11 research outputs found

    Micro-CT Evaluation of Root Filling Removal after Three Stages of Retreatment Procedure

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the residual filling material after filling removal, re-preparation with rotary or reciprocating files and passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). Twenty maxillary molars were prepared using ProTaper instruments up to F1. The teeth were filled with AH Plus and ProTaper gutta-percha points using the single-cone technique. Thereafter, the specimens were scanned using a micro-computed tomography system (Micro-CT #1). Then, the root canal filling was removed using ProTaper Retreatment files, and a new scan was performed (Micro-CT #2). The specimens were divided into two groups according to the instrument used for re-preparation: ProTaper rotary or WaveOne reciprocating files (Micro-CT #3). Finally, PUI was performed, and a new micro-CT scan was performed (Micro-CT #4). Intragroup and intergroup analyses were performed using Friedman and Dunn’s post hoc test and the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn post hoc tests, respectively. Palatal canal presented the highest volume of residual filling material in all stages of endodontic retreatment (p<0.05). The main reduction of filling volume was achieved after using ProTaper Retreament (p<0.05). The amount of remaining filling material after using ProTaper Retreatment was similar to that achieved with rotary and reciprocating files and after PUI (p>0.05). Rotary and reciprocating files achieved similar removal of the root canal filling (p>0.05). The greatest reduction in filling material was achieved after using ProTaper Retreatment files. Rotary and reciprocating instruments and PUI did not improve the removal of root canal filling materials.O objetivo dente estudo foi quantificar o material obturador residual após remoção da obturação, repreparo do canal com instrumentos de rotação contínua e reciprocantes e após irrigação ultrassônica passiva (IUP). Vinte molares superiores foram preparados usando instrumentos ProTaper sequencialmente até F1. Os dentes foram obturados com AH Plus e cones de guta percha ProTaper utilizando a técnica de cone único. Em seguida, os espécimes foram submetidos à microtomografia computadorizada (Micro- CT #1). Então, o material obturador foi removido utilizando instrumentos ProTaper Retratamento e novo escaneamento foi realizado (Micro-CT #2). Os espécimes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o instrumento usado para o repreparo: de rotação contínua (ProTaper) ou reciprocante (WaveOne) (Micro-CT #3). Finalmente, IUP foi realizada e nova micro-CT foi conduzida (Micro-CT #4). As análises intra-grupo e inter-grupos foram realizadas utilizando os testes de Friedman e de Dunn e o teste de Kruskal- Wallis e Dunn, respectivamente. O canal palatino apresentou o maior volume de material obturador remanescente em todos os estágios do tratamento endodôntico (p<0,05). A maior redução do volume da obturação foi obtida após usar os instrumentos ProTaper Retratamento (p<0,05). A quantidade de material obturador remanescente após utilizar instrumentos ProTaper Retratamento foi similar àquela obtida após repreparo com instrumentos de rotação contínua e reciprocantes e após a IUP (p>0,05). Instrumentos de rotação contínua e reciprocantes proporcionaram similar remoção de material obturador (p>0,05). A maior redução do volume de material obturador foi obtida após utilizar os instrumentos ProTaper Retratamento. Instrumentos de rotação contínua e reciprocantes, assim como a IUP, não reduzíram o volume de material obturador remanescente

    The peach genome

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    The peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] genome sequence has been recently made available to the scientific community. This represents the culmination of a long process that started less than two decades ago with the release of the first marker-based linkage maps. The process has advanced rapidly with the studies of molecular diversity, detection of genome positions of major genes and quantitative trait loci, development of large DNA sequence collections, transcriptome and proteome analyses, comparative genomic studies, construction of a physical map, and development of databases where researchers can access information. The growth of genomics knowledge has been partly due to the simplicity of the peach genome: short (230 Mbp), diploid, and distributed on eight pairs of chromosomes. Its unusually short intergeneration period (2–4 years) and selfing mating behavior, plus a dynamic peach scientific community that has often collaborated in the development of the necessary tools, have also facilitated in constructing a robust sequence of its complete genome. Peach is one of the best known species genetically among tree crops, with the promise of rapid advancement in the next few years. This paper reviews the resources available and the main results obtained, with emphasis placed on application to the development of improved varieties.The group of IRTA is a member of the CONSOLIDER Center for Basic Genomics and Agro-food Orientation (CSD2007-00036) and received additional funding for peach genomics research from a project of the Spanish Ministry of Education (AGL2009-07305).Peer reviewe

    Wine psychology: basic & applied

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    Basic cognitive research can help to explain our response to wine, and the myriad factors that affect it. Wine is a complex, culture-laden, multisensory stimulus, and our perception/experience of its properties is influenced by everything from the packaging in which it is presented through the glassware in which it is served and evaluated. A growing body of experiential wine research now demonstrates that a number of contextual factors, including everything from the colour of the ambient lighting through to background music can exert a profound, and in some cases predictable, influence over the tasting experience. Sonic seasoning - that is, the matching of music or soundscapes with specific wines in order to accentuate or draw attention to certain qualities/attributes in the wine, such as sweetness, length, or body, also represents a rapidly growing area of empirical study. While such multisensory, experiential wine research undoubtedly has a number of practical applications, it also provides insights concerning multisensory perception that are relevant to basic scientists. Furthermore, the findings of the wine research are also often relevant to those marketers interested in understanding how the consumers' perception of any other food or beverage product can potentially be modified