244 research outputs found

    Effects of intragastric infusion of inosine monophosphate and l-glutamate on vagal gastric afferent activity and subsequent autonomic reflexes

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    In this study we investigated the effects of intragastric infusion of palatable basic taste substances (umami, sweet, and salty) on the activity of the vagal gastric afferent nerve (VGA), the vagal celiac efferent nerve (VCE), and the splanchnic adrenal efferent nerve (SAE) in anesthetized rats. To test the three selected taste groups, rats were infused with inosine monophosphate (IMP) and l-glutamate (GLU) for umami, with glucose and sucrose for sweet, and with sodium chloride (NaCl) for salty. Infusions of IMP and GLU solutions significantly increased VGA activity and induced the autonomic reflex, which activated VCE and SAE; these reflexes were abolished after sectioning of the VGA. Infusions of glucose, sucrose and NaCl solutions, conversely, had no significant effects on VGA activity. These results suggest that umami substances in the stomach send information through the VGA to the brain and play a role in the reflex regulation of visceral functions

    Mechanosensitive Enteric Neurons in the Myenteric Plexus of the Mouse Intestine

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    BACKGROUND: Within the gut the autonomous enteric nervous system (ENS) is able to sense mechanical stimuli and to trigger gut reflex behaviour. We previously proposed a novel sensory circuit in the ENS which consists of multifunctional rapidly adapting mechanosensitive enteric neurons (RAMEN) in the guinea pig. The aim of this study was to validate this concept by studying its applicability to other species or gut regions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We deformed myenteric ganglia in the mouse small and large intestine and recorded spike discharge using voltage sensitive dye imaging. We also analysed expression of markers hitherto proposed to label mouse sensory myenteric neurons in the ileum (NF145kD) or colon (calretinin). RAMEN constituted 22% and 15% of myenteric neurons per ganglion in the ileum and colon, respectively. They encoded dynamic rather than sustained deformation. In the colon, 7% of mechanosensitive neurons fired throughout the sustained deformation, a behaviour typical for slowly adapting echanosensitive neurons (SAMEN). RAMEN and SAMEN responded directly to mechanical deformation as their response remained unchanged after synaptic blockade in low Ca(++)/high Mg(++). Activity levels of RAMEN increased with the degree of ganglion deformation. Recruitment of more RAMEN with stronger stimuli may suggest low and high threshold RAMEN. The majority of RAMEN were cholinergic but most lacked expression of NF145kD or calretinin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We showed for the first time that fundamental properties of mechanosensitive enteric neurons, such as firing pattern, encoding of dynamic deformation, cholinergic phenotype and their proportion, are conserved across species and regions. We conclude that RAMEN are important for mechanotransduction in the ENS. They directly encode dynamic changes in force as their firing frequency is proportional to the degree of deformation of the ganglion they reside in. The additional existence of SAMEN in the colon is likely an adaptation to colonic motor patterns which consist of phasic and tonic contractions

    The effect of fluid resuscitation on the effective circulating volume in patients undergoing liver surgery: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized controlled trial

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    To assess the significance of an analogue of the mean systemic filling pressure (Pmsa) and its derived variables, in providing a physiology based discrimination between responders and non-responders to fluid resuscitation during liver surgery. A post-hoc analysis of data from 30 patients undergoing major hepatic surgery was performed. Patients received 15 ml kg(-1) fluid in 30 min. Fluid responsiveness (FR) was defined as an increase of 20% or greater in cardiac index, measured by FloTrac-Vigileo((R)). Dynamic preload variables (pulse pressure variation and stroke volume variation: PPV, SVV) were recorded additionally. Pvr, the driving pressure for venous return (=Pmsa-central venous pressure) and heart performance (EH; Pvr/Pmsa) were calculated according to standard formula. Pmsa increased following fluid administration in responders (n = 18; from 13 +/- 3 to 17 +/- 4 mmHg, p < 0.01) and in non-responders (n = 12; from 14 +/- 4 to 17 +/- 4 mmHg, p < 0.01). Pvr, which was lower in responders before fluid administration (6 +/- 1 vs. 7 +/- 1 mmHg; p = 0.02), increased after fluid administration only in responders (from 6 +/- 1 to 8 +/- 1 mmHg; p < 0.01). EH only decreased in non-responders (from 0.56 +/- 0.17 to 0.45 +/- 0.12; p < 0.05). The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of Pvr, PPV and SVV for predicting FR was 0.75, 0.73 and 0.72, respectively. Changes in Pmsa, Pvr and EH reflect changes in effective circulating volume and heart performance following fluid resuscitation, providing a physiologic discrimination between responders and non-responders. Also, Pvr predicts FR equivalently compared to PPV and SVV, and might therefore aid in predicting FR in case dynamic preload variables cannot be used

