12 research outputs found

    Edukacyjne aspekty działalności agroturystycznej w Polsce

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    The paper addresses the problems of education, including environmental and cultural education, of children and young people offered by agritourism farms. The study also indicates the need for school education and extracurricular education of families involved in agritourism. Professional employees in agritourism represent precious human capital for rural areas and guarantee high quality of services, e.g. educational services for tourists, including children and young people. The particular focus was on education in the field of ecology and rural cultural heritage. Institutions in one way or another involved in education in agritourism were also discussed. The paper was written based on literature and results of empirical studies.The paper addresses the problems of education, including environmental and cultural education, of children and young people offered by agritourism farms. The study also indicates the need for school education and extracurricular education of families involved in agritourism. Professional employees in agritourism represent precious human capital for rural areas and guarantee high quality of services, e.g. educational services for tourists, including children and young people. The particular focus was on education in the field of ecology and rural cultural heritage. Institutions in one way or another involved in education in agritourism were also discussed. The paper was written based on literature and results of empirical studies

    Educational Role of School and Physical Education Teacher in Stimulating Physical Activity Among Young People

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    Physical activity is an important element in psychophysical development of any human, including children and young people. Rational and regular participation in vigorous physical activity contributes to improvement and maintaining good health status. It also affects mood of a person and determines the quality of his or her life. The aim of the paper is to determine the role of school in the context of the factors that stimulate physical activity among young people at the age of 16 to 20 years. The paper has a literature-based and empirical character. The basic research methodologies adopted in the study included analysis of subject literature, diagnostic survey using questionnaire technique, and a statistical method. The questionnaire survey was carried out in 2012-2013 in secondary schools in the region of the Greater Poland Voivodeship in Poland in a group of 850 students. The study demonstrated that young people are physically active and participate in different forms of sport and recreation. However, one third of the young people studied spend their leisure time in a passive manner. They are not involved in any physical activity and spend their leisure time playing computer games, watching the TV, socializing, reading books and magazines and listening to the music. It should be noted that, in this context, the role of physical education teachers and school is critical.4228930818Studia Edukacyjn

    Reklama internetowa w promocji ruchu turystycznego na wsi

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    With growing popularity of the Internet, online advertising is becoming a popular source of information about rural tourism. This helps effectively provide commercial information for various groups of consumers. The aim of the paper is to illustrate the importance of online advertising to development of tourist movement in rural areas. It was demonstrated that online advertising represents an essential source of transfer and acquisition of information about rural tourism, and, that the system of online advertising in the area of rural tourism is more efficient than the advertising used by tourist entities in rural areas. The paper was written based on the literature review, analysis of the quantitative data obtained from secondary materials and results of empirical studies published in research reviews

    Ekonomiczno-społeczne uwarunkowania wyjazdów turystyczno-wypoczynkowych kobiet 50+ w Polsce

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy ekonomiczno- -społeczne wyjazdów turystyczno-wypoczynkowych kobiet 50+ w świetle wyników badań ankietowych. Uwzględniając sytuację materialną badanych kobiet scharakteryzowano czasokres wyjazdów turystyczno-wypoczynkowych (krajowych i zagranicznych), wybór organizatorów wyjazdów oraz obciążenia finansowe budżetu domowego przeznaczone na wyjazdy turystyczne. Wyboru badanej kategorii kobiet dokonano celowo ze względu m.in. na zróżnicowane pełnione role, dłuższy wiek życia, niższy poziom sytuacji materialnej w porównaniu do mężczyzn. Z badań wynika, że sytuacja materialna kobiet 50+ determinuje czas wyjazdów turystyczno-wypoczynkowych krajowych i zagranicznych. Badane osoby były też świadome korzyści psychospołecznych i zdrowotnych tych wyjazdów, których szersze spożytkowanie było ograniczone ich niskim poziomem materialnym. W artykule wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety. Ankieta przeprowadzona została w Poznaniu wśród 146 kobiet 50+. Wykorzystano również metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu.In the paper there are presented the chosen economic and social determinants of rest and travel vacations of women over 50 in the light of survey study results. It consists descriptions of material situation of surveyed women, duration of their rest and travel vacations (both domestic as well as international), their decisions considering a travel agency and share of home budget they spent on vacations. In the survey a purposive sampling was used. A selection of women to the study based on following categories: a complexity of their social role, higher life expectancy, lower level of their material situation in comparison to men. The results show that material situation of women over 50 determines duration of rest and travel vacations. This outcome is related to both domestic as well as international trips. The surveyed women were also aware that these vacations had their psychosocial and health advantages. Due to the fact that financial resources of women were limited, these advantages could not be used by them to a greater extent. The paper is based on the outcomes coming from the diagnostic survey. The survey was conducted in Poznań among 146 women over 50. It is important to note that authors decided to use an analysis of subject literature too

