21 research outputs found

    Innowacje w kształceniu kadr analitycznych administracji. Przykład szkolenia opartego na grze

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    Despite the plethora of conducted research and analyses, their actual use in the design and implementation of public policies is quite limited. The latest research indicates that an effective strategy to strengthen the use of public policy research results in practice is knowledge brokering. The article demonstrates the use of an educational innovation enabling knowledge brokering teaching through practice - by means of a simulation game-based workshop. The past experience connected with the use of "Knowledge 176 Karol Olejniczak, Dominika Wojtowicz Studia z Polityki Publicznej Brokers" game to teach public sector professionals in Poland, the United States and Canada has confirmed that the game helps to: (1) understand the role of the public policy research and analysis results, (2) master the six key skills of knowledge brokers and (3) understand the broker's limitations in influencing the decision-making process. Public administration institutions can make use of "Knowledge Brokers" for the practical training of their analytical personnel and raising its organizational capacity to carry out public policies based on evidence.Pomimo mnogości prowadzonych badań i analiz ich faktyczne wykorzystanie w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu polityki publicznej jest dość ograniczone. Najnowsze badania wskazują, że skuteczną strategią wzmacniania wykorzystania wyników badań w praktyce polityki publicznej jest brokering wiedzy. Artykuł przedstawia użycie innowacji dydaktycznej umożliwiającej nauczanie brokeringu wiedzy poprzez praktykę - za pomocą szkolenia opartego na grze symulacyjnej. Dotychczasowe doświadczenia z zastosowania gry Brokerzy wiedzy do nauczania analityków polityki publicznej z Polski, Stanów Zjednoczonych i Kanady potwierdzają, że gra pomaga w: (1) zrozumieniu roli wyników badań i analiz w polityce publicznej, (2) opanowaniu sześciu kluczowych umiejętności brokera wiedzy oraz (3) zrozumieniu ograniczeń brokera we wpływaniu na procesy decyzyjne. Instytucje administracji publicznej mogą wykorzystać Brokerów wiedzy do praktycznego kształcenia swoich kadr analitycznych i podnoszenia swojego organizacyjnego potencjału do prowadzenia polityki publicznej opartej na dowodach

    The correlation of vitamin D level with body mass index in women with PCOS

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyze correlation between vitamin D level and BMI in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) women. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 311 patients with PCOS. Patients were categorized according to four phenotypes. All of the women participating in the study had their blood tested in the appropriate phase of the menstrual cycle and after proper preparation for the tests. The ultrasound examination and anthropometric measurements were performed. Results: Vitamin D concentration was assessed in all study subgroups. The majority of patients had vitamin D deficiency or insufficient level. Variables included in the study, such as level of vitamin D, low density lipoprotein (LDL), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), testosterone, androstenedione, Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) and BMI were correlated. A negative correlation was observed with the the level of SHBG, vitamin D and AMH. Subsequently, positive correlations were shown with testosterone, LDL and free testosterone level. An analysis of the correlation between BMI and vitamin D concentration showed that in phenotype I of PCOS this correlation was statistically significant and in the remaining PCOS phenotypes the correlation was close to statistical significance. Conclusions: Most PCOS patients have a deficiency or insufficient level of vitamin D. Women with PCOS have shown a significant negative correlation between BMI and SHBG serum level and between BMI and AMH level. A positive correlation exists between BMI and total and free testosterone and LDL. There is a negative correlation between BMI and vitamin D level in PCOS patients and in phenotype I this correlation was statistically significant