    Gender Differences in Myogenic Regulation along the Vascular Tree of the Gerbil Cochlea

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    Regulation of cochlear blood flow is critical for hearing due to its exquisite sensitivity to ischemia and oxidative stress. Many forms of hearing loss such as sensorineural hearing loss and presbyacusis may involve or be aggravated by blood flow disorders. Animal experiments and clinical outcomes further suggest that there is a gender preference in hearing loss, with males being more susceptible. Autoregulation of cochlear blood flow has been demonstrated in some animal models in vivo, suggesting that similar to the brain, blood vessels supplying the cochlea have the ability to control flow within normal limits, despite variations in systemic blood pressure. Here, we investigated myogenic regulation in the cochlear blood supply of the Mongolian gerbil, a widely used animal model in hearing research. The cochlear blood supply originates at the basilar artery, followed by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, and inside the inner ear, by the spiral modiolar artery and the radiating arterioles that supply the capillary beds of the spiral ligament and stria vascularis. Arteries from male and female gerbils were isolated and pressurized using a concentric pipette system. Diameter changes in response to increasing luminal pressures were recorded by laser scanning microscopy. Our results show that cochlear vessels from male and female gerbils exhibit myogenic regulation but with important differences. Whereas in male gerbils, both spiral modiolar arteries and radiating arterioles exhibited pressure-dependent tone, in females, only radiating arterioles had this property. Male spiral modiolar arteries responded more to L-NNA than female spiral modiolar arteries, suggesting that NO-dependent mechanisms play a bigger role in the myogenic regulation of male than female gerbil cochlear vessels

    Olfactory and trigeminal interaction of menthol and nicotine in humans

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the interactions between two stimuliβ€”menthol and nicotineβ€”both of which activate the olfactory and the trigeminal system. More specifically, we wanted to know whether menthol at different concentrations modulates the perception of burning and stinging pain induced by nicotine stimuli in the human nose. The study followed an eightfold randomized, double-blind, cross-over design including 20 participants. Thirty phasic nicotine stimuli at one of the two concentrations (99 and 134Β ng/mL) were applied during the entire experiment every 1.5Β min for 1Β s; tonic menthol stimulation at one of the three concentrations (0.8, 1.5 and 3.4Β ΞΌg/mL) or no-menthol (placebo control conditions) was introduced after the 15th nicotine stimulus. The perceived intensities of nicotine’s burning and stinging pain sensations, as well as perceived intensities of menthol’s odor, cooling and pain sensations, were estimated using visual analog scales. Recorded estimates of stinging and burning sensations induced by nicotine initially decreased (first half of the experiment) probably due to adaptation/habituation. Tonic menthol stimulation did not change steady-state nicotine pain intensity estimates, neither for burning nor for stinging pain. Menthol-induced odor and cooling sensations were concentration dependent when combined with low-intensity nicotine stimuli. Surprisingly, this dose dependency was eliminated when combining menthol stimuli with high-intensity nicotine stimuli. There was no such nicotine effect on menthol’s pain sensation. In summary, we detected interactions caused by nicotine on menthol perception for odor and cooling but no effect was elicited by menthol on nicotine pain sensation

    Testing the Accuracy of Aerial Surveys for Large Mammals: An Experiment with African Savanna Elephants (Loxodonta africana)

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    Accurate counts of animals are critical for prioritizing conservation efforts. Past research, however, suggests that observers on aerial surveys may fail to detect all individuals of the target species present in the survey area. Such errors could bias population estimates low and confound trend estimation. We used two approaches to assess the accuracy of aerial surveys for African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) in northern Botswana. First, we used double-observer sampling, in which two observers make observations on the same herds, to estimate detectability of elephants and determine what variables affect it. Second, we compared total counts, a complete survey of the entire study area, against sample counts, in which only a portion of the study area is sampled. Total counts are often considered a complete census, so comparing total counts against sample counts can help to determine if sample counts are underestimating elephant numbers. We estimated that observers detected only 76% Β± SE of 2% of elephant herds and 87 Β± 1% of individual elephants present in survey strips. Detectability increased strongly with elephant herd size. Out of the four observers used in total, one observer had a lower detection probability than the other three, and detectability was higher in the rear row of seats than the front. The habitat immediately adjacent to animals also affected detectability, with detection more likely in more open habitats. Total counts were not statistically distinguishable from sample counts. Because, however, the double-observer samples revealed that observers missed 13% of elephants, we conclude that total counts may be undercounting elephants as well. These results suggest that elephant population estimates from both sample and total counts are biased low. Because factors such as observer and habitat affected detectability of elephants, comparisons of elephant populations across time or space may be confounded. We encourage survey teams to incorporate detectability analysis in all aerial surveys for mammals

    Origin of Secretin Receptor Precedes the Advent of Tetrapoda: Evidence on the Separated Origins of Secretin and Orexin

