47 research outputs found

    Protein kinase Cθ: the pleiotropic T-cell signalling intermediate

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    Abstract Activating as well as inhibitory circuits tightly regulate T-cell activation thresholds and effector differentiation processes enabling proper immune response outcomes. Recently, an additional molecular link between Tcell receptor signalling and CD4 + Th17 cell skewing has been reported, namely that protein kinase C (PKC) θ critically regulates Th17/Th1 phenotypic differentiation and plasticity in CD4 + T-cells by selectively acting as a 'reprogramming element' that suppresses Th1-typical genes during Th17-mediated immune activation in order to stabilize a Th17 cell phenotype

    Model pracy z uczniem zdolnym w gimnazjum

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    Publikacja współfinansowana przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społeczneg

    The Different Function of Single Phosphorylation Sites of Drosophila melanogaster Lamin Dm and Lamin C

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    Lamins' functions are regulated by phosphorylation at specific sites but our understanding of the role of such modifications is practically limited to the function of cdc 2 (cdk1) kinase sites in depolymerization of the nuclear lamina during mitosis. In our study we used Drosophila lamin Dm (B-type) to examine the function of particular phosphorylation sites using pseudophosphorylated mutants mimicking single phosphorylation at experimentally confirmed in vivo phosphosites (S25E, S45E, T435E, S595E). We also analyzed lamin C (A-type) and its mutant S37E representing the N-terminal cdc2 (mitotic) site as well as lamin Dm R64H mutant as a control, non-polymerizing lamin. In the polymerization assay we could observe different effects of N-terminal cdc2 site pseudophosphorylation on A- and B-type lamins: lamin Dm S45E mutant was insoluble, in contrast to lamin C S37E. Lamin Dm T435E (C-terminal cdc2 site) and R64H were soluble in vitro. We also confirmed that none of the single phosphorylation site modifications affected the chromatin binding of lamin Dm, in contrast to the lamin C N-terminal cdc2 site. In vivo, all lamin Dm mutants were incorporated efficiently into the nuclear lamina in transfected Drosophila S2 and HeLa cells, although significant amounts of S45E and T435E were also located in cytoplasm. When farnesylation incompetent mutants were expressed in HeLa cells, lamin Dm T435E was cytoplasmic and showed higher mobility in FRAP assay

    A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges

    The benefits and costs of IFRS implementation in Poland – the investors’ perspective

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    A number of earlier studies analysed the process as well as the consequences of implementing Interna- tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Poland. Prior research concentrated mainly on the impact of IFRS implementation on the financial reporting of companies in Poland and market reaction to the application of IFRS. Not much attention has been given to the attitudes of different groups of accounting information users and other interested parties towards the change of reporting standards in Poland. The aim of this study is to determine how investors perceive IFRS adoption by firms in Poland. Do they see any advantages of financial statements being prepared under IFRS and not under the Polish Accounting Act after more than 10 years from the introduction of the mandatory application of IFRS for certain companies? Has the application of IFRS to the preparation of financial statements increased the scope of useful financial information for investors? Has the quality of the information presented in financial state- ments changed in any way? Finally, should the mandate to use IFRS in Poland be extended? A survey was used to obtain answers to the above questions. In the opinion of investors, the adoption of IFRS for firms has increased the comparability and usefulness of financial statements and also enhanced the pro- tection of their interests but it has not contributed to their investment decisions or the possibility to make profit forecasts. The switch to IFRS – in the perception of the respondents – failed to reduce the infor- mation asymmetry between the external and internal users of accounting information. The impact of chang- ing accounting standards on capital market liquidity failed to be unequivocally assessed

    Secretory process in blood platelets induced by UVB radiation

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    The effects of two doses of UVB radiation (1.08 J/cm2 and 4.32 J/cm2; 1.2 mW/cm2) on blood platelets secretion of adenine nucleotides and proteins and P selectin expression were studied. The effect of UVB radiation on P selectin expression (marker of platelet activation) was compared with the effect of thrombin, which is a strong platelet agonist. The obtained results showed that exposure of blood platelet to UVB radiation caused the release of adenine nucleotides, but proteins in a small amount. Moreover, UVB radiation caused decrease of P selectin expression on blood platelets, in opposite to the effect of thrombin. It seems that UVB radiation can partly activate blood platelets, but the mechanism is needed to be explain.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Activities of the Pedagogical Regional Library of prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński in Łódź during the pandemic

