17 research outputs found

    Ett samtal om samtal : Chefers upplevelse av medarbetarsamtalet som förändringsverktyg

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    Studien syftar till att undersöka medarbetarsamtal utifrån ett chefsperspektiv och studien intresserar sig för vilka effekter cheferna upplever att samtalet generar i verksamheten och hur de använder sig av samtalet i utveckling av verksamheten. Metoden är kvalitativ och utgörs av åtta stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer, där individer med personalansvar fick möjlighet att berätta sina upplevelser och erfarenheter av samtalet samt reflektera runt dess betydelse utifrån deras position i organisationen. Resultatet visar att medarbetarsamtalet är en tids- och energikrävande insats för cheferna som ibland måste ställa sin fritid till förfogande. Dialog och social kompetens lyfts fram som nyckelfaktorer för ett bra samtal och deltagarna i studien förlitar sig på sin upparbetade erfarenhet och känner en trygghet i sin yrkesroll vid genomförandet av samtalet. Denna studie bidrar till djupare kunskap om chefernas upplevelse av medarbetarsamtalet och dess potential som styrverktyg inom organisationer och kan medverka till framtida forskning som ett komplement till studier rörande medarbetarnas upplevelse. Studien visar att det även kan vara av intresse att via observationer av samtalet undersöka hur väl det praktiska genomförandet stämmer överens med chefens intentioner om verksamhetsutveckling.This study aims to examine employee review, based on a manager perspective with an interest in what effects leaders' experience it is generating, and how they use the employee review in the development of their organization. The method used in this study is qualitative and comprises eight semi-structured interviews, in which individuals with personnel responsibility where given the opportunity to share their comprehension off and experience from the phenomenon employee review, and its importance based on their position in the organization. The result shows that the employee review is a time and energy-intensive effort for the managers who sometimes have to make their spare time available for the task.Dialogue and social skills are highlighted as key factors for a good conversation, and the participants in the study relies on their self-generated experience and feel confident in their professional role in the implementation of employee review. This study contributes to deeper knowledge of the managers' experience regarding the employee review and its potential as an organizational management tool, and can contribute to future research as a complement to studies regarding the employees' experience. The results shows that it may also be of interest to study employee reviews through observations of the interview, how well the practical implementation is in line with the manager's intentions on business development

    Modifiable factors that alter the size of the hippocampus with ageing

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    Numerical Data

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    Picornaviruses, which include the human rhinoviruses (HRVs) and enteroviruses (EVs), are the most frequent cause of acute human illness worldwide. HRVs are the most prevalent cause of acute respiratory tract illnesses (ARIs) which usually commence in the upper respiratory tract (URT). ARIs are the leading cause of morbidity in children under 5 years and occur in all seasons. ARIs linked to HRV infections are associated with excessive and perhaps inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and with significant direct and indirect healthcare expenditure. ARI incidence is highest in the first 2 years of life, with up to thirteen episodes per year including up to six positive for an HRV, and it is not uncommon to average one infection per child-month