1,636 research outputs found

    Lactate signalling regulates fungal β-glucan masking and immune evasion

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    AJPB: This work was supported by the European Research Council (STRIFE, ERC- 2009-AdG-249793), The UK Medical Research Council (MR/M026663/1), the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BB/K017365/1), the Wellcome Trust (080088; 097377). ERB: This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BB/M014525/1). GMA: Supported by the CNPq-Brazil (Science without Borders fellowship 202976/2014-9). GDB: Wellcome Trust (102705). CAM: This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council (G0400284). DMM: This work was supported by UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC/K000306/1). NARG/JW: Wellcome Trust (086827, 075470,101873) and Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (097377). ALL: This work was supported by the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology and the University of Aberdeen (MR/N006364/1).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Cellular responses of Candida albicans to phagocytosis and the extracellular activities of neutrophils are critical to counteract carbohydrate starvation, oxidative and nitrosative stress

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    Acknowledgments We thank Alexander Johnson (yhb1D/D), Karl Kuchler (sodD/D mutants), Janet Quinn (hog1D/D, hog1/cap1D/D, trx1D/D) and Peter Staib (ssu1D/D) for providing mutant strains. We acknowledge helpful discussions with our colleagues from the Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms Department, Fungal Septomics and the Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology Research Group at the Hans Kno¨ll Institute (HKI), specially Ilse D. Jacobsen, Duncan Wilson, Sascha Brunke, Lydia Kasper, Franziska Gerwien, Sea´na Duggan, Katrin Haupt, Kerstin Hu¨nniger, and Matthias Brock, as well as from our partners in the FINSysB Network. Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: PM HW IMB AJPB OK BH. Performed the experiments: PM CD HW. Analyzed the data: PM HW IMB AJPB OK BH. Wrote the paper: PM HW OK AJPB BH.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    T Cells Enhance Stem-Like Properties and Conditional Malignancy in Gliomas

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    Small populations of highly tumorigenic stem-like cells (cancer stem cells; CSCs) can exist within, and uniquely regenerate cancers including malignant brain tumors (gliomas). Many aspects of glioma CSCs (GSCs), however, have been characterized in non-physiological settings.We found gene expression similarity superiorly defined glioma "stemness", and revealed that GSC similarity increased with lower tumor grade. Using this method, we examined stemness in human grade IV gliomas (GBM) before and after dendritic cell (DC) vaccine therapy. This was followed by gene expression, phenotypic and functional analysis of murine GL26 tumors recovered from nude, wild-type, or DC-vaccinated host brains.GSC similarity was specifically increased in post-vaccine GBMs, and correlated best to vaccine-altered gene expression and endogenous anti-tumor T cell activity. GL26 analysis confirmed immune alterations, specific acquisition of stem cell markers, specifically enhanced sensitivity to anti-stem drug (cyclopamine), and enhanced tumorigenicity in wild-type hosts, in tumors in proportion to anti-tumor T cell activity. Nevertheless, vaccine-exposed GL26 cells were no more tumorigenic than parental GL26 in T cell-deficient hosts, though they otherwise appeared similar to GSCs enriched by chemotherapy. Finally, vaccine-exposed GBM and GL26 exhibited relatively homogeneous expression of genes expressed in progenitor cells and/or differentiation.T cell activity represents an inducible physiological process capable of proportionally enriching GSCs in human and mouse gliomas. Stem-like gliomas enriched by strong T cell activity, however, may differ from other GSCs in that their stem-like properties may be disassociated from increased tumor malignancy and heterogeneity under specific host immune conditions

    Routine serum biomarkers, but not dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, correlate with cortical bone mineral density in children and young adults with chronic kidney disease