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    The article presents the activities of the Pedagogical Regional Library of prof. Tadeusz Kotarbiński in Łódź from March 12, 2020 to August 31, 2021. The main goal was to indicate the ways and forms of carrying out the Library’s tasks during the pandemic, and to adapt its services to restrictions.W artykule przedstawiono działalność Pedagogicznej Biblioteki Wojewódzkiej im. prof. Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego w Łodzi w okresie od 12 marca 2020 do 31 sierpnia 2021. Głównym celem było wskazanie sposobów i formy realizacji zadań Biblioteki w czasie pandemii, oraz dostosowania jej usług do okresowych obostrzeń

    Novel functional roles of Protein Kinase C [Theta ] and classical PKC isoforms and [Alpha and Beta] in murine T lymphocytes

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    Acht verschiedene Isoformen von Protein Kinasen C sind in T Helfer Zellen exprimiert. Sie sind an der Regulation zahlreicher zellulärer Prozesse beteiligt (Aktivierung vom Zellen, Proliferation, Migration, Expression vom Gene usw.) auf eine Isoform-spezifische sowie Isoform-redundante Weise. PKC ist die Hauptvariante, die in der proximalen Signalübertragung des T Zell Rezeptors (TCR) involviert ist. In dieser Dissertation wurden weitere Funktionen der PKC in T Effektorzellen beschrieben und die Redundanz zwischen klassischen PKC Isoformen wurde analysiert. Hierzu wurden etablierte Mauslinien mit genetischen Knockouts verschiedener PKC-Isoformen, sowie ein in vivo Modell einer autoimmunen Erkränkung und in vitro Versuche mit kultivierten Lymphozyten, eingesetzt. Erstens, wurde eine neue Funktion der PKC in Regulierung des Phänotyps der T Effektorzellen identifiziert. Zum ersten Mal wurde gezeigt, dass PKC die Expression der Th1-spezifishen Gene während der frühen Phase der Th17- Differenzierung naiver CD4+ T Zellen unterdrückt. Die genetische Entfernung dieser Kinase führte zur Verlängerung der Dauer schwerer neurologischer Symptome in einem Mausmodell einer Autoimmunerkrankung (experimentelle autoimmune Enzephalomyelitis, EAE). Zweitens, wurde die Rolle der PKC in positiver Regulierung des NF-B Signalwegs ausführlich untersucht. Mechanismen der PKC-bedingten Hemmung von CYLD (der Inhibitor der TAK1/IKK/IB Achse) wurden entschlüsselt. Zuletzt, wurden die redundanten Funktionen der klassischen Isoform PKC beschrieben. Neben der PKC, träg PKC zur Inaktivierung von CYLD bei. Zusammenfassend, erleuchten die präsentierten Daten die neuen, immunrelevanten Funktionen der PKC Isoformen und verschaffen eine Basis für die Erklärung ihrer komplizierten Wechselwirkungen.Eight diverse isoforms of Protein Kinases C (PKCs) are expressed in T lymphocytes. They regulate numerous cellular processes (cell activation, proliferation, migration, effector responses etc) in an isoform-specific as well as isotype-redundant manner. Among all the isoforms, PKC is involved predominantly in the positive regulation of proximal T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. This work presents additional functions of PKC in effector CD4+ T cells and describes functional redundancy between classical PKC isoforms. Our experimental approach encompassed in vivo experiments with genetic knock-out mouse strains, an in vivo model of autoimmune disorder as well as in vitro assays. First, a novel role of PKC as a suppressor of the Th1-transcriptional program in the early phase of Th17-directed differentiation of naïve CD4+ T cells was demonstrated. Accordingly, genetic ablation of the kinase leads to a prolongation of severe neurological symptoms in a mouse autoimmune disease model (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, EAE). Secondly, the role of PKC in the positive regulation of NF-B signaling pathway was clarified. PKC participates in inactivation of CYLD, an inhibitor of the TAK1/IKK/IB axis. Molecular mechanisms of this inactivation differ between human and murine T cells.Finally, redundant functions of PKC were described. For example, PKC contributes to CYLD regulation by PKC. Furthermore, together with the isoform, PKC participates in the effective induction of Il2 gene transcription after TCR stimulation via CD3 agonistic antibodies. In the later case, however, a concomitant genetic ablation of both classical isotypes still can be overcome by CD28 co-stimulation.Taken together, presented data elucidate novel functions and explain the cross-talk between PKC isoforms in T lymphocytes.by Katarzyna WachowiczAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersEnth. u.a. 4 Veröff. d. Verf. aus den Jahren 2013 - 2014Innsbruck, Med. Univ., Diss., 2014OeBB(VLID)12257

