20 research outputs found
Ginzburg-Landau theory of vortices in a multi-gap superconductor
The Ginzburg-Landau functional for a two-gap superconductor is derived within
the weak-coupling BCS model. The two-gap Ginzburg-Landau theory is, then,
applied to investigate various magnetic properties of MgB2 including an upturn
temperature dependence of the transverse upper critical field and a core
structure of an isolated vortex. Orientation of vortex lattice relative to
crystallographic axes is studied for magnetic fields parallel to the c-axis. A
peculiar 30-degree rotation of the vortex lattice with increasing strength of
an applied field observed by neutron scattering is attributed to the multi-gap
nature of superconductivity in MgB2.Comment: 11 page
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Luciano Floridi and contemporary art practice
This article examines how the thinking of Luciano Floridi, especially his emphasis on information, could affect the way we approach art practice. It aims to situate art practice in relation to contemporary informational theories and suggests that the way we view contemporary art practice needs to move beyond existing theories. Key components to Floridi’s philosophy are introduced with relevance to art practice, followed by an analysis of these concepts with examples from the history of art. It is hoped that, by clarifying some of the more complex terms and concepts, readers will form a better understanding of the connections and potential synergy between art practice and the sciences of information, through the philosophy of Floridi
Molecular analysis of a phylogenetically conserved carrot gene: developmental and environmental regulation
Article first published online: 6 FEB 2005Abstract 10.1002/dvg.1020110108.abs Extensive studies of gene expression programs in carrot somatic embryos identified a gene, designated Dc3, that serves as a reliable molecular marker for the acquisition of embryogenic potential by carrot cells in culture. The complete sequence of a carrot genomic region, DcG3, encoding a Dc3-like mRNA, was determined. The DcG3 transcription unit contains a single intron and encodes mRNA that is expressed at high levels in embryonic tissue but is undetectable in somatic tissue of carrot. The predicted protein sequence of DcG3 is 163 amino acids and includes two approximately 50 amino acid direct repeats which in turn include additional repetitive elements with an unusual distribution of charged amino acids. Dc3 and Dc3-like mRNAs are encoded by a small divergent gene family. Furthermore, similarities of the Dc3 gene family with genes from other plant species that are expressed in response to environmental and developmental cues suggest a possible role in seed desiccation and possibly in more general water-stiess responses in plants. Analysis of transgenic tobacco containing a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene fused to a 1.7 kb 5′ upstream element of DcG3 defined a promoter/enhancer complex that confers developmentally and environmentally regulated expression of GUS activity. Thus, DcG3 is phylogenetically conserved together with the trans-acting factors required for its regulated expression in transgenic tobacco.This research was supported by grants from the Texas Advanced Technology Research Program and USDA Competitive Grants
84CRCR- 1 - 139 1 and 86CRCR- 1-2 143.Peer reviewe
Das Reibungsverhalten von Geotextilien in bindigem und nicht-bindigem Boden. Application of Kalman filter to analysis of vibrations of structures due to waves
TIB: L bau 820j/ZA 2371 (59)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Technologie-Vorentwicklungen fuer Hochleistungs-Energieversorgungssysteme. Abschlussbericht. Bd. 2
The present report covers the subjects in the field of energy supply systems of future space systems: 1) Reference is made to the requirement for developing standardized DC/DC converters. Examples are provided and investigated. 2) The Standard Box Interface design and its interaction with the devices of the energy supply system are presented. 3) The factors influencing the service life of wirings in spacecraft are investigated. Thermal and corrosive loads are defined, and production and test parameters are established for individual components. (HM)Der vorliegende Bericht behandelt 3 Themenkreise auf dem Gebiet der Energieversorgungssysteme kuenftiger Raumfahrtsysteme: 1) Es wird auf die Notwendigkeit hingewiesen, (standardisierte DC/DC Konverter zu entwickeln. Beispiele werden gegeben und untersucht. 2) Es wird der Entwurf des Standard Box Interface und sein Zusammenwirken mit den Geraeten des Energieversorgungssystems dargestellt. 3) Es werden die Einflussfaktoren auf die Lebensdauer von Verkabelungen in Raumfahrzeugen untersucht. Die thermischen und korrodierenden Lasten werden definiert und fuer einzelne Komponenten Fertigungs- und Testparameter festgelegt. (HM)Available from TIB Hannover: F94B0906+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Soil Property Control of Biogeochemical Processes beneath Two Subtropical Stormwater Infiltration Basins
The aim of this paper is two-fold: On one hand, we discuss an abstract approach to symmetrized Fredholm perturbation determinants and an associated trace formula for a pair of operators of positive type, extending a classical trace formula. On the other hand, we continue a recent systematic study of boundary data maps, that is, 2×2 matrix-valued Dirichlet-to-Neumann and more generally, Robin-to-Robin maps, associated with one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on a compact interval [0, R] with separated boundary conditions at 0 and R. One of the principal new results in this paper reduces an appropriately symmetrized (Fredholm) perturbation determinant to the 2×2 determinant of the underlying boundary data map. In addition, as a concrete application of the abstract approach in the first part of this paper, we establish the trace formula for resolvent differences of self-adjoint Schrödinger operators corresponding to different (separated) boundary conditions in terms of boundary data maps. 2011 London Mathematical Society2011 © 2011 London Mathematical Society