31 research outputs found

    New Appliance Detection for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring

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    Cost-sensitive weighting and imbalance-reversed bagging for streaming imbalanced and concept drifting in electricity pricing classification

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants 61572201 and 51707041; Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Project 201804010245; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 2017ZD052; Guangdong University of Technology Grant from the Financial and Education Department of Guangdong Province 2016[202]; Education Department of Guangdong Province project number 2016KCXTD022; State Grid Technology Project Grant 5211011600RJ

    Urban Regeneration in a Restructuring Executive-led Polity: A Case Study of Hong Kong

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    organized by Centre of Asian Studies, the University of Hong Kon

    HELP: An LSTM-based approach to hyperparameter exploration in neural network learning

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    Hyperparameter selection is very important for the success of deep neural network training. Random search of hyperparameters for deep neural networks may take a long time to converge and yield good results because the training of deep neural networks with a huge number of parameters for every selected hyperparameter is very time-consuming. In this work, we propose the Hyperparameter Exploration LSTM-Predictor (HELP) which is an improved random exploring method using a probability-based exploration with an LSTM-based prediction. The HELP has a higher probability to find a better hyperparameter with less time. The HELP uses a series of hyperparameters in a time period as input and predicts the fitness values of these hyperparameters. Then, exploration directions in the hyper-parameter space yielding higher fitness values will have higher probabilities to be explored in the next turn. Experimental results for training both the Generative Adversarial Net and the Convolution Neural Network show that the HELP finds hyperparameters yielding better results and converges faster. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Diversified Sensitivity-Based Undersampling for Imbalance Classification Problems

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    none5siopenNg WWY; Hu J; Yeung DS; Yin S; ROLI, FABIONg, Wwy; Hu, J; Yeung, Ds; Yin, S; Roli, Fabi