913 research outputs found

    Importance of Compton scattering to radiation spectra of isolated neutron stars

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    Model atmospheres of isolated neutron stars with low magnetic field are calculated with Compton scattering taking into account. Models with effective temperatures 1, 3 and 5 MK, with two values of surface gravity log(g)g = 13.9 and 14.3), and different chemical compositions are calculated. Radiation spectra computed with Compton scattering are softer than the computed with Thomson scattering at high energies (E > 5 keV) for hot (T_eff > 1 MK) atmospheres with hydrogen-helium composition. Compton scattering is more significant to hydrogen models with low surface gravity. The emergent spectra of the hottest (T_eff > 3 MK) model atmospheres can be described by diluted blackbody spectra with hardness factors ~ 1.6 - 1.9. Compton scattering is less important for models with solar abundance of heavy elements.Comment: Proceedings of the 363. WE-Heraeus Seminar on: Neutron Stars and Pulsars (Posters and contributed talks) Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, May.14-19, 2006, eds. W.Becker, H.H.Huang, MPE Report 291, pp.173-17

    The corrective approach: policy implications of recent developments in QALY measurement based on prospect theory

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    Background and Objectives Common health state valuation methodology, such as time tradeoff (TTO) and standard gamble (SG), is typically applied under several descriptively invalid assumptions, for example, related to linear quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) or expected utility (EU) theory. Hence, the current use of results from health state valuation exercises may lead to biased QALY weights, which may in turn affect decisions based on economic evaluations using such weights. Methods have been proposed to correct responses for the biases associated with different health state valuation techniques. In this article we outline the relevance of prospect theory (PT), which has become the dominant descriptive alternative to EU, for health state valuations and economic evaluations. Methods and Results We provide an overview of work in this field, which aims to remove biases from QALY weights. We label this “the corrective approach.” By quantifying PT parameters, such as loss aversion, probability weighting, and nonlinear utility, it may be possible to correct TTO and SG responses for biases in an attempt to produce more valid estimates of preferences for health states. Through straightforward examples, this article illustrates the effects of this corrective approach and discusses several unresolved issues that currently limit the relevance of corrected weights for policy. Conclusions Suggestions for research addressing these issues are provided. Nonetheless, if validly corrected health state valuations become available, we argue in favor of using these in economic evaluations

    Precision neutron interferometric measurements of the n-p, n-d, and n-3He zero-energy coherent neutron scattering amplitudes

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    We have performed high precision measurements of the zero-energy neutron scattering amplitudes of gas phase molecular hydrogen, deuterium, and 3^{3}He using neutron interferometry. We find bnp=(3.7384±0.0020)b_{\mathit{np}}=(-3.7384 \pm 0.0020) fm\cite{Schoen03}, bnd=(6.6649±0.0040)b_{\mathit{nd}}=(6.6649 \pm 0.0040) fm\cite{Black03,Schoen03}, and bn3He=(5.8572±0.0072)b_{n^{3}\textrm{He}} = (5.8572 \pm 0.0072) fm\cite{Huffman04}. When combined with the previous world data, properly corrected for small multiple scattering, radiative corrections, and local field effects from the theory of neutron optics and combined by the prescriptions of the Particle Data Group, the zero-energy scattering amplitudes are: bnp=(3.7389±0.0010)b_{\mathit{np}}=(-3.7389 \pm 0.0010) fm, bnd=(6.6683±0.0030)b_{\mathit{nd}}=(6.6683 \pm 0.0030) fm, and bn3He=(5.853±.007)b_{n^{3}\textrm{He}} = (5.853 \pm .007) fm. The precision of these measurements is now high enough to severely constrain NN few-body models. The n-d and n-3^{3}He coherent neutron scattering amplitudes are both now in disagreement with the best current theories. The new values can be used as input for precision calculations of few body processes. This precision data is sensitive to small effects such as nuclear three-body forces, charge-symmetry breaking in the strong interaction, and residual electromagnetic effects not yet fully included in current models.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physica B as part of the Festschrift honouring Samuel A. Werner at the International Conference on Neutron Scattering 200