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    BACKGROUND: Biomarkers and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) are thought to be poor predictors of bone mineral density (BMD). The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines suggest using DXA if the results will affect patient management, but this has not been studied in children or young adults in whom bone mineral accretion continues to 30 years of age. We studied the clinical utility of DXA and serum biomarkers against tibial cortical BMD (CortBMD) measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography, expressed as Z-score CortBMD, which predicts fracture risk. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional multicentre study in 26 patients with CKD4 and 5 and 77 on dialysis. RESULTS: Significant bone pain that hindered activities of daily living was present in 58%, and 10% had at least one low-trauma fracture. CortBMD and cortical mineral content Z-scores were lower in dialysis compared with CKD patients (P = 0.004 and P = 0.02). DXA BMD hip and lumbar spine Z-scores did not correlate with CortBMD or biomarkers. CortBMD was negatively associated with parathyroid hormone (PTH; r = -0.44, P < 0.0001) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP; r = -0.22, P = 0.03) and positively with calcium (Ca; r = 0.33, P = 0.001). At PTH <3 times upper limit of normal, none of the patients had a CortBMD below -2 SD (odds ratio 95% confidence interval 7.331 to infinity). On multivariable linear regression PTH (β = -0.43 , P < 0.0001), ALP (β = -0.36, P < 0.0001) and Ca (β = 0.21, P = 0.005) together predicted 57% of variability in CortBMD. DXA measures did not improve this model. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, routinely used biomarkers, PTH, ALP and Ca, but not DXA, are moderate predictors of cortical BMD. DXA is not clinically useful and should not be routinely performed in children and young adults with CKD 4-5D

    Expression of Protease-Activated Receptor 1 and 2 and Anti-Tubulogenic Activity of Protease-Activated Receptor 1 in Human Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells

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    Endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) are obtained from the culture of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (hPBMNC) fractions and are characterised by high proliferative and pro-vasculogenic potential, which makes them of great interest for cell therapy. Here, we describe the detection of protease-activated receptor (PAR) 1 and 2 amongst the surface proteins expressed in ECFCs. Both receptors are functionally coupled to extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 and 2, which become activated and phosphorylated in response to selective PAR1- or PAR2-activating peptides. Specific stimulation of PAR1, but not PAR2, significantly inhibits capillary-like tube formation by ECFCs in vitro, suggesting that tubulogenesis is negatively regulated by proteases able to stimulate PAR1 (e.g. thrombin). The activation of ERKs is not involved in the regulation of tubulogenesis in vitro, as suggested by use of the MEK inhibitor PD98059 and by the fact that PAR2 stimulation activates ERKs without affecting capillary tube formation. Both qPCR and immunoblotting showed a significant downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor 2 (VEGFR2) in response to PAR1 stimulation. Moreover, the addition of VEGF (50–100 ng/ml) but not basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) (25–100 ng/ml) rescued tube formation by ECFCs treated with PAR1-activating peptide. Therefore, we propose that reduction of VEGF responsiveness resulting from down-regulation of VEGFR2 is underlying the anti-tubulogenic effect of PAR1 activation. Although the role of PAR2 remains elusive, this study sheds new light on the regulation of the vasculogenic activity of ECFCs and suggests a potential link between adult vasculogenesis and the coagulation cascade

    Delayed self-recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder.

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    This study aimed to investigate temporally extended self-awareness (awareness of one’s place in and continued existence through time) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), using the delayed self-recognition (DSR) paradigm (Povinelli et al., Child Development 67:1540–1554, 1996). Relative to age and verbal ability matched comparison children, children with ASD showed unattenuated performance on the DSR task, despite showing significant impairments in theory-of-mind task performance, and a reduced propensity to use personal pronouns to refer to themselves. The results may indicate intact temporally extended self-awareness in ASD. However, it may be that the DSR task is not an unambiguous measure of temporally extended self-awareness and it can be passed through strategies which do not require the possession of a temporally extended self-concept

    Bell Correlations and the Common Future

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    Reichenbach's principle states that in a causal structure, correlations of classical information can stem from a common cause in the common past or a direct influence from one of the events in correlation to the other. The difficulty of explaining Bell correlations through a mechanism in that spirit can be read as questioning either the principle or even its basis: causality. In the former case, the principle can be replaced by its quantum version, accepting as a common cause an entangled state, leaving the phenomenon as mysterious as ever on the classical level (on which, after all, it occurs). If, more radically, the causal structure is questioned in principle, closed space-time curves may become possible that, as is argued in the present note, can give rise to non-local correlations if to-be-correlated pieces of classical information meet in the common future --- which they need to if the correlation is to be detected in the first place. The result is a view resembling Brassard and Raymond-Robichaud's parallel-lives variant of Hermann's and Everett's relative-state formalism, avoiding "multiple realities."Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Dynamic clamp with StdpC software

