180 research outputs found

    Ceremonie na ratuszu krakowskim w XV–XVIII wieku

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    Ceremonies at the town hall in Kraków from the 15th to 18th century(Summary) Sources with information on ceremonies at the town hall in Kraków are somewhat brief. Most of the information can be found in the ledgers. The status of capital gave the city considerable significance within the state. By organizing ceremonies at Kraków’s town hall, council elections, paying homage to kings, hosting senior state officials and deputies, the town authorities could influence politics. The Kraków town hall remained an important centre both for official celebrations and carnivalesque events. It was therefore an important place with regard to the policy of the municipal council until the end of the Polish Noble’s Republic. Here the town was able to overcome its limitations and defend its autonomy, both formally and informally impacting Poland’s elite. The participation of state officials in municipal ceremonies was an opportunity to show off the splendour of Kraków. This was particularly true after the transfer of the royal court to Warsaw, when the kings visited their temporary Wawel residence less frequently. The role of the town hall in social communication was twofold. On the one hand it was a form of promotion for the town, on the other it was a barrier between representatives of the authorities and the ordinary citizens of Kraków. The town hall was a cultural place and a sign of the exceptionally extroverted, developed collective life of the old town. The square in front of the town hall was also important. It was a typical municipal theatre. Ceremonies held in Kraków took the form of court and state ceremonies.Ceremonies at the town hall in Kraków from the 15th to 18th century(Summary) Sources with information on ceremonies at the town hall in Kraków are somewhat brief. Most of the information can be found in the ledgers. The status of capital gave the city considerable significance within the state. By organizing ceremonies at Kraków’s town hall, council elections, paying homage to kings, hosting senior state officials and deputies, the town authorities could influence politics. The Kraków town hall remained an important centre both for official celebrations and carnivalesque events. It was therefore an important place with regard to the policy of the municipal council until the end of the Polish Noble’s Republic. Here the town was able to overcome its limitations and defend its autonomy, both formally and informally impacting Poland’s elite. The participation of state officials in municipal ceremonies was an opportunity to show off the splendour of Kraków. This was particularly true after the transfer of the royal court to Warsaw, when the kings visited their temporary Wawel residence less frequently. The role of the town hall in social communication was twofold. On the one hand it was a form of promotion for the town, on the other it was a barrier between representatives of the authorities and the ordinary citizens of Kraków. The town hall was a cultural place and a sign of the exceptionally extroverted, developed collective life of the old town. The square in front of the town hall was also important. It was a typical municipal theatre. Ceremonies held in Kraków took the form of court and state ceremonies

    Factors determining parents' decision to follow their children's recommended vaccination schedule : preliminary study

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    Introduction. Recommended vaccination plays an important role in reducing the risk of complications, which may accompany many dangerous diseases. However, they also generate numerous ambivalent emotions among parents. The aim of the study was to evaluate the factors which might influence parents’ decision to have their children given the recommended vaccines. Material and methods. 100 parents of children aged between 0 and 5 took part in the study. The survey was carried out by means of a diagnostic poll with the application of a self-designed research questionnaire. Results. Parents’ level of education and knowledge has a significant influence on positive decisions concerning recommended vaccination of their children. The advocacy of anti-vaccination movements does not entail the decision about not having their children vaccinated. Conclusions. Promotional campaigns should be launched in the media, in which solid information should be provided by doctors and nurses. Popularizing free vaccination campaigns among parents will increase the number of vaccinated children

    W stronę nowej syntezy historii społecznej? Uwagi nad Ludową historią Polski Adama Leszczyńskiego