    A QALY loss is a QALY loss is a QALY loss

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    Evidence has accumulated documenting loss aversion for monetary and, recently, for health outcomes—meaning that, generally, losses carry more weight than equally sized gains. In the conventional Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) models, which comprise utility for quality and length of life, loss aversion is not taken into account. When measuring elements of the QALY model, commonly, the (implicit) assumption is that utility for length and quality of life are independent. First attempts to quantify loss aversion for QALYs typically measured loss aversion in the context of life duration, keeping quality of life constant (or vice versa). However, given that QALYs are multi-attribute utilities, it may be possible that the degree of loss aversion is dependent on, or inseparable from, quality of life and non-constant. We test this assumption using non-parametric methodology to quantify loss aversion, under different levels of quality of life. We measure utility of life duration for four health states within subjects, and present the results of a robustness test of loss aversion within the QALY model. We find loss aversion coefficients to be stable at the aggregate level, albeit with considerable heterogeneity at the individual level. Implications for applied work on prospect theory within health economics are discussed

    A Multi-Phase Transport model for nuclear collisions at RHIC

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    To study heavy ion collisions at energies available from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, we have developed a multi-phase transport model that includes both initial partonic and final hadronic interactions. Specifically, the parton cascade model ZPC, which uses as input the parton distribution from the HIJING model, is extended to include the quark-gluon to hadronic matter transition and also final-state hadronic interactions based on the ART model. Predictions of the model for central Au on Au collisions at RHIC are reported.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    New Magnetic Excitations in the Spin-Density-Wave of Chromium

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    Low-energy magnetic excitations of chromium have been reinvestigated with a single-Q crystal using neutron scattering technique. In the transverse spin-density-wave phase a new type of well-defined magnetic excitation is found around (0,0,1) with a weak dispersion perpendicular to the wavevector of the incommensurate structure. The magnetic excitation has an energy gap of E ~ 4 meV and at (0,0,1) exactly corresponds to the Fincher mode previously studied only along the incommensurate wavevector.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vacuum creation of quarks at the time scale of QGP thermalization and strangeness enhancement in heavy-ion collisions

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    The vacuum parton creation in quickly varying external fields is studied at the time scale of order 1 fm/cc typical for the quark-gluon plasma formation and thermalization. To describe the pre-equilibrium evolution of the system the transport kinetic equation is employed. It is shown that the dynamics of production process at times comparable with particle inverse masses can deviate considerably from that based on classical Schwinger-like estimates for homogeneous and constant fields. One of the effects caused by non-stationary chromoelectric fields is the enhancement of the yield of ssˉs\bar{s} quark pairs. Dependence of this effect on the shape and duration of the field pulse is studied together with the influence of string fusion and reduction of quark masses.Comment: REVTEX, 11pp. incl. 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Liberating Efimov physics from three dimensions

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    When two particles attract via a resonant short-range interaction, three particles always form an infinite tower of bound states characterized by a discrete scaling symmetry. It has been considered that this Efimov effect exists only in three dimensions. Here we review how the Efimov physics can be liberated from three dimensions by considering two-body and three-body interactions in mixed dimensions and four-body interaction in one dimension. In such new systems, intriguing phenomena appear, such as confinement-induced Efimov effect, Bose-Fermi crossover in Efimov spectrum, and formation of interlayer Efimov trimers. Some of them are observable in ultracold atom experiments and we believe that this study significantly broadens our horizons of universal Efimov physics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, contribution to a special issue of Few-Body Systems devoted to Efimov Physic

    Soliton Lattices in the Incommensurate Spin-Peierls Phase: Local Distortions and Magnetizations

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    It is shown that nonadiabatic fluctuations of the soliton lattice in the spin-Peierls system CuGeO_3 lead to an important reduction of the NMR line widths. These fluctuations are the zero-point motion of the massless phasonic excitations. Furthermore, we show that the discrepancy of X-ray and NMR soliton widths can be understood as the difference between a distortive and a magnetic width. Their ratio is controlled by the frustration of the spin system. By this work, theoretical and experimental results can be reconciled in two important points.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures included, Revtex submitted to Physical Review