    Korzyści i koszty implementacji MSSF w Polsce – perspektywa inwestorów

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    A number of earlier studies analysed the process as well as the consequences of implementing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Poland. Prior research concentrated mainly on the impact of IFRS implementation on the financial reporting of companies in Poland and market reaction to the application of IFRS. Not much attention has been given to the attitudes of different groups of accounting information users and other interested parties towards the change of reporting standards in Poland. The aim of this study is to determine how investors perceive IFRS adoption by firms in Poland. Do they see any advantages of financial statements being prepared under IFRS and not under the Polish Accounting Act after more than 10 years from the introduction of the mandatory application of IFRS for certain companies? Has the application of IFRS to the preparation of financial statements increased the scope of useful financial information for investors? Has the quality of the information presented in financial statements changed in any way? Finally, should the mandate to use IFRS in Poland be extended? A survey was used to obtain answers to the above questions. In the opinion of investors, the adoption of IFRS for firms has increased the comparability and usefulness of financial statements and also enhanced the pro-tection of their interests but it has not contributed to their investment decisions or the possibility to make profit forecasts. The switch to IFRS – in the perception of the respondents – failed to reduce the information asymmetry between the external and internal users of accounting information. The impact of changing accounting standards on capital market liquidity failed to be unequivocally assessed.Wcześniejsze badania dotyczące procesu i konsekwencji implementacji Międzynarodowych Standardów Sprawozdawczości Finansowej w Polsce koncentrowały się głównie na wpływie zastosowania MSSF na sprawozdawczość finansową firm w Polsce oraz na reakcji rynku na wdrożenie standardów. Niewiele uwagi poświęcono natomiast temu, jak zmianę standardów sprawozdawczych w Polsce widzą i oceniają użytkownicy informacji pochodzących z rachunkowości. Celem badania, którego wyniki są prezentowane w artykule, było ustalenie jak problem stosowania MSSF przez spółki w Polsce postrzegają inwestorzy. Czy po ponad 10 latach od wprowadzenia obowiązkowego stosowania MSSF dla części spółek dostrzegają oni jakieś korzyści w związku ze sporządzaniem sprawozdań finansowych według MSSF, a nie ustawy o rachunkowości? Czy stosowanie MSSF do sporządzania sprawozdań finansowych zwiększyło zakres użytecznych informacji dla inwestorów? Czy zmieniła się jakość informacji prezentowanych w sprawozdaniu finansowym? Wreszcie, czy należy rozszerzyć obowiązek stosowania MSSF w Polsce? Odpowie-dzi na postawione pytania uzyskano przeprowadzając badanie ankietowe. W opinii inwestorów przejście spółek na MSSF zwiększyło porównywalność i użyteczność sprawozdań finansowych, a także zwiększyło ochronę ich interesów, ale nie wpłynęło na decyzje inwestycyjne oraz możliwość przewidywania wyników finansowych. Przejście na MSSF – w odczuciu ankietowanych – nie zmniejszyło asymetrii informacyjnej pomiędzy wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi użytkownikami informacji pochodzących z rachunkowości. Nie oceniono jednoznacznie wpływu zmiany standardów rachunkowości na płynność rynku kapitałowego