744 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary collecting – a conceptual outline of Urban Studies

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    How Chicago is Criminalizing Homelessness

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    Chicago passed an ordinance banning aggressive panhandling, and the definition is rather broad, providing no clear definition of what constitutes aggressive. The ordinance outright bans panhandling in certain locations, such as within ten feet of any CTA bus stop, L entrance, ATMs, or certain businesses including currency exchanges, banks, and outdoor cafes. Additionally, individuals are prohibited from soliciting people in vehicles for donations. Further, it prohibits soliciting in a manner that a reasonable person would find intimidating. Faced with these efforts to criminalize the homeless condition, individuals living on the streets face additional struggles when trying to escape poverty. People with criminal records are not eligible for government-subsidized housing. Additionally, a criminal record makes it even more difficult to find a job. When their property is discarded, especially when they lose identifying documents, it can become more difficult to obtain services or employment. Burdened with excessive court fees, it can become impossible to save money to obtain housing. Through criminalization, the legal-justice system itself is perpetuating this cycle of poverty. Herein, I will examine this criminalization and a proposed court-alternative to this pattern

    Dwa rycerskie narody. Japońska obecność w Korei w refleksji Wacława Sieroszewskiego

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    The following article focuses on Wacław Sieroszewski’s perception of the Japanese presence in Korea during his short sojourn in “The Land of the Morning Calm” in 1903. According to the author, his description of the Japanese people must be seen against the broader background of the nineteenth century anti-colonial and revolutionary movements. Sieroszewski, an engaged observer, was pursuing a clear, socialist po- litical agenda at the time. For this reason, his perception of the Korean issue was devoid of objective detachment and can be interpreted, on one hand, in the light of the socialist revolutionary activities of the Pol- ish intelligentsia before the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, but also, on the other hand, in the context of a much broader Polish mes- sianism and prometheism. The Japanese, and so the Koreans, the pa- per argues, were merely used as a convenient ideological construct for the sake of a larger political game.Wacław Sieroszewski przebywał krótko w Korei w 1903 r. w drodze powrotnej z Japonii. Zafascynowany modernizacją japońską, pa- trzył z podziwem na aktywność Japończyków w Kraju Porannej Ciszy w przeddzień wojny rosyjsko-japońskiej (1904-1905). Niestety, jego niepokojąco optymistyczna analiza sytuacji przeczyła zarówno od- czuciom prostych Koreańczyków jak i elity neokonfucjańskiej kraju, którzy już na wczesnym etapie interwencji japońskiej nie mieli więk- szych złudzeń co do prawdziwych zamiarów „modernizatorów”. Po- stawę Sieroszewskiego łatwiej zrozumieć, jeśli weźmiemy pod uwagę jego własne doświadczenia życiowe (działalność w ruchach rewolu- cyjnych) oraz środowisko polskiej i rosyjskiej inteligencji, w którym się obracał, zdominowane przez rewolucyjny romantyzm, socjalizm i antykolonializm. Z tych też względów postrzegał on zaangażowanie japońskie w Korei poprzez pryzmat swej własnej krucjaty politycznej, która, rzecz charakterystyczna dla polskiej inteligencji owej doby, była pochodną trzech idei: narodowego mesjanizmu, antyrosyjskiego pro- meteizmu i europejskiego socjalizmu. W ostatecznym rozrachunku, pomimo imponującej obudowy faktograficznej, Japończycy jawią się w jego analizie zdarzeń jako wygodny ideologiczny konstrukt służący promowaniu określonej agendy politycznej

    CO2 Capture & Compression Technologies

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    Use of Nonwoven Polypropylene Covers in Early Crop Potato Culture

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    Nucleotides ablaze

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    Możliwość zwiększenia plonu ziemniaków wczesnych przez stosowanie dolistne ekstraktów z wodorostów i kwasów huminowych