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    Dynamic clamp is a powerful method that allows the introduction of artificial electrical components into target cells to simulate ionic conductances and synaptic inputs. This method is based on a fast cycle of measuring the membrane potential of a cell, calculating the current of a desired simulated component using an appropriate model and injecting this current into the cell. Here we present a dynamic clamp protocol using free, fully integrated, open-source software (StdpC, for spike timing-dependent plasticity clamp). Use of this protocol does not require specialist hardware, costly commercial software, experience in real-time operating systems or a strong programming background. The software enables the configuration and operation of a wide range of complex and fully automated dynamic clamp experiments through an intuitive and powerful interface with a minimal initial lead time of a few hours. After initial configuration, experimental results can be generated within minutes of establishing cell recording

    NAA is a Marker of Disability in Secondary-Progressive MS: A Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging Study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The secondary progressive phase of multiple sclerosis is characterised by disability progression due to processes that lead to neurodegeneration. Surrogate markers such as those derived from MRI are beneficial in understanding the pathophysiology that drives disease progression and its relationship to clinical disability. We undertook a 1H-MRS imaging study in a large secondary progressive MS (SPMS) cohort, to examine whether metabolic markers of brain injury are associated with measures of disability, both physical and cognitive. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis of individuals with secondary-progressive MS was performed in 119 participants. They underwent 1H-MR spectroscopy to obtain estimated concentrations and ratios to total Cr for total NAA, mIns, Glx, and total Cho in normal-appearing WM and GM. Clinical outcome measures chosen were the following: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, Symbol Digit Modalities Test, Nine-Hole Peg Test, Timed 25-foot Walk Test, and the Expanded Disability Status Scale. The relationship between these neurometabolites and clinical disability measures was initially examined using Spearman rank correlations. Significant associations were then further analyzed in multiple regression models adjusting for age, sex, disease duration, T2 lesion load, normalized brain volume, and occurrence of relapses in 2 years preceding study entry. RESULTS: Significant associations, which were then confirmed by multiple linear regression, were found in normal-appearing WM for total NAA (tNAA)/total Cr (tCr) and the Nine-Hole Peg Test (ρ = 0.23; 95% CI, 0.06-0.40); tNAA and tNAA/tCr and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (ρ = 0.21; 95% CI, 0.03-0.38) (ρ = 0.19; 95% CI, 0.01-0.36); mIns/tCr and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, (ρ = -0.23; 95% CI, -0.39 to -0.05); and in GM for tCho and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (ρ = -0.24; 95% CI, -0.40 to -0.06). No other GM or normal-appearing WM relationships were found with any metabolite, with associations found during initial correlation testing losing significance after multiple linear regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that metabolic markers of neuroaxonal integrity and astrogliosis in normal-appearing WM and membrane turnover in GM may act as markers of disability in secondary-progressive MS

    Using smartphone technology to reduce health impacts from atmospheric environmental hazards

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    Background: Global environmental change is exacerbating human vulnerability to adverse atmospheric conditions including air pollution, aeroallergens such as pollen, and extreme weather events. Public information and advisories are a central component of responses to mitigate the human impacts of environmental hazards. Digital technologies are emerging as a means of providing personalised, timely and accessible warnings. Method: We describe AirRater, an integrated online platform that combines symptom surveillance, environmental monitoring, and notifications of changing environmental conditions via a free smartphone app. It was developed and launched in Tasmania, Australia (population 510,000), with the aim of reducing health impacts and improving quality of life in people with conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. We present environmental data, user uptake and results from three online evaluation surveys conducted during the first 22 months of operation, from October 2015 through August 2017.Results: There were 3,443 downloads of the app from all parts of Tasmania. Of the 1,959 individuals who registered, 79% reported having either asthma or allergic rhinitis. Downloads increased during adverse environmental conditions and following publicity. Symptom reports per active user were highest during spring (72%), lowest in autumn (37%) and spiked during periods of reduced air quality. In response to online surveys, most users reported that the app was useful and had improved their understanding of how environmental conditions affect their health, and in some cases had prompted action such as the timely use of medication.Conclusion: Active engagement and consistent positive feedback from users demonstrates the potential for considerable individual clinical and wider public health benefits from integrated and personalised monitoring systems such as AirRater. The perceived health benefits require objective verification, and such systems need to address several challenges in providing timely, reliable and valid environmental data