    Intrauterine deaths — an unsolved problem in Polish perinatology

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    Objectives: The Polish criteria for “intrauterine death” include fetal demise after 22 weeks of gestation, weighing > 500 g and body length at least 25 cm, when the gestational age is unknown. The rate of fetal death in Poland in 2015 is 3:10,000. In 2020, 1,231 stillbirths were registered. Material and methods: An analysis using 142,662 births in the period between 2015–2020 in 11 living in Poland. The first subgroup was admitted as patients > 22 to the beginning of the 30th week of pregnancy (n = 229), and the second from the 30th week of pregnancy inclusively (n = 179). In the case of women from both subgroups, there was a risk of preterm delivery close to hospitalization. Results: It was found that stillbirth in 41% of women in the first pregnancy. For the patient, stillbirth was also the first in his life. The average stillbirth weight was 1487 g, the average body length was 40 cm. Among fetuses up to 30 weeks, male fetuses are born more often, in subgroup II, the sex of the child was usually female. Most fetal deaths occur in mothers < 15 and > 45 years of age. Conclusions: According to the Polish results of the origin of full-term fetuses > 30 weeks of gestation for death in the concomitant antenatal, such as placental-umbilical and fetal hypoxia, acute intrapartum effects rarely, and moreover < 30 Hbd fetal growth restriction (FGR), occurring placental-umbilical, acute intrapartum often

    Quality management systems and effective use of EU funds

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    Artykuł koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z wpływem jakości zarządzania w administracji samorządowej na poziomie gminnym na wykorzystanie funduszy unijnych wspierających rozwój lokalny. Polska, która od kilku lat jest członkiem Unii Europejskiej, ma możliwość korzystania z funduszy przeznaczonych na rozwój regionalny i wzmacnianie spójności na terenie Wspólnoty. Jedną z głównych grup beneficjentów, do których w obecnej perspektywie lat 2007–2013 należy większość środków, są samorządy terytorialne. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zależności między stosowaniem narzędzi wpisujących się w nurt New Public Management w administracji samorządowej a sprawnością w korzystaniu z funduszy unijnych przeznaczonych na rozwój lokalny/regionalny. Wpływ narzędzi rozpatrywany jest w trzech obszarach: ilości pozyskanych środków, sprawnej realizacji projektu (rzeczowej i finansowej) oraz jakości projektów.The paper focuses on issues related to the impact of quality management in local government at the municipal level on the use of EU funds supporting local development. Poland is one of the greatest beneficiaries of structural funds provided for regional development and strengthening cohesion within the Community. Local governments are one of the groups which absorbed most of the funds for 2007–2013. The paper describes how and to what extent the implementation of New Public Management tools in local government administration can guarantee efficient use of EU funds. Three areas of such impact are taken into consideration – the amount of acquired funds, efficient implementation of the projects co-financed by the EU, and the quality of these projects

    The Purposefulness and Effectiveness of Supporting Entrepreneurship with Public Funds – EU Funds for the Development of Self-Employment and Startups

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    Purpose: The paper discusses issues associated with using funds that support the development of entrepreneurship – the purpose of the paper is to answer questions regarding the purposefulness and effectiveness of financial instruments from EU funds aimed at the development of�emerging businesses (startups). Methodology: The paper analyzes previously conducted research studies in the fi eld of the discussed topic, it systematizes and describes the fi nancial instruments from EU funds supporting self- employment and startups in their early stages of activity. It also provides an overview of evaluation reports concerning these instruments. The paper also contains a case study: an analysis of the effectiveness of a selected project supporting the development of entrepreneurship (co-fi nanced from EU funds), in which the method of evaluating the net effect of the support in the short term has been used. Findings: An analysis of previously conducted research studies has shown that properly designed State aid targeted at those starting up their own business is sensible, as it provides them with seed capital and it helps them survive the most diffi cult period of the so-called “startup”. However, there is a lack of comprehensive studies to confirm the positive impact of business support interventions carried out using EU funds. The methodology of evaluating the net effect used by the Author in the conducted study has made it possible to identify the actual size of the – positive – impact of the selected project on the growth of self-employment. Limitations: The study revealed some limitations – the method and time of the study allow to capture the phenomenon on a micro-scale, in the short term. The institutions that are involved in the process of allocating funds should develop a comprehensive methodology that implements the idea of evaluating the net effect, allowing to assess the effectiveness of the support at regional and national level in the long term. Originality: The originality of the paper consists in applying the theories and results of previous studies to the Polish practice of supporting businesses at their early stages of development as well as applying the method of evaluating the net effect, which allows to determine the actual impact of the intervention