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    Under climate change conditions, biostimulants play an important role in plant adaptation to abiotic stress. This paper analyses the effect of the seaweed extracts Bio-algeen S90 (Ascophyllum nodosum) and Kelpak SL (Ecklonia maxima) and humic and fulvic acids HumiPlant (leonardite extract) on early crop potato yield and yield components. Three very early potato cultivars Denar, Lord and Miłek were tested. Biostimulants did not affect the number of tubers produced by potato plants but increased the tuber weight per plant and average tuber weight and, as a result, the tuber yield. The yield-increasing effect of biostimulants depended on the hydro- thermal conditions during potato growth. Bio-algeen S90 and Kelpak SL produced better results in a warm and very wet growing season, whereas HumiPlant produced better results in a year with lower air temperature and with drought periods during potato growth. The use of biostimulants in early crop potato culture assured higher yield under abiotic stress conditions, and also contributed to improving its marketable value by an increase in the productivity of the marketable-size tubers and, simultaneously, decreasing the share of large tubers with a diameter above 50 mm. The tested potato cultivars showed a similar response to the biostimulants applied.W warunkach zmian klimatu, biostymulatory odgrywają ważną rolę w adaptacji roślin do stresu abiotycznego. W pracy omówiono wpływ ekstraktów z wodorostów Bioalgeen S90 (Ascophyllum nodosum) i Kelpak SL (Ecklonia maxima) oraz kwasów huminowych i fulwowych HumiPlant (ekstrakt z leonardytu) na plon ziemniaków wczesnych i składowe plonu. Badano trzy bardzo wczesne odmiany ziemniaka Denar, Lord i Miłek. Biostymulanty nie miały wpływu na liczbę bulw z rośliny, ale powodowały zwiększenie masy bulw z rośliny i średniej masy bulwy, i w efekcie zwiększenie plonu. Działanie plonotwórcze biostymulantów zależało od warunków hydrotermicznych w okresie wzrostu ziemniaka. Bioalgeen S90 i Kelpak SL dały lepsze efekty w sezonie wegetacyjnym ciepłym i bardzo wilgotnym, a HumiPlant w roku o niższej temperaturze powietrza i z okresami suszy podczas wzrostu ziemniaka. Zastosowanie biostymulantów w uprawie ziemniaka na wczesny zbiór zapewniło większy plon w warunkach stresu abiotycznego i przyczyniło się do poprawy jego wartości handlowej, przez zwiększenie wydajności bulw o wielkości handlowej i zmniejszenie udziału bulw dużych, o średnicy powyżej 50 mm. Badane odmiany ziemniaka wykazały podobną reakcję na zastosowane biostymulatory

    Effect of complex fertilizers used in early crop potato culture on loamy sand soil

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    To obtain a high tuber yield of early crop potato good conditions for plant growth must be ensured. Potato has a relatively shallow root system and requires significant nutrient inputs to maintain tuber productivity and quality. The paper presents the results of the research on the effect of complex fertilizers type NPK MgS with and without microelements from the nitrophoska (HydroComplex, Nitrophoska Blue Special and Viking 13) and the amophoska group (Polimag S), and single-nutrient fertilizers on the plant growth and tuber yield of very early potato cultivars (‘Aster’, ‘Fresco’, ‘Gloria’) on loamy sand soil. The field experiment was carried out in mideastern Poland (52°03\u27N, 22°33\u27E). Potatoes were harvested 75 days after planting (the end of June). The type of fertilizer (single-nutrient or complex fertilizer) slightly affected the growth of potato plants. With the use of complex fertilizers, the assimilation leaf area and leaf area index (LAI) were similar to the application of single-nutrient fertilizers. Of the examined complex fertilizers, Viking 13 (representing the nitrophoska group without microelements) resulted in a smaller increase of assimilation leaf area in comparison with the cultivation without mineral fertilization. The type of fertilizer exerted a greater influence on the plant growth of ‘Aster’ (Poland) than ‘Fresco’ (The Netherlands) and ‘Gloria’ (Germany). The productive effects of complex fertilizers in early crop potato culture on loamy sand soil were comparable with single-nutrient fertilizers. The highest tuber yield was achieved with the application of Nitrophoska Blue Special (from the nitrophoska group with the lowest NNH4+ concentration); the total tuber yield was higher on average by 2.94 t*ha-1 (21.0%) and the yield of marketable tuber fraction (diameter above 30 mm) by 2.55 t*ha-1 (20.4%) in comparison with the cultivation without mineral fertilization. Although the total tuber yield was a little lower, the share of large tubers (diameter above 51 mm) in the yield was recorded with the use of Polimag S (from the amophoska group and with the most Mg, S, Zn and B concentration of all complex fertilizers applied) and Viking 13 (from the nitrophoska group with Ca). The single-nutrient and complex fertilizers applied in the experiment had no effect on the dry matter, starch or Lascorbic acid content in potato tubers. Regardless of the type of fertilizer applied, the tuber yield, average weight of one tuber and the share ofmedium-sized tubers (diameter of 4150 mm) in the yield of ‘Aster’ were highest. The yield of marketable tuber fraction of the ‘Aster’ was higher than ‘Fresco’ and ‘Gloria’ on average by 3.03 t*ha-1 (22.0%) and 4.57 t*ha-1 (37.4%), respectively. About 25% of the ‘Gloria’ yield made up of non-marketable tubers (diameter below 30 mm). Tubers of ‘Aster’ contained more dry matter and starch than ‘Fresco’ and ‘Gloria’, however, the content of Lascorbic acid in tubers of the tested potato cultivars was similar


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    The first seven articles in the current volume of the “Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook” are dedicated to Jesuit missions in China, based on the manuscript work of the Polish Jesuit Tomasz Dunin Szpot (1644–1713) entitled Historiae Sinarum Imperii, located in Rome in the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (ARSI Jap. Sin. 102, ARSI Jap. Sin. 103). In this work, which has a chronological character, Szpot included a description of the Jesuits’ experiences in the Middle Kingdom from the initiation of the mission by St. Francis Xavier in the mid-16th century up to the first decade of the 18th century