    The Context of Sustainable Development: Funding Society’s Nature and Forest Education through Promotional Forest Complexes in Poland in 2012–2016

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    The aim of this article is to present the funding sources and scale of the expenditure for the educational activity provided by Promotional Forest Complexes (PFCs) in the context of sustainable development. Apart from a number of significant economic functions, the State Forests in Poland perform important social functions, including the function of nature and forest education. Economic functions bring profit, while social functions are not subject to such commercialization. The execution of the social functions of Poland’s forests is dealt with by special organizational units, called Promotional Forest Complexes (PFCs). PFCs have suitable educational facilities at their disposal, enabling them to perform their tasks (e.g., education sites, nature exhibition rooms, forest teaching shelters, educational trails). Running these facilities involves certain transaction costs, which are covered from the PFCs’ own resources. The educational activity is partly financed from external sources. This analysis indicates that we could observe a decrease in internal and external resources dedicated to the nature and forest education of the society. The authors carried out the secondary materials analysis concerning the object of study, as well as the analysis of scientific literature and statistical analysis

    The role of selected social organizations in promoting tourist activity of young people

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    Among many institutions than can (or actually do) educate for certain ways of spending spare time one can enumerate family, school, tourist organisations, out-of-school educational establishments, other adult-oriented educational and cultural institutions, particularly those intended to fulfil recreational needs, and any social and public institutions (economic, political, tutelary, medical, etc.) if only their administration and staff consciously provide education for people they deal with. Organisational factors play an important part in shaping tourist activity of young people. Efficient and reasonable promotion of tourist activeness depends on conscious and purposeful planning of tourist undertakings. Tourist organisations help to plan and arrange different forms of safe pastime for children and adolescents such as hiking trips, school excursions, summer and winter camps. Youth holidays assume different forms: summer camps (recreational or therapeutic), hiking tours and camping trips combining leisure and work, sanitarium stays, learning-and-recreation stays (during the school year), bivouacking and summer play centres. This paper discusses the role of selected social institutions in shaping tourist activness of young people using the results of a survey conducted by the author among students of secondary schools in the Wielkopolskie voivodship. It was found that the tourist activeness of the respondents was influenced by tourist organizations and the church. The respondents were most interested in cheapest school excursions subsidized by school or other institutions. Participation of young people in tourism depends on their cultural environment, hierarchy of values and norms of behaviour. Tourist activeness of young people represents an interesting research issue, which requires further investigation

    Wpływ lądowych farm wiatrowych na walory turystyczne środowiska w opinii mieszkańców Polski. Analiza wyników wtórnych badań empirycznych

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    In Poland, after several years of stagnation, onshore wind energy is becoming an important subject of interest for state and local authorities and society. An optimistic outlook for wind turbine investments is therefore emerging. The aim of the present paper is to discuss the social conditions that are an expression of public awareness that supports the construction of wind farms and to understand social opinions on the influence of wind farms on the local landscape, especially on the tourist values of the landscape. To characterise the topic under study, the methods of literature review, statistical analysis, and secondary document analysis were used. Results of the nationwide empirical studies contained in the reports indic-ated a high level of public awareness of Polish society accepting investments in onshore wind farms. They do not diminish its tourist and recreational values and do not limit the development of tourist traffic.W Polsce po kilkuletnim zastoju lądowa energia wiatrowa zaczyna stanowić ważny przedmiot zainteresowań władz państwowych, samorządowych i społeczeństwa. Pojawia się zatem optymistyczna perspektywa inwestycji w turbiny wiatrowe. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie społecznych warunków będących wyrazem świadomości społecznej, aprobujących budowę farm wiatrowych oraz rozpoznanie opinii społecznej dotyczącej wpływu tych farm na lokalny krajobraz, szczególnie na jego walory turystyczne. W charakterystyce badanego tematu wykorzystano metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu, metodę analizy statystycznej oraz metodę analizy dokumentów wtórnych. Wyniki ogólnopolskich badań empirycznych zawarte w wykorzystanych raportach wskazują wysoki poziom świadomości społecznej mieszkańców Polski, akceptujących inwestycje w lądowe farmy wiatrowe. Nie umniejszają jego wartości turystyczno-rekreacyjnej i nie ograniczają rozwoju ruchu turystycznego