    The Purposefulness and Effectiveness of Supporting Entrepreneurship with Public Funds – EU Funds for the Development of Self-Employment and Startups

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    Purpose: The paper discusses issues associated with using funds that support the development of entrepreneurship – the purpose of the paper is to answer questions regarding the purposefulness and effectiveness of financial instruments from EU funds aimed at the development of emerging businesses (startups). Methodology: The paper analyzes previously conducted research studies in the fi eld of the discussed topic, it systematizes and describes the fi nancial instruments from EU funds supporting self- employment and startups in their early stages of activity. It also provides an overview of evaluation reports concerning these instruments. The paper also contains a case study: an analysis of the effectiveness of a selected project supporting the development of entrepreneurship (co-fi nanced from EU funds), in which the method of evaluating the net effect of the support in the short term has been used. Findings: An analysis of previously conducted research studies has shown that properly designed State aid targeted at those starting up their own business is sensible, as it provides them with seed capital and it helps them survive the most diffi cult period of the so-called “startup”. However, there is a lack of comprehensive studies to confirm the positive impact of business support interventions carried out using EU funds. The methodology of evaluating the net effect used by the Author in the conducted study has made it possible to identify the actual size of the – positive – impact of the selected project on the growth of self-employment. Limitations: The study revealed some limitations – the method and time of the study allow to capture the phenomenon on a micro-scale, in the short term. The institutions that are involved in the process of allocating funds should develop a comprehensive methodology that implements the idea of evaluating the net effect, allowing to assess the effectiveness of the support at regional and national level in the long term. Originality: The originality of the paper consists in applying the theories and results of previous studies to the Polish practice of supporting businesses at their early stages of development as well as applying the method of evaluating the net effect, which allows to determine the actual impact of the intervention

    The impact of EU funds on tourism development in the warmińsko-mazurskie voivodeship

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    Turystyka jest ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju regionalnego, który mógłby stać się motorem zmian społeczno-gospodarczych wielu obszarów naszego kraju. Wzrost liczby turystów pozytywnie wpływa na rynek pracy i pobudza przedsiębiorczość w innych sektorach usług oferowanych w danym regionie. Pomimo potencjału, jakim dysponują niektóre polskie województwa, rozwój turystyki utrudniają: zły stan infrastruktury technicznej, zwłaszcza transportowej, wysoki stopień rozproszenia sektora, brak produktów turystycznych i ich odpowiedniej promocji. Choć Unia Europejska nie ma odrębnej polityki dedykowanej turystyce, fundusze przeznaczone na realizację polityki spójności w znacznej mierze mogą wspierać poprawę warunków dla dynamicznego rozwoju tego sektora. Artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniom związanym z wykorzystaniem funduszy unijnych na rozwój turystyki w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz dowodzą pozytywnego – choć ograniczonego – wpływu realizowanych projektów na zwiększenie atrakcyjności oferty turystycznej i poprawę konkurencyjności podmiotów branży turystycznej. Zidentyfikowanymi problemami, obniżającymi skuteczność wsparcia tej branży, są niechęć do współpracy podmiotów w tworzeniu produktów turystycznych oraz problem przeinwestowania, który dotyczy części projektów.The tourism sector plays an important role in regional economies. Its growth could become a driver of socio-economic development of different areas in Poland. The increasing number of visiting tourists has a positive impact on the labour market, and it stimulates entrepreneurship in other regions’ service sectors. Even though some Polish regions have great potential, there persist some substantial barriers to development of tourism: poor state of technical infrastructure, especially transport, significant dispersion of the sector, lack of tourism products, and poor promotion. As no separate policy dedicated to tourism is provided at the European Union level, the development of this sector can be financed from cohesion policy funds. The paper focuses on the use of EU funds for the development of tourism in the Warmia-Mazury region. The results of the analysis show a positive – albeit limited – impact of implemented projects on tourist attractiveness and on competitiveness of tourism sector firms. The effectiveness of the projects is limited due to low interest in cooperation in creating tourism products and to over-investment effects in some projects