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    The purpose of this review article is to review Adam Leszczyński’s popular historical synthesis, Ludowa historia Polski (A People’s History of Poland), in the context of the need for a new synthesis of social history. The focus is primarily on the part of the book devoted to the period before the nineteenth century. It discusses the narrative axis adopted by the Author, focused on the exploitation of social masses by elites over a long period, covering almost the entire history of Poland. Attention is drawn to the insufficiently critical use of older historiography and the omission or underemphasis of various aspects of subjects’ lives. Also, the extent to which some important items from the literature on the subject have been included is also discussed.Celem artykułu recenzyjnego jest ujęcie popularnej syntezy historycznej Adama Leszczyńskiego pt. Ludowa historia Polski w kontekście zapotrzebowania na nową syntezę historii społecznej. Skupiono się przede wszystkim na partii książki odnoszącej się do okresu przed XIX w. Omówiona została przyjęta przez Autora oś narracji, skoncentrowana na wyzysku mas społecznych przez elity w długim, obejmującym prawie całe pasmo dziejowe Polski, okresie. Zwrócono uwagę na nie dość krytyczne wykorzystanie starszej historiografii, pominięte lub zbyt słabo zaakcentowane różne aspekty życia poddanych, jak również uwzględnienie pewnych istotnych pozycji literatury przedmiotu

    Miasta i migracje w Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej. Zarys problematyki.

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    W artykule przybliżono badania nad historią migracji w kontekście miast przedprzemysłowych. Zarysowano wybrane źródła i metody, zdatne do analizy tego zjawiska w realiach Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej. Omówiono również mechanizmy przepływów ludnościowych wiejsko-miejskich, ich związek z sieciami migracyjnymi, gospodarką i rynkiem pracy, jak również tłem społeczno-gospodarczym przemieszczeń ludnościowych

    Miasta i migracje w Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej. Zarys problematyki.

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    W artykule przybliżono badania nad historią migracji w kontekście miast przedprzemysłowych. Zarysowano wybrane źródła i metody, zdatne do analizy tego zjawiska w realiach Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej. Omówiono również mechanizmy przepływów ludnościowych wiejsko-miejskich, ich związek z sieciami migracyjnymi, gospodarką i rynkiem pracy, jak również tłem społeczno-gospodarczym przemieszczeń ludnościowych

    Macroplastic storage and remobilization in rivers

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    The paper presents a conceptual model of the route of macroplastic debris (5 > mm) through a fluvial system, which can support future works on the overlooked processes of macroplastic storage and remobilization in rivers. We divided the macroplastic route into (1) input, (2) transport (3) storage, (4) remobilization and (5) output phases. Phase 1 is mainly controlled by humans, phases 2-4 by fluvial processes, and phase 5 by both types of controls. We hypothesize that natural characteristics of fluvial systems and their modification by dam reservoirs and flood embankments construction are key controls on macroplastic storage and remobilization in rivers. The zone of macroplastic storage can be defined as a river floodplain inundated since the beginning of widespread disposal of plastic waste to the environment in the 1960s and remobilization zone as a part of the storage zone influenced by floodwaters and bank erosion. The amount of macroplastic in both zones can be estimated using data on the abundance of surface- and subsurface-stored macroplastic and the lateral and vertical extent of the zones. Our model creates the framework for estimation of how much plastic has accumulated in rivers and will be present in future riverscapes

    Quelles améliorations sont nécessaires pour garantir la qualité des eaux de nos rivières? : nouveau regard sur l'utilisation d'indices biot iques dans l'évaluation de la santé des cours d'eau

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    Benthic invertebrate-based indexes are commonly used as proxies for river health, especially river water quality. Scores of BMWP-PL index (a Polish equivalent of the British Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) were determined for 20 unmanaged and channelized cross-sections of the Biała River and compared with water quality and physical habitat parameters in the cross-sections. The two types of cross-sections clearly differed in the physical habitat conditions, whereas physico-chemical parameters of the river water mostly varied in the downstream direction. The number of recorded taxa ranged from 3 to 26 and the respective scores of the BMWP-PL index indicated the water to vary between high and poor quality. Since the analysed water quality was consistently high, the BMWP-PL scores were not related to physico-chemical parameters of the water but to physical habitat parameters, with the number of low-flow channels explaining the largest proportion of the variance in the index values. The lacking dependence on physico-chemical water parameters renders the BMWP-PL as indicator of the ecological integrity of rivers, related to their hydromorphological and physico-chemical characteristics, rather than of water quality