780 research outputs found

    Limitations of maternal care to improve maternal health

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    In a presentation at the 1991 Berzelius Symposium in Sweden, a Population Council researcher described the limitations of healthcare systems, specifically during pregnancy, in terms of their effect on maternal health status. These limitations stem from an inability to improve health because of social conditions—poverty and illiteracy, overwork, inequality in sexual relationships—that cannot be solved by medical interventions. Maternal ill health originates before pregnancy and endures beyond it, whereas the window of contact with women during pregnancy is small. Nevertheless, recent evaluations suggest that the impact of prenatal care is in the caring process more than any specific aspect of care. The presentation concludes that wide extension of caregiving systems and access to some level of care may be more important than assessment and implementation of specific interventions for deprived populations who are in great need

    An AgentSpeak meta-interpreter and its applications

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    A meta-interpreter for a language can provide an easy way of experimenting with modifications or extensions to a language. We give a meta-interpreter for the AgentSpeak language, prove its correctness, and show how the meta-interpreter can be used to extend the AgentSpeak language and to add features to the implementation

    Maternal risk

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    This presentation to the 1991 Berzelius Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, explores the issue of maternal risk—the probability or chance of dying or being seriously injured in pregnancy—as it is used in maternal health care. This concept of risk has been a useful tool for research and medical and epidemiological education, but its use as a tool for service delivery design has been more problematic. In order to construct a risk system, one has to have reliable data on the relationships between individual characteristics and the outcome being studied—something that is difficult to develop with regard to maternal health. Furthermore the system must be easily taught to those who will use it. Finally, there are psychological issues related to being labeled a “high-risk” individual. The presentation proposes a change in vocabulary and perception, from managing risks to identifying problems that can be solved and thus help more women

    Lota Lost?

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    An elephant condemned to life in a circus may yet be helped by a well-known federal law

    Defining syntax and providing tool support for agent uml using a textual notation

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    Abstract: An important role in software engineering is played by design notations. The Agent UML (AUML) notation for sequence diagrams has been widely used to capture the design of interactions between agents. However, AUML is not precisely defined, and there is very little in the way of tool support available. We argue that using a textual notation allows the notation to be precisely defined, and facilitates the development of tool support. We present a textual notation that we have developed, and describe a number of tools that support this notation. One of these tools is a ‘renderer ’ which takes a textual AUML protocol and generates the standard graphical view. The layout of graphical elements in the generated graphical view is done automatically, using a layout algorithm which we present

    Making logic programs reactive

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    Logic programming languages based on linear logic have been of recent interest, particularly as such languages provide a logical basis for programs which execute within a dynamic environment. Most of these languages are implemented using standard resolution or backward-chaining techniques. However, there are applications for which the use of forward-chaining techniques within a dynamic environment are appropriate, such as genetic algorithms, active databases and agent-based systems, and for which it is difficult or impossible to specify an appropriate goal in advance. In this paper we discuss the foundations for a forward-chaining approach (or in logic programming parlance, a bottom-up approach) to the execution of linear logic programs, which thus provides forward-chaining within a dynamic environment. In this way it is possible not only to execute programs in a forward-chaining manner, but also to combine forward- and backward-chaining execution. We describe and discuss the appropriate inference rules for such a system, the formal results about such rules, the role of search strategies, and applications