139 research outputs found

    Staging whoredom: Prostitution on the Renaissance stage.

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    Recent critics of Shakespeare\u27s plays have acknowledged that the playwright\u27s treatment of the lower classes is not as negative as once believed. Yet more critics claim the Shakespeare presented prostitutes and bawds, certainly among the lowest members of society, with callous indifference if not contempt. The plays that take up the issue of illicit sex reveal that Shakespeare\u27s prostitutes and bawds are given the opportunity to speak about their problems from the stage. His plays consistently imply that the prostitutes are not a fountainhead of evil, that they carry out their profession simply as a means of survival. The dissertation is a study of Renaissance prostitution and its connection to the theatre. Contemporary proclamations and anti-theatrical pamphlets are used to reconstruct the controversies surrounding the sex industry and the theatre. The plays of Marlowe, Jonson, and Marston are read against the attitudes constructed by the state and pamphleteers. The playwrights typically support the conservative opinions and present prostitutes as petty criminals, sexual monsters, extortionists, and murderers. Shakespeare\u27s plays, however, often subvert the dominant ideology and yield a more balanced presentation of the prostitute. Performance theory is used to reconstruct Renaissance staging of prostitution. Plays are examined for indications of costume and gesture that would indicate that a character was a prostitute. Twentieth century productions are discussed to suggest possible solutions to problems presented in the Renaissance texts. While Shakespeare never praises the actions of prostitutes and bawds, his texts never condemn them. He consistently implies that the existence of the sex industry is not primarily the responsibility of the prostitutes. Men who patronize the brothels are found to be equally at fault. Shakespeare\u27s prostitutes and bawds are often accused of other crimes, but these charges are always unfounded. The conspicuous lack of condemnation is atypical and noticeably absent in the work of Shakespeare\u27s contemporaries, official discourses, and the work of the pamphleteers

    Marshall University Music Department Presents Isaac Winland, trumpet, Senior Recital

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    Vocalizations Of Adult American Kestrels (falco Sparverius): Effect Of Breeding Stage, Sex, And Context On Call Use And Characteristics

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    American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) are small falcons with a vocal repertoire known to consist of three different vocalizations: whine, chitter, and klee calls. However, the characteristics and contextual use of these calls have not been quantified. To determine the characteristics of these calls and better understand possible functions, I conducted a combined observational and experimental study of American Kestrels in Madison County, Kentucky, from February to July 2013. I observed kestrels and recorded all vocalizations uttered by males and females during different breeding stages and different behavioral contexts. In addition, I conducted playback experiments using the whine, chitter, and klee calls, and presentation experiments with models (study skins) of conspecifics and potential nest predators (human). I found that the characteristics of vocalizations of males and females were similar, but the chitter calls of males were at a higher frequency than those of females. Sex and call context had significant effects on the use of calls and number of calls per bout, with klee calls used significantly more often and with more calls per bout during heterospecific contexts than during either close or distant intersexual interactions. Whine calls were used more during close and distant intersexual interactions than during heterospecific interactions. All chitter calls uttered by males and females were in either close or distant intersexual contexts. Use of klee calls during encounters with other species near nests, particularly humans and Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), suggests that they serve an aggressive function. Whine calls appear to be important for communication among male, female, and fledgling American Kestrels and appear to serve in soliciting the approach of a mate or, for fledglings, an adult. Chitter calls appear to play a role in pair formation and communication between mates before and after females begin incubating eggs, possibly informing mates of their approach or, as with whine calls, soliciting the approach of a mate. Analysis of how American Kestrels use and vary the characteristics of calls based on sex, behavioral context, and breeding stage improves our understanding of their function and how kestrels might vary call characteristics to convey information to conspecifics

    Tau Prion Strains in Cells, Mice, and Patients

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    Prion-like propagation of tau aggregation may underlie the stereotyped progression of pathology along neuronal networks in neurodegenerative tauopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease. It has become increasingly clear that unique conformations (“strains”) of prion protein (PrP) link aggregate structure to clinical phenotypes in human prion diseases. Intriguingly, vast phenotypic diversity in pathological and clinical presentation is also observed in tauopathies. The mechanisms that account for this phenotypic diversity are completely unknown. During my dissertation work, I put forward and tested the hypothesis that distinct tau amyloid conformations (or “strains”) are responsible for unique tauopathies. First, I found that in experimental models, tau acts as a prion, replicating distinct strains in vitro and in vivo. I observed that tau indefinitely propagates distinct amyloid conformations in a clonal fashion in cell culture. In collaborative work, I found that two tau strains induce distinct pathologies in vivo as determined by successive inoculations into three generations of transgenic mice. Remarkably, tau from these mice re-created the original strains upon re-introduction to cultured cells. Second, I created a panel of tau prion strains, which have remarkably divergent biochemical and cell biology properties and cause unique patterns of pathology and rates of progression in vivo. Finally, I used my cell system to isolate tau strains from 29 patients with 5 different tauopathies, finding that different diseases are associated with distinct strains. Tau thus demonstrates essential characteristics of a prion. This likely accounts for the phenotypic diversity of tauopathies and could enable more effective diagnosis and therapy