    The Spatial Patterns of Sustainable Development at the Local Level

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    Globalisation – characterised by dynamic economic growth, increasing exploitation of the natural environment, and deepening social inequalities – brings negative consequences and is strongly perceptible also in local communities. A new approach to development policy based on the idea of sustainable development must be incorporated into local governments’ strategies, programmes, and actions. We adopted exploratory approach to determine the level and identify the spatial patterns of sustainable development of Polish poviats. The aggregated (synthetic) indicators of economic, social, and environmental development were developed to analyse the spatial patterns of the poviats’ development trends. Our research shows that in Poland there are overwhelmingly more poviats characterised by lower development than those better developed in all three analysed categories. Hierarchical analysis using the Ward’s method revealed that Polish poviats can be divided into three relatively homogeneous clusters in terms of development levels. The largest group consists of poviats characterised by the relatively lowest level of sustainability in economic and social areas, and the highest – by environmental development. Analyses using the Moran method made it possible to determine the so-called spatial regimes of clusters. The captured spatial relationships indicate that selected poviats have a significant impact on the level of development in the neighbouring poviats

    Komplementarność programów i projektów realizowanych w ramach polityki regionalnej. Studium przypadku województwa łódzkiego

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    The effectiveness of the measures implemented under the EU cohesion policy has become a significant issue. The relevance of the topic is undeniable, given the ongoing discussion of the results of public interventions conducted at the EU level, and the resulting concept of an integrated approach used to study the effects of actions undertaken within the cohesion policy. Based on various studies conducted to date, the authors argue that the effectiveness of the funds allocated in Polish regions could be greater if we focused more on complementarity of the undertaken actions. The paper concentrates on issues related to complementarity between programmes and projects implemented under the EU Cohesion Policy in Polish regions. A case study of a Polish region – namely, Łódzkie – shows that the adopted methods and tools, intended to ensure complementarity, do not work in a proper way. The results suggest the existence of severe restrictions of assessing the actual scope of complementarity and the resulting synergy effects. As both analyses of documentation and in-depth participant interviews indicate that the concept of complementarity in the projects is misunderstood or deliberately distorted (so that the highest score during the application stage can be obtained), it can be stated that the scale of complementarity is far from satisfactory. Based on their research, the authors make conclusions and recommendations regarding the solutions that should be taken into account in order to improve the implementation of the complementarity concept in the next financial perspective for the years 2014–2020.Tocząca się na poziomie Unii Europejskiej dyskusja o wynikach interwencji publicznych oraz przyjęcie koncepcji zintegrowanego podejścia do badania efektów działań podejmowanych w ramach polityki spójności sprawiają, że poszukiwanie mechanizmów podwyższających skuteczność programów i projektów współfinansowanych ze środków unijnych nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Na podstawie wyników wcześniejszych badań autorzy twierdzą, że skuteczność interwencji publicznych jest większa przy zapewnieniu komplementarności podejmowanych działań. Artykuł porusza więc problematykę komplementarności programów i projektów realizowanych w ramach polityki spójności UE na poziomie regionalnym Polski. Studium przypadku jednego polskiego regionu – województwa łódzkiego – pokazuje, że przyjęte metody i narzędzia, które powinny zapewnić komplementarność, nie działają we właściwy sposób. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują na istnienie poważnych ograniczeń w ocenie rzeczywistego stopnia komplementarności i wynikających z niej efektów synergii. Zarówno wyniki analiz dokumentacji, jak i wypowiedzi osób biorących udział w wywiadach pogłębionych sygnalizują, że komplementarność projektów jest mylnie pojmowana lub świadomie wypaczana (w celu uzyskania jak największej liczby punktów na etapie aplikowania), co powoduje, że komplementarność realizowanych projektów nie może zostać uznana za zadowalającą. Przeprowadzone badania umożliwiły autorom opracowanie wniosków i zaleceń odnośnie do rozwiązań, jakie powinny być zastosowane w celu poprawy wdrażania koncepcji komplementarności w kolejnej perspektywie finansowej UE (2014−2020)