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    At present, secretin and its receptor have only been identified in mammals, and the origin of this ligand-receptor pair in early vertebrates is unclear. In addition, the elusive similarities of secretin and orexin in terms of both structures and functions suggest a common ancestral origin early in the vertebrate lineage. In this article, with the cloning and functional characterization of secretin receptors from lungfish and X. laevis as well as frog (X. laevis and Rana rugulosa) secretins, we provide evidence that the secretin ligand-receptor pair has already diverged and become highly specific by the emergence of tetrapods. The secretin receptor-like sequence cloned from lungfish indicates that the secretin receptor was descended from a VPAC-like receptor prior the advent of sarcopterygians. To clarify the controversial relationship of secretin and orexin, orexin type-2 receptor was cloned from X. laevis. We demonstrated that, in frog, secretin and orexin could activate their mutual receptors, indicating their coordinated complementary role in mediating physiological processes in non-mammalian vertebrates. However, among the peptides in the secretin/glucagon superfamily, secretin was found to be the only peptide that could activate the orexin receptor. We therefore hypothesize that secretin and orexin are of different ancestral origins early in the vertebrate lineage

    The Identification of Zebrafish Mutants Showing Alterations in Senescence-Associated Biomarkers

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    There is an interesting overlap of function in a wide range of organisms between genes that modulate the stress responses and those that regulate aging phenotypes and, in some cases, lifespan. We have therefore screened mutagenized zebrafish embryos for the altered expression of a stress biomarker, senescence-associated Ξ²-galactosidase (SA-Ξ²-gal) in our current study. We validated the use of embryonic SA-Ξ²-gal production as a screening tool by analyzing a collection of retrovirus-insertional mutants. From a pool of 306 such mutants, we identified 11 candidates that showed higher embryonic SA-Ξ²-gal activity, two of which were selected for further study. One of these mutants is null for a homologue of Drosophila spinster, a gene known to regulate lifespan in flies, whereas the other harbors a mutation in a homologue of the human telomeric repeat binding factor 2 (terf2) gene, which plays roles in telomere protection and telomere-length regulation. Although the homozygous spinster and terf2 mutants are embryonic lethal, heterozygous adult fish are viable and show an accelerated appearance of aging symptoms including lipofuscin accumulation, which is another biomarker, and shorter lifespan. We next used the same SA-Ξ²-gal assay to screen chemically mutagenized zebrafish, each of which was heterozygous for lesions in multiple genes, under the sensitizing conditions of oxidative stress. We obtained eight additional mutants from this screen that, when bred to homozygosity, showed enhanced SA-Ξ²-gal activity even in the absence of stress, and further displayed embryonic neural and muscular degenerative phenotypes. Adult fish that are heterozygous for these mutations also showed the premature expression of aging biomarkers and the accelerated onset of aging phenotypes. Our current strategy of mutant screening for a senescence-associated biomarker in zebrafish embryos may thus prove to be a useful new tool for the genetic dissection of vertebrate stress response and senescence mechanisms

    Nematode and Arthropod Genomes Provide New Insights into the Evolution of Class 2 B1 GPCRs

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    Nematodes and arthropods are the most speciose animal groups and possess Class 2 B1 G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Existing models of invertebrate Class 2 B1 GPCR evolution are mainly centered on Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster and a few other nematode and arthropod representatives. The present study reevaluates the evolution of metazoan Class 2 B1 GPCRs and orthologues by exploring the receptors in several nematode and arthropod genomes and comparing them to the human receptors. Three novel receptor phylogenetic clusters were identified and designated cluster A, cluster B and PDF-R-related cluster. Clusters A and B were identified in several nematode and arthropod genomes but were absent from D. melanogaster and Culicidae genomes, whereas the majority of the members of the PDF-R-related cluster were from nematodes. Cluster A receptors were nematode and arthropod-specific but shared a conserved gene environment with human receptor loci. Cluster B members were orthologous to human GCGR, PTHR and Secretin members with which they probably shared a common origin. PDF-R and PDF-R related clusters were present in representatives of both nematodes and arthropods. The results of comparative analysis of GPCR evolution and diversity in protostomes confirm previous notions that C. elegans and D. melanogaster genomes are not good representatives of nematode and arthropod phyla. We hypothesize that at least four ancestral Class 2 B1 genes emerged early in the metazoan radiation, which after the protostome-deuterostome split underwent distinct selective pressures that resulted in duplication and deletion events that originated the current Class 2 B1 GPCRs in nematode and arthropod genomes.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) project PTDC/BIA-BCM/114395/2009, by the European Regional Development Fund through COMPETE and FCT under the project β€˜β€˜PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011.’’ RCF is in receipt of an FCT grant (SFRH/BPD/89811/2012) and JCRC is supported by auxiliary research contract FCT Pluriannual funds attributed to CCMAR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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