    Uvjetovane liÄŤnosti: hrvatska dijaspora i politika Ĺľelja

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    The collapse of communism in the former Yugoslavia has sparked an avalanche of personal and political questions for Croatians everywhere on the meaning of Croatian history, traditions and identity. In the midst of tumultuous changes brought about by the war, homeland Croatians have been struggling to (re)build/(re)imagine a new/old state and, in the process, reinvent themselves. Similarly, diaspora Croatians, who have, over the years, constructed themselves as an ethnic group within the Canadian political and multicultural landscape, have been grappling with the impact of these changes on what is now means to be Croatian. This paper investigates the politics of recognition and representation for Croatians through an analysis of the (re)production of sentiments of desire and disdain between diaspora and homeland Croatians. This multi-sited research demonstrates that the mutually constitutive relationships of diaspora Croatians and the focus of their desiring gaze, a free Croatia where its citizens are participating in the “production” or “recovery” of the historic Croatian state, are highly contested. For example, Croatians in the homeland have been reluctantly drawn into the politics of diaspora identity by virtue of their newfound status as members of the new Croatian state and outright reject the nostalgic imaginings of the diaspora. By spuming the gaze of the diaspora, homeland Croatians, in effect, blunt diasporic efforts to positively identify with and/or participate in the (re)invention of the homeland, underscoring the paradoxes that characterize the condition of multiple location and belonging.Propast komunizma u bivšoj Jugoslaviji izazvao je lavinu osobnih i političkih pitanja o značenju hrvatske povijesti, tradicije i identiteta za Hrvate svugdje u svijetu. Usred potresnih promjena koje je uzrokovao rat, Hrvati u domovini hrvali su se da (ponovo) izgrade i (ponovo) zamisle novu/staru državu, i da u tom procesu (re)kreiraju i sebe. Na sličan način i Hrvati u dijaspori, koji su se tijekom godina konstruirali kao etnička grupa unutar kanadskog političkog i multikulturalnog krajolika, suočavali su se s učinkom tih promjena na to što sad značiti biti Hrvat. Članak istražuje politiku prepoznavanja i reprezentiranja za Hrvate kroz analizu (re)produkcije osjećaja želje i prezira između dijaspore i domovinskih Hrvata. Istraživanje (provedeno u Kanadi i Hrvatskoj) pokazuje visoku napetost u uzajamno izgradujučem odnosu Hrvata iz dijaspore i središta njihovih željnih pogleda, slobodne Hrvatske u kojoj njezini građani sudjeluju u "proiz’odnji" i "povratku” povijesne hrvatske države. Na primjer, Hrvati u domovini novoljko se uključuju u politiku identiteta dijaspore temeljem njihovog novog statusa kao članova nove hrvatske države i potpuno odbacuju nostalgične slike dijaspore. Odbijajući pogled dijaspore, domovinski Hn’ati zapravo otupljuju napore dijaspore da se pozitivno identificira i/ili sudjeluje u (re)invenciji domovine, potcrtavajući paradokse koji karakteriziraju stanje mnogostrukih lokacija i pripadnosti

    Opening the Window to Edward Whittemore: Systems that Govern Human Experience

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    Edward Whittemore (1933-1995) is a now almost unknown American writer. This project seeks to bring Edward Whittemore to light. Though he has a simple voice and a subtle but vast knowledge of history, he writes with a fantastic imagination and dramatizes a timely but tragic message. In “Part One” of Sinai Tapestry, Whittemore explores the complex relationship between Chaos and Order through the extravagant lives of his major characters, Plantagenet Strongbow and Skanderbeg Wallenstein. Through a biography of Whittemore’s life and a close analysis of Strongbow’s and Wallenstein’s relationship, I will highlight Whittemore’s depth as an author and thinker, make evident his availability to literary analysis and critical theory, and argue the presence of Whittemore’s own ideology regarding the systems that govern human experience

    Gas för säkerhets skull - En neorealistisk analys av Nord Stream ur ryskt perspektiv

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    Sedan Sovjetunionens fall har Ryssland försökt att åter bli den stormakt de en gång var. Tidigt insåg den ryska staten att deras största tillgång var deras enorma energiresurser. Således fanns det starka initiativ till att bedriva en expansiv energipolitik men det som vid en första anblick anses vara ett ekonomiskt projekt kan ofta ha en dold agenda. I den här uppsatsen undersöks huruvida den ryska energipolitiken egentligen används som en del av deras säkerhetspolitik. Genom att studera ryska policydokument och säkerhetsdoktriner har vi sökt att definiera Rysslands syn på deras energipolitik och hur den kan främja deras säkerhet. För detta syfte har vi gjort en fallstudie som studerat Nord Stream-projektet. Det huvudsakligt ryskägda Nord Stream innefattar två pipelines som ska transportera gas ifrån Ryssland till Västeuropa. Studien visar hur de säkerhetspolitiska dokument bygger på en världsbild som bäst förstås ur neorealistisk teori och hur åtskilligt tyder på en koppling mellan energipolitik och säkerhetspolitik

    Family Matters: Homeless Youth & Eva’s Initiative’s Family Reconnect Program

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    Young people become homeless largely because of challenges they experience within their families. We know well that conflicts within family - whether related to abuse, mental health, or addictions issues of either young people themselves or other family members – often lead young people to the streets. Because of this, most street youth serving agencies largely ignore the potential role of family members in helping people make the transition to adulthood. There are some exceptions, and one of these is the Family Reconnect program of Eva’s Initiatives in Toronto. In the report, Family Matters, this program is examined to evaluate how reconnecting with family may help some young people avoid long term homelessness. In doing this review, the authors raise some important questions about the Canadian response to youth homelessness. They argue for a rather radical transformation of this response, one that reconsiders the role of strengthened family (and community) relations in preventing and responding to youth homelessness

    Nonlinear Decoherence in Quantum State Preparation of a Trapped Ion

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    We present a nonlinear decoherence model which models decoherence effect caused by various decohereing sources in a quantum system through a nonlinear coupling between the system and its environment, and apply it to investigating decoherence in nonclassical motional states of a single trapped ion. We obtain an exactly analytic solution of the model and find very good agreement with experimental results for the population decay rate of a single trapped ion observed in the NIST experiments by Meekhof and coworkers (D. M. Meekhof, {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 76}, 1796 (1996)).Comment: 5 pages, Revte
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