    Wyjazdy turystyczno-rekreacyjne kobiet 50+ a ich sytuacja materialna

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    W artykule przedstawiono problematykę aktywności podczas wyjazdów turystyczno- rekreacyjnych kobiet 50+ w zależności od ich sytuacji materialnej. Wyboru badanej kategorii kobiet dokonano celowo ze względu m.in. na wielość odgrywanych ról, dłuższy wiek życia, niższy poziom sytuacji materialnej w porównaniu do mężczyzn. Scharakteryzowano czasokres wyjazdów wypoczynkowych krajowych i zagranicznych, formy aktywności rekreacyjnej, wybór organizatorów wyjazdów oraz obciążenia finansowe budżetu domowego przeznaczone na wyjazdy turystyczno-rekreacyjne. Z badań wynika, że sytuacja materialna determinuje czasokres wyjazdów krajowych i zagranicznych oraz realizowane podczas pobytu formy aktywności rekreacyjnej. W artykule wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety. Ankieta przeprowadzona została wśród słuchaczek dwóch Uniwersytetów Trzeciego Wieku w Poznaniu oraz członkiń Klubów Seniora. Wykorzystano również metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu

    Kryzysy starości a aktywność rekreacyjna seniorów przed i w czasie kryzysu pandemii Covid‑19 w Polsce

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    The current aging of societies is an important issue that directly affects the functioning of families, groups and entire societies. The issue of the health of an aging society has become particularly important during the pandemic crisis. Therefore, physical activity is of great importance for health and well-being. There are various forms of activity addressed to seniors. The aim of the presented article is to show the role of various forms and types of recreational activity of the elderly in the aspect of emerging crises of old age before and during the pandemic (COVID-19) based on own research. The results of the empirical research showed that the forms of recreational activity of seniors before and during the pandemic were influenced by factors such as age, place of residence, education and financial situation. It is expected that the results of these studies will contribute both theoretically and practically to the assessment of the decision-making capacity of older people in the field of recreational activity, thus counteracting the crisis of old age. In the characteristics of the researched topic, the method of analyzing the literature on the subject, the method of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire and the method of statistical analysis were used.Obecne starzenie się społeczeństw stanowi istotną kwestię, która bezpośrednio wpływa na funkcjonowanie rodzin, grup oraz całych społeczeństw. Kwestia zdrowotności starzejącego się społeczeństwa stała się szczególnie istotna podczas kryzysu pandemii. Duże znaczenie odgrywa więc aktywność fizyczna wpływająca na stan zdrowia i dobre samopoczucie. Pojawiają się różnorodne formy aktywności adresowane dla seniorów. Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest ukazanie roli różnych form i rodzajów aktywności rekreacyjnej osób starszych w aspekcie pojawiających się kryzysów starości przed i w trakcie pandemii (COVID-19) na podstawie badań własnych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych wskazały, że na formy aktywności rekreacyjnej seniorów przed pandemią i podczas pandemii miały wpływ takie czynniki, jak wiek, miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie i sytuacja materialna. Oczekuje się, że wyniki tych badań przyczynią się zarówno pod względem teoretycznym i praktycznym do oceny decyzyjności osób starszych w zakresie aktywności rekreacyjnej, przeciwdziałając tym samym kryzysowi starości

    The silver tourism economy in rural areas under conditions of sustainable development

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    The aim of the article is to present the concept of the silver tourism economy and to identify its supply and demand in rural areas in Poland in relation to sustainable development. The problems of interest were analysed in the context of values held by and ethical norms observed in rural communities. It was found that ethical aspects of sustainable development were embraced by older members of rural communities, and, consequently, were closely connected with the supply and demand sides of the silver tourism economy. The study revealed that the supply side of the silver tourism economy in rural areas was more developed than the demand side. The authors emphasize the need for natural, cultural, social and economic resources (associated with the supply side) to support the demand side of the rural tourism market. They also indicate that ethical values and norms of sustainable development are important for the silver tourism economy. The article is based a review of the literature, analysis of secondary sources and official documents and participant observation undertaken by of the authors