mapping between dissipative and Hamiltonian systems

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    Theoretical studies of nonequilibrium systems are complicated by the lack of a general framework. In this work we first show that a transformation introduced by Ao recently (J. Phys. A {\bf 37}, L25 (2004)) is related to previous works of Graham (Z. Physik B {\bf 26}, 397 (1977)) and Eyink {\it et al.} (J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 83}, 385 (1996)), which can also be viewed as the generalized application of the Helmholtz theorem in vector calculus. We then show that systems described by ordinary stochastic differential equations with white noise can be mapped to thermostated Hamiltonian systems. A steady-state of a dissipative system corresponds to the equilibrium state of the corresponding Hamiltonian system. These results provides a solid theoretical ground for corresponding studies on nonequilibrium dynamics, especially on nonequilibrium steady state. The mapping permits the application of established techniques and results for Hamiltonian systems to dissipative non-Hamiltonian systems, those for thermodynamic equilibrium states to nonequilibrium steady states. We discuss several implications of the present work.Comment: 18 pages, no figure. final version for publication on J. Phys. A: Math & Theo

    Ergodic Properties of Classical SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We investigate the relationship between the Lyapunov exponents of periodic trajectories, the average and fluctuations of Lyapunov exponents of ergodic trajectories, and the ergodic autocorrelation time for the two-dimensional hyperbola billiard. We then study the fluctuation properties of the ergodic Lyapunov spectrum of classical SU(2) gauge theory on a lattice. Our results are consistent with the notion that this system is globally hyperbolic. Among the many powerful theorems applicable to such systems, we discuss one relating to the fluctuations in the entropy growth rate.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    First Order Phase Transition in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We model the disassembly of an excited nuclear system formed as a result of a heavy ion collision. We find that, as the beam energy in central collisions in varied, the dissociating system crosses a liquid-gas coexistence curve, resulting in a first-order phase transition. Accessible experimental signatures are identified: a peak in specific heat, a power-law yield for composites, and a maximum in the second moment of the yield distribution

    Within study comparisons and risk of bias in international development: Systematic review and critical appraisal

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    Background Many systematic reviews incorporate nonrandomised studies of effects, sometimes called quasi‐experiments or natural experiments. However, the extent to which nonrandomised studies produce unbiased effect estimates is unclear in expectation or in practice. The usual way that systematic reviews quantify bias is through “risk of bias assessment” and indirect comparison of findings across studies using meta‐analysis. A more direct, practical way to quantify the bias in nonrandomised studies is through “internal replication research”, which compares the findings from nonrandomised studies with estimates from a benchmark randomised controlled trial conducted in the same population. Despite the existence of many risks of bias tools, none are conceptualised to assess comprehensively nonrandomised approaches with selection on unobservables, such as regression discontinuity designs (RDDs). The few that are conceptualised with these studies in mind do not draw on the extensive literature on internal replications (within‐study comparisons) of randomised trials. Objectives Our research objectives were as follows: Objective 1: to undertake a systematic review of nonrandomised internal study replications of international development interventions. Objective 2: to develop a risk of bias tool for RDDs, an increasingly common method used in social and economic programme evaluation. Methods We used the following methods to achieve our objectives. Objective 1: we searched systematically for nonrandomised internal study replications of benchmark randomised experiments of social and economic interventions in low‐ and middle‐income countries (L&MICs). We assessed the risk of bias in benchmark randomised experiments and synthesised evidence on the relative bias effect sizes produced by benchmark and nonrandomised comparison arms. Objective 2: We used document review and expert consultation to develop further a risk of bias tool for quasi‐experimental studies of interventions (ROBINS‐I) for RDDs. Results Objective 1: we located 10 nonrandomised internal study replications of randomised trials in L&MICs, six of which are of RDDs and the remaining use a combination of statistical matching and regression techniques. We found that benchmark experiments used in internal replications in international development are in the main well‐conducted but have “some concerns” about threats to validity, usually arising due to the methods of outcomes data collection. Most internal replication studies report on a range of different specifications for both the benchmark estimate and the nonrandomised replication estimate. We extracted and standardised 604 bias coefficient effect sizes from these studies, and present average results narratively. Objective 2: RDDs are characterised by prospective assignment of participants based on a threshold variable. Our review of the literature indicated there are two main types of RDD. The most common type of RDD is designed retrospectively in which the researcher identifies post‐hoc the relationship between outcomes and a threshold variable which determines assignment to intervention at pretest. These designs usually draw on routine data collection such as administrative records or household surveys. The other, less common, type is a prospective design where the researcher is also involved in allocating participants to treatment groups from the outset. We developed a risk of bias tool for RDDs. Conclusions Internal study replications provide the grounds on which bias assessment tools can be evidenced. We conclude that existing risk of bias tools needs to be further developed for use by Campbell collaboration authors, and there is a wide range of risk of bias tools and internal study replications to draw on in better designing these tools. We have suggested the development of a promising approach for RDD. Further work is needed on common methodologies in programme evaluation, for example on statistical matching approaches. We also highlight that broader efforts to identify all existing internal replication studies should consider more specialised systematic search strategies within particular literatures; so as to overcome a lack of systematic indexing of this evidence

    A random cell motility gradient downstream of FGF controls elongation of amniote embryos

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    Vertebrate embryos are characterized by an elongated antero-posterior (AP) body axis, which forms by progressive cell deposition from a posterior growth zone in the embryo. Here, we used tissue ablation in the chicken embryo to demonstrate that the caudal presomitic mesoderm (PSM) has a key role in axis elongation. Using time-lapse microscopy, we analysed the movements of fluorescently labelled cells in the PSM during embryo elongation, which revealed a clear posterior-to-anterior gradient of cell motility and directionality in the PSM. We tracked the movement of the PSM extracellular matrix in parallel with the labelled cells and subtracted the extracellular matrix movement from the global motion of cells. After subtraction, cell motility remained graded but lacked directionality, indicating that the posterior cell movements associated with axis elongation in the PSM are not intrinsic but reflect tissue deformation. The gradient of cell motion along the PSM parallels the fibroblast growth factor (FGF)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) gradient1, which has been implicated in the control of cell motility in this tissue2. Both FGF signalling gain- and loss-of-function experiments lead to disruption of the motility gradient and a slowing down of axis elongation. Furthermore, embryos treated with cell movement inhibitors (blebbistatin or RhoK inhibitor), but not cell cycle inhibitors, show a slower axis elongation rate. We propose that the gradient of random cell motility downstream of FGF signalling in the PSM controls posterior elongation in the amniote embryo. Our data indicate that tissue elongation is an emergent property that arises from the collective regulation of graded, random cell motion rather than by the regulation of directionality of individual